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Fandom Senpai belongs to me!~ A Yandere Simulator RP

The gaze of Alexander immediately turned cold when the girl was pushed way, his right hand moving against the face of the hoodlum in a thrust, pushing his head against the lockers with force enough to cause a concussion, strong to the point that the shock even marked the locker surface.

"My,my... it seems that my hand just slipped." He said in a uninterested tone.
Johnny sat up rubbing his head "Bloody hell" he growled and stood up, grabbing Alexander by the shoulders and slammed him into the lockers several times
Although Ayana was unexpectedly shunted roughly away, she recovered quickly. She tried not to smile as she saw what Alex did as she pulled him away.
Although Ayana was unexpectedly shunted roughly away, she recovered quickly. She tried not to smile as she saw what Alex did. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she pulled him away, scowling at the other boy. As she dared to glance at Alex, she suddenly wondered what to say.
Alexander reaction was as quick as it was unexpected, plunging his head against the redhead's nose in a thrust with even more force than the last hit, making his oponent temporalily lose his grip when impacted in a sensible spot, giving himself time to get up again.
Aiko walked past the four, minding her own business until something pulled her back to earth and she walked to them, "All of you. Come with me or it's detention and I tell your father of this John." She said happily and with a bright smile on her face as she turned around and walked to her office.
"My,my, Johnny boy. I hope your nose isn't broken, it would be awful if you said that I broke your nose to your daddy." Alexander mocked, following the teacher with a clear indiference, as if the perspective of detention wasn't really important to him.
"Well, I warned you." Alexander said with a shrug, giving an apologetic look to the girls, specially the one he just got to know. "I'm sorry for this, Ayana and Kasai, it seems that I just got you two into trouble cause I didn't finish this punk fast enough." He said, clearly following his own crazy reasoning.
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Kasai shrugged and smacked Johnny upside the head "Baka" She mumbled, and Johnny looked back at her with a small devilish grin "Sorry cuz, didn't realize you'd be this pissed"
She opened the door and let them all inside, she closed it and crossed her arms, "If any of you are injured and need to be patched up then go sit on a bed," she walked over to her desk and wrote something on paper. She handed it to Kasai, "You all realize that classes had started already and beautiful young lady... I like you so here's a pass saying you were helping me with carrying stuff so your teacher doesn't yap your ear off. Now get out of my office." She turned to the others, her expression going dark, "Mind explaining what happened?"
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"I got bothered by someone who said a lot of shit." Alexander said with a shrug, his icy blue eyes focusing on the nurse face.
Kasai ran off, while John slumped in his shoulder "They just overreacted, so I thought they might as well learn some manners"
"Language Cromwell-kun." She said without much care, for she cussed herself from time to time. She heavily sighed, "Cromwell-kun, I know you mean well but you really need to stop putting yourself in these situations. Because both of you decided to give me the wrong answers and irritated me to no end... You all are staying for detention today. The three days after you will spend your time here in my office and will get along. I'm not writing passes for you and John? Your father will definitely hear about this. Now get to your classes both of you." She walked over to her door and opened it, waiting for them to step out.
Alexander got to his class without even answering the nurse, as the punishment was already defined anyway. His bearing let clear that he was really annoyed with the happening, apparently thanks to the mention of his parents.
Ayana clapped a hand on Alex's shoulder as they stepped out. She turned towards him as the door closed. "Thanks..." She smiled. "I don't think any of this was your fault, by the way." She continued. "That guy was trying to irritate you. And, obviously, it worked... but I think what you did to him was not only brave, but.. the right thing to do." She paused, glancing up for a reaction. "I'm also glad that you didn't let him just get away with shoving me like that, but... you were right. I shouldn't have reacted. I just don't think anyone, especially you, deserves to be talked to in that kind of way." She finished.
Pat walked into school late after a rough night walking into the classroom and plooping down in a chair next to Kuno he it crossed his arms and slept.
"Relax, it's not like I care about it." He said with a shrug, clearly trying to make the girl feel better in his own way. "Besides, it would probably end the same in the end, a lot of people mess with me daily, apparently defying the "king" is a nice way of showing guts." He said in a mocking tone, clearly displeased with the situation.
Ayana's stare softened. "Well, I won't be one of those people." She promised, smiling up at him. "Honestly, it took all of my power not to punch that other kid.." She rambled on. "I guess you did the job for me, though." She grinned. "Thanks, for that, by the way. It definitely made my day." She laughed.
"I'm always happy to help" Alexander said with a overly formal bow, made in such a perfect way that almost made someone believe that he used it in his daily life.

"Anyway, I'm going to my seat now." He said before going to his seat, sitting near the window and immediately proceeding to gaze through it.

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