Looking for searching for trans friends!


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hello all!
recently i've been pretty depressed. i've got a million reasons, but the only reason that i could fix myself is my gender issues. all of my friends are female and sort of straight (absolutely nothing against that) and it's starting to make me feel like i don't belong in the trans community and that i should just stop trying.

i would really love if any other trans (preferably nonbinary) would wanna become friends, talk about struggles, vent, anything you'd like!

i only have one requirement, please be 13-17. being friends with someone over 18 or under 13 non-rp related just makes me uncomfortable.

thank you for reading, and always remember, you are valid!

kisses to all, farewell, and good luck in life,
While I'm not trans, I'm still very confused. Do you mind if I ask you some questions in pms?
I'm straight and female, but I wish you luck in your search and support you wholeheartedly in being the person you are. <3
I am a bit too old to fit your requirement, but I send you all my enby love and support. Don't worry, we nonbinary folk always find each other, sooner or later.
i’m nb n an adult but luv i hope u find many friends in the trans community ! 🥺 💕
there’s tons of ppl in the lgbtq+ community here if that helps btw
stay safe n ily xx

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