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Graded Scaly Tails and Trails

Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Shael Xyvern
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Shael listened to Demeter. The reasoning was understandable for all they knew whoever or whatever they were going to encounter also could see in the dark like Shael could, so being with a group who mostly couldn’t see was far from ideal.

Shael’s mind did go to Jareed possibly being able to light the way but even that seemed like somewhat of a gamble if they were going to further tip off their potential enemy, for all they knew they were already being watched and listened too.

She nodded at Demeter’s decision.It was well reasoned out as far as she was concerned.

Shael certainly agreed with Adelhein’s assessment that he and Demeter had worked well together, even if she would have probably put it in kinder words. Nevertheless It was good to see that that there was at least some camaraderie forming within the group which Shael was always glad to see in an adventurer quest type situation where you had to rely on each other to keep your own life intact.

Saber Alter
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Saber gave Adelhein a bow of respect after. “Thank you for your praise, master. I simply cannot allow such filth to soil your clothes, let alone do you harm.” She spoke with conviction looking down at the gross monster body with clear discontempt herself.

“If these beings exist in this world then there will be others we will need to be prepared for.” She also asserted.

“Your decision is certainly founded master, why should we cower in the night when we have the ability to dominate all who stand against us?”

She said a bit of a smirk forming. Once again Shael was left feeling glad that Saber was on her side rather than against her in that moment, this woman was clearly dangerous and made little effort to hide the fact that she was willing to go to any length kill whoever stood against Adelhein.

Shael also nonverbally recognized the master and servant’s response.

The Lune elf certainly didn’t expect to be acknowledged by someone from the Empire of all people so she was neutral on it not being reciprocated.

Thankfully for Annellanus the sword didn’t appear to do anything when he held it. What would have become more apparent as he inspected it was that there appeared to be a red tie around the sheath bearing the insignia of the very merchant guild that had sent the quest request. From looks alone it was a finely crafted sword which would work well for arming purposes alongside a shield, or as a secondary back up.

While Shael didn’t appear to look judgmentally at Annellanus when he took the mimic leg she did feel the need to speak up with Survival F, “Right, please do make sure you cook that thoroughly to make sure it’s pure enough.” She was rather unfazed by people scavenging things they killed even if it was less orthodox like a mimic, monster or not, meat was meat, she understood that, it was the way of the forest.

Jareed Tahir
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Jareed on the other hand couldn’t help but grimace a bit at the sight of the leg being taken before he quickly went back to trying to look as polite as possible before speaking,

“Arlighty then..sounds like we might be getting into some trouble so if you all don’t mind me I'll let you all continue to deal with..the killing and stuff while I stay in the back and look out! Yeah.” He said staying toward the back like before, as they all headed down the light path, Shael stayed toward the back.
While the path was narrow, it wasn’t so narrow that they couldn’t stand one beside each other. As perusal Saber stayed near in front of Adelhein as a means to protect him.

So far there weren’t any other sounds other than ambient cave sounds, but as they traveled farther down the cave path, the glowing light would become a bit more intense, as they passed a torch every now and again, which of course suggested that someone(s) hadn’t been there all that long ago, lest the torches had been infused with some sort of magic or technological innovation, but from afar they looked normal. It wasn’t all too long before the path started to decline going deeper into the cave.

Nevertheless after quite some time the group would arrive into another more open area, the ceiling and shape of the space was more dome like. There were more natural stone and crystal formations.The crystals were of various hues and sizes. The space wasn’t dark but there did appear to be some makeshift wooden benches out of logs, and a campfire of sorts which had stones put around in the corner of the cavern. Very basic somewhat on the somewhat smaller side bed rolls were laid out still, and there was meat, as well as makeshift wooden shelves laid against the wall of the cavern the makeshift campsite was at. Next to the site were a couple wooden chests which were closed, under the bottom shelves.

What made it a bit more curious was that there appeared to be a plain looking notebook on the shelf, and carved into the cave wall was some text that looked like Beastial.

Shael upon looking at the scene, looked like she was in thought before speaking up, “Does anyone here understand beastial?” While Shael couldn't speak or read a lick of it, she did know what it looked like and sounded like with her extensive time in Ryken.

She carefully surveyed the cavern space for traps, noticing in the distance on the farthest wall from the group that there were a few more cave tunnel paths which jutted off one of them going to the left with wooden supports and more lighting. The two others had different sized entrances, large enough that the group could go through, but the one in the middle had no supports and was dark, and the one to the left had no supports and was also dark.

Shael also focused in for a moment was that running water?. Indeed it was, toward the left of the cavern space the faint sound of running water could be heard, like a river perhaps? It was possible there was an underwater system which moved through part of the cave..
Adelhein El-Melloi von Breyer // Saber Alter

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Saber's subtle smirk was met with a small smile from Adelhein. At that point, it was almost as if they were a reflection of one another. A connection first formed by a summoning, then a bond forged in the crucible of a distant war. And, now, a corruption which pulsated within them both, creating the perfect warped symbiosis. The teen didn't look repulsed when he saw Annellanus cutting away one of the creature's legs. If that was what it took to keep him marching, so be it. He would rather have a sharpened tool with the group than a dull one.

"Don't worry, Jareed. Leave it to us and we will take care of it." Gazing towards the nobleman, he offered a courteous smile, as his crimson eyes focused towards the man's. The human looked like he didn't possess neither magic nor brawn, which made Adelhein look down on him internally. He held the exact same views about the mundane humans, who lacked magic, from his home world. He thought of them as beneath any magi and, specially, beneath him. The warrior and the archer, which to him also lacked magic, made up in other manners, making them pretty acceptable. But it was a good thing that Jareed was combat-incompetent, it made it less likely for a possible betrayal.

As he travelled down the narrow path, with his protector at his side, the teen's eyes kept looking forward, noticing the torches that they passed by. He kept his mind sharp, steeled, ready to act at a moment's notice. Eventually, as he entered the chamber at the end of the narrow paths, his attention was immediately caught by the crystal formations. With purposeful steps, he walked over to one of them, his gloved hand running with a feather-like touch against the sharp contours of one of them.
"This brings me memories of Tokiomi Tohsaka. Do you remember that arrogant fool?" Adelhein asked Saber, remembering about the magus, who had expertise in using gems for a multitude of purposes. "All his ingenuity and power couldn't save him from a knife in his back." He mused about the magus demise. Someone who had rigged the War in every way possible, still had his plans shattered, all thanks to a very ambitious apprentice.

Pulling back from his past, he would walk over to where Shael was, glimpsing upon the notebook and then at the wall.
"I am afraid I don't know any of it." He shook his head slightly, not even knowing what Bestial was, but gathering it was a language. Next, he would make his way towards the campsite, with the bedrolls and shelves. Noticing the chests at the bottom shelves, the teen tiled his head to the side curiously. "Saber, would you mind taking one of those chests out of the shelf for me? And, if it looks safe enough, bust the lock open." He requested the Servant, wondering if they would find anything useful on or in the chest after forcing it open.

The sword in Annellanus' hand did very little to capture Demeter's interest.

The symbol on its sheath was an entirely different story. As soon as Demeter saw that, the fear that they might've been chasing after someone completely uninvolved with their quest faded away, and she got a bit more pep in his step. As suspicious as he was, the dryad had a feeling that most people would've fled at the sight of a roving six-man band; two of whom were wearing full plate armor with greatswords. The company branding was a great find.

It would more than justified whatever ass-whooping may or may not have come later.

The party continued forward until they found themselves at a veritable fork in the path. A wide open room devoid of Mr. Lizard with three branching paths at the far end of the room; two of which that were dark. Her first thought was to try and pry a torch from the wall to remedy the vision problem. But, truthfully, that wasn't even the biggest issue. Actually tracking down the suspicious reptile was.

Shael already seemed to be looking into it as is.

"Hey, Shael? Can you do me a favor while we rummage through this stuff?" she said, walking over to the archer, "Can you check those tunnel entrances for footprints? You see better than the rest of us. And Mr. Lizard wasn't flying, so he had to have left some trail behind, right? Especially if he was in a rush."

At the very least, she preferred that approach to splitting the group up or time consuming trial-and-error. She had a feeling that time very much wasn't on their side here.

"I'm gonna go help Saber in the meantime."

Or, at least, that was the original plan. But, as soon as she drew near to the bookshelf, she found herself drawn to the notebook. She picked it up, popped it open, and started skimming through it. If it was in common, she'd read it. If it wasn't, she'd still flip through it in search of any drawings or diagrams that might've qued her in on what was going on here.

Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

Icon on the sword? Hm. Don’t care. New sword.

It wasn’t a shield like he wanted but he was usually on Santa's naughty list, this will do. Swinging it around a few times to test its balance then putting it away in his toolbelt. Ryken swords were of usual quality, wondering what swords in the west empire were like to be held. Then wondered what Sabers sword felt like, it didn’t look too balanced and its handle was probably powdered with the bones of grounded peasant children, too fancy for him. Plus he stayed far away from magic unless absolutely necessary, wasn’t his thing. Believed it to be for the weak, to compensate for what they lacked in willpower to achieve normally.

“Are you looking for more mimics to eat? Miss Shael said to cook them thoroughly.” He says walking by his party members scavenging chests. Mocking the situation they were in. Should they really be touching anything now? God’s have mercy on us. The hunting group he grew up in used to carry deciphers when they took back territory. Helped a lot with bestial books like these. He could maybe understand a concept or two but it wasn’t enough to comprehend anything. “Few words, nothing to string together. Can’t help” Giving up quickly.

As long as Jareed stayed in the protection of the others, Annellanus would accompany Shael as a guardian. He wouldn’t admit to doing anything of the sort, if called out he’d say it was warrior’s instinct or that he was going to stab her in the back, jokingly. “Water.” The smell was fresh. Noticing Shael’s reaction realized it too. He debated that he’d yell at the green bean and ask her if she understood where the water was going, she was plant so maybe there was a chance but he held back that thought. It was very prominent to Annellanus that they were wasting time, they should’ve been clearing the cave in every waking moment. We’re they not giving the lizardman a chase? Has it been abandoned?
Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Jareed Tahir
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Jareed looked a bit more relieved when Adelhein said they’d take care of it.
“Thank you for your reassurance Lord El-Melloi.” Jareed at the moment seemed more keen to appease those who would be able to protect him at the moment while he oversaw the quest rather than looking like betrayal was on the mind. Though then there was the question of Jareed’s walking stick that had the tip lit up earlier, on whether or not it was a magic item or something else.

Saber Alter
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Saber looked at Jareed when Adelhein spoke to him as cool as ever in that moment. Her gaze wasn’t particularly friendly to say the least, rather it was stern instead.

Nevertheless she had followed diligently, Saber looked out at the scene before them with great skepticism, her body language was guarded, looking quite ready for combat yet again should anything decide to come through any of the tunnels or make itself known.

However she did look to Adelhein when he mentioned Tokiomi Tohsaka, her face looking a bit more confident again. “How could I forget? His demise provides a valuable lesson. Even the careless can gain great power. You should always be vigilant. Be ready for even the most unthinkable scenarios.” In this case it was being ready encase your apprentice decided they wanted to take you out for self gain.

Saber was diligent in responding to Adelhein’s request. “Of course master.” She put her sword to her side so she could pull out one of the chests, She then examined it with greater skepticism before breaking open the lock on the chest.

Inside the chest appeared to be a strange mix of goods, supplies needed to make tripwire as well as a coin bag which had a good number of Rykes in it. In addition there was what looked like a curvy bladed dagger with a finely crafted wooden handle, and a primitively made looking wand style catalyst which had been forged out of part of a branch of a tree which commonly grew in Ryke and what appeared to be a small reddish gem inlay which occasionally sparked with magical energy.

What might have been a bit more intriguing was that there was a set of silver keys within the chest on a key ring, as well as a pair of strange looking spectacles which may have been made of copper with some small intricate dragon-like design drawings on the rims of them.

Shael Xyvern
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Shael nodded when Adelhein confirmed he didn’t know it, she didn’t either even though at this point she felt she probably should. It seemed dubious that any of the others knew it with their responses which was unfortunate, there might have been valuable knowledge there.

She turned to Demeter and gave a nod. Also acknowledging Annellanus’s acknowledgement of there being water. That was fairly impressive for a human. She could tell with his other remark, as much as she almost wanted to roll her eyes at it, that he probably was more of a do and investigate later type, which could be helpful if they got into an action packed fight.

“Personally I think we’re gathering evidence which is directly tied into the objective of our quest.” She stated a matter of fact.

“That I can certainly do.” It was a good idea as far as she was concerned. She drew her bow once more and made her way toward the tunnel entrances to give a look within, starting with the dark ones first. First she checked the one in the middle, there didn’t appear to be really anything out of the ordinary there, a stone path which continued, the occasional stalagmite and crystal, Shael thought she saw a rodent run by below, but she wasn’t particularly phased by it, it being a natural occurrence which she had seen many times. From what she could see that central middle path just continued as a narrow passage deeper into the cave.
However while she had been checking it out, however as she had been looking at the entrance, she noticed Annellanus had followed her.

“I'm not convinced this one is going to lead anywhere useful.” giving her value judgment, looking to him, “ I say we check out the other unlit one.”

She couldn’t help but wonder why the East Empire soldier of all would particularly care enough about her to follow, but if he wanted to be useful by providing additional support she wasn’t going to complain.

She came back and looked to the tunnel that went to the right and while it had some similarities to the middle one, she did make out what she thought were some wet dirty marks left behind possibly from the lizardy looking individual from earlier.

“I see some marks that might just be our little friend from earlier..” She spoke softly, presuming that Annellanus continued to follow her.

“I say we go a bit farther.”

Even further down the path was a bit more intriguing, Shael moved further into the path just so that she could see around the severe curve to the right that made it, the walls seemed to have some more symbols on them was it more beastial? There were also some more dragonic looking symbols sort of like cave art…but then beyond that there was a sizable metallic door in the distance with a feint orangey glow beneath it from what Shael could make out.

With her Darkvision and Survival skills Shael also made out what appeared to be a trip wire in the darkness, that would be pretty important to note.

“Be careful there’s a trip wire ahead.” She informed Annellanus.

She made her way over and crouched down, disarming the fairly basic wire in the otherwise rather dark space probably with some Survival F.

While that had been the most interesting path by far, she decided she should probably check the lit one too, which while more developed with the supports, it looked like it just lead into a mineshaft like area where people had been harvesting materials, there being some minecarts here and there, pickaxes, and bags of minerals and materials strewn about.

There wasn’t anything else more to denote of interest on that path.

She walked her way back to the group and took a bit of time with how much farther she went down.

“I think we found the way we should go, to the far right, there are more symbols on the wall, possibly beastial and some odd artwork, in addition going farther down the path revealed there was a large metal door with some faint light coming from under it.”

She gave the status report matter of fact. “Thanks for coming with me.” she also added looking to Annellanus with a small smile.

As Demeter looked through the notebook, it was apparent the dates in common at the top went back quite a bit of time earlier in the ‘year’ and toward the end of last ‘year’. Much of the text she saw was in beastial which wouldn’t be of much use, but there were some diagrams which had roughly been sketched out, it looked like was describing positioning of people on the sides of a pathway, and the suggestion of some sort of convoy coming through. Natural points of cover were detailed on the diagram, with suggested spots for people taking cover. The number of what could assumed to be people markers went up as high as 40 on a page.

While this had been going on Jareed Tahir pulled out what appeared to be a decipher book. “Aha, I’ve come prepared, with travel and business comes the need to know how to understand all sorts of languages after all..” He began to flip through a section of text which would hopefully help translate some of the beastial to common, it was a slow process but he was working on the large text on the wall which looked rather fresh.

“Get..Ready..The…Great..Ones..Will..come..Today..” He managed to get out.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Upon hearing Annellanus comment about mimics, Adelhein scoffed at it. "Don't worry, if they happen to be mimics, you can keep all the meat." He answered, his tone dripping with sarcasm. Approaching the chest, which Saber had broken its lock, the teen magus started to analyze their contents, crouching to rummage through them. The pouch with Rykes quickly found itself being grabbed by his gloved hands and being placed into one of the internal pockets of his coat. Upon seeing the material for a tripwire, he warned in a loud voice, hoping it would reach all the present. "There can be tripwires lying around." His attention was still on the chest. With his left hand, he took the curvy bladed dagger by its handle, while the right hand would find itself holding the rudimentary wand. He pocketed those in the side pockets of his coat, planning to present them to the group.

Next, he would grab the gem, looking through it against a light source. "Hah, this looks just like one that the Tohsaka cur would make." He said, with a snort. "I wonder if his daughter will manage to continue the family tradition... well, not that it matters, anyway." He mused, shrugging his shoulders, with no way of knowing how much time had passed in his original world. Storing the gem in the same pocket as the wand, his crimson eyes would focus on the silver keys and curious copper glasses. While he didn't know their uses for the moment, Adelhein supposed that they could be useful at some point, noticing the dragon-like drawings on the spectacles. Satisfied with the contents obtained from the chest, he stood up, looking around the chamber and noticing that Shael, along with Annellanus, had returned from somewhere.

Approaching the odd pair, he heard Shael report, glad that the three options they had previously had been reduced to only a single one. "I have found a few items which might be useful." He stated, beginning to present some of his findings. First, he produced the red gem. "I am slightly familiar with this type of gem. It could very well be imbued with enough magical energy to cause an explosion upon impact. Usually, it doesn't really require the user to have any magical capabilities, just a good throwing arm." Looking at Saber for a moment, he gathered that whatever power the gem could have would be below her skills. Shifting his attention to the Eastern warrior, a smirk would tug at the corner of his lips. "I guess throwing things would be right up your alley, right, Annellanus? Just don't throw it at your feet or anyone else, only the criminals." The teen said, offering the gem to the warrior. Should he refused, the offer would then go to Shael and, if negative once more, into his own pocket again.

Next, he would produce both the set of silver keys and the glasses. "The keys, well, I think they aren't for any other of the chests. Hiding a chest key inside a chest would be... odd. And the glasses have some dragon-like drawings on them. I am unsure if they are of magical nature or mundane." He gave his own report, leaving out the curved dagger and the primitive catalyst which seemed to have little use, than their practical ones. And the coins would be self-explanatory, finders keepers, after all.

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Set of Silver Keys
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings
- Coin pouch

"I found a journal!"

A jackpot on all fronts, in fact. Shael and Annellanus had found a path with tracks, a trap and a door that the dryad was almost certain would lead them to Mr. Lizard. Adelhein found a chest full odd but potentially useful materials. And Demeter, herself, found an extraordinarily suspicious book. Could she read a lick of it? No. But the diagrams seemed to very clearly map out positioning for an ambush to take over a merchant caravan.

"Well, I think i know what happened to the missing merchant caravans. And when they were attacked. Mr. Lizard seems to have had a lot of help."

Demeter slowly made her way over to Jareed and handed him the book; keeping the supposed journal open to the first page where she'd seen a date and diagram. He'd been the group's defacto record keeper throughout their adventure and the only one who could interpret a bit of bestial. Best to go ahead and add one more book to his collection.

"Here, Jareed. It looks like the caravans were ambushed by a group that had planned it out well in advance. Can you tell if the dates match the reported disappearances?"

She would turn to the others as the party regrouped. Annellanus and Shael had confirmed the path forward and everyone else's findings painted a rather clear picture. But there was one detail that kept ringing in the back of Demeter's mind.

"Guys? That book I found seems to be detailing the plans for multiple caravan raids that a group of... probably beastmen have carrying out. I don't think that that's very surprising. But I noticed that the plans were written out for a team that sometimes had about... 40 men in it," a brief pause to let the others process that, "I think that were should prepare for the possibility that all of them are waiting for us just behind that door. Because they already know that we're here, right?"

At the very least, that seemed to be the general consensus throughout the group. And Demeter had no reason to disagree. And yet, despite her words, she didn't sound discouraged as she spoke.

"I think it would be a good idea to line up like we did before we got into the cave. But with Saber and Annellanus up front... since they're wearing plate armor. Me, Adelhein and Shael in the middle where we can best cover the two up front and use our range. And Jareed in the back since... he's not much of a fighter."

Her eyes shifted back and forth between her party members once more as she tried to gauge their reactions to her words.

"I just have a feeling that Mr. Lizard isn't alone down here."

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob
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TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

Shael was as nimble as the rats skeeting around the dungeon floor. It wasn’t hard to imagine her kind crawling around on all floors, similar to beasts and vermin. It was an agility that he did not have, so he did nothing but closely admire. Following her path was easy enough until it got too dark for him to match her rat-like pace.

The further they went the more barbaric writings were painted. Leading him towards solid metal, a door which he wanted to barge through but had to fight through that instinct. Lord El-Melloi had used his little lungs warning them of traps but Annellanus doubted Shael needed any advice. She was already applying her skills. “Good job.” He didn’t return the smile as she disarmed a trap and made her discoveries, only warm acknowledgment. Something he had to get used to if he were to accompany the Rat Fae.

If there were any lizard men behind the door they would know of their presence. Annellanus was betting that their tongues were slithering rapidly as their lizard tongues tasted the air beyond the door. He’d give them the taste of gurgling blood as he fucks their throats with his fist. Then cook their massacred corpses in a spit roast. It was probably nothing worse than they did to innocent caravans. Wondering how much their teeth and scales would trade for, he’ll ask Jareed when the time is ready. Was that a war crime? Don’t care.

“You are useful, Miss Shael.” Giving Shael a confident thumbs up, training himself to accept her existence as a positive thing. Walking back to the party was easy enough as he retraced his steps.

Jareed brought out one of his books and started deciphering the text. Annellanus had no way to help out his party at the moment but stand by and watch. The boy and his slave found an explosive and a pair of keys. The boy mentioned Annellanus’s skill for throwing “I only have Precision [D] from catching rocks nobles threw at me as a street urchin, I’d leave the task to our ranger, Miss Shael.” The trick was to catch the big rocks and pretend to be hurt by them. “But thank you.” Rejecting his offer.

Looking at the green bean present her case, he was glad that she could translate the drawings despite her being quite young and unstained by war. What caught him off guard was her calling him by his actual name. “I prefer Gilgramfraud.” A soft joke. Gilgramfried was the surname of his Ryken father. He didn’t like the warrior’s name ‘Annellanus’ his East Empire mother gave him before he was orphaned.

"You are pretty great Jareed, it speaks of you?" Gilgramfried praises the noble merchant as he translated.

Agreeing with the green beans basic formation “Miss Saber, We have no shield wall. I will bleed and die for them, will you?” He needed to check her fortitude, will she only die for her master or others as well? He began walking towards the door whenever they were ready.
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Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley
Jareed Tahir
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Jareed nodded when Adelhein mentioned the tripwires. “Thanks for the heads up.” He said in sounding somewhat in thought while he had been translating. Thankfully if anyone had noticed Adelhein take the pouch it looked like nobody was particularly bothered by it.

When Demeter presented her journal findings to him he looked over it curiously with a perceptive eye. He looked at the dates and he looked a bit surprised. “Uh why yes actually several of these dates are verbatim near when these disappearances were reported.”

“And..I see what you mean.”
He’d practically gulp a bit when looking at the diagrams.

After some time passed and the pair had returned, he looked even more concerned when Demeter mentioned the possibility of all 40 of them being behind the door.

Saber Alter
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Saber oversaw this process and watched guard largely, her expression changing some when he mentioned their past world once again. “Perhaps you’ll find out one day master.” Alluding to the fact perhaps they could find a way to make it so, if there was anyone who was capable of making it happen it was Adelhein in her mind, of course should he have any desire to. She knew full well what was he capable of when he put his mind too it and this would be no exception.

She also looked at the gem, her face relatively unchanging from her serious on task look at the moment. An improvised throwing gem which could deal some serious damage sounded like it could prove to be useful in the right hands.

Shael Xyvern
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Shael had been a bit surprised when she had been praised, but she continued to give a soft smile and a nod. “As you are like when you finished off that Mimic.” She figured she’d leave it at that.

Shael was pleased to hear that it sounded like those who were there had taken the report well. She listened to what he had to say regarding the contents of the chest. The gem was a curiosity to her so when the East Empire combatant declined in taking it and it was offered to her, she’d accept it.

“Very well, thank you, Lord El-Melloi.” She then turned to Annellanus “And thank you for trusting me with it, I'll do my best to put it to good use.”

Shael looked over the silver keys and glasses, “The one of those keys may fit that large door.” Shael was tempted to make her way over and get within 5 ft range to use appraisal on them. However it wasn’t long after Adelhein had mentioned he wasn’t sure if the spectacles were magical or mundane that Jareed made his way over and his eyes lit up an orangey hue briefly, it was pretty clear he was using some sort of appraisal ability.

“They’re definitely magical..what's weird is I’m having a hard time deciphering what they do exactly. Someone might have put a pretty high grade ward on them or something cause I’m letting you know My appraisal is really good, good news is I’m not picking up on curses or anything on them.”

“I can only assume a group of bandit beasts would have something like this is because they stole them.”
He said in thought. Despite Jareed not being the most combat capable, at least his merchant background yielded some use.

Jareed chuckled a bit when Anellanus said that, “Hah, you think so? I just hope that I’m able to live up to my father’s name in all honesty. My father, and his father’s father before him have been apart of this business and led it to success I really don’t want it all to end on me it’d be a total disaster..Financial ruin is a complete buzzkill for the ladies too!”

If Jareed couldn’t appraise them fully then Shael was sure she wouldn’t be able to get anything more than he did out of them.

“I think there’s a good chance that you’re correct Demeter.” Shael reiterated.

“I also believe that your strategy is not unreasonable given the potential enemies we’ll be encountering I’m all for a formation, personally.” This was a logical move particularly if they were going to have to deal with a horde of lizardmen criminals.

Saber looked back at Annellanus, “I have no plans on letting my blood spill.” She replied cooly.

“With that said, I am willing to accept the that the more of us who come out alive increases the chances of us all making it out of here, “ It at least sounded like if protecting the others increased the chance of Adelhein Surviving, Saber would do that much.

There would be a period of time for everyone to gather anything that they had discovered so far. Jareed had put the book into his carrying bag. He had also taken the keys and passed them off Annellanus, if he refused them then he would offer them to Saber who would accept.
Shael kept the Gem on her person. After that point passed and everyone was ready they would head into the dark hallway.

Since it was likely that the enemy already knew they were coming, Jareed lit up the top of his stick to give some light to the group so it wouldn’t only be Shael who could see into the dark cavernous space. When they reached the sizable door it would become apparent that the key would fit the lock.

“As soon as we open that door be ready for anything."
Shael spoke quietly, keeping her bow drawn at this point toward the door. When everyone was ready Saber would give a look and gesture to the door to Annellanus like she was going to give it a kick after unlocking it like she was offering him to join in, regardless if he did or not she’d kick it and the door would open violently, swinging open.

What was behind the door was probably not what the group had been anticipating. The chamber like room was fairly sizable, with more natural cave formations occurring from some crystals and stalagmites, but down the center of the cavern was what appeared to be a red and gold pathway made from fabric, like a processional way. Someone had taken time to create an altar carved into the very cave wall, there was what sort of looked like a large humanoid monster skull affixed to the altar, and a large swath of precious goods from spices, gold, silver, jewelry, rykes, weapons, potions, armor, tapestries,textiles, clothing, magic items hoarded and spread out at the foot of the altar. What might have been a bit more disturbing was that there were other bones at the altar as well which looked like they were from different things. The room was illuminated by torches and it was being vented in such a way which was not obvious to a surface level look. Beyond the throne on either side of the far wall were two openings to paths, one which was lit and another which was not.

There were also some ornate banners raised on either side of the walls of the cavern with more beasital text.

Beyond that however there did not appear to be an army, instead there was an individual who stood facing the altar, before he would turn to face those who had entered.


“So I can see that my friend caught your attention!” He’d call out to them in common with a confident pose. The man in his prime seemed like he was likely a beast himself, his attire was reminiscent of the West Empire, and it was on the more ornate side suggesting perhaps he was on the wealthier side of things.

He looked at them with his orangey eyes, a tail which looked somewhat dragonic in nature shifting back and forth, sizable wings shifting back. His musculature very well developed and shown off with how little he covered up top.

“I knew it would only be time before our little operation here caught some attention! But it’s just one small step on the path to my destiny.” He monologued a bit more.

While he Spoke and kept his distance from them, Shael couldn’t help but feel on edge, she doubted this encounter was good.

Saber looked onward with a serious gaze of conviction, her blade at the ready at the front.

The figure looked like he was in thought for a moment before speaking up again,

“Since I’m a Dranth, and not just some common brute, I’ll give you two options, Join me and you can stay and see true greatness unfold for the day is nearly here, and if you’re fortunate enough you’ll be spared, or… well the truthfully the second option is much more fun for me, I’ll take you all on myself either one at a time or all at once, it makes no difference to me. I’m sure you’ll make fine offerings if you managed to defeat the mimic.” He said the latter part with a smirk.

“And of course It’s only courtesy that I let you know now, I’ll tell them to kill the hostages if you try any funny business, so what’ll it be?” The figure spoke all of this casually and as cool as a cucumber, like he was commenting about the weather.

While this was going on Jareed practically looked like he’d seen a ghost with how pale he got.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Adelhein didn't particularly think about trying to pick up and recreate the Gem Magecraft specialty, but, as with anything, it could have its uses. The teen expression was unchanged when Annellanus refused the red gem and instead was passed to Shael, apparently accepting the rationale which the Eastern warrior had given. Maybe with Shael's abilities, the mineral had a better chance of hitting its mark. His attention, however, was piqued when Jareed appraised the spectacles. It gave the young magus an important piece of information: that they weren't cursed. It looked that this man had its uses, despite not being combat capable. "Excellent eyes, Jareed. I suppose I should find out what it does." Saying that, the young teen would spare a moment to look through the glasses' lens against a source of light and, if he found nothing weird with it, he would put them on.

Hearing Demeter's words about the possibility of 40 hostiles being waiting for in the path ahead, one of his eyebrows were raised. The numbers themselves didn't worry him too greatly, since a lot of trash would still be, well, trash. If they were of high-quality, however, then the group could be in quite a bit of trouble. Although prideful and quite arrogant, the magus wouldn't let himself be blinded to potential dangers. "Forty or more, if they aren't up to standard, it matters not. Still, nice find, it will allow us to organize ourselves just as you suggested." Adelhein commented, looking at Demeter and considering her suggestion sound.

When the group was in front of the door, the young magus prepared himself, mana brimming around him as he prepared for a spell. However, what they would find behind the door would defy his expectations. His crimson eyes darted around the place, scanning the points of interest in the place. They narrowed, seeing the drapery which led towards the altar, getting an almost regal feeling out of it. The feeling only intensified seeing the offerings that laid upon the altar and the male creature which addressed the group.

Adelhein had no idea what species this creature was a part of, but then again, how could he? While his world had its share of supernatural creatures, humans were the commonplace ones. His crimson gaze kept locked against the muscular male, whispering in a low tone as he continued his monologue.
"I will need him to be brought closer to us to be able to attack him." With that, the teen magus already revealed what he wished to do against male in front of them. However, deep down, Adelhein had other plans. The creature looked proud and arrogant just as he was. What would be better than humiliating it thoroughly? With that, he went ahead and tried to push the draconian-like creature's buttons.

"Well, well, well, looks like we have someone who thinks he might very well be the King of Uruk himself!" Adelhein's voice was loud, dripping with condescension and sarcasm, the corner of his lips curling upwards in a jeer. Probably the teen's reaction to the scene in front of the group was unexpected, totally the opposite of what Jareed was showing. To push his next point further, the young magus began channeling his mana, activating his magecraft and murmuring "Metallum." Using his Elemental Affinity [Metal] F, he conjured a metallic throne right behind him. The object was rather plain, but complete with armrests. Taking a seat on it, he crossed a leg over the other. With his left arm resting on top of one of the armrests and his forearm bent, to support his head, which tilted to the side slightly. With his crimson eyes gazing appraisingly towards Dranth, he continued.

"Joining you? As if an El-Melloi would ever bend their knee to their inferiors." He scoffed as he spoke, giving the idea that it was nothing short of absurd. "How about a third option? You bend your own knee to me and swear your fealty, like an obedient cur, and I might pull some strings so you can be allowed to live, if only you prove to be marginally useful to my own designs. I've heard some realms in this world have slavery, yes? Maybe a leash around your neck might do you some good." Despite his young age, there was a sinister edge to the magus' tone this time around, a manic grin opening from ear-to-ear accompanying it. At that point, it was difficult to discern what was part of the 'play' and Adelhein's heart of hearts. "So, what do you say, Dranth? Will you kiss my ring?" The teen asked, moving the index finger of his right hand slightly, to give emphasis to his signet ring. Behind his ruby eyes, anticipation brewed, as he waited if the muscular man would have any reaction to his words.

1 - Metallum - Magic F, Elemental Affinity [Metal] F, Energized F - Grade F Cooldown -1 - A magecraft used to summon a metallic object at 5ft of Adelhein for a single turn.

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Set of Silver Keys
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings (Possibly wearing them)
- Coin pouch
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TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Maxxob Maxxob Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

As any room breach, it’s done forcefully with speed and brutality. As a pointman he’d clear left after Saber kicked the door open. Hoping Saber had enough common sense to clear right. Her answer about keeping all of us alive was as thoughtless as Jareed’s rambling about his father. She had no plans on letting her blood spill, meaning she didn’t have the mental capacity to be an actual warrior. Confirming that she was nothing but a slave. He couldn’t trust her, taking the lead forward.

The room was clear, he was trained to expect anything so a single man was no bother. “Pft.”

What laid upon them was a joke.
A weirdo that spent time decorating a dirt dungeon. Giant meaningless skulls and cloths reign a shit stained altar. He understood that there were many gods in this world but the weakest ones needed theatrical illusions such as this. It was a pathetic cult with even weirder looking cultist.

The man that stood had a muscular stature, nothing of it would scare Gilgramfried however he wasn’t too fond of his face. It was a disgusting pretty boy face that young girls would go crazy over. “He looks like an expensive man-whore.” He gripped his sword handle thinking of ways to insert it up the west empire man's asshole. “Do we have to pay upfront?” Playing into the young lord’s teasing, even looking around his belt for a non existent coin pouch. “Miss Demeter, Is he to your liking? Do you think we can afford him?” Glancing at Jareed for a bit acting out the joke. Gilgramfried assumed the green bean was young enough to be in her phase of youthful heat, and could indulge before they kill him.

The pretty man rambled on, Gilgramfried would only pick apart certain things and leave out irrelevant information. The mention of hurting others was taken lightly. There was no proof of hostages, it’s a bluff. Even if there was, there was nothing he could do. Nor would he care that much. Plus it wasn’t his call to care.

Gilgramfried enjoyed this style of provoking, the young lord was trying to beat the flamboyantness of the west empire man by showing his own. The self righteous throne and resting his weak neck was a nice touch. Telling him to kiss the ring was good, however Gilgramfried would amplify. “Fourth option.”

Raising his sword, he commanded.
“Suck his cock.”

The door burst open and all the vision in the back of Demeter's mind of a horde lying in wait to tear them all apart dissipated and were replaced by a single face.

A Dranth, which the young fae assumed was some kind of half-man half-dragon creature. Even when faced with a group of seven, he spoke with utmost confidence. He spoke of hostages and hinted at more ne'er-do-wells lying deeper within this cave system. His every word seemed to complicate the situation. And, when faced with his offer, Demeter fell into deep thought. It was as though she were faced with a puzzle; the likes of which could cost who knows how many lives if they failed to come up with a proper solution. But her introspection was astoundingly brief. Because, before she reach any kind of satisfactory solution...

...Adelhein spoke up and made his defiant choice.

Gilgamfraud joined in just a moment later in full support of Adelhein's declaration without a moment's hesitation.

Demeter stood astounded. Not in the decision made, but the speed with which is had been decided by both. She barely even processed the fact that Gilgamfried asked her a question. The sheer confidence with which they spoke every word. And after a few fleeting moments of fruitlessly trying to contemplate their current situation, the dryad simply began to laugh. And laugh. And laugh a bit more. Who knows why? Maybe she found their incredibly actions foolish. Maybe their vulgar choice of words tickled her the right way. Maybe Mr. Scales over there began to look a little silly to her. Regardless, one thing was certain.

Her two companions had made this exchange extraordinarily simple for her.

There was no longer any need to worry about the hostages or negotiations. No point in wasting thought on what could have or would have been. The Dranth standing before them was the enemy. He was directly involved in the various crimes that lead them all here today. The men and fae at her side were her brothers in hostile territory. And should they raise arms against one another, then Demeter would bring the full might of her magic against the enemy. That's all there was to it.

"Well, I guess that's your answer, Mr. Scaly."

Demeter curled her fists in anticipation. She did her best to feed on the energy of her companions and match their bravado, even if she carried far less confidence than either of them. After all, if this is how things were going down, then it was best to focus on the task ahead and nothing beyond it.

"If we're doing this, then let's get on with it already."

Fuck it. What else was there left to say?

Wheatley Wheatley Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1.png
Jareed looked pleased upon being praised, flashing Adelhein a wide smile. “Thanks.”

Adelhein wouldn’t find anything out of the ordinary when he inspected it near one of the torches and after he put on the glasses the beastial text along the wall would be translated into common should he desire to look at anything in particular.

The wall text further detailed that the coming of the great winged one was planned to be that night and that those who were going to foresee the ritual were to meet with their offerings ready in the great hall.

With the text being so out in the open it seemed very likely that whoever was responsible had claimed a good portion of the cave for themselves, very likely forcibly.

Shael Xyvern
Screenshot 2023-02-20 at 11.10.46 PM.png
Shael would have looked to Adelhein curiously as he put the spectacles on, just genuinely curious what they did.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1.png

Saber also looked at Adelhein with focus when he put them on, as if to make sure he was alright, while still keeping herself on alert.

Shael was inclined to agree, giving a nod, Adelhein was correct it was useful information, she would have given Demeter a smile.

By the time they had breached Shael heard out this dragonic looking man, and it was all bad news. What if there were hostages from the caravans which had been looted genuinely? If that was true they should od everything they could to save them..but it became pretty clear they’d need to at least incapacitate this individual...bringing him into the guild might be more valuable than outright killing, but if it came down to it Shael knew very well they may have no choice.
She overheard Adelhein and nodded quietly, while keeping her bow affixed on the individual.

Given what Adelhein just said she would put two and two together and figure he was trying to goad this overly confident beastman into getting into a range where he could be hit by his magic.

Saber Alter smirked coldly in the direction of the beastman “What an arrogant animal we have here master. The pet thinking he deserves a spot at the table with the rest of us..it’s laughable. Perhaps we can keep him.”

While it might have been a bit hard to tell if Saber was just being Saber or not it was apparent that she was playing along in some capacity too. She stood at Adelhein’s ‘throne’ at the ready with her impressive blade out.

Thankfully for the East Empire man Saber did have enough common sense to clear right, showing some combat understanding even if her comment had made it abundantly clear she thought herself too skilled that the spilling of her blood would be necessary.

Gilgramfried only piled onto the insult jabbing at the draconian man’s masculinity which was probably a sure way to make him displeased to say the least from what Shael could tell with how this guy was posturing as some big tough guy.

Even while Demeter got into a laughing fit, Shael seemed to keep an overly serious gaze, a look of conviction on her face.

“..What they said.” She added.

??? Dranth
Dranth upon hearing all of those words slewn his way..his fist began to tighten over time as his composure shifted. To anyone who was observant it was pretty obvious his thin wasn't the thickest as he heard insult after insult.

He still sounded fairly casual at least at first. “Aha! I didn’t know I would be slaughtering delusional children here today! With blood as pure as mine, how could anyone claim to be superior? Never mind those of you who are so low in the caste…” He’d speak like he was looking down on them, specifically looking over at Adelhein, Jareed and the Eastern Empire Warrior.

“The fae only marginally better..”

“Either Way I'm certain the great winged one won’t mind too much if I’m ridding the world of unteachable ignorant people like yourselves..who can't recognize greatness when it blesses you by looking you in the eyes... so out of civic obligation, the benevolence of my heart…for all beastkin.. I’ll teach you all..”

He’d sound less jovial toward the end as he shifted his stance to a more aggressive martial looking one.

“HOW YOU ADDRESS YOUR NEW GOD!” He’d exclaimed, sounding completely enraged at that his voice was very loud, a semi beastial snarl coming from it. The man’s entire body began to light up into a very fiery orangey red aura of flames which spread out at least five ft around him. His wings spread out and became more pronounced and also looked fiery.

Dranth then began to arch his head back and a great deal of fiery energy began to gather at his opened mouth, before Shael’s eyes widened.

“WATCH OUT!” She’d exclaim, which she had done for good measure as a very sizable purplish, reddish, orangey fireball came flying at the center of the group at a fairly quick pace, illuminating the whole space with a hellish glow.

Jareed looked completely pale like he was petrified at first before his face shifted to a more serious one and the top of his walking stick staff began to glow a whitish hue once more.
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

"Indeed we might, Saber... let see how useful this beast can be." The teen commented to his Servant, the vicious smirk being kept on his lips as the crimson eyes kept trained on Dranth. Adelhein couldn't help but feel amused as the Eastern warrior simply pilled up the insults against Dranth, further humiliating the dragon-like humanoid in front of the group. Even more so when the man suggested the ludicrous alternative to kissing the young magus' family signet ring. "Hah! That would be quite the proper show of fealty, for an animal like him!" He mused, looking at the armored man for with his crimson gaze, before it went back to the dragon-humanoid. And, upon hearing Demeter's laughter, Adelhein got up from the metallic throne, the object began dissolving and losing form behind him, the liquid pooling to the ground. The nature manipulator had shown her resolve to stand against the self-proclaimed god, Shael joining as well a moment latter. The situation was clear-cut: joining Dranth was out of the question, trampling him being the only way this could be solved.

The human magus watched as the beastman behavior began to shift, taking in the small cues that he was showing. It was clear that those insults had some effect on him, but the extent, for now, Adelhein couldn't gauge. The words that came from Dranth's mouth, even more when he said about 'delusional children', made the teen's eyebrows furrow for a moment. He had plans to have the creature's tongue to be ripped off by Saber, if Dranth wasn't killed right then and there. That ought to make him be never able to speak such ludicrous things to his betters ever again, or spout the delusions of grandeur which he was showing. To dismiss the generous offer which the magus had put forth so thoughtless, this bold animal had to pay the price.

What would happen next, however, wasn't something which Adelhein expected. Dranth appeared to have enough skill to reach the party from where he stood, shifting to a more bestial nature and bringing forth a fire elemental fireball which was launched from his mouth, threatening to swallow the party whole. The young magus knew he had to stand his ground, and he was certainly ready for it. Letting his mana flow freely around his body, he began focusing on his catalyst, bringing his right hand up, with a closed fist, aiming just 10ft in front of him. "¹Magnam Ferro Corpus!" with metallic fluid bursting out of the cavern's floor surface, it began to form a wall in front of the group, extending 15ft to its left and right, to block things coming from the direction of Dranth, but not blocking things coming from the group itself towards him.
Next, he made the decision to turn his hand towards Saber and concentrating, he uttered next.
Ferrea Virgo!" Conjuring yet more of the metallic substance, he coated his Servant with it, planning to forcefully break this stalemate. "Advance against him, Saber, and engage him." Telling the Heroic Spirit that, if everything went his way, he would lock Dranth in melee against the corrupted King Arthur. Following that, he prepared, to see if Dranth's powerful fireball would break the metallic wall, ready to counter-attack the flaming attack with ³Gladio Terrae when and if it got close enough.

1 - Magnam Ferro Corpus - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Allies] F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five members of his party, up to 30ft. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn, further expanding to other allies in a 15ft radius of the original targets (Original) - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein erects a wall made out of metal with a central point up to 30ft of range, for a single turn with 4HP. From the central point, it expands 15ft in opposite directions. Selective being used to allow to pass through it from one direction (party towards Dranth), but blocking from coming in from a different one (Dranth towards party) (Modified)
- Grade E Cooldown 0
2 - Ferrea Virgo - Magic F, Energized F, Barrier F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects a single party member. Liquid metal bursts out of the ground, bathing them for 4HP of extra protection, for a single turn - Grade F Cooldown -1
3 - Gladio Terrae - Magic F, Energized F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to one enemy up to 5ft. A metal tentacle erupts from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them - Grade F Cooldown -1 - Intelligence C (+4) + Catalyst D (+3) + Magic F (+1) = 8 Base Effectiveness

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings (Possibly wearing them)
- Coin pouch

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece

It'd been a while since Ceylan had last visited Ryke, but there had been a few things he wished to wrap up there. As faith would have it, however, he learned that people had gone missing along the very trade route he wished to traverse. Being the [Wandering Saint] he was, he asked for more information at the Adventure's Guild and learned a party had already been send to investigate. That said, he figured he'd best keep his eyes out regardless.

Well, 'eyes' was a big word, as it was mostly his Sixth Sense B [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits/Hidden Treasure] that he was using in an attempt to 'feel' out anything that might be wrong in the area. That was enough to eventually make him notice something being pretty 'off' in the direction of the group. Passing some odd barrel-monster, he realised he was on the 'right' track.

Upon hearing sounds of battle, that feeling was confirmed. That said, upon his arrival, he wasn't sure what was going on, or whom of these were friend or foe. He realised he should've asked for the descriptions of the group already going on the quest, so that he could identify at least a few of them. Without such an option available to him, it seemed like he'd need to use his [Divine Appraisal C] to quickly try gather information.

Divine Appraisal – Magic C, Magic Range D, Magic Targets D, Magic Area of Effect D, Selective C, Appraisal E, Religion C, Empathy C, Insight C, Sixth Sense C [Curses/Blessings/Danger/Spirits], Energised C – Character uses their [god]-given appraisal ability and social skills. – Grade Ce – 2 Post Cooldown.

He did notice a more 'docile' man in the background (Jareed), whom looked enough like a 'merchant' type to perhaps be able to inform him. “You! I came here as I felt something wrong with this place. What's going on?” He'd ask.

Here we go.

Flame began to concentrate into a bomb just before the dragon man's gaping maw. Shael's scream warned them of a danger that they all had likely seen coming long before the fireball set sail within the caverns. Nowhere to run. Nowhere to hide. The only option was take it head on and press forward. The dryad lowered herself to the earth and pressed her hands against the ground. Mercury burst forth from below and formed a barrier to ward away the flames and bear the brunt of the concussive blast. Like before, Demeter would bolster Adelhein's spell with her own and cast [Bark Wall].

Just behind Adelhein's metal wall, a row of thick trees would explode from the ground below; their canopies violently crashing into the roof of the tunnel. The tightly-packed, thick wooden barricade would act as support for Adelhein's mercury shield against concussive forces and defend against any flame that may have gotten through his defense. Should one of her allies try to pass or the resident sniper try to take aim behind the safety of cover, they would find passage through the wall of trees that was deceptively malleable. And, unlike Adelhein's barrier, these redwoods would linger in place within the cavern for quite a while and act as support for her group...

...unless they were immediately blown away by the Dranth.

As for the new arrival on the battlefield?

Well, Demeter was admittedly a bit more concerned with the one currently spitting explosives in their general direction.

Actions (2/3)
1). Cast
[Bark Wall] and anchor it to the space just behind Adelhein's defensive spell.

[Bark Wall]- Magic E, Magic Domain[Nature’s Fury] F, Barrier(1) F, Deflect(1) F, Penetrating F, Accurate F, Vorpal F, Spell Duration F, Magic AOE F, Magic Targets F- Demeter summons a wall of trees from the earth to intercept attacks and block off passageways. She can choose to summon it at a location and leave it there or use it to deflect immediate attack. She can choose up to five allies to not be effected by the barricade and allow them passage through it by molding openings in to the barrier.- 30ft Range.- 15 ft length- 1 hour duration- Grade E- 1 post cooldown.

Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley
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TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

It was sad to even look in his direction.
At least the green bean had a good laugh from it.

The beautiful looking dragon man began to cave. He talked about caste systems and unteachable people, a very common sign that someone was a spoiled brat. Obviously having muscle from genetics rather than hard work. “This new god is awfully bitch-made” Laughing with the green child.

A leather glove tried to wipe away a small joyful tear but was blocked by his faceplate. A small friendly fart came afterwards directed towards the pretty man, he was sure to blame the smell on the new dog presence, he'd bet they would smell the exact same since Gilgramfried's diet was mainly carnivorous. His barbarian ancestors would be proud. If he had enough time to take off his armor, put on a loin cloth and charge the dragon with a wooden club he would but the pretty man was easily provoked as predicted. Fire came fourth as the dranth screed and howled. Gilgramfried was no stranger to fire blasts, but he also didn’t have any strategy against them.

Fear was completely trained out of the warrior’s nervous system, he saw the attack and decided that it was simply too large to evade. The plan was to just take it like a man and see what happens afterwards. Gilgramfried casually looked back at his group, “Get a load of this guy.” pointing backwards with his thumb. The warrior’s brutish Vitality skill [D] gave Gilgramfried confidence to tank many attacks. However this wasn’t one of those that he’d confidently defend against, but he wasn’t given much of a choice. He shadowed over his group, using his own body to become one of their defensive walls. Arms spread wide and knees braced in case the attack penetrated through the metal boys and bark lady’s defenses.

If Gilgramfried was a smelly mutt like their newcomer he would've had a happy wagging tail as he waited for fire, pain and ashes.
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Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Wheatley Wheatley

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1.png

A complimentary smirk fell upon Saber’s face upon getting that response. She knew chances were this arrogant looking dragonoid wasn’t going to show submissiveness to them with this taunting, so she was guarded with her sword drawn out still, fully anticipating an aggressive response.

Adelhein had quick thinking to use his magic to the best of his abilities given the dragon man’s choice of longer ranged magical assault. It became apparent that the Magnam Ferro Corpus was a good and probably much needed choice as the large fire ball collided with the metallic wall. While the hellish energy ball seemed to wane in strength a bit when it hit the wall, it wasn’t too long before it started to forcefully burn through what Adelhein had set up. Then there was the layer behind which Demeter contributed to protecting the group, the bark wall ability holding up against the somewhat weakened fireball better, thankfully after that point the fireball’s effectiveness was further weakened because of the deflective nature of bark wall, and as a result it’s size decreased. The resulting significantly weakened fire ball would have striked Annellanus’s armor which he had used to defend BUT, Adelhein once again further countered it’ advance with his own attack with the metallic tendril lashing out and striking the ball, thankfully by that point it finally fizzled out even after getting awfully close to the group, the two layers being just enough to weaken it enough where his magic could counter it.

??? Dranth

Dranth had only been further enraged by the continued jesting between what the East Empire man had done and the continued dialogue against him. Now seeing that his fireball managed to get stopped by multiple layers of guarding, he stomped his foot.

Simultaneously while this was going on Saber Alter was quick to respond, “Yes my master!” As the ferrea Virgo had gone off successfully, an extra protective layer appearing on her fairly heavily armored form. She advanced using a move action and part of another until she was within five feet of Dranth, the Ferrea Virgo managed to protect her some from Dranth’s fiery aura which was still going off even as she winced some in discomfort, before she brought Excaliber back and brought it into a heavy swing using Dark Excalibur Nova III.

Dranth countered by first blocking part of her attack with his arms and wings which held up surprisingly well against the strike, flashing a reddish orageny hue as it darkened sort of like volcanic rock as if his skin and wings had become extremely hard to take the hit temporarily, It looked like he had JUST managed to do it in time as the dark arc collided, however it became apparent her blade had still managed to leave a nasty slash across where he had blocked. a bit of boiling blood spilling out from it after. What might have been a bit more concerning was how quickly it looked like Dranth’s large slash across his arms quickly regenerated.

“<You…almost left a mark on my face…You Bitch!>” He’d exclaim after snarling in beastial looking at Saber with a look of malice. He then pivoted into a fiery punch, with some sort of fire blight likely thrown into the attack, which Saber managed to counter with her swordsmenship with a well placed block, holding her ground.

Thankfully now that he was locked in Melee with her it would give the others a chance to assist.

Shael saw this opportunity. “Let’s overwhelm him before he gets his bearings!” She’d exclaim once the fireball crisis had concluded. She’d quickly make her way to the left thankfully her Fast E letting her move a good deal diagonally until she was 25 ft away from where Dranth was, having a plan for what she wanted to do.

Shael then looked like she was aiming a shot at dranth with a Lunen elf style arrow which had a purplish hue to the tip on it which looked most harmful, like it had some sort of venom put into it.

It was clear she was trying to line up a shot where she wouldn’t accidentally friendly fire on Saber.

During this period she only acknowledged Ceylan with a look, unsure of what this beastman was doing here other than what he said, but there wasn’t a ton of time to talk in that moment. It looked like he was trying to talk to Jareed, hopefully he was telling the truth and he’d be of assistance rather than trying to hinder them or being in on it with this Dranth guy.

The dragon man saw Ceylan and called out in beastial, “<You There! You’re a beast! come help me immediately, these people are trying to hinder my plans! You must understand the importance of the great Winged one!>” He spoke in a demanding way like he had the authority to order Ceylan around due to his caste status.

While the fight kept going Jareed looked startled for a minute before he looked to Ceylan. Ceylan’s appraisal would reveal anyone titles who he appraised and they’d feel that they had been appraised by something. He would quickly learn who had criminal titles and who did not, if he targeted Dranth he would be the one who had acquired quite a few presumably for stealing at B grade, and some for murder at E grade. Shael’s Ryken adventurer guild status and her racial titles were revealed, Annellus’s Eastern Empire affiliation was revealed as well, and Demeter’s fae and relevant titles, as were Adelhein’s and Sabers, revealing overall that Dranth was Presumably the bigger more immediate problematic person there from a ‘whose the good and bad guy’ perspective.

It became apparent that Jareed was affiliated with a Ryke Merchant Guild faction which had put in the adventure request in so he was in the right place, probably being one of the most telling signs.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1.png
“I’m..I’m overseeing this adventurer guild request! These people here with me responded to the request to see why caravans had been disappearing and now we ended up here! The trail led us back to this dragon guy who it looks like was leading a beast bandit raiding party for some reason we aren’t sure about yet! Some talk about awakening some great winged one..”

Jareed’s staff continued to light up. “If you’d like to give us a hand that’d be great, this guy is pretty tough and there might be more of them not so far awa-...” Jareed paused as he looked in the distance and he looked a bit more nervous.

Double Dagger Lizards

It wasn’t long before some more lizard people were coming out of one of the far away dark cave paths toward the back of the area. There were a group of five or so of differing scale hues who were all wearing skulls on their head like helmets, as well as light armor and were wielding double daggers.

Scimitar Lizards

There were at least six others with different scaled hues who were wearing basic cloth and metal coverings and wielding what sort of looked like Scimitars.

“<HEY what the hell are you all doing! I didn’t call any of you out yet!” Dranth called out to them. These new hostile individuals were now about 90 ft away from where the fireball defenders had been.

The lizardy people looked a bit more apprehensive after they were yelled at but held their ground. One of the skull wearing ones called back, “<We Uh, just thought you sounded like you needed some help boss..>”

“<Well if you’re here already don’t just stand there, come and help me stop them! We cannot allow them to interfere!>” He’d call back.

Someone more familiar with beasts might be able to tell that the new comers were actually Kobolds.

While Dranth was interacting with the lizard bunch, Shael finally took her shot with Wrath of the Shade ability.

The arrow managed to hit Dranth in the arm, and he made pained expression seeing the arrow land even though it didn’t go deep into him, the poison had made its mark and the veins in his arm became more pronounced after the fact, the area where it struck looking purplish as it wasn’t long before he coughed up some of the boiling blood once again.

Unfortunately the new company complicated things a bit, Shael was debating if she should move back again with the others and let them come to them with the lingering defensive options..for now she held her ground.

1. Move toward Dranth
2. Move again toward Dranth to get in Melee striking range
3. Use Dark Excalibur Nova III - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] D, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade D Cooldown 2 on Dranth.

1. Move diagonally to the left until 25 ft away from Dranth
2. Take aim and use Wrath of the Shade [Specialize] Fighting Style [Eclipse] E, Range E, Continuing (Poison) E, Stealth E, Undetected E [Hear, Smell], Steady Hands E, Focus E- Shael attempts to take a stealthy shot at her target with a poison laced arrow up to 30 ft away from her. Grade E Cooldown 1
Last edited:

Demeter held still, low to the ground with her hands resting upon it, as she braced for impact.

For whatever good it would do, the sight of Gilgamfried standing before her brought her some comfort.

Adelhein's mercurial wall absorbed initial impact, weaking the fire-blast before it broke through. Her own arboreal defense was the second to meet the incoming flames. The young fae could feel the strain upon her body as she fought to keep the barrier upright but, even with best defense put forward, they still managed to break through. Luckily, the flames that did break through their combined defense were too weak to reach the Eastern Empire crusader. The young fae let out a sigh of relief.

The others, in contrast, were quick to respond after the flames dissipated.

Saber raced forward through the barricade and immediately pounced upon him with her umbral sword. Shael strafed around right after and began lining up a shot on him. Truth be told, as much Demeter wanted to race after them and start blasting, she had to be honest with herself on this one. So, she dispelled the [Bark Wall] and called out to Gilgamfried and Adelhein.

"I'm sorry guys, but I'm going to need a minute before I can cast another big spell like that."

Her magic may have been similar to Adelhein's in quite a few ways, but a quick glance in her direction would make it clear just how much more of a strain it put on her than it did him. Still, she showed no sign of wanting to retreat despite the setback.

"Watch my back and I'll watch yours after I catch my breath?"

She turned and glanced over at the Ceylan. Honestly, the fact that he hadn't attacked the man yet was reason enough for Demeter not to see him as an enemy. And she would've been lying if she said that she didn't need a hand.

"Same goes for you, Mr. Hound-dog. If you're with us, anyways."

Actions (0/3)
1.) Dispelled
[Bark Wall] to enter cooldown. Free Action.
Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley

Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

Adelhein watched as the fireball collided against the metallic wall he had conjured, leaving it weakened. Then it collided against Demeter's own Bark Wall, further sapping and reducing its destructive capabilities. And finally, his Gladio Terrae being enough to destroy it completely. His crimson eyes focused for a moment in the melee battle between Saber and Dranth, seeing that the Heroic Spirit had managed to do exactly what he planned. There was little to think about, but press own the assault, even with the new arrivals in Dranth's favor. Retreating now would only allow for Dranth to fire another fireball. The teen magus had to get closer. He wouldn't allow himself to be useless to his Servant, like Weaver Velvet showed himself to be.

His attention was shifted towards Demeter, seeing how tired she had become, a stark contrast to himself which barely had changed his breathing pattern. She had shown quite a bit of magical potency up to that point, on par with him, but was that the difference that his tutelage in the Clock Tower had granted him? He didn't know the answer, but he wouldn't keep wondering. There were pressing matters at hand. He turned around for a moment, looking at the newcomer, sparing a glance towards him, before his gaze going back to the group. "There is no time for pleasantries. We have to press the advantage NOW!" His tone had changed drastically, now demanding and authoritative, backed up by some lingering bloodlust. In the back of his mind, unknowingly, the corruption from the black mud of the Grail gained a few inches of ground in his very soul.

Reaching over towards Demeter, his glove covered hand snatched hers, firmly, knowing she would be very essential in the upcoming assault. And, from what he assumed, she also needed to get closer. With that, Adelhein began dragging the tired dryad with him, running towards Saber. He would stop right behind her, now being 10ft from Dranth and 40ft from the new arrivals, staying close to his Servant being a no-brainer as a veteran Master. Meanwhile, he left Demeter right behind him, 15ft from Dranth and 45ft from the new arrivals, thinking that ought to give some extra protection while she caught her breath. "Rest for now and, as soon as you are able, we hit them with everything we got." He declared, his expression now having nothing else, but a silent killing intent towards Dranth and his thugs. He would show them why the El-Melloi family was respected in the Clock Tower and the Mage's Association.

1 - Move 30ft while bringing Demeter with him
2 - Move 20ft, stopping behind Saber, while bringing Demeter with him

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings (Possibly wearing them)
- Coin pouch

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

He was surprised when the lizard-like man called out to him. “<I know not of what you speak.>” He replied, wondering if he was facing some sort of dragon cultist. That was what the 'great Winged one' seemed to plausibly relate too. He didn't really feel eager to come to his aid either. Especially as he was able to get a better read of the situation through his appraisal.

With his character grade being just G, Adelhein was an open book to Ceylan's appraisal E. It seemed Ceylan was dealing with a Human mage that was whatever 'Isekai' was and whom was wanted by whomever the Crimson Cutthroats were. The sword-wielding woman, to his surprise, turned out to be a Construct and also an 'Isekai', other than being a swords-woman, which wasn't the biggest surprise. The Dryad, for better or worse, seemed to have next to nothing to her name. Then again, the same applied to the human knight. All in all, he concluded the group was likely a group of relative beginners. The only one with more to her name was Shael, whom seemed to be the most senior here. Meanwhile, the most dangerous and 'evil' on seemed to be Dranth, whom was both a thief and a murderer.

Having figured out the 'who's who' of the situation, he listened to Jareed's explanation. “I see.” He replied to Jareed, being informed enough for now. Hearing the Dryad speak to him, he'd nod. “That's what I'm here for.” He replied, now that he knew a bit more about what was happening and whom to help out.

Although he wasn't exactly fond of how the mage addressed him, he decided to forgo replying. Instead, he figured he'd hold-up the enemies a little. A [Magic Circle] started to form around him as he started reciting a spell, holding his [Catalyst B] as he chanted, making the necessary motions, as glowing patterns started to form in the air around him.

Short after, ten [Divine Lights] would start floating through the cavern, burning brightly to any enemy that looked in their direction (Flare Sight), yet sparing the eyes of any ally. Although they weren't actively targetting enemies, should an enemy come into contact with them, they'd likely be harmed by magic/light damage.

[Magic Circle] - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armour.

[Divine Light] – Light Affinity D, Magic D, Magic Duration E, Magic Range E, Magic Area of Effect E, Selective E, Magic Targets E, [Homing] Affinity F, Flare [Sight] Affinity F (1 action), Religion D, Energised D – Character casts divine light upon the shadows, blinding them temporarily. - Grade De – 1 Post Cooldown – 1 Action

CD – Ce 1/2
CD – De 0/1

TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob Elvario Elvario

Through all the thickness of it. Gilgramfried couldn’t really compare the pretty man and the lord boy. They were both snobby and self-righteous, however the immediate difference was that the pretty man sided himself with Kobolds. “That’s..-”

“That’s more my element.”
A lick of his lips. A wiggle of his toes. Excitement. If it wasn’t noticeable already from his happiness towards fire and his intentional exposure of poison, Gilgramfried is very much a masochist. Most would call him a fool, they would be in the right to do so.

“You enjoy yourselves with the God-whore.” His mind was set. The green bean was fond of recovery and she needed safety and space. Gilgramfried was the exact man for that job. She needed space? He will shove them all the way back. “An orgy awaits me.” He called towards the Kobolds. Power channeled through his legs into a fast jog. Eyes dilated with violence, it was the best drug of all to enlighten the mind. Stars and the universe will align into complete clarity. Violence is never an answer but it is a question. The answer will always be an undoubtable and unquenchable yes.

Running past his comrades and past the pretty man who was locked in combat. He’d meet the reinforcements head on to distract them for as long as possible. A warcry. A beautiful bloodfilled lunacy. It wasn’t madness like the Dranth’s bickering, it was a clear headed primal roar. It was a sound of deep conscious intent, that he wants to hurt you and will remove and pass anything in his path to do so.

Jumping past divine lights uncaring how much pain he felt underneath them. He had one command and it was to press the advantage. To press forward. He wasn’t trained to feel pain. He’s not trained to think. He’s not trained to have emotions. He’s not trained to quit. “We’re going to pay the Merchant Membership Guild fee by slowly spitroasting your still breathing bodies with pikes up your anus then through your mouths.” Landing in front of them with his sword drawn. “Then I’m going to squeeze the living shit out of your balls with my buttered hands into Jareed's wine chalice and make him drink it.”

1. Move
2. Move
3. Move and meet the reinforcements head on.
Time: Morning

Place: Alkaf Cave, Ryke

Language Key: "Common" "<Beastial>" "[Terran]" "{Sylvan}" "&Analog%"

Mentions: Elvario Elvario Maxxob Maxxob Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi

Shael Xyvern

“Gotcha Demeter I’ll keep providing cover!” She’d exclaim, getting another shot ready to try to target Dranth with since he was held up in a melee tussle with Saber still.

Shael was relieved that the fireball had been stopped before the party had been seriously harmed but she still wasn’t entirely sure what was up with the canine looking magic guy other than he looked friendly enough, it looked like Adelhein could make the good leader sort with how authoritative he sounded in Shael’s opinion , particularly if he were to hone his speaking skills, to speak the way he did at his age in a high stress situation like this.

Shael was relived that Adelhein had positioned himself and Demeter there, it would allow them to effectively combo when they were ready to attack, his battle sense wasn’t bad either, someone to be watched moving forward.

??? Dranth

“<Tch you should learn to submit to greatness,and then maybe you too would earn the mark of a favored simply for being a beast who was willing to support and be witness to a divine being!!>”

The dragonic looking man spat back in Ceylan’s direction while he continued to engage in melee with Saber.

However while he looked he was caught up in Ceylan’s divine light causing him to look away in pain, “ARGH!” He’d spew out some flames of fire from his mouth when he made the exclamation in pain.

Saber Alter
Screenshot 2024-04-08 at 2.19.21 PM-1-1-1.png

Saber upon seeing Dranth in this compromised state called out to Adelhein and to everyone else. “ HE’S OPEN STRIKE HIM DOWN!” She winced a bit as it looked like at some part during the tussle she had been struck in the right side, her armor looking worse for wear after Dranth had struck it, and it looked like she had felt the hit. This did not stop her resolve to side step out of the way to make room for the other’s attacks into her own swing of her E grade strike ability. Dark Excalibur Nova II, the dark slash radiating from her impressive blade toward Dranth while he was blinded and now doing his best to guard himself.

When Shael heard the words she lined up her shot and fired yet another arrow at Dranth aiming for his other arm to make it more difficult for him to keep fighting. Her Lunen style arrow went flying toward her target.

For Annellanus He successfully charged through the enlightened space it probably not searing him some, since Ceylan used selective. However when he went to meet the reinforcements head on He was met with some laughter from some of the Kobold.

Scimitar Lizard #1

“This east empire trash really thinks he can take all of us on alone!” One of the redder looking ones with a scimitar exclaimed.

Double Dagger Lizard #1

One of the ones with the dagger spun them around to show off. “I can’t wait to sell his equipment..” That would have been until the vast majority of them were surprised by the bright light in the cavernous space and all shut their eyes, some of them swinging around foolishly and missing Annellannus with their attacks, Double Dagger Lizard #1's attack and Scimitar Lizard #1's attacks were on trajectory to hit but likely would not prove to be all that difficult for Annellannus to counter should he try.

This would give Annellanus the perfect opportunity to do some serious damage on several of the closest ones to him who had made their way into his melee range. Three of each having had come at him from the left (#1, #2, and #3) and right (#1, #2 and #3 Scimitar Lizards) the other two remaining dagger lizards (#4 and #5) staying guarded where they were as did the three remaining scimitar lizards (#4, #5, #6), keeping a bit more space defensively uncertain in their temporary blindness.

However as it turned out this defensive action would not save them completely from harms way.

Jareed Tahir
Screenshot 2024-03-28 at 11.21.33 PM-1-1-1-1-1-1.png

While everything had been escalating Jareed’s walking stick glowed an even more intensive white magical energy which began to engulf the tip of his staff.

“I-I’m Not going to cower behind everyone anymore!..T-this is for Abbas you monsters!” not looking very confident as he spoke, still pale even but it wasn’t long before the energy from his walking stick converged into the center of the room above everyone before it turned into a sizable dark silverly outlined vortex and suddenly it began to spray out all sorts of rather expensive looking weapons at high speeds, from maces, spears, war hammers and swords.

One rather ornate gold and silver mace went spinning and managed to knock the dragon man on the back of his thigh causing him to let out a sound of pain with a cracking sound which could be heard throughout the space before blue electric sparks pulsed through his body dealing additional damage, and resulting in him breaking his guard.

One of the high speed spears went flying and impaled one of the Scimitar Kobolds (#5) who had stayed back, in the chest as they slumped over not having time to react due to their blindness.

One of the double dagger Kobolds (#4) who had stayed back also got picked off by a valley of daggers which had come from the vortex.

After some time Jareed was left panting, by the time the vortex finally closed up. Thankfully no allies had been struck in the cross fire but it was difficult to tell just how much control he had overall of the casting.

The tides of the battle were gradually shifting toward the party succeeding.

1. Use Stealth Shot on ??? Dranth's arm.
Stealth Shot - Stealth F, Steady Hands F
Shael attempts to aim and take a shot at her target while undetected by being stealthy. Grade F - 0 post cooldown.

1. Use Dark Excalibur Nova II on ??? Dranth.
Dark Excalibur Nova II - Fighting Style [Voidstorm Vanguard - Sword] E, Penetrating F, Area F, Selective F, Blight [Darkness] F - With her corrupted sword embiued with darkness, Saber Alter slashes a 5ft deadly arc around her - Grade E Cooldown 1
Adelhein: [Isekai], [Human], [Wanted by: Crimson Cutthroats], [Adept Magus] Color - #e60e0e
Saber Alter: [Isekai], [Construct], [Adept Swordsman] Color - #f5fa6e
TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Elvario Elvario

Adelhein watched as the group had been given the perfect opportunity thanks to newcomer's blinding magic. With the amounting pressure being put forth by both, Shael, firing yet another arrow at Dranth, and Saber, attacking the creature again with her Dark Excalibur Morgan. The teen magus extended his arms, holding them in front of him. He concentrated, activating his magic circuits and letting the mana flow freely through his body.

While faint, blue mana shifted and spurred around him, his crimson eyes, narrowed, shifting to Annellanus for a moment. Unfortunately, he was simply too far away to be helped by the teen at that moment, his magecraft would end up falling short of reaching the grunts who were near him. The crude warrior had been useful so far, and his survival would certainly be preferred. There was no point for the teen to worry about that, however, his enemy, for the moment, was the aspiring god.

"Fervor Mei Sanguine..." The words left his mouth, the young magus tone was confident, cold even. There was a hint of singular purpose, that being, killing the draconic beast. This time there was a single materialization of metal, mana being turned into the substance and made manifest at his feet, instead of bringing the element from the ground of the cavern. As the liquid metal pooled near him, it quickly took shape, forming a tentacle. The metallic appendage moved with fluidity, almost like a whip, for a few moments, before shooting towards Dranth, making a curve around Saber's form to not hit her.

The sharpened, hard tip would attempt to skewer him and, even if it missed, the whole limb would explode, throwing metallic shards and dust around the draconic beast. However, the attempt of assault against the creature wouldn't be the only thing he did. Adelhein had seen how Saber had suffered from her melee combat against the beast. "Mitis Tactus..." With a different type of specialty, a magecraft for an opposite purpose was used. The mana who had been used to create the metallic assault on Dranth now blew a gentle breeze towards the Heroic Spirit, in an attempt to ease and heal the pain of his sworn protector.

1 - Fervor Mei Sanguine - Magic E, Energized E, Magic AoE F, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic [Target Enemies] F, Affinity Elemental [Metal] F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to five enemies up to 30ft. Metal tentacles erupt from the ground, moving towards them to pierce them. After the attack, the appendages burst, further dealing Metal damage to other enemies inside a 15ft radius from each original target - Grade E Cooldown 0 - Used on Dranth
2 - Mitis Tactus - Magic F, Energized F, Healing F - After declaring the name of the spell, Adelhein selects up to one member of his party, up to 5ft. A gentle breeze blows near them, in a greenish hue, lightly healing them - Grade F Cooldown -1 - Used on Saber Alter

- Curvy Bladed Dagger
- Wooden Wand Catalyst
- Copper framed spectacles with dragon-like drawings (Possibly wearing them)
- Coin pouch

Languages: Common | <Beastial>
Mentions: TheTimePiece TheTimePiece Wheatley Wheatley Gwen_Temi Gwen_Temi Maxxob Maxxob

The rather loud knight (Annelanus) was concerning him, as his behaviour was rather... berserk-ish? Definitely uncouth. The good boy wasn't used to such crude mannerisms, even from those heading head-first into battle. Being on the same side as someone like that was new and mildly confrontational, but for now, he'd attempt to ignore it.

“<I'm already a servant of the gods. Whatever 'divine' being you speak of is not one I'd accept!>” He'd reply to the lizard. Had he run into yet another cultist? The situation reminded himself of the false Aegrizora.

It looked like Ceylan's light had blinded most foes and opened them up for his allies to attack, exactly as according to plan. Perhaps the lessons he'd learned about being a healer in combat, back in Yukan's army, were finally starting to pay off.

He was surprised when the man besides him started casting like it was nobody's business. As he looked around, it seemed his aid wasn't highly needed by anyone in particular. The only one who might need him was the woman who'd duelled the lizard.

Unaware of what Adelhein was already casting, he'd chant “May the wounds of the wounded be closed. May their bodies be mended through the soothing powers of healing invested in me by the gods.” and gestured to cast some [Divine Healing] in an attempt to heal Saber Alter (and another 4 targets should there be more folk visibly wounded on their side) from the wounds inflected upon her by Darnth.

Divine Healing - Light Affinity E, Magic E, Magic Range F, Magic Targets F, Magic Area of Effect F, Selective F, Healing E, Religion E, Energised E - Character channels the powers of the gods to heal significant injuries. - Grade Ee - 0 Post Cooldown.
[Magic Circle] - When a caster doesn't use the move action in a round they cast spells, recites spell incantation, uses a catalyst in hand, and performs gestures to cast a spell in combat, a full magic circle may appear under them or otherwise near them that enhances the spell's effectiveness by 1. In rounds where their Magic Circle is active, the Caster does not benefit from wearing armour.

CD – Ce 2/2
CD – De 1/1
CD – Ee 0/0

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