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Fandom Sao rp! (Reboot! Always accepting!)

  • Aero
    "Cool! Guess its my turn its only fair I tell you everything too. Well my full name Is Miyuka Kido and its not important where I live since its not really even my home but its close to where you live actually. Im 16 and currently have way to many jobs trying to earn money for my mothers medical bill, I work as a housemaid, babysitter, I sing and play guitar at a local pub, and I play with children at an orphanage... Oh and I did still go to school. Thats me." Miyuka chuckles realizing she probably sounded like a try hard. But at least is was for a good reason. She got everything Tobi said. She jumps out after him stumbling a bit and bumping into him. "Ah sorry!" She says while scratching the back of her neck a bit awkwardly.

Tobias barely caught himself as she bumped into him, his eyes shot back at her now she was close enough he could see her face more specifically her eyes. "Thats it were stopping and you are resting if you try to deny me you will regret it" Tobias stated as a matter of factly before dropping down laying flat in the grass spreading out as if he was going to start a snow angel. His eyes just looked up into the sky of this new world he was trapped in. Suddenly her little spcheel hit him. "So.... your mother, is she going to be okay?" He questioned barely above a whisper his eyes not leaving the sky.

  • Aero
    Miyuka crosses her arms and sighs. "Why? Its not as easy as just sleeping." She says with a sigh as she watches him lay down in the grass. She remained standing as she looks at him. When Tobi asked about her mother her expression dropped, "to be fully honest.. Probably not and its my fault. I dueled that guy when I should of been buying her medicine from the other hospital and bringing it to her. Not suppose to be late either since Its time sensitive." She says with a sigh and frown. Miyuka has PSTD because of her childhood and that's what really sparks her bloodlust. It was amazing she was even able to try and help people with all that had happened. A miracle that she hadnt gone completely cold though again theres no use in that happening it doesn't benefit anyone. The girl continues to stand there now zoned out with a frown on her face. It almost looked as if even with the slightest touch she could shatter. With Miyuka fake it till you make it was her life... Well when she wasnt with Tobi at least.

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As her voice dropped Tobias' eyes moved to her, Aero's no Miyuka's face jad lost her carefree charm. Tobi sat up "It is not your fault, We couldn't have expected we wouldnt be able to log out. I am sure the media is already all over this and.....they will find us"

He breathed but he didnt feel too confident in his own statement. The boy just sighed we will make it out of here we have too. Suddenly he turned over stood up and embraced Miyuka squeezing a little tightly bracing for a slap or judo flip. He just did what he had seen guys do in movies even though it was cheesy. "Miyuka, I will do everything in my power to help you. Were friends and well in honesty your like my only real one and I am not giving that up so lets get some rest and work on getting out of here" Tobias breathed calmly beside her ear before letting go and stepping back his greh eyes still filled with the same amount of emotion that showed truth and sincerity.

Some things were real all along


(Auto grab!!!)
  • Aero
    Miyuka snapped out of it when Tobi embraced her. She jumped at the physical contact and was about to flip him when he began to try and comfort her. Yet even if the media did find them they couldn't take the nerve gear off other wise they'd die! His lack of knowledge made her want to yell at him but then he started to say how he'd do everything in his power to help her. Her head cocked to the left ever so slightly as realizations hit her hard in the head. She realized their position and what he was saying and for the first time time for this type of reason Miyuka's cheeks tinted slightly pink. She didnt move when he let go of her and kinda just stands there not sure what to do. So she said something instead, "thanks.. I suppose that is true.. You are like one of the only real friends I have.. Oh and If it wasnt for your way with words you'd probably be on your back on the ground right now.. Though I still don't see the point in sleeping till I have to, its a waste of time. Id rather spend that time leveling and trying to get out of the game." Her mind was still set on not sleeping and she really didnt see the point in sleeping. She could still walk so she wasnt going go sleep till she couldn't walk anymore.

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Tobias eyes widened a bit as she basically threatened to put him on his ass. However her pushing away sleep once again was not a good idea. "Your basically at that point already, just lay down for a little bit. You dont have to sleep just rest, were no good to each other if were both exhausted and cant react" Tobias explained as he began scrolling through the menu again spawning his sleeping gear.

  • Tobias looks at Aero seeing her just sit down and he instantly knew what that meant. He sighed tossing her the sleeping bag if you could really call it that. "Here, I got another one" he said as he too sat down in the grass and stared out. Opening his menu he equipped his instrument. Without any warning at all he just started to play, first a few notes he remembered from songs and then some he had made from home obviously acoustically styled using a violin now instead of his guitar and sound equipment.


  • Aero
    She catches it and just places it next to her. "Theres a clear reason I dont own any sort of sleeping gear.." She sighs. A soft breeze blew her crimson hair slightly to the left as she suddenly heard an instrument being played. At first it was just a few notes almost like a warm up then after that she heard music. Miyuka bet that the breeze carried his music throughout the fields. Quietly without realizing it the girl began to hum along to what he was playing. Randomly making up a tune that fit nicely with it. Much like she did for harmony. She still probably wasn't going to try to rest though she pushed that thought aside to listen to his playing.

  • Tobias smiles as she began to hum to the popular tune. The man continued playing the song to its end before slowing the notes down and changing to another song this one more deep and meaningful his eyes fluttered from fatigue but he meant to play it to the end once the song was finished Tobias sighed letting the instrument dissipate back into his inventory. "Well if your not going to I will" He called to her as he laid down onto the sleeping roll taking off his cloak using it as a blanket.



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  • Tobias rolls his eyes at her before closing them letting the bright world fade away and the deep darkness of sleep rush over his body making him feel almost detached. He could still hear sounds in the world, the wind and the slight shuffle of grass when Aero would fidget about since she couldnt stay still. Then his mind pulled further away as he dreamed, he awoke to being in class the bell ringing for lunch. Tobi grabbed his bag running down the hallway and out into the courtyard by the front gate. It was spring and the cherry blossoms were falling through the air. A voice he can hear but couldnt make out brought his attention to a girl shadowed by the sun. She was waving him over and he smiled taking off toward her. However he stopped and turned around to be looking back at himself the original Tobi staring into the eyes of Tobias. Thise blue eyes suck him back to SAO as he jerks awake having only slept for about 10 minutes. Tobias raised a hand in the air shadowing his eyes from the sun as the other rubbed his eyes.

  • Aero
    When Miyuka knew for sure that Tobi was asleep she'd get up and walk a good distance away. He could probably still here her and anyway she didnt want to be around anyone even if they were asleep at the moment. The crimson haired girl stays at a distance where she could still see him but only barely. She looks up at the virtual sky and lets out a shaky breath. Her walls dissolving into dust and her masks breaking im half. She just fell into a sitting position as tears formed in her eyes and streamed down her cheeks. She certainly didnt want to cry and she disliked it but she couldnt stop it. She wasnt able to see her mother till they cleared all hundred damn floors in this game and most likely by then her mother would of already passed.. She cried in absolute silence except for the occasional gusts of wind she'd hear. Miyuka cried for a good amount of time since it was her first time doing that in a long time. The girl picked herself up, Falling down is just another reason to get your ass back up and continue going, stronger than ever.. If you dont want to use that to get better than you should just stay down. But I'll never stay down.. Never, I'll always get back up for the ones who need me most.. Always. She thought as she stood. Her tears were gone though her eyes were probably still tearstained. She had stopped crying before he awoke but she wasnt aware he was even awake.

  • The spear wielder adjusted his tired eyes as he fixed on Aero. He could tell she had been crying. It would not have been noticiable of he hadnt have seen that same face every time his mother and father got done fighting. Tobias knew what it was about but was not sure if his words or a akward hug could fix it this time. He just laid there for a while before finally needing to say something. "I know it feels hopeless now....but we will get out of here. Until then if you need to cry,scream,curse, or even fight. Well I say show it all then again.... this is coming from the most antisocial person next to you. But really Miyuka if you need anything remember what i told you" Tobi said the entire time still laying down. Once his little spcheel had ended he closed his eyes once more. "Now i am going to try and have this dream about the hot girl under cherry blossoms, now that i think about it she kinda looked like you" He chuckled.

  • Aero
    Miyuka walks a but closer already knowing he knew she had cried though she didnt really care. "But it doesnt feel hopeless. It feels heavy, like weights trying to hold you down. Thats not my style well not over something sad at least... I probably do that when Im angry at someone.. Ok nevermind I already do that but its beside the point. I appreciate it but im still getting use to having someone to talk to. Im use to dealing with type of stuff alone so dont worry I will when the times right." She turns to face Tobi, "we'll get out of this god forsaken game alive I'll make sure of it." She says. Her words filled with genuine sincerity. Yeah Miyuka was normally the one who brought the hope back even to people who didnt know they had lost hope. She wasnt ever the best with word, mixing them up and pronouncing things wrong. Though at the same time words were probably her strongest weapon she had an odd way with them, sometimes good and sometimes bad. When Tobi started to talk about his dream she gave hims a weird look with a raised eyebrow. "Your weird." The girl chuckles while shaking her head.

  • Tobias listened to Miyuka as she explained how she felt, It was kinda funny how to people who were in all honest pretty shitty about putting themselves out there could work together so well. As she finished Tobias opened his eyes again just looking at her for a moment. He then laughed as well at her comment,afterwards he lets the smile descend to a half smile. "If i wasnt this wouldnt work, and I know we will Miyuka. I know we will" He stated happily as stretched a bit in place and then just laid there his eyes on the sky, his hands out into the grass just letting the wind roll over him.

  • Aero
    Miyuka chuckles, "definitely." She grins and sits down. She also looked up at the sky, her grin turning to a small smile. After a bit the crimson haired girl started to doze off while sitting, it was bound to happen sooner or later. She falls over onto her back then wakes up. "Ah!" She'd screech then look around. When she realized what happened she laughed.

Sojuro glared at the shopkeeper, "C'mon, I'm just short of one coin, could you just sell it to me for one coin less" Sojuro begged.

"Sorry pal, I'm running a business, one coin makes all the difference"

Sojuro started to pull out his sword, he gave the shopkeeper a sinister smile, "Give it to me for one coin less or who knows, I might become an orange player today"

"Alright, alright, here take it, just don't come to my shop again"

Sojuro handed the shopkeeper the money and left with his secret weapon he had just bought

"Heh, this is dumb, stuck in a video game, no way out, this isn't exactly what I pictured" Sojuro thought out loud

"I wonder if people are murdering each other?"

"Nah, I hope people still have a slight moral compass"

Sojuro continued his walk and reached the gate that lead out of the town of beginnings.[
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  • Tobias had continued to just watch the clouds and began to count them, place them into categories like animals or shapes. The breeze was sending some of Aero's long hair at his face so he scooted a little bit to avoid the crimson tendrils of itchiness. Thats when he noticed her sleeping, Tobias sat up sighing thinking to himself Finally well that is a relief as soon as he finished the thought the girl beside him jolted awake making him jump a bit as well. He joined her in laughter and was glad that she had at least gotten a little bit of rest. With all the thoughts about her mother and the game he didnt know if shed be able to.

  • The boy rocked back to hoist himself up to a standing position before opening the menu and sending the sleeping gear away once more. " No weve rested enough this way"

    He called to her as he started off back toward the mine this time side skirting the rocky outcropping from the exit they had found earlier. A path through the reeds was noticiable and Tobias could tell the signs of the tracks. Wolves a common creature but good for many things, money, crafting materials, and every so often keys and maps to treasure. " We can grind these for awhile. Once we are done here I need to hit town" Tobias stated drawing his spear and beginning to attack the beasts before him. Hopefully by now people had calmed down and others were trying to get the floor cleared. He wanted information about the dungeon location.

  • Tobias smiled the fire back in the duos eyes as he cut down waves of the wolves collecting col and pelts. With any luck the Alpha would spawn and the chance at the hidden treasure map for this area would drop. "Keep up this pace and it will spawn!"

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  • Aero
    Miyuka grins and nods, no need to even say that. She cuts down a few more wolves. The girl had a fire burning bright back in her eyes as she did what she does the best. She was very clumsy and accident prone but when it came to fighting she was very graceful and quite cautious.

Tobias only grinned when the howl appeared behind them. A large wolf black as night stood before them his fur frayed and torn at sword hilts jutting out of the massive pelt. Tobias wasted no time grabbing its attention sending a few slashes and stabs its way. Then he dodged a swipe and pounce before coming across its right side with a horizontal sweep of hi spearhead the orange light ever present of his sword skill activating.


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