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Fantasy Searching for a 1x1 MxF partner!


Senior Member
Good morning/afternoon/evening, depending on when and where you're reading this. Currently, I'm writing this early in the morning, because that's just how my sleep schedule worked out today. I'm in the mood to write a big thread, and I'm hoping to accomplish that, although I'm also hoping to note make the thread too daunting.

So, today, I only really have one plot on the menu, although maybe I'll add something else in the future. But before we even get that far, let me talk a little about myself. [Because I am a narcissist.]

About Me

My online name is Agent, and that's probably what I'll go by in out of character chatting. I am 20.5 years old, anxiously awaiting my 21st birthday. Why? Because I live in the good ol' US of A, where it makes sense that 18 year old kids can smoke, vote, or go off to war, but they best not dare to touch a drop of alcohol. But anyways, I digress. In the US, I live in a place I consider between the East Coast and the Midwest. We've got a lot of both cultures, it's just all depending on where you look. Since I live in this lovely place, my timezone is Eastern Time, although if you want to roleplay with me, I don't care if you live in Australia. Time zones should never be an issue, especially considering it's not necessary that both players have to be on at the same time. All that matters is that when we are on, we write something for the other to respond to when they're on. Wow... I'm rambling.

I am a college student, so that might affect my availability, depending on how much homework I have and when I'm in class. When I'm not at school, I am probably at work, if we're talking M-F, 8-4:30. That being said, I can rattle off quick replies on break, although probably no roleplay replies, seeing as it's a pain to write on a mobile phone. Oh, and since I haven't mentioned this yet, and this whole about me section is kind of a mess anyways, I'll share that I am in fact a male. And lastly, although you can clearly see, I can easily ramble and get messy when having conversations. This doesn't spill over into my roleplaying though, so no worries there.

So now that we have covered a little about me, I think I shall post what I'm looking for in you!

Requirements [Relatively Loose here]

I'm not looking for somebody that's active 24/7. That's not to say I won't accept you if you are, but more or less, I understand if you're not. We all have lives, and we all have things to do. And to be honest, sometimes we need to wait for inspiration, so I understand.
Grammar/Spelling is a must. I know typos happen here and there, but I can't handle repeated typos. So please, just be mindful when you're writing, and we'll be fine.
At least 1-2 paragraphs when writing. I'm not expecting a novel, but please, no one liners. That's how the RP gets stale fast.
Lastly, and this is a must, I need somebody who can play females. I am only really good with males, and I usually only do straight pairings, not out of disrespect for the LGBT+ community, but because I am straight and male in real life, so that's what I know best.


At long last, here is the plot.

My guy has a bit of a secret, that he has done well not letting anybody know about. When he was about 13, his family was infested with 'bugs'. However, these were no bugs, but rather, human-like creatures, known as Minis. One day, one of them bit him, and that changed his whole life. Now, you might've heard how werewolves work before, human by day, wolf by night. Well, my guy is a were-mini. However, this is a bit of a flip. For him, he is human by night, and Mini by day. For that reason, he cannot hold a job, and he doesn't really have a place to live. Instead, he makes the most of his life at night, and he hides in the shadows at day. When his parents found out, they left, in the middle of the night, unable to handle the "burden" of their son. And so, he's lived on his own ever since, stealing as needed, just in order to survive. Now, your girl, whoever she may be, meets my guy in the night, perhaps at a club of some sorts. And in some way, he ends up going home with her. He never does this, as a safety precaution, but it's too late now, and in the morning, before she wakes, he's shrunken down to his tiny size. Will he be able to draw her attention? And even if he can make contact with her, what will she do with him?

It's not a thick plot, but I do enjoy building upon roleplaying when it comes to the plot. Now also, if you have any questions about Minis, as I didn't really explain them, let me know. If you've read, and enjoyed the idea of this plot, please post below and I'll send you a PM. Thanks!

Hey I'm interested, although I am curious by what you mean by Mini's do they look humanish or is that only your character?

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