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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

Just wanted to let Birdsie Birdsie Xel Xel Know I am alive, was a long day, and tomorrow I start school, so I wont be able to reply until the late afternoon, as I am also the girls soccer team manager. Sorry once again
Just wanted to let Birdsie Birdsie Xel Xel Know I am alive, was a long day, and tomorrow I start school, so I wont be able to reply until the late afternoon, as I am also the girls soccer team manager. Sorry once again

I wouldn't think you dead after only one day. Besides, I'll actually be awake (probably) when you post now :O
Beginning to wonder just how many people that signed up for this RP couldn't be bothered to stay active live in Florida/Texas.

Sure wouldn't be able to hold it against them if the hurricanes got to them, that's for sure.
I will post later today, yesterday was super shitty and have been feeling a bit down/frustrated.
:( *Pat* Don't worry about it, real life comes first.
I am the smile of my church.
Azoth is my body and mapo tofu is my blood.
I have created over a thousand Girugamessu.
Unknown to Death, nor known to Emiya Kiritsugu.
Have withstood spicy mapo tofu to create much evil.
Yet, those hands will never finish Fate/Heaven's Feel.
So as I pray, Unlimited Kotomine Works.
Posted, mediocre post but it is something!

I mostly wanted to see assassin and Clover and get Caster and Christina some new interactions
No worse than mine :O. I'll have a post up sometime soonish.

I wonder where everyone went, though. Team Rider, Team Lancer, Team Archer, Team Saber, they all vanished. With Irma I'm wondering how many of them are floridians.
No worse than mine :O. I'll have a post up sometime soonish.

I wonder where everyone went, though. Team Rider, Team Lancer, Team Archer, Team Saber, they all vanished. With Irma I'm wondering how many of them are floridians.
I know Dal is in Florida, Ciphrus was in Jamaica for a wedding i think.
Wait, Ciphrus was in Jamaica? Didn't that get slammed by like cat 5 irma? Is he ok?
Nah, Jamaica is fine, pretty sure the Hurricane just missed it.

Yeah glad it went down to a Cat-3 before hitting Florida. Hope Jose stops but it probably wont
Nah, Jamaica is fine, pretty sure the Hurricane just missed it.

Yeah glad it went down to a Cat-3 before hitting Florida. Hope Jose stops but it probably wont

Last I checked on Jose it was suppose to just go into the atlantic and die without doing much beyond skirting the Caribbean.

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