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Fandom Shirou Emiya's Smithing Shop - OOC

We can assume Lancer eventually picked a grape juice and they shuffled home, Bhaxter now poor and Lancer carefree.

We're going to die soon. I think. *Shot*
Overseer be like:

"Why are there so many enemies of the Church in this war?"
Overseer be like:

Also, explanation for the video.

It's an SFM animation made by my friend detailing a RP event back in the days when I was still playing HL2 Roleplay on Gmod.

So, basically. My friend was the server owner AND the Sectorial Commander of the Civil Protection. Basically, he was the leader of the local robocops. My character was the Division Leader of the Ice Division, meaning he was a leader of a group composed of what is basically a crossbreed between a futuristic cop and a scientist. The thing is, he was brainwashed and completely deluded. One day, being tasked by the Sectorial Commander to find new, effective ways to combat the anti-citizen threat, my character went full-nazi and pulled two random passerbies from the street, dragging them to his laboratory under the city.

There, they underwent extensive brainwashing and bio-mechanical augmentation that yielded two soldiers: One with a chainsaw blade instead of his left forearm, and a second one who had shotguns for legs. Since my character, who's codename was 42342 (Civil Protection officers undergo brainwashing and never use their "human" names ever,) was completely deluded, he thought both of these cyborgs were actually decent ideas.

He presented them to the Sectorial Commander. The video basically sums up the Sectorial's reaction to the whole thing.
Also, explanation for the video.

It's an SFM animation made by my friend detailing a RP event back in the days when I was still playing HL2 Roleplay on Gmod.

So, basically. My friend was the server owner AND the Sectorial Commander of the Civil Protection. Basically, he was the leader of the local robocops. My character was the Division Leader of the Ice Division, meaning he was a leader of a group composed of what is basically a crossbreed between a futuristic cop and a scientist. The thing is, he was brainwashed and completely deluded. One day, being tasked by the Sectorial Commander to find new, effective ways to combat the anti-citizen threat, my character went full-nazi and pulled two random passerbies from the street, dragging them to his laboratory under the city.

There, they underwent extensive brainwashing and bio-mechanical augmentation that yielded two soldiers: One with a chainsaw blade instead of his left forearm, and a second one who had shotguns for legs. Since my character, who's codename was 42342 (Civil Protection officers undergo brainwashing and never use their "human" names ever,) was completely deluded, he thought both of these cyborgs were actually decent ideas.

He presented them to the Sectorial Commander. The video basically sums up the Sectorial's reaction to the whole thing.

...I now imagine a buttomless clip, so that the soldier flies by rapidly firing shot gun shells and then breakdancing to take care of rooms of foes
...I now imagine a buttomless clip, so that the soldier flies by rapidly firing shot gun shells and then breakdancing to take care of rooms of foes
I still remember the OOC reactions of the players I turned into these things. They went from happy, healthy citizens of City 17 - Industrial District to two, mutated, agitated cyborgs created for ineffective war, that are in constant mental and physical pain and suffering.

42342 in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.
I still remember the OOC reactions of the players I turned into these things. They went from happy, healthy citizens of City 17 - Industrial District to two, mutated, agitated cyborgs created for ineffective war, that are in constant mental and physical pain and suffering.

42342 in a nutshell, ladies and gentlemen.

Don't you mean promote you due to your sanity and awesomeness?

I mean, he really couldn't. Division Leader is the highest rank you can possibly get in the Civil Protection Force, except for Commander and Sectorial Commander. And there can never be more than 3 Commanders at a time (all spots were full.)

I guess he could have transferred me to leadership over the Sword Division, who are the elitest of the elite troops, but he must have understood that my scientific genius is not to be wasted on trivialities like actual combat.

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