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Multiple Settings Search for roleplay partners! [Fandom + Original]


Au revoir, Shoshanna!
Hey there! I had an old thread floating around, but I decided to start a new one since my previous thread was just way too outdated. Now, before I start listing my fandoms/original plots, let's start with the basics - my roleplay style/rules:

• The length of my replies can range from 2 - 5 paragraphs, though it varies depending on what scene we are at. I would prefer my partner to be able to give me at least 2 decent sized paragraphs. Please, no one-liners.

• Romance is a must for me. Of course, I am open to doing other genres such as horror, mystery, adventure, etc. But romance must be included.

• I try to reply at least once every few days. If I will be gone for a long period of time (eg. 4+ days), I will be sure to notify you. I ask that you do the same and let me know if you will be absent for a while.

• Please be able to play side characters. Of course, I will be playing them as well. But it wouldn't be fair if I'm the only one playing them, would it?

• I like to plan and have an idea of how the roleplay will go before we start, rather than just diving right into it.

• Doubling up is a must, unless you are comfortable with playing just my character's love interest.

• I only roleplay through PMs. No threads, emails, or using other websites.

• I like to use character sheets, though how detailed they are would depend on how much detail my partner needs. I never use face claims, although I don't mind if my partner uses one. It's simply a personal preference.

• I love doing dark themes, so please do tell me if there's anything you are uncomfortable with roleplaying.

• Smut is a huge no-no from me (not that it's allowed on this site anyway). But if 'it' were to happen, let us commence with the time skip!

And...that's it. Hopefully you read through all that and didn't get bored. Next is the exciting part: Original ideas and fandoms!

Starting with original ideas since it's what I'm craving the most at the moment. While I have no solid plots in mind at the moment, I am interested in doing something set during the mid to late Victorian Era, possibly with gang related subjects. I love fantasy and supernatural things as well. Just so this section won't seem so small, I am listing some pairings that I would like to do. The roles I would prefer to play are bolded.

Original Pairings:

Noble Lady x Valet
Civilian x Gang Leader (open to playing either roles)
Civilian x Enemy Soldier
Vampire x Human (open to playing either roles)
Royalty x Assassian

Onto the fandoms + my OC's love interest(s)! I am open to playing any character as your OC's love interest. Even if I listed one as my own OC's love interest, as long as it is not bolded, I can play them for you.


Fantastic Beasts/Harry Potter:
• Percival Graves
• Gellert Grindelwald
• Tom Riddle

Maleficent: Mistress of Evil:
• Borra

Owari no Seraph:
• Guren Ichinose
• Kureto Hiragi

Bungo Stray Dogs:
• Chuuya Nakahara
• Dazai Osamu

Peaky Blinders (only a few episodes in at the moment but totally obsessed with this series):
• Thomas Shelby

Elite (Netflix Show):
• Valerio
• Christian

Last but not least, I should mention that I love doing crossovers and AUs. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask!
hey! i would be interested in roleplaying something set in the victorian era with you if you’re still looking for partners?

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