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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC


Kose knew that with this Berserker, it would only be work and exercise form here on out. Now, now she was going to need to do a very special journey to do this. Her bodies were going to the mansion, and then they would divert to the borders of the town and cast a spell on this entire city. A boundary spell that would make every other Master in this war fear her. With that, she would need to cut out communication to the outside world so that the Grail wouldn't be threatened... otherwise, the knowledge might summon either the Church's wrath upon her... or more importantly, summon Ruler. With her recent death by the hands of Assassin, Kose put a lot more faith in her Fleshbending powers. This magic would be her way to win this war, consuming and warping every able body to become her army of the dead, and grow fat from their power! Her mortality could be chucked out the window here... so it was time for the death of thousands just for her to get her wish.

Kose began cackling as madness and vampiric impulses and urges ran rampant through her veins. She missed the slaughter, she missed the violence, and now she would be able to feast all she wanted! She salivated at the spot, tell literal waterfalls of liquid spewed out of her maw. It coated her body until she was shifted into a cocoon, and rapidly melted away her main body before reforging herself. When her new body ripped out of the cocoon, she held a regal form. Glowing crystal shined around her, like an old European queen. She stood tall, equal to that of her Berserker. The horns she created melted away into more jewelry for her head while looking as if she was a rather enthusiastic cosplayer. She looked nothing like she was before, but the fact that he living dress shined with a command seal for Berserker for a moment was all that was needed.

Kose stated, "This town appears to hold all of the other Masters inside it. As such, we need a little more... Firepower. I am sending my body from the store to infiltrate and get police weaponry, while we are going to destroy the near by Power Plant to shut down this town. Once that is done, I will weave a spell that will mask all mana... except for my senses. The streets will be flooded with bodies rampaging towards Masters, and we shall all be assimilated into the Holy Grail's Commander. Don't worry, I can't hurt you or any of the other servants... even if I wanted to~! Shall we begin our monstrous deeds for the night...?"

( @Xel Iskandar Iskandar @Ciphrus Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Birdsie Birdsie Mion Mion @FallingChaos - I think about 8 turns from me until the Spell finishes...)

Biggest mistake you ever made.

And not because you closed the other Masters and Servants with you in the city, no.

It's because you locked Beast inside with you... and now that you've done it, your presence is known to him. Guess who will be his supper for tonight?
Biggest mistake you ever made.

And not because you closed the other Masters and Servants with you in the city, no.

It's because you locked Beast inside with you... and now that you've done it, your presence is known to him. Guess who will be his supper for tonight?

...I mean, 8 turns until she DOES IT because I thought it would have been so big it wouldn't have been fair to do so fast. She hasn't done it yet, thats her plan...
Biggest mistake you ever made.

And not because you closed the other Masters and Servants with you in the city, no.

It's because you locked Beast inside with you... and now that you've done it, your presence is known to him. Guess who will be his supper for tonight?
Hue Hue Hue.

Beast is terrifying to be honest. Kinda forgot about him

Guess Christina won't need to use the entire city to stop Kose since about everyone in it is her pawn
Hue Hue Hue.

Beast is terrifying to be honest. Kinda forgot about him

Guess Christina won't need to use the entire city to stop Kose since about everyone in it is her pawn
...I mean, 8 turns until she DOES IT because I thought it would have been so big it wouldn't have been fair to do so fast. She hasn't done it yet, thats her plan...
Yeah her plan. And good luck stopping it then. That would be a lucky break for you if they do. Beast is the most overpowered thing that walked this Earth and I intended to leave him for Nights 3-4 to make his first appearance for supposedly the strongest Servant to deal with (by deduction, the strongest will live the longest,) but you're about to speed up the process tremendously by having him approach you on purpose.

This isn't just being in the lion's den. This is being in the lion's den, locking yourself and multiple people in it with no escape, and then kicking the lion in the face to wake it up.
Yeah her plan. And good luck stopping it then. That would be a lucky break for you if they do. Beast is the most overpowered thing that walked this Earth and I intended to leave him for Nights 3-4 to make his first appearance for supposedly the strongest Servant to deal with (by deduction, the strongest will live the longest,) but you're about to speed up the process tremendously by having him approach you on purpose.

This isn't just being in the lion's den. This is being in the lion's den, locking yourself and multiple people in it with no escape, and then kicking the lion in the face to wake it up.
RIP. *Stays in the nice cozy church for a bit*
Yeah her plan. And good luck stopping it then. That would be a lucky break for you if they do. Beast is the most overpowered thing that walked this Earth and I intended to leave him for Nights 3-4 to make his first appearance for supposedly the strongest Servant to deal with (by deduction, the strongest will live the longest,) but you're about to speed up the process tremendously by having him approach you on purpose.

This isn't just being in the lion's den. This is being in the lion's den, locking yourself and multiple people in it with no escape, and then kicking the lion in the face to wake it up.

...So... mind If I ask what a Boundary Field is going to do to wake up Beast..?
Oh, he'll sense it, alright. Ain't no city-wide spell running past his nose.
This is what I am basing it on by the way...

"When creating their lairs, they make layers of Bounded Fields to form Dead Apostle Territorial Fields (死徒領地田畑, Shito ryoudo tahata?). This invisible protection is similar to the ones that hide away the world of the fairies, which fool even nature itself. The lair is accessible only by those who are invited in, and they are difficult to invade, taking even the trained magi of the Mage Association several years to find one. These lairs are enshrouded by darkness, by shadows, by longing for rationally, and by fear towards the taboo, so they cannot be found by humans."
This is what I am basing it on by the way...

"When creating their lairs, they make layers of Bounded Fields to form Dead Apostle Territorial Fields (死徒領地田畑, Shito ryoudo tahata?). This invisible protection is similar to the ones that hide away the world of the fairies, which fool even nature itself. The lair is accessible only by those who are invited in, and they are difficult to invade, taking even the trained magi of the Mage Association several years to find one. These lairs are enshrouded by darkness, by shadows, by longing for rationally, and by fear towards the taboo, so they cannot be found by humans."
These are based on the Reverse Side of the World where Phantasmal Species still live to this day, like Elementals, Divine Spirits, or Fairies...

Guess where Beast comes from?
I just want to point out a tidbit from Beast's Character Sheet:

Likes: Destruction, death
Dislikes: Heroes, a certain Divine Spirit of great authority...
Talents: Causing natural disasters

I think this speaks for itself. I think this speaks for itself on what will happen when you wake him up. You absolute madman. You've doomed everyone. Now we need Caster to save the day and possibly die in the process.
I just want to point out a tidbit from Beast's Character Sheet:

Likes: Destruction, death
Dislikes: Heroes, a certain Divine Spirit of great authority...
Talents: Causing natural disasters

I think this speaks for itself. I think this speaks for itself on what will happen when you wake him up. You absolute madman. You've doomed everyone. Now we need Caster to save the day and possibly die in the process.
Hue. Shit is gunna go down.

Luckily Caster has a [REDACTED INFORMATION] So yeah, Beast would [REDACTED]
Hue. Shit is gunna go down.

Luckily Caster has a [REDACTED INFORMATION] So yeah, Beast would [REDACTED]
Luckily, Beast's history mentions that he partook in a duel that almost split the fucking planet in two. Good luck, y'all fellas will need it.
Luckily, Beast's history mentions that he partook in a duel that almost split the fucking planet in two. Good luck, y'all fellas will need it.
Indeed. Knowing who Beast is, I am scared Shitless. Again, I will stay in the Church and let someone like Lancer take out beast
Indeed. Knowing who Beast is, I am scared Shitless. Again, I will stay in the Church and let someone like Lancer take out beast
That, and he ate a lot of people on the way here. That means much mana and thanks to his Self-Modification skills, means a lot of other abilities. He has Expert of Many Specializations at B-rank and access to modern Magecraft from absorbing people's memories.

Okay, I'll stop spoiling now.
That, and he ate a lot of people on the way here. That means much mana and thanks to his Self-Modification skills, means a lot of other abilities. He has Expert of Many Specializations at B-rank and access to modern Magecraft from absorbing people's memories.

Okay, I'll stop spoiling now.
SMH Beast needs to chill and go eat some veggies.

Also, yes. Some people might be able to find out who he is cause of your hints.

Also also, Lancer has a great shot against beast... *Shot*
Having a pretty decent idea of who Beast is, I'm kind of looking forward to it, since I think more than anyone else in the war, they'd result in a good fight between them and Berserker. Saber as well, but I haven't seen him post in over a week.
Having a pretty decent idea of who Beast is, I'm kind of looking forward to it, since I think more than anyone else in the war, they'd result in a good fight between them and Berserker. Saber as well, but I haven't seen him post in over a week.
Hope Saber is okay. I agree Berserker v Beast would be fun, but uh, probably not a fun fight to be in
Birdsie Birdsie Just a heads up replying might be difficult for me tomorrow as I got a soccer game to go to tomorrow. Should get home around 5:30 my time, but yeah. Just a cautious heads up
Birdsie Birdsie Just a heads up replying might be difficult for me tomorrow as I got a soccer game to go to tomorrow. Should get home around 5:30 my time, but yeah. Just a cautious heads up
You really shouldn't be playing soccer with two broken legs. That is, unless you want your team to lose.

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