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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

(@The Unamed Beast oh, I thought you were mad at me xD )

"Whoa there friend, you might need to slow down," Aria said, making her voice a comically deep one. She could barely tell Violet's words apart from each other at this point. "We should grab what we can, but 4th floor sounds fun." Aria was actually getting pretty excited too.
avis said:
(@The Unamed Beast oh, I thought you were mad at me xD )
"Whoa there friend, you might need to slow down," Aria said, making her voice a comically deep one. She could barely tell Violet's words apart from each other at this point. "We should grab what we can, but 4th floor sounds fun." Aria was actually getting pretty excited too.
"Sorry..... being a pro gamer makes me think too much...." Violet said with a sort of laugh. "Anyway.... where do you think we should get the base?" Violet said with a smile
"You mentioned 4th floor, that sounds awesome!" Aria said, clapping her hands together. All she knew about the floors was that each one was different, and each one got more difficult as they went on. "Ya think we're high enough level for that?"

  • Kirasuma runs through the streets forgetting to put her hood back up. The girl was still panicking inside and she wanted to get out of sight. She hated how people stared. Why couldnt they just mind there own business? She hadnt the slightest clue. All she knew was how embaressed she was. Once she found Jackson she was gonna strangle him.. Well nevermind she cant really reach his neck even if she wanted to.. He was to tall, well she was to short far to short. She continues to run towards the forest.

avis said:
"You mentioned 4th floor, that sounds awesome!" Aria said, clapping her hands together. All she knew about the floors was that each one was different, and each one got more difficult as they went on. "Ya think we're high enough level for that?"
"Well.... in order for us to get to the fourth floor we just need to defeat the first three bosses..." Violet said with a smile.

(I love how casually violet bought up that she was a pro gamer and you just brushed it aside. I am dying of laughter over here)
After the announcement Rift ran down to the nearest potion shop and stocked up. He then proceeded to the town's main exit, the crowd was unforgiving. 'Screw this mess,' Rift thought as he changed to his field gear and used a sword skill to jump over the mob, 'if what I heard is true, this floors boss is a pushover, easy pickins.' Rift made a waypoint on his map and made a straight shot for the boss room
The beast charged the pair as Tobias dove right to dodge it sliding to a stop before his spear head burned bright orange activating before a straight thrust struck the creature in the side. Pulling back he attacked with a couple of combination attacks, before he was knocked across the cavern by the beasts tail. Immediately jumping back up he cursed himself internally for forgetting to heal from his duel with Aero. His hp gauge was now low yellow only at 45% poising his spear at the beast as its attention was now on him. *Tch* " You better come at me like you mean it"

  • Aero

    Aero looks at the beast and charges at it while its attemtion was on Tobias. She sends a total of three combinations at the boss. The first being a mix of stabbing motions and quick slashing motions. The beast roars in anger as its hp only slightly drops and it swings its horns at her. She dodges its horns barely then does her second combo; transforming her rapier into a cutlass and sending a mix of vertical slashes and horizontal slices at the bosses front side. Its hp drop by 10% and it tries to ram into her. Finally she sidesteps to the left and slices at the beasts left side in a X motion. The bosses hp drops 10% again and turns orange. Her attacks didnt do much damage but the combined damage she did and Tobias did sent its hp down. The beast then swings its horns around at her. Her vision blurred slightly from fatigue and she didnt dodge in time. So she blocked it with her cutlass and was sent across the cavern and hit a wall. She'd groan as she hit the floor, her hp dropping by 30%. She shakes her head then gets up the boss was now focused on her.

(Whoops forgot to tag yeah, @VeiledPariah oh and im just messing around with bbcode but my replies shouldnt be any longer xD )
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Tobias' eyes flared up as Aero was battered across the cavern. Stepping back he started a full dead sprint straight at the beast. "Hey!"

He yelled out as the monster turned to face him he flung his spear with all his might spear blazing once again brilliantly as his sword skill activated. The spearhead split air causing it to form a air drag around the spear from the intensity at which is was thrown. Luckily monsters were slower than Aero as the weapon hit its mark the hell beats neck driving itself in and then bursting out embedding itself into the cavern ceiling above. The creature roared in false agony as his hp dropped another 10% from the attack. Tobias was no longer there, using all his speed and strength parameters he scaled the siding wall running catching his spear with both hands yanking it out of the rock. He then kicked off the wall using his signature move "Downward Spiral!" He exasperated as he came down like a bullet onto the beasts spine before jumping off landing next to Aero. The boss' hp was now to 28% a deep crimson bar showing above him. " Lets finish this" he signaled with his eyes to Aero for a combined attack that should finish the already beaten down monster.


(( lol np and looks good i have been messing with it but its easier when im not on my phone)
  • Aero

    Aero nods, she took note of how low his health was and her blade glows blue. She was holding a rapier again and she charges towards the beast at a speed that Tobias could keep up with. The crimson haired girl jumps up and sends her signature barrage attack at it with all her strength when Tobias attacked.

(Yeah I get it I always rp on my phone so I kinda got use to it. Ok i keep forgetting to tag you)
Tobias followed with her initiating a barrage of his own taking one more defensive swipe to his chest in the process. He held onto the attack and the beasts gauge diminished as it froze before shattering into a massive pixelated cloud that evaporated. Tobias sheathed his spear and looked over the loot he got as a large congratulations screen popped up. A heavy bounty of col a whole lot of exp and a few items to be sold except the hellbeast talon he recieved that he could use for a new spear if he remembered correctly.

" I dont even know if that was worth it" he breathed calmly before looking over and giving Aero a ridiculous grin.

  • Aero

    Aero lands clumsily and falls. She almost never falls while landing. Yes she is a klutz but not when fighting. She just chuckles, "that wasnt even close to worth it.." She says while just sitting on the ground. She looks up at him and grins as she seems his ridiculous grin. "Ah you better heal too." She says reminding him since he forgot last time.

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Tobias stretches a little bit before pulling out a green crystal. It glows faintly as he holds it in both hands. His health replenished the crystal cracks and shatters as the light fades. Tobias rotates his shoulder a few times as he looks around the only way out being a tunnel with some sunlight shining through. "Alright we should move before it respawns" He states as he outstretched a hand to help Aero up. He didnt know about her but he was starting to feel the days events toll on his body.

  • Aero

    She takes his hand and pulls herself up. "Yeah I dont feel like doing that again." She lightly chuckles, "exactly where to? Out? Further in?" She asks while sheathing her rapier. She was doing a decent job with hiding her tiredness though eventually slipping up every once in a while.

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"Pfft, first three bosses should be a piece of cake." Aria had just then realized that Violet mentioned being a pro gamer, but was too embarrassed to bring it up. Instead she just decided to go along with the conversation and pretend she hadn't been thinking about her chicken nuggets when Violet had brought that up. Aria had also realized that her chicken nuggets were still in the hands of that scoundrel she had made a bet with. She'd get them back someday.

@The Unamed Beast
avis said:
"Pfft, first three bosses should be a piece of cake." Aria had just then realized that Violet mentioned being a pro gamer, but was too embarrassed to bring it up. Instead she just decided to go along with the conversation and pretend she hadn't been thinking about her chicken nuggets when Violet had brought that up. Aria had also realized that her chicken nuggets were still in the hands of that scoundrel she had made a bet with. She'd get them back someday.

@The Unamed Beast
"I saw that!!" Violet said with a laugh. "I was wondering how long it would take you to realize I said Pro Gamer. How about I tellyou a bout it over some food?" Violet chuckled a bit as she calmed down. "Where should we eat?"
Tobias closed his eyes long and hard as if fighting back fatigue before opening them and starting down the pathway. "We should be on the way back" he stated a little too seriously for the situation as he sheathed the spear. Sifting in his jacket pocket he pulled out a hair band using it to pull his hair back up into his characters style. While he once again pictured Tobias, Tobi had shone through the blonde was no longer shining but had lost some luster as well as his blue eyes which were more grey and lifeless. He hated that his image had reverted even as slight as it was. Tobias kicked a few stones as he walked remaining fairly quiet as they continued down the passageway presumably toward the exit.

  • Aero
    Aero noticed his seriousness and sighed a bit. She liked how everyone looked like they did irl since it made more sense. There characters/avatars were not getting trapped in here and wouldnt die forever. They would, the actual people. Plus she liked getting to know the avatar/character of Tobias. So she wanted to get to know the real Tobias. Aero wasnt really into the whole character thing since she liked the way she was, look wise, personality wise, flaws and all. Thats what made her, her and she wouldn't change that since thats how she was.

    Aero follows after him, "you let me get to know the character Tobias.. So would you let me get to know the person behind that character?.." She asks quieter than her normal tone. She wasnt sure if that would upset him and the last thing she wanted to do was upset him after she tried to kill him and they got stuck in this death game.

"Hey, as long as there's food, I'm happy to go wherever you wanna go," Aria replied with a slightly embarrassed chuckle. Bluffing apparently wasn't her strong suit. She felt a bit...well, she wasn't sure how to place this feeling. She just didn't feel right pulling the classic 'I don't know, where do you wanna go' move when it came to restaurants. She felt like a crappy girlfriend, despite definitely not being anyone's girlfriend.
Tobias visibly clenched as she spoke the words, coming from her were soft but to him roared out so loud in his ears. The man stopped walking for a second, his mind and body needed to readjust to the situation. True he had made a great friend in Aero and eventually this would have happened. Yet if he could have logged out at this moment he would have without a second thought. All this in his head encompassed only a few seconds before he was walking once more.

" There isnt much to know, but I will if... you tell me your name first your real name"

Tobi says his voice holding the serious tone.

Libra259 said:
  • Aero
    She nod, "fine by me, my real names Miyuka." She says. She realized and knew she had hit a soft spot but if he didnt want to let her that was fine by her. Either way she was just happy with being his friend. The crimson haired girl continues to walk letting her bangs fall into her face and shade the top part of her face. She was sure her eyes would give away how tired she really was but trying to sleep with the news Kayaba gave them would surely be rather difficult.

"Miyuka...." the words rolled off his lips as he tried out the name, it sounded more like her he thought as he cast a glance back at her. "Mine is Tobi Aizawa , I live in the Rangoku district near Kyoto Japan, I am 17 have a part time job in a music studio, I make music too. That's about it" Tobias finished speaking pretty fast hoping she caught it all, as he reached the opening he hopped out of the side hole into a clearing the wind and sun gracing Tobi's face.

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