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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

I have posted :O Caster just milling about enjoying the sights and letting his poor Master do all the work. Such a lazy servant.
Assassin's playing hard to get and Saber, Lancer, Archer, and Rider are nowhere to be seen. Everything falls on the shoulders of poor adorable Caster :(
Assassin's playing hard to get and Saber, Lancer, Archer, and Rider are nowhere to be seen. Everything falls on the shoulders of poor adorable Caster :(
Fret not, the true hero of this tale shall soon make her appearance!
Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel xAlter xAlter Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Iskandar Iskandar Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet Godhowsae Godhowsae @Kitty-Sama Girouette Girouette Mion Mion Xel Xel HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Jean Otus Jean Otus

Friendly reminder to those whose activity has dropped recently (I'm looking at you, Gabriel and Kitty-sama):

FUCKING POSTWakame demands it.
And if you refuse?
I just posted btw. Lancelot got back yesterday and we are back

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