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Realistic or Modern Secrets Only Destroy (Trigger Warning)


falling for you™
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)

"Lies were told and people were hurt."


(v.) feel sad, repentant, or disappointed over (something that has happened or been done, especially a loss or missed opportunity).


"I want to reset my life, I regret it all"


A secret, a white lie, a true lie, what's the difference? They are all dangerous, they all can destroy a person's life within moments. At Seoul's Academy for the Gifted and Talented, the students know better than anyone that secrets will be your downfall. They found out the hard way, through the death of their beloved classmate. At first secrets, lies, it was all just normal and didn't hurt anyone that badly, but something changed. In the darkest depths of the academy, a group of people, so cruel, so twisted, decided that manipulating others for their amusement was going to be the next thing to do on their agenda. Lee Mina was the target. She was the top of her class, a pretty girl with a large group of friends, a loving partner, and was the pride and joy of the academy. Only her life outside of the academy, outside of the perfect girl facade, there was a poor and insecure girl that was slowly losing sight on what really mattered in life. They took advantage of that. Somehow they found out a deep and dark secret about Mina that led to her downfall. 'Daddy's little girl? More like Daddy's little whore'. The text had been so shocking, so foul that she found herself texting the people back, calling them, trying to find out what was going on. Only nobody picked up. The number had been disconnected. She was scared. She didn't know what was going on and frankly she didn't know who to believe, who to trust. Time passed and nothing happened which made her relax, but it started up again, each time telling her that her dirty lies her horrible secrets were known by others, that she was going to fall. So Mina asked her friends about it, she showed them the texts, she asked for help. Long story cut short, Lee Mina took her life on Saturday, December 12, 2013. The students were clueless as to what had happened, how such an innocent and bright girl could kill herself. Of course that was until each student received a single white Chrysanthemum.

A note was attached to the stem and it was the same for every single student.

'Lee Mina shall be remembered as the bright and beautiful young girl she was. It's painful to know that she ended things this way. Then again if I had the secrets she had I would probably end up drowning myself as well. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the rest of the year and pay your respects to Mina.'

At that moment in time, each student knew that their lives had turned into a giant game of chess. Everyone had to watch out, watch out for those who will discover their deepest secrets and expose it to the world. As time passed, the manipulative and cruel game continued and strengthened. Students tried to transfer, they tried to escape it, but each time they tried to reach out they would get a peaceful reminder not to ask a teacher or parent for help, that maybe they just needed to disappear for awhile and then everyone's problems would be solved. Now in 2016 a new school year has started, a new batch of secrets are ready to be thrown about the school. Students will fight to stay alive, to keep their reputation, their perfect lives, they want to keep it all. They know not to trust anyone, not to fall for the lies, the traps. Relationships will be formed, destroyed, your life will crumble before your eyes if you make just one wrong move. Yes, this is the cancer that has spread throughout the academy. Secrets. Secrets are dangerous no matter how dark or light they may appear to be. Once a secret is formed there is only destruction waiting to happen. So what will you do? Will you risk it all and try and fight the cancer that has consumed the school? Be careful because on wrong move and you may end up at the bottom of the food chain.

@OwlMissYou It's pretty basic but you wanted to check it out. I won't start it until my idol RP takes off though so don't stress xD Oh yeah and it's kind of a darker theme so yeah
:o If you're still doing this, I would totally be down. (Idk if you have it set up already or what, but...)

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