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Fantasy Seiunita's Planning Thread

This, definitely this.

We have to consider the fact that humans significantly outweigh the fae in terms of number, are physically stronger, slightly more strategic. Even their origins were made on equal straits, a mutual understanding.

So, why are they just simple vassals?

Good point, Eleph. I may not be the best person to answer this but I shall give you my two cents. The Summer Fae were originally humans themselves, but they were somehow magically mutated by Light magic and are thus more magically badass than the humans.

You know, as I try to answer this question I keep having more and more doubts... damn.

There must have been some point in Elysian history that humans were the dominant race here and Summer Fae were left biting the dust. There must have been some power struggle for government between these two races, that must explain why sometimes Summer Fae come out on top and then later humans follow up.

The advantages of the Summer Fae are magic, experience in bureaucracy and a monopoly on clerical positions. The advantages of the humans are raw military power, their much greater population, and them dominating almost every aspect of life at the local level.
Good point, Eleph. I may not be the best person to answer this but I shall give you my two cents. The Summer Fae were originally humans themselves, but they were somehow magically mutated by Light magic and are thus more magically badass than the humans.

Somehow? We really need explanation for this, because 'somehow' is the sign of bad world building. Take it into note, we'll discuss this later.

You know, as I try to answer this question I keep having more and more doubts... damn.

Reviewing your own words from somebody's view is essential in world building, as it allows you to see your frame from multiple views, and thereby, rectify errors.

There must have been some point in Elysian history that humans were the dominant race here and Summer Fae were left biting the dust. There must have been some power struggle for government between these two races, that must explain why sometimes Summer Fae come out on top and then later humans follow up.

Too much 'somehows.' We really need to fix all these flaws.

But aside from that, it should be noted that the fae have massive difficulties in maintaining their superiority, as their regions are expanding, and their humans developing more sense of liberty, and their own hubris clashing against the humility of religious hardliners.

The advantages of the Summer Fae are magic, experience in bureaucracy and a monopoly on clerical positions. The advantages of the humans are raw military power, their much greater population, and them dominating almost every aspect of life at the local level.

Not to mention, ECONOMICS.
Sorry, passed out for a bit, I'm good now.

The military training of the commoners reminds me of two things. The Yeomen, those small tenant owners who have sons who are required to practice with the longbow for years. And the Fyrd, which is basically a semi-professional force of soldiers who are raised by the local communities or the 'shires' as they call them for the royal army.

I believe we should create a system in which taxes can be paid. I propose a community tax, taxes are paid by village or town communities as a whole instead of being paid individually. This way you don't have to deal with each and every person and just have to deal with the village official to get your tax. It simplifies things a lot since there isn't much of a bureaucracy in this world. Also, there must be ways to pay taxes. I see three ways.

A monetary tax, the commoner gives money to the village official who in turn will give it to the Lord who in turn will give it to the Duke who in turn will give it to the King. This requires that people have a record of the village communities, a census on their population and a good understanding of the economy just to know how much tax is paid. Those who do not pay their taxes have to provide a service to their community or they are punished for endangering the kingdom for their selfishness if they refuse to pay up.

During wars, this money is spent to given to the soldiers so they can get a small fortune of their own, which will motivate the poor among them to stay. The money given to them is just enough for them to buy food along the way and soldiers are expected to provide for themselves, living off the land by foraging, pillaging, or buying stuff. To my knowledge, that is how armies work. Armies are a hell of a lot of armed men, eating lots of food while producing nothing, and destroying the landscape while people are busy developing the land. They are the persons of mass destruction, don't forget that.

A service tax, you provide a service for your village official, lord, duke, or king. You will be given food to eat, you will be given some training, and then you will be sent off to work as a farmer, a tiailor, blacksmith or whatever they deem fit for you. Sometimes, you will join the army and become a camp follower, providing services to the Royal Army. You can be a doctor, healing wounds and providing medical expertise. You can be an unskilled worker, merely using your strength to held carry stuff and build fortifications. You can be a merchant, selling goods to the soldiers. There are lots of jobs to be found there, so as long as there is a need for something you'll find plenty of work.

A battle tax, don't have money and you're a waste of skin? The kingdom still has use for you... you can become a meatbag. All you need to do is stand in front of the enemy, point this sharp stick at them and try not to die in the ensuing aftermath.

You say that the government can enforce a kingdom who know how to fight, I say that this can become a recipe for disaster. Since everybody knows how to fight, organize into an army, that also means that people can easily become bandits that prey on the weak or rebels that are fighting against the government. Training everybody in the kingdom can not only be expensive, it can also be counter-productive and can backfire on you.

I like your ideas for how taxes should work, they seem perfectly fine for this kingdom.

As for a population knowing how yo fight I would be inclined to say this is actually still a topic that's being argued to this day, just look at the debate on gun control. I would be inclined to say that an armed kingdom would actually be safer because yes while the bandits are tougher, so is literally everyone else including the bandits victims, it's a more level playing field, but this is just my opinion on the matter.

Oh damn, I forgot this. My bad.

I think its an empire. You think its a small kingdom. Hmm... well here's a map of it.


It's alright, still the map isn't exactly accurate since not everyone working on the kingdom was there when it was made

Hmm, I'll come up with names for these people in the future...

Here are the most prominent ones:

The Believers, yes, the traditional Elysians.

The Secessionists, those who rally behind the Dukes in the South against the Believers.

The Nationalists, those who rally behind the Dukes in the North against the Believers.

Sounds good to me.

Vegetarianism wouldn't work in armies, vegetables spoil too easily unless you find spices, preservatives or magical ways to circumvent this. Food is usually eaten immediately, I think.

The locals would probably call Lumin "sunshine".

This pacifism is too dangerous to believers. They'll get themselves killed in battle! As it is said, war is not about who is right, war is about who is left. By the gods, they'll be putting themselves in a position of great military disadvantage, no wonder they have trouble subduing the heretics and the pagans even up to now.

I think that we can allow for either a military exemption or say that the crops are magically enhanced and preserved, I vote for the latter.

As for their tendency for pacifism that's simply how the kingdom operates, they value life above all else, it's not efficient but it's a sacrifice they make for their beliefs.

Hmm, so this is a system that encourages hard work and integrity. Elysium would probably be a progressive society.

Heh, did you know that the kings once had power to appoint people to clerical positions in the medieval ages? It was not until the Pope stood up to the Holy Roman Emperor did the clerics started appointing other clerics to higher positions. So back then, there was a war between powerful secular noblemen and the clerics who demanded independence in regards to spiritual affairs.

I ask, in Elysium, who gets to appoint clerics to positions?
They're a very progressive people!

I would say that high ranking members of the church would appoint them, the Aurorans possibly.

This, definitely this.

We have to consider the fact that humans significantly outweigh the fae in terms of number, are physically stronger, slightly more strategic. Even their origins were made on equal straits, a mutual understanding.

So, why are they just simple vassals?
Two answers, magical superiority and religious principals. The summer fae are extremely strong casters, even before the discovery of light magic meaning that even though they are physically weak one summer fae can take down 10 soldiers before the soldiers could reach him. Secondly religion, the summer fae are Lumins holy people and because a large chunk of Elysium believes in luminosity a summer fae life is weighted much higher than a humans in their core beliefs. At least that's my thoughts on the subject.
Two answers, magical superiority and religious principals. The summer fae are extremely strong careers, even before the discovery of light magic meaning that even though they are physically weak one summer fae can take down 10 soldiers before the soldiers could reach him. Secondly religion, the summer fae are Lumins holy people and because a large chunk of Elysium believes in luminosity a summer fae life is weighted much higher than a humans in their core beliefs. At least that's my thoughts on the subject.

Consider my above points on expansion, their own arrogance, and the multiple political religious strains, and human's dominance in economics, and them being a significantly large number in the military.

Their superiority seems only to be a curtain. Both realistically and catering to the roleplay, as it can serve to add further pressure to the readily available geopolitical stress in Elysium.
Somehow? We really need explanation for this, because 'somehow' is the sign of bad world building. Take it into note, we'll discuss this later.

Reviewing your own words from somebody's view is essential in world building, as it allows you to see your frame from multiple views, and thereby, rectify errors.

Too much 'somehows.' We really need to fix all these flaws.

But aside from that, it should be noted that the fae have massive difficulties in maintaining their superiority, as their regions are expanding, and their humans developing more sense of liberty, and their own hubris clashing against the humility of religious hardliners.

Not to mention, ECONOMICS.
There are a lot of somehows in the history of luminosity because I want to keep it secret from other players, if you'd like to discuss it more I'd recommend a private PM.
Consider my above points on expansion, their own arrogance, and the multiple political religious strains, and human's dominance in economics, and them being a significantly large number in the military.

Their superiority seems only to be a curtain. Both realistically and catering to the roleplay, as it can serve to add further pressure to the readily available geopolitical stress in Elysium.
I agree with you completely! If every human in the kingdom were to take up arms against them today the summer fae would be a dead race, it's tradition and fear that keeps them alive.
There are a lot of somehows in the history of luminosity because I want to keep it secret from other players, if you'd like to discuss it more I'd recommend a private PM.

Solid confirmation would be nice, though later.

I agree with you completely! If every human in the kingdom were to take up arms against them today the summer fae would be a dead race, it's tradition and fear that keeps them alive.

Then we have that settled! Have you any extra insights, Historical Storyteller Historical Storyteller ?
Somehow? We really need explanation for this, because 'somehow' is the sign of bad world building. Take it into note, we'll discuss this later.

Reviewing your own words from somebody's view is essential in world building, as it allows you to see your frame from multiple views, and thereby, rectify errors.

Too much 'somehows.' We really need to fix all these flaws.

In short, we need to talk with Nogood and fix this together. And oh, she's here.

But aside from that, it should be noted that the fae have massive difficulties in maintaining their superiority, as their regions are expanding, and their humans developing more sense of liberty, and their own hubris clashing against the humility of religious hardliners.
Consider my above points on expansion, their own arrogance, and the multiple political religious strains, and human's dominance in economics, and them being a significantly large number in the military.

Their superiority seems only to be a curtain. Both realistically and catering to the roleplay, as it can serve to add further pressure to the readily available geopolitical stress in Elysium.

You must also remember that disaster can strike any time.

Sure, in the long run, humans will soon become the new masters of the world as technology, government, and the concepts of freedom and liberty improve, but that isn't happening now. In the short run, the Fae are damn overpowered when it comes to magic and they are a powerful minority in the kingdom.

Not to mention, ECONOMICS.



Sorry, passed out for a bit, I'm good now.

While I have been listening to the Bloodborne theme for days now...

I like your ideas for how taxes should work, they seem perfectly fine for this kingdom.

Later on, I hope we can discuss the Royal Treasury, the treasuries of the lords and dukes, and the town and village treasuries. It seems like we need a financial bureaucracy in Elysium but that will be discussed soon when everything is in order.

As for a population knowing how yo fight I would be inclined to say this is actually still a topic that's being argued to this day, just look at the debate on gun control. I would be inclined to say that an armed kingdom would actually be safer because yes while the bandits are tougher, so is literally everyone else including the bandits victims, it's a more level playing field, but this is just my opinion on the matter.

This is debatable. Bandits target the weak, those who cannot defend themselves and they work in groups. Rebels may only receive basic military training and they will be dealt swiftly by the Royal Army. The Elysians are able to form militias pretty damn fast due to this, one of questionable quality but its better than nothing.

Overall, it has its good and bad sides. The good news is that they can form a decent defense against any invader, and it is good for individual self-defense. The problem is that when bad guys tend to group up and they receive military training, they can pick on the weak. Some good individuals may come to stop them, but the damage will be already done.

We will have to discuss how the Elysians manage to whip everybody into shape. Just how do they hold annual military exercises all over the kingdom with everybody doing it? It will cost a shit load of money just to pay the instructors, money that can be used elsewhere.

It's alright, still the map isn't exactly accurate since not everyone working on the kingdom was there when it was made

We'll eventually get clarity on the map.

Sounds good to me.

Factionalism is complex.

I think that we can allow for either a military exemption or say that the crops are magically enhanced and preserved, I vote for the latter.

As for their tendency for pacifism that's simply how the kingdom operates, they value life above all else, it's not efficient but it's a sacrifice they make for their beliefs.

We are definitely going to talk about more practical uses for magic.

They're a very progressive people!

I would say that high ranking members of the church would appoint them, the Aurorans possibly.

Aurorans must be distributed throughout the village and town communities, estates, and duchies. They must have some religious presence in the regions if they are to be respected.

And that means the church is independent in its own right. I just hope the church does not interfere in the selection of lords, dukes, and community officials because that's where many of the humans are. I think humans focus on secular and temporal power while the summer fae exercise religious and spiritual power.

Two answers, magical superiority and religious principals. The summer fae are extremely strong casters, even before the discovery of light magic meaning that even though they are physically weak one summer fae can take down 10 soldiers before the soldiers could reach him. Secondly religion, the summer fae are Lumins holy people and because a large chunk of Elysium believes in luminosity a summer fae life is weighted much higher than a humans in their core beliefs. At least that's my thoughts on the subject.

It is damn hard to train and support a new army. Just ask the Philippine Armed Forces when they first attempted to create an army for World War One, it was a damn national tragedy. They tried to create an army too big, without enough organizations to support it, and people were total newbies. There were so many goddamn screwups... and by the time the Philippines was ready to enter the war... the war ended.

In short, we need to talk with Nogood and fix this together. And oh, she's here.

You must also remember that disaster can strike any time.

Sure, in the long run, humans will soon become the new masters of the world as technology, government, and the concepts of freedom and liberty improve, but that isn't happening now. In the short run, the Fae are damn overpowered when it comes to magic and they are a powerful minority in the kingdom.



While I have been listening to the Bloodborne theme for days now...

Later on, I hope we can discuss the Royal Treasury, the treasuries of the lords and dukes, and the town and village treasuries. It seems like we need a financial bureaucracy in Elysium but that will be discussed soon when everything is in order.

This is debatable. Bandits target the weak, those who cannot defend themselves and they work in groups. Rebels may only receive basic military training and they will be dealt swiftly by the Royal Army. The Elysians are able to form militias pretty damn fast due to this, one of questionable quality but its better than nothing.

Overall, it has its good and bad sides. The good news is that they can form a decent defense against any invader, and it is good for individual self-defense. The problem is that when bad guys tend to group up and they receive military training, they can pick on the weak. Some good individuals may come to stop them, but the damage will be already done.

We will have to discuss how the Elysians manage to whip everybody into shape. Just how do they hold annual military exercises all over the kingdom with everybody doing it? It will cost a shit load of money just to pay the instructors, money that can be used elsewhere.

We'll eventually get clarity on the map.

Factionalism is complex.

We are definitely going to talk about more practical uses for magic.

Aurorans must be distributed throughout the village and town communities, estates, and duchies. They must have some religious presence in the regions if they are to be respected.

And that means the church is independent in its own right. I just hope the church does not interfere in the selection of lords, dukes, and community officials because that's where many of the humans are. I think humans focus on secular and temporal power while the summer fae exercise religious and spiritual power.

Okay I can't format for shit on this phone I'm sorry.

1. Hai hai! I'll cover the somehows when I get home.

2. Good, bloodborne music is fucking cool.

3. Finances and treasuries TBD

4. It's a very debatable topic and we could go on about it for a while without a conclusion, in the end though I feel it is very Elysian for every citizen to be able to defend oneself, it fits the design better in my personal opinion.

5. Its very complex, I'll try to think up some more heretical movements.

6. I can agree with you on an independent church, if anything I'd say in some areas the church exercises more power. (And less in others potentially)

7. They need to be a bit stronger considering the fae to human ratio is around 1 to 10, though the fae may be a little less powerful now since humans have begun to learn to cast on their own weakening one of the summer faes greatest advantages.
Okay I can't format for shit on this phone I'm sorry.

Your fingers must hurt now. You don't have to respond to everything unless you deem it important.

3. Finances and treasuries TBD

We'll deal with that later. There are more important things to do.

4. It's a very debatable topic and we could go on about it for a while without a conclusion, in the end though I feel it is very Elysian for every citizen to be able to defend oneself, it fits the design better in my personal opinion.

Let's just say that its both good and bad.

5. Its very complex, I'll try to think up some more heretical movements.

And all I have to do is consult my notes on The Reformation.

6. I can agree with you on an independent church, if anything I'd say in some areas the church exercises more power. (And less in others potentially)

Once I am finished reading about the papacy, I will think about organizations within the church that help it function properly. Finances, law, a legal tribune on heresy, and so on and so forth.

7. They need to be a bit stronger considering the fae to human ratio is around 1 to 10, though the fae may be a little less powerful now since humans have begun to learn to cast on their own weakening one of the summer faes greatest advantages.

I wonder if the Summer Fae are as divided as the humans. Sure, if the humans band together on a united front, the Summer Fae will be curbstomped, but that isn't happening since every human in Elysium is at each other's throats.
Your fingers must hurt now. You don't have to respond to everything unless you deem it important.

We'll deal with that later. There are more important things to do.

Let's just say that its both good and bad.

And all I have to do is consult my notes on The Reformation.

Once I am finished reading about the papacy, I will think about organizations within the church that help it function properly. Finances, law, a legal tribune on heresy, and so on and so forth.

I wonder if the Summer Fae are as divided as the humans. Sure, if the humans band together on a united front, the Summer Fae will be curbstomped, but that isn't happening since every human in Elysium is at each other's throats.

1. I'm fine, just gonna format a bit differently.

2. Sounds like a plan!

3. Agree to disagree, sound fine to me.

4. You do that, I'll try to help where I can.

5. Cool, can't wait to hear your results.

6. The fae definitely have their differences, that's how the summer fae came to be. But they're a bit more closely knit than the humans, if a problem arises they can be quick to band together.
1. I'm fine, just gonna format a bit differently.

If you say so.

2. Sounds like a plan!

Let's just do this step by step. First, before we go on to finances we must discuss economics... and to discuss economics we must discuss geopolitics and natural resources. One thing leads to another.

3. Agree to disagree, sound fine to me.


4. You do that, I'll try to help where I can.

That'll be extra incentive to continue where I stopped by in that book...

5. Cool, can't wait to hear your results.

I'm nearly done with that section. Just 10 pages left... and then I'll read that section on the Crusades... and then on Monasticism and the Friars...

6. The fae definitely have their differences, that's how the summer fae came to be. But they're a bit more closely knit than the humans, if a problem arises they can be quick to band together.

That's what I thought. Its easier for those Fae to stick together when all these dangerous humies are scattered all over the place.
If you say so.

Let's just do this step by step. First, before we go on to finances we must discuss economics... and to discuss economics we must discuss geopolitics and natural resources. One thing leads to another.


That'll be extra incentive to continue where I stopped by in that book...

I'm nearly done with that section. Just 10 pages left... and then I'll read that section on the Crusades... and then on Monasticism and the Friars...

That's what I thought. Its easier for those Fae to stick together when all these dangerous humies are scattered all over the place.
1. Can do, take this step by step, simple and effective. I would imagine that because they live on and near mountains that precious metals are their main export, they certainly don't have any shortage of gold.

2. Ooh, crusades, fun~

3. Yup, the fae have a strong bond with members of their own race, they often prefer to work with other fae and dislike anyone who isn't fae outright until despite any merits this person may have.
I really really want to turn this roleplay into a cross between Bloodborne, Game of Thrones and Monty Python but I don't know how.

1. Can do, take this step by step, simple and effective. I would imagine that because they live on and near mountains that precious metals are their main export, they certainly don't have any shortage of gold.

We have to talk about the natural resources available for each estate, duchy, and their industries and economies. That will be difficult but it can be done.

And before that, we have to talk to King about the map for Elysium.

2. Ooh, crusades, fun~

Whenever the Church wants to assert its power over the unruly violent human nobles of Elysium, it simply calls a crusade to subdue the local pagans and heretics. This has brought the Church lots of credit since it organized the crusades and expanded the overall territory of Elysium. But crusades can damage the Church reputation if it is unsuccessful, be careful...

3. Yup, the fae have a strong bond with members of their own race, they often prefer to work with other fae and dislike anyone who isn't fae outright until despite any merits this person may have.

So basically, if you're not one of them or they can't use you then they'll hate you.

Sounds just like us humans.
I really really want to turn this roleplay into a cross between Bloodborne, Game of Thrones and Monty Python but I don't know how.

We have to talk about the natural resources available for each estate, duchy, and their industries and economies. That will be difficult but it can be done.

And before that, we have to talk to King about the map for Elysium.

Whenever the Church wants to assert its power over the unruly violent human nobles of Elysium, it simply calls a crusade to subdue the local pagans and heretics. This has brought the Church lots of credit since it organized the crusades and expanded the overall territory of Elysium. But crusades can damage the Church reputation if it is unsuccessful, be careful...

So basically, if you're not one of them or they can't use you then they'll hate you.

Sounds just like us humans.
1. Fair point, it's better to wait for our map.

2. Sounds like an idea, I like it, could add some real drama if done at the right time.

3. Humans but snobbier.

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