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Servants of Dawn - IC


Sour Diesel

Tears wash away easier than a concussion
A dark and hazy evening is broken by the foggy lanterns outside The Matias Tide. A charter house for the Emerald Servants of Paladina. Located on the western Emerald Vale, this longhouse was used as a place of refuge and gathering for important work.

In the dining hall of The Tide is where our story begins. A warm chimney fire lights the room and joyful music heats up spirits. The bar was run by an old haggard dwarf with a peg leg and missing an eye. Folks called him Lucky. Servants of Dawn drank and ate for free.

Much talk was had about the civil war against The Bloody-Red Baron, a nickname given to the one who would try and usurp the throne. A battlements on the outskirts of Sierra Valley was hit hard by catapult fire, and the first wave of the assault was costly for Paladina’s servicemen.

However, those were problems for the Dominion chapter house to deal with. Here in Emerald, Lucky had some work fit for beginner adventurers like the heroes of this story.

To Advance the Story
The Players must complete the following:
1. Share a drink with a fellow player
2. Obtain a quest from Lucky
3. Tell a story, whether real or fake
4. Assign a group leader (this is so everyone isn’t talking over each other when speaking to a lone npc)
Aldarian pauses as she steps into the dining hall and takes in the layout of the place, the crowd, and the smell of warm stew that fills the air. She walks in and slides onto a seat at an empty table and smiles up at the serving girl that comes over. "A mug of ale and a bowl of that stew, please." She shows her the badge marking her as a member of the Servants of Dawn, but still slips the girl a copper or two because Aldarian knows that such employees work hard, and these few coins would be a welcome thing.

Once her stew is done and she is left sipping her ale, Aldarian takes a few minutes to lean back and enjoy the warmth of the food and drink in her belly. A contented sigh slips from her mouth as she sits.
Carric takes a long, deep breath. Gatherings were always...hard. They reminded him too much of what he had, what he would never have again. The way Jacek chewed with his mouth open, or how Faren and Willem always bickered. It was always the small things you missed. And the realization you'd never have them again.

The paladin let out a sigh as he pushed his way inside, the badge marking him as a Servant pinned to his tabard. He was dressed in his full chainmail, a habit he'd never quite knocked. Paladins were expected to be ready at a moment's notice, so it was hard to say when he wasn't in full regalia.

After a time scanning the room, Carric decides it's best that he try to mingle. His eyes fall on an elf woman, and he approaches, speaking in a deep, friendly voice, "Mind if I join you, friend? Best to eat meals in company."

Sherwood Sherwood
Carric takes a long, deep breath. Gatherings were always...hard. They reminded him too much of what he had, what he would never have again. The way Jacek chewed with his mouth open, or how Faren and Willem always bickered. It was always the small things you missed. And the realization you'd never have them again.

The paladin let out a sigh as he pushed his way inside, the badge marking him as a Servant pinned to his tabard. He was dressed in his full chainmail, a habit he'd never quite knocked. Paladins were expected to be ready at a moment's notice, so it was hard to say when he wasn't in full regalia.

After a time scanning the room, Carric decides it's best that he try to mingle. His eyes fall on an elf woman, and he approaches, speaking in a deep, friendly voice, "Mind if I join you, friend? Best to eat meals in company."

Sherwood Sherwood
With a casual wave of her hand, she motions towards the empty seat next to her. Carric would be able to see that under her traveling cloak is a suit of lightweight leather armor, a pair of short swords on her hip, but most notably is the large longbow that the elf has propped up next to her at her seat. "I like to think that friends should know each other's names. I am called Aldarian Silverhair. What name has fate graced you with, my good sir?"
From his seat in the back of the common room, Gurwin watched with curiosity as two well-armed and armored figures, one an elf woman and the other a human male, joined one another at a table. His keen eye managed to spot that the elf flashed the serving girl the symbol of the Servants of Dawn, and his curiosity grew. What would bring a fellow Servant here? Perhaps it would be prudent to go and investigate.

He rises from the table, making sure his mask is in its proper place before leaving his seat. But he had not taken more than two steps before some patron said in a voice designed to be heard by many, "Look there! Its that Gurk the Gross guy. Some say he's been cursed to be the ugliest man alive. I've never seen him without his mask, but my cousin knows someone that has. Twisted and grotesque just doesn't cover it."

Gurwin ignores the men and their drunken laughter and continues over to see the pair at the table. In a slightly muffled voice because of his mask, he says, "May I join you? I must confess that I was able to spot that you were showing the serving girl the symbol of the Servants of Dawn. I, too, happen to be a part of that august organization, so I am curious to know if you are moving on from here, or if this city is your destination?" Gurwin pulls out a chair and settles down with the unmistakable clink of chainmail and lets his own symbol of the Servants be seen by the elf woman and her companion before slipping it back into his cloak. "I am Gurwin."
While the group started striking up a conversation, one shy little Dragonborn was eavesdropping. It sounded like a new group was forming by the way introductions were being done. Copper knew first impressions mattered so she pushed back her head tendrils and approached the table.

She had orange-green scales and a red wizard robe on with her favorite stones stuck through the fabric. Her clothes looked homemade, and she carried a gnarled wooden staff with a blue quartz crystal in the head.

She swallowed dry and stood rigidly at the table. Her eyes were focused straight ahead, because if she spoke to anyone in particular her throat would squeeze shut. It took all her courage to approach a table like this.

“Huh-Hello,” she said softly. The roar of the tavern made her inaudible. “If you need an expert on magic I, I’m well not an expert, but I hope to be! Let me restart,” she was short of breath trying to find herself again. “I am Copper, and I want to help serve the light!” She said louder. Her fists clenched in front of her chest and she seemed tense as a wound spring.
Fletcher was lost, again. It was amazing that he could recall most every gnarled tree and lonely bolder along his travels but the second he steps into a settlement, nothing. He might as well not have any wayfinding abilities. He entered the town a few hours ago, hoping for a quick stop for a drink and some information. What he didn't expect was a window shopping session, that led to a failed mugging, that led to him really wanting a drink again. While he was trying to quit drinking, being in the same place where the taverns live makes it difficult to resist. After another ten minutes or so of wandering around the sound of comradery and the smell of food attracted his attention.

It wasn't long before the warm atmosphere of The Matias Tide surrounded him. He paused in the doorway, scanning the crowd. New settlements were a great place to figure out where to head next. He looked around the room again, standing in one place long enough to attract the attention of one of the servers.

"Uhh, can I help you sir?" She asked, looking his rough appearance over.

"Yes, can I have a glass of wine? If you have it, of course." he said, catching sight of an elf flashing their Servant of the Dawn emblem from a table in the main hall. "And have it sent to that table, I'm with them" He pulled the fabric of his collar down, showing the server his Emblem.

Fletcher made his way to the table and slid in next to the masked figure. We were all listening to a dragonborn clad in bright red robes introduce herself. Fletcher nodded along as if he had been there the whole time. He wasn't sure what was said but he was happy to listen.
Aldarian blinks at the sudden arrival of so many different people, wondering what it is that has suddenly happened to draw them all together. But no matter her level of surprise, her mother did teach her manners. It might have taken a long time, but she did. With a pleasant expression and voice, she says, "Well met, Gurwin, and to you, Copper." She gives a glance to the third person to suddenly join them, and since she doesn't know his name, she says, "And our newest arrival whom hasn't introduced himself. Greetings. I am Aldarian. Copper, no need to be so nervous. We don't bite. Relax and have a seat, then you can tell us more about how you wish to serve the light."
Copper nodded and scurried into an available chair. She made a tiny squeak as she did so eagerly. These people seemed nice, she thought. They seemed to possess a variety of skills and talents. The man in the mask made her curious. What secrets did he hide, she wondered. A mystery always grabbed her attention.

“I always wanted to be a hero. The Servants are the only ones who don’t force me to fight to be a member. I use magic if I need to, but I truly detest violence.” She explained. “I know that seems silly. I’ll try not to get in the way,”
Gurwin nods in agreement with Copper. "You are correct, my friend. Violence is rarely the only answer, but sadly, there are times it is required. Having those that see the truth behind that are always welcome to stand with me in the face of danger."
Copper’s heart started beating quickly. These people called her friend so easily. They weren’t afraid or disgusted by her presence. She felt overjoyed in a way she couldn’t express other than a little squeak.

“It helps to have something to protect,” she said after a moment of thought. “I employ magical armor and can put foes to sleep. If someone tries to hurt you, mask man, I’ll spit on them!” She giggled. To anyone else that would be a non-issue, but her spit was a caustic acid that could melt flesh and bone.
Fletcher had a stupid grin on his face as he listened to the people at the table talk. At least he didn't jump to the wrong conclusion again and these people seemed to be a part of the Dawn. Last time he did this, he sat himself down with a group playing high card and mistaken a few gold coins flashing in the torchlight for an emblem of the dawn. Nice guys, wonder how Howard's wife is doing...

It finally dawned on him that the white haired elf-kin had mentioned him.Specifically not knowing him. He blinked and looked everyone over again. There was the aforementioned elf, another elf decked out in shiny armor and a tired look in his eyes, a masked man with few discernible features and the little magical dragonborn. As Fletcher looked at each person with an absent smile, his brain finally processed what was going on.

"Ohhh.....I don't know you guys...." He said, slightly embarrassed, " I really thought I had it right this time"

He fished around in the collar of his hood until he found the correct fold of fabric. Once free, the others could see his own, scuffed symbol that marks him as a Servant, "I go by Fletcher. Nice to meet some other members of the Dawn"

He listened with a slight smile as Copper ran through her list of skills for them. Was he supposed to be listening? Was he in charge of recruiting people? Fletcher wished he read the guidebook the Servants of the Dawn had given him when he signed up. He would have to crack it back open once he figures out where he left it. He didn't want to look like he was slacking in front of other members so he said the first interview question he could think of.

" So...what made you want to join the Dawn? You mentioned not liking violence and we aren't exactly a pacifist group. Are you more of the academic type?"
The random blurt from the Druid made Copper cock a brow at him. She wasn’t sure if the group already knew each other but that was confirmation. At least she wasn’t the only oddball, she thought.

“Oh most certainly. The pursuit of knowledge drives every wizard. I believe you don’t need to use violence to be a hero. I’ve read so many stories about gallant knights of Dawn. I’m proud to share even a tiny part of that honor. I wouldn’t call myself a pacifist. The word coward is more appropriate,” she offered a self-deprecating laugh. Her claws fumbled in her lap as she nervously wrung them.

“Why did you join the Servants? You appear to be a shepherd of sorts.” She asked him.
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Gurwin smiled, but it was hidden by his mask. He says, "Be careful judging people by how they look. Looks can be deceiving. Many people judge me for my appearance; that is why I wear this mask. It keeps the bulk of the misconceptions at bay until I can show what kind of person I am on they inside. Someday, with Sune's blessing, I might be able to dispose of this mask and not worry about their reactions I mighty get from the ignorant."
Aldarian looks at the masked man and says, "If you do not mind my asking, why do you wear that mask? Is it to hide your identity, or is it something else?"
Gurwin lets out a small sigh. Here it comes.

He says, "Of all the natural talents I have been blessed with, good looks are not in that list. I wear the mask to avoid the stares and harsh comments of those who do not see the beauty I possess inside this ugly shell. It is because of my poor looks that I was teased with the name Gurk the Gross as a poor play on words of my true name of Gurwin."

He says all of that in a matter of fact tone, one that barely conceals the bitterness and pain he suffered in his youth from the other children.
Aldarian suddenly feels rather sympathetic for the man in the mask. Humans can be so very judgemental, not only of other races, but of their own kind, too. "I am sorry to hear that you have had such a traumatic childhood over something as trivial as mere appearance. So far, you seem to be a nice enough man. Obviously it is a bit early to make any in depth observations, but still." She wonders just how ugly he is under that mask, and then puts that thought away. It is not like me to judge by appearance alone, and I do not want to start now.
Gurwin says, "Thank you for that. It is one of the lessons of Sune that I have struggled to learn, that everyone has the potential for beauty, even if it is only in the inside. That is one of the reasons I have left the temple, to show the love and beauty of my goddess and to show them that she loves all. But that is enough about me. What about the rest of you? What brings all of you out here on the business of the Servants? Seeking to right some wrongs, perhaps?"
“Why did you join the Servants? You appear to be a shepherd of sorts.”
Fletcher smiled and stared off into the middle distance, accidentally stared longingly at a man leaning against the opposite wall. When he came back from his thought, he looked back to Copper, "I guess you could say both. I am a Servant of the Dawn and I am also a shepherd to those in need. I mainly lead refugees from the civil war to greener pastors" he grinned at his own joke.

"Thank you for that. It is one of the lessons of Sune that I have struggled to learn, that everyone has the potential for beauty, even if it is only in the inside. That is one of the reasons I have left the temple, to show the love and beauty of my goddess and to show them that she loves all. But that is enough about me. What about the rest of you? What brings all of you out here on the business of the Servants? Seeking to right some wrongs, perhaps?"
Fletcher couldn't imagine someone so ugly that it would drastically change how he treated them. Maybe something from the abyssal plane would change his mind? Still, it must get hot wearing that mask all the time. Perhaps he removes it in private?
While Fletcher was trying to imagine how uncomfortable sleeping in a mask would be, the mask man was talking. He snapped back to attention to catch the part about his goddess and her love for all.

" well...I finished my last job for The Dawn about a week ago and I was told to look for someone named Lucky for another. What about you?" he folded his hands in front of him on the table.
Copper was similarly incredulous that a man could be repulsive, simply because she had facial blindness for most humans aside from important historical figures. She wouldn’t know ugly from beauty outside of one’s behavior. She sat with her claws in her lap playing with a crystal.

Lucky hobbled over to their table after seeing a group coming together. He had some drinks for them and a sign up sheet.

“Figured ya wanted a quest so I came ova’. We got a couple ye might want, but only one to a group. House rules.” He left them with the choices.

1. Goblin Fort: A small army of goblins led by a team of hobgoblin instigators have taken an old fort as their den. Eliminate them all in name of the Light. (Reward: Guild Renown, Armory Token, Bonus experience points)

2. Haunted Graveyard: Escort Father Maxine to the cursed graveyard. He is located at the Church of Helm in Tawk. (Reward: Guild renown, x2 Armory tokens)

(Renown, tokens, and experience are applicable to each player)

The armory tokens were a reward in place of gold. It gave a guild member access to the armory to trade for improved equipment, items, or special services from the guild. They are steel chips with a hammer and anvil stamped on it.
Gurwin listens to Lucky as he describes the available quests, then says, "If it were up to me, I would say we should take on the goblins. They appear to be more of a threat to the people in the area as they scavenge for goods than the haunted graveyard does. What about the rest of you? Shall we journey forth and deal decisively with these goblins?"
Aldarian shrugs. "I see no reason not to deal with the goblins. Getting rid of the threat that they pose to the region would be well within our skill-set."
Fletcher took his wine from Lucky with a smile and a grateful nod. He glanced over the sign up sheet, doing his best to read it upside down from across the table. Haunted graveyard or a goblin encampment? those are, wildly different.
"Woah! Two choices? Lucky's got good connections" Fletcher exclaimed with a grin. It seemed that not only did the masked man and the well dressed elf think the goblin hideout would be a good use of their time, they also thought he had a skill set. Seemed he has fallen into another group. Hope this one goes better than last time.
"I'm in. Does it say how far away it is?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink. ooo. That's sour. He took another sip anyway.
Copper looked around waiting for her chance to speak. She seemed nervous to interject. “Um, if I may play Devil’s Advocate? A haunted graveyard can become a worse problem pretty rapidly. We could be overrun with undead if the curse spreads. That’s how the Blight started, after all. That would be my vote, but if you don’t think so that’s okay too…” she trailed off, looking away.

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