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Futuristic Scrapmetal Circus: Wayfinder OOC


Combat Rainbow
Welcome to the Scrapmetal Circus.

The year is 3998, and the lines between flesh and machine have blurred, cybernetic enhancements of all sorts have been paramount to a technological revolution, as when Earth was discovered by the Kedoran Federation, it became quite clear that humans were not alone in the universe, but that we were on the right track. Humans in this short time since 3080 have managed to make lives on planets millions of light years away from Earth with a large variety of alien species. Some journeys can take up to years, depending on where one intends to go and from where. Smaller, privately owned space craft tend to be faster than the behemoths that are part of the military armadas, but only in terms of their warping abilities.

Cyberization can be as simple as direct interfaces with the Net (Universal Internet) or as complex as a cerebral salvage transplanted into a full cybernetic body. On very, very rare occasion, even the original brain can be lost, rendering the person effectively immortal so long as fate doesn’t intervene with something nasty in mind. If the bodily cyberbrain is destroyed before accessing another empty cyberbrain in another body, the cyborg is no more once the cyberbrain ‘white walls’ upon destruction. Of course, one can always just shoot them in the head to eliminate them and not give them a chance to connect to another body...

It is also because of this cyberization revolution that there came to be more and more advanced programs, and those who needed to create them. Computer Viruses increased in frequency and with often terrifying results, when they became advanced enough to infect the cyberbrains of even only the most basically augmented human or other non-shapeshifting species having undergone the process of cyberization. Side effects were too numerous to list in terms of what these new viruses werecapable of, but rest assured it is the stuff of nightmares. The list includes but is not limited to: killing oneself, killing others, transfering money into and out off their accounts by their own hand for various crime syndicates, and in the most severe cases, their very vision constantly being overwritten along with their memories being constantly distorted, and even then, false memories were in place as well.

In terms of machines themselves, there are those that are nearly indistinguishable from the lifeforms they were based off off, and then those that are indeed very, very different from their creators. Often, even those designed to look like humans are obviously mechanical in nature, with little to no capacity for eating food or anything of the sort. It is only within the last 500 years that true bio-androids became a real thing, and illegal research often takes place with bio-androids often being recovered with monstrous intentions involved in their conception and development. More and more recently, galactic military has been more and more often creating bio-androids as a means of cyberwarfare and cyber-crime investigation that are by all means prosthetic bodies with minds of their own. Bio-engineering prosthetics that are as close in composition to their original counterparts as can be desired has led to immesureable leaps and bounds in not only prosthetics design in terms of replacing limbs, but also bio-androids becoming more like their originators as well. The truest intracacies of naturally aged flesh cannot be reproduced, but they can be replicated enough to be convincing, and some are able to swap bodies much like cyborgs, some even being able to masquerade as heavily cybered individuals of some of the Federation races, though equipping cybernetics to the shapeshifting races is next to immpossible.

It is only within the last fifty years that the pinnacle of bio-engineering, the ZX-04 bio-android was created in complete secrecy. The ZX-04 was unlike anything to come before it, and it was capable of trancending the conventional boundries of robotics- just by getting pregnant. Never before had a machine been able to create life, and once the ZX-04 types were completed, they were sent to all corners of the universe through a variety of means to garner a populous. Some were combatants, some were civilians, and all of them as unique from one another in appearance as they were in personality. All, however, were female, being that a populous was to be had in mind, and were primarilly programmed for creation and life, though with the capability of much destruction. These ZX-04 are among the Federation’s biggest secret, not to mention the countless other machines who have who have run off and away from the corruption and ruthlessness displayed of the military powers. There are good men and women serving to protect, and that is their purpose and intent, but the military forces tend to be absolutely merciless and armed with a very, very short fuse, even and especially with their own. That is to say nothing of the scandals that rock the universe too often as of late from with in the many sects and divisions of said militaristic powers.

In the Kedoran Federation, there are five major races with humans themselves among them, each with good and evil running tantamount in unison with one another just like human. There are more races, though these five are the only official ones in the Federation.

The Quera: These ferocious but notoriously honorable shapeshifting humanoids have features ranging from vaguely to obviously animalistic, with males being significantly larger than the females, though the reverse has been known to happen for both genders. They have the ability to go from a much weaker version of themselves to a moch, much more animalistic version, and much, much more powerful. Their skin is ridiculously tough, with things like iron and steel being known to break on the skin of Quera. Only certain materials found offworld from Quera Tora have been known to be able to cut the Quera without a ridiculous amount of force behind it, though energy weapons and some mid-tier projectile weaponry and higher can wound them. These Quera are also known to be much, much stronger physically when fully attuned to the cycles of a planet’s moon (or moons, the more the better). The more moons close in alignment to a Quera and their peak energy, the more powerful a Quera becomes.

The Sarign: This proud and noble race are quite close genetically to Earth’s reptiles, complete with scales and tail. However, they have a proud history of being noble warriors, both on their homeworld of Declore and in joining the Federation. All of the Sarign have the ability to naturally shapeshift their forms into something that looks almost like the collection of human-like races, though this alternative form is still mostly similar in muscle structure if slightly more petite and they do retain their tail. Some can lose their scales, and some cannot. In addition to this shapechanging ability, some of the Sarign can even turn almost completely invisible, though this ability is exceedingly rare.

The Osc: These beings are almost identical to humans, with only their snowy palor and completely white eyes discerning the two. The Osc have been known to display various elemental powers related to aspects of nature. Rare is the Osc whose elemental powers are restricted to simply one element. While these individuals are considered inheritantly flawed by their society, it is widely known that the singular powers of one of these Osc are more powerful than a vast majority of their fellows whose powers encompass all of the elemental types. Regardless, the ability to mentally conjure up the various aspects of nature comes in handy in a variety of situations, in everything from making ice cream to spot-wielding. The home planet of the Osc is N’sari.

Arak Miir: The most mysterious of the races to align with the Federation, and the first to approach the others in terms of peace and forming an alliance for the sake of all peoples. These rather docile and peaceful creatures hailing from the planet Jageda are aquatic in nature, who only a few millenia ago began developing the ability to breathe outside of water as a part of their natural evolution, and are all psycho-kinetic by that very same nature. This ability is limited, as some can move objects while others can read surface thoughts, and these abilities can vary in strength. While some can do these and more all at once, all Arak Miir are also hydro-kinetic to some degree. They appear as humans do with a hue to their skin that ranges from greyish white to light and dark blue or purple, with hair colors ranging from vibrant to dull shades of all the colors of the rainbow, with fins along their calves and forearms naturally the same color as their hair.

Opposing the Kedoran Federation are some mighty powerful foes. The Kirsinia, a monstrous flower with the ability to partially or completely control, brainwash, and enslave others with an appetite for consuming entire planets, the Assakir, a race of creatures unable to withstand ultraviolet light and hellbent on the annihilation and/or enslavement of all other life, the various groups of space pirates, and even the internal strife the Federation itself faces.

A wide variety of planets have been colonized by many of the races and more, some even having been created by the races themselves. The Federation is no stranger to terraforming, though the resources required to form a planet are no small amount, not to mention that planets take around five years to completely form, and another ten before they can possibly be inhabitable by life if under constant terraforming, and another twenty after that before terraforming can even be ceased.

This universe is a scary place, with the unknown always lurking within the shadows. But without the darkness there can be no light, and it is the light that will burn away the lies hiding the truths that those in power would keep hidden, and for those who see the light to gather the lost and light the way to follow. Where will your path take you? Salvation? Or damnation?

Hello, hello, everyone! Welcome one and all to the Scrapmetal Circus, my take on a universe far, far into the future, where it takes more than just the right plumbing to procreate. This is where the imagination can truly run wild with ideas and actions for a character. Me as the GM would like to thank you for joining us.

What I have in mind is a rag tag group of losers travelling the universe in their spaceship hiding from the military disguised as an interstellar circus act, ousting the monsters hiding in plain sight by abuse of power and the revealing of horrible experiments performed against the people it was supposed to protect. And a few other atrocities being averted because in the end, we are the good guys who look great in tights and bikinis and can do calculus faster than anyone else. However, playing as a robot within the Circus or as a cyborg is not required, just encouraged.

Some limitations in my Universe:

The shape shifting races can be put in fully prosthetic bodies, but they lose their shapeshifting abilities as technology still hasn’t advanced enough to replicate this particular ability. The Osc and Arak Miir have Psionic abilities that can be replicated with technological innovation, though not to the same degree as the more powerful of these races. Usually.

Hybrids of the races exist, but they are very, very rare as there are few if any genetic similarities in some of the races. Humans have proven to be compatible with nearly all other races, while the other races are not all compatible with each other. Shapechanger parents do not bestow this ability on their children.

I impose a limit of two toons. If you want to only play as one, feel free to do no, no judging.

Most Bio-androids are based to look like humans, as this has been the trend since day one of their conception. Humans are the shortest lived species on average, so this irony is not unnoticed.

ZX-04 types are the only robots that can concieve children. Love is key in this ability they have.

Death Planets are labeled that for a reason. Natural disasters, toxic atmospheres, literally everything being poisonous, something on these planets is lethal, so no hiding out on one without being in a ship unless you’re a robot or a cyborg as they are the only ones who can possibly survive for any length of time on these planets. A spacesuit would protect those of a more delicate constitution, though with the limitations of the oxygen tank and such.

If anything comes up we will address it then. Now, as for this RP, I intended to start with the kind folks participation in being hired to go inspect one of the aforementioned death planets. Not to spoil anything major plot-wise as of yet, but our first task will be to find the Scrapmetal Circus itself; the forming of a renegade team of performing robots hiding from the military is for a bit later. There will be NPCs.

Yes, it will be a circus, but think in terms of Kaladeo Star. I probably spelled that wrong. We’ll perform things like Alice in Wonderland, Beauty and the Beast, and the Little Mermaid. Kind of like Cirque du Sol and broadway plays, but with holograms and all kinds of acrobatics, singing and more technology going into these performances than any other around. Intermingled with these performances will be mystery, triumph, and loss. And lots and lots of action. And maybe some sufferers of the popular D.I.D.S. (Damsel In Distress Syndrome)?

Long posts are completely encouraged! Have some fun with your character! Drag a few NPCs to the bar if you want. Drag PCs to the bar. Whatever. Enjoy this, its as much for the players as it is for me. And if you want to write some more in your saga and double post, go ahead. Write as often as you like, just be considerate of the other players who may not have as much free time.

If anyone has ideas, I only ask you discuss it with me first. We may involve it as a story arc. And the more detailed a backstory you give, the more torture I will inflict with it. Also, if anyone has any questions about their backstories being used, feel free to ask me here.

Your character automatically knows at least their native homeworld language and an intergalactic language taught by all schools. We need to be able to talk to one another, don't we? You don't need to specify your language normally spoken, unless of course you're speaking a language not normally spoken in the area. If that is the case, then I ask that you use italics to differentiate the language. and no, just because you're a robot does not mean you just know all languages. I'll let a few spontaneous downloads of language databases slide, but nothing too over the top, okay? If you're a scholar obsessed with learning everything there is to know, then fine, learn all the languages you want.

I will have a character thread up sometime soon, with my first character as the example of the template to follow. If anyone is interested in this in the meantime, please feel free to post here and ask me anything about this, whether to clarify something or wanting an answer on some mechanic for your character. More information will become available here as it is needed, and if a lore thread needs to be made, so be it.
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Thank you, we'll let this simmer for a bit, though I may start this and we can just throw people in if they become interested.

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