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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC


I mean, he really couldn't. Division Leader is the highest rank you can possibly get in the Civil Protection Force, except for Commander and Sectorial Commander. And there can never be more than 3 Commanders at a time (all spots were full.)

I guess he could have transferred me to leadership over the Sword Division, who are the elitest of the elite troops, but he must have understood that my scientific genius is not to be wasted on trivialities like actual combat.

T'ch. Regulations. Such a shame, holding back your genius.
T'ch. Regulations. Such a shame, holding back your genius.
Again, there's not really a better position for a genius.

Division Leader of Ice means I basically lead all scientific advancements in the Sector. If I were a Commander, my days would be wasted on a boring leadership position full of papework and giving advice to the Sectorial Commander, and running little errands for him like recruitment campaigns and all that stuff. And as the Division Leader of Sword, my time would be wasted planning out complex, tactical raids on rebel bases.
By god, christina is actually agreeing with Caster and being somewhat nice to them! Xel Xel

She is still cautious of her own servant though rip

Of course, Caster's amazing and loveable :O Why wouldn't she agree with and be nice to such a wonderful person?
Hacking a guy's legs off and replacing them with shotguns? Sounds like my average day in the surgical ward on Space Station 13.
42342: "It seems time has come for a surgical procedure. 21505, bring me my tools, this one will have a computer screen instead of a head!" [Mad Scientist laughter]

Captain Gabriel Captain Gabriel @FallingChaos Dalamus Ulom Dalamus Ulom Iskandar Iskandar Kalin Scarlet Kalin Scarlet Godhowsae Godhowsae @Kitty-Sama Girouette Girouette Mion Mion Xel Xel HTCOR HTCOR Darkholme Darkholme Jean Otus Jean Otus
Do I start Night 1 NOW? Things seem to have slowed down.

I don't mind. I mean, all I have to do, is talk to someone ICly for now, which I can cover fairly easily.

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