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Fantasy Shifting Times OCC(ClosedGroup)

Right now I'm going through cold chills....kinda wondering if it from the spider bite...or if it's turned to blood poisoning now.... Ha...ha...I'mma laugh but I'm probably going to end up in the hospital tonight... possibly I hope not though...
Some more people quit I don't blame them though...I took on something to large for only working on my phone. And not having an HP to have someone else to help
I added more characters! I don't think I'll be adding any more for awhile now =] Uhh..let me know what you think and the secret society I made..hope it's okay

Also, quick question..what time of day is it? And like..season? As well as, is there a particular place on Earth this is taking or just a random/made-up city? Basically I would like a short description of the setting/scene
Uh well I can try to give a description it is sometime in mid to late spring an early morning they are in a random city with a fairly typical lay out on the outskirts of town it is more country than city and the people there are typically not as wealthy while the council is near town center and that is like the nice expensive part of town
For Clyde's post, if either of you would want to be the person he runs into, go for it. If not, I will just make it one of my minor characters. That's why it's rather ambiguous =]

Also I will be gone tomorrow and won't be back until Wednesday :c
It's ok I just wanted to make sure that y'all got the messages... on the last thread Racing and I had sometimes the alerts did not show up unless I posted again or tagged her in the posts so did not want a repeat of that
I'm sorry with school getting busier I think I'm going to have to let this go. Thank you for letting me join.
Hey Pool sorry I haven't replied and sorry to see you go Coco. I was actually thinking about just deleting this and seeing if we could switch it over to a larger scaled RP in HP's
Good point there is too many characters that are going to be needed for just the two of us to handle I don't mind if it gets moved to a bigger RP so more people can join
I mean I can definitely see us trying to handle all the characters but it probably wouldn't end pretty.
On it should we start it all over then? Just have Sheba and Tom"s friendship/relationship going on??
Sure we could do that... you know sort of drop all the side relationships although Bryan's story was kindness of interesting and was part of the whole HASA thing soooo should we keep him and Laney?

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