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Fandom Senpai belongs to me!~ A Yandere Simulator RP

Ayana rolled her eyes, sitting in the seat next to him. "Look, you have a reason to be annoyed, but you shouldn't be taking it out on me.." She hissed defiantly, crossing her arms as she cast a glance at Pat, who was half asleep. Rolling her eyes once more, she tapped on her desk, obviously bored.
"It's not purposeful, I just can't stop getting bothered by it... " he muttered in an apologetic tone, his right hand scratching his head awkwardly.
Ayana smiled softly. "I can't say that he didn't get what he deserved.." She shrugged, staring down at her feet.
"Yeah..." He muttered before returning his gaze to the window, looking gloomy while gazing at the sky.
Ayana was getting annoyed now. "Alex, what you did was right. You... kinda stuck up for me, and yourself!" She half-yelled. "That shit-for-brains deserved every single thing you did to him. He shouldn't have tested you like that." Ayana huffed. "Now, are you gonna be all sad for the rest of the day, or proud that you didn't let somebody tease you without learning a lesson?" She questioned. "Now, you better start getting used to me. If you don't, your life will be a living hell. After all, we have detention together." She reminded him.
Majime stops the video and claps her hand, standing up and smiling at her class, "Okay! That's all we are going to be watching for that video! So you don't have to worry about it anymore and we'll get back to me talking your ears off soon," She chuckles, "Anyways, class, I have some very fun news for you. We'll be going camping for a week!" She gets out papers and goes around handing it to each student, "All the information you need to know is on this paper as well as important stuff like if you will need any medical doodas there and of course, parent signatures. If any of your parents or guardians would like to come along they are more then welcome to. They'll just have to talk to me. Get those papers in by the next week as the trip is scheduled by next week." The bells ring, she smiles at all of them as she makes her way to the front of the class, "And you are all dismissed." Daichi sighs and stands up, leaving immediately.
Ayana stared blankly at Majime, gaping slightly before grinning. "Or maybe not.." She nudged Alex, referring to their detention, getting up at leaving the class, a slight bounce in her step as her eyes skirted left and right along the paper, reading everything she needed to know. Her smile slowly faded as she thought of having to stay with a bunch of students, but she shrugged. "Better than detention.." She muttered.
"OK, OK, I get it. I'm stopping right now." Alexander said in a troubled tone, returning to his usual indifferent bearing while following the new girl, apparently as a way of proving that he wasn't going to act gloomy again.

"A trip? Sounds funny." He said, apparently interested in the excursion.
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Ayana heard footsteps behind her, and she knew that he was following her. Cracking a smile, she turned towards him, stopping abruptly. "You don't have to follow me, or anything. You can go with your other friends if you'd like." She shrugged, that somewhat familiar smile slipping off her face. "You don't have to be stuck with me. I'm not gonna force you." She muttered, allowing her arm to go limp as the field trip form let out a small crumpling sound as it hit her hip softly.
"Other friends? I generally sleep after class till It's time to club activities, I don't really talk a lot with my "friends"" he said with an indifferent shrug, clearly not really bothered by the situation. "Besides, other than you the list of people that I can call friends is composed of basically 3, maybe 4 individuals..."
Ayana's expression slightly changed... to a frown. "That kinda sucks.." She muttered. "I can't see why you don't have many friends. I mean, I don't think there's anything wrong with you.." She shrugged, looking into his eyes. "I actually think you're cool. Kinda remind me of myself.." She suddenly blushed. "Sorry if that sounded odd." She suddenly became very interested in the ground..
"Ahn? Don't really think like that, I hate being with a lot of people" he said in an indifferent tone, as if simply talking about something that wasn't even related to him. "Besides, I kinda think the same. You remember me of myself, so I feel comfortable being near you." He said, his icy blue eyes focusing in the girl face for a second before smiling slightly, something really rare when coming from someone like him.
The soft pink spots on her face were gone just as quickly as they had came. "O-oh.." She seemed slightly taken aback as he sort of smiled, yet she couldn't stop herself from grinning back. "No one has really said that to me, but.." Her usual defiant voice trailed off softly. "I'll take that as a good thing." Feeling ecstatic, she veered to the left so that they were walking side by side.
"Sure, I take it as a good thing when hooligans act scared when they see me so that should be even better." He muttered to himself while walking besides the girl, his right hand trying to somerrow fix his disheveled hair while walking.
Ayana smirked slightly as she heard what Alex had said, gently elbowing him in the side. "Well, they should know not to mess with you." She growled. "Honestly, I think it's pathetic how idiotic some people can be. There's a lot of arrogant people in this school.." She paused. "I can tell..." She huffed. "Just take that John kid for example. I'm pretty sure he was just trying to make you seem stupid to impress someone.."
Daichi sighed once again and walked to the music club, the only other person there being the really quiet Haruhi Ando. He glared at her and went over to the piano taking a seat. She noticed his glaring and glared back at him. They had little history with each other. By little... It was a lot. Daichi "stole" two of her boyfriends, which wasn't completely a lie... He only stole the second one but in his defense it was an unhealthy relationship. Other than boyfriends they both play the piano. Which of course causes problems such as when the two would compete. More like she declared they go against each other and he would just go along with it. He beat her in nine competitions. After the fourth win and her fourth loss was when she spread the rumor that he was a boyfriend stealer(to put it lightly), and would get it on with multiple males. This was in middle school but some people have followed him to high school and the rumor still exists. It's just not as popular as all the other rumors in this damn place. He stopped glaring and played the piano in front of him, she said something but he ignored it, getting lost in his playing. It was probably something like, "I'm trying to read! Do you mind?" Like he cares.


"Nah, he's acctually one of the less troublesome ones..." Alex said with a shrug, finding the girl traction pretty much amusing. "He acctually do this to get some attention to himself, but it still annoys me sometimes." He finished, gazing at the girl curiously, as if trying to guess what would be her next reaction
Kasai walked into the band room with a pissed look, and ran over to John "where the hell did you put my violin" she hissed, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt "you know how expensive those instruments are!" She yelled in rage
Ayana gazed back, her eyes showing no emotion. "I've been through a lot, Alex." She muttered. "You'll find that I don't show too much emotion on occasions. But, even though he's not the worst, that doesn't mean I don't think he's a jerk." She rolled her eyes, loathing the thought of the kid. "Anyway.." her mind was now totally blank. "Um.. what were we talking about?" She squinted her eyes slightly, before letting out a quiet laugh.
Majime sighed as she sat down in her desk once all her students left. She hopes this field trip will help Kuno... Or any other student of her's that's going through some.. Horrible times. Anyways, a field trip is what these kids needed! It'll also help for Bismarck to make more friends and connect with people along side Daichi... She smiled to herself, this was going to be great. Please let nothing bad happen. She stood up and walked out of her room. She surveyed the hallways and just walked around. Not really having any destination.
"Let me think a little... Maybe about how awesome I am at beating jerks?" He said in a jokingly tone, pushing his hair way from his icy blue eyes once more while gazing at the girl.
Ayana smirked once again, shaking her head as her eyes turned towards the ground. "I haven't witnessed lots of fights, but what you did to him was pretty rough." She responded, stopping at her locker. "Obviously, that was a good thing. I didn't want to get in the middle of you two... considering you knew what you were doing." She added, choosing her words carefully. "I wasn't really expecting that, but it happened." She shrugged. "I'm just happy that he got what was heading for him." She opened her locker, placing some contents inside before slamming it shut, looking up at him.
"When I fight I always do it in a way that it ends fast, generally slamming the head against a wall or something similar is enough to end it fast, so it's something that I do a lot." He said, explaining the apparently brutal method in a nonchalant tone while putting one of the books into the locker, maintaining the other one in his bag for some reason. "Besides, it generally doesn't ends that bad to the other guy, so it's a lot better than what i do when I'm really bothered."
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Ayana pushed a strand of golden-orange hair behind her ear, studying Alex. "What happened..." She thought for a moment, attempting to search for words that wouldn't offend the only friend she had. "Erm.. that made you..." Ayana's voice trailed off as her face turned scarlet. She scratched her arm, what she always did when she was nervous. Ayana stared at the ground, attempting to avoid his eyes. "Nevermind..." She mumbled so quietly.. too quietly that it showed obvious signs of softness.

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