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Fandom Shock To The System: A Static Shock RP

[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]"Wherever the heck she wants. She's kinda unpredictable like that," Kiomi replied.

Richie sighed and began to explore more and more of the graveyard.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]On the other side of the graveyard, Kiomi shrieked loudly.

Virgil flew out the sky and a few moments later Richie came across the little distance and was panting "What is it Kiomi?"
Drumonkey said:
Virgil flew out the sky and a few moments later Richie came across the little distance and was panting "What is it Kiomi?"
"I really hate spiders," Kiomi squeaked. Yeah, she'd totally just freaked over a little harmless garden variety spider.
[QUOTE="Reika Suzuya]"I really hate spiders," Kiomi squeaked. Yeah, she'd totally just freaked over a little harmless garden variety spider.

They both sighed angrily "You screamed just for a spider? I thought someone was trying to kill you."
Drumonkey said:
They both sighed angrily "You screamed just for a spider? I thought someone was trying to kill you."
"Hey? I could die if I get bit by one! Two years back, I was in the hospital for nine months just for one little spider bite! I have every right to freak out like that!" Kiomi snapped.

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