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Realistic or Modern Sakura High School OOC

Okidoki ^^ also I'm guessing Captain Spooks is the friend you were talking about? :D I can play double for him.
lol guys im so sorry for not posting. It's like when you send a text and they leave it read lol. Anyways posted and ready to go. BTW I live in Alaska so we all know what that means. I live in an igloo lol
lol guys im so sorry for not posting. It's like when you send a text and they leave it read lol. Anyways posted and ready to go. BTW I live in Alaska so we all know what that means. I live in an igloo lol

don't sweat it friend, just post when you can.
yep. And I'm sure you have 100 polar bears as pets so you gotta tend to them everyday. No worries, take your time. We wouldn't want them dying from starvation now would we?
Okidoki ^^ also I'm guessing Captain Spooks is the friend you were talking about? :D I can play double for him.

Funny thing is i dont think thats the friend. hahaha

yep. And I'm sure you have 100 polar bears as pets so you gotta tend to them everyday. No worries, take your time. We wouldn't want them dying from starvation now would we?

Yea well at least he has like fricken cool polar bears and huskies. We just got like Sheep...like heaps of sheep. lol maybe a cow here and there but just mostly sheep.
Anyway guys im sorry for that long bloody post that took like a gazillion years. Anyway @Miss Obsess if there is anything you dont agree with the little story thingy with your character just give me a buzz and we can come to some middle ground on it and ill edit it :). Anyway just gona send some messages and then i will see you guys tomorrow. Have a good night or day or morning or afternoon lol. 

Oh yea Cheeky muimui good question. I will change it that the stalls will close before the dance and hanabi jazz. Ty for that and umm lastly i will update my CS cheers.
Hi guys. thsts it for me tonight  I thought a RP that I joined died but it's still going. Also welcome to the new comer hope to hear from him soon. Nite all and wish u guys well.
lol guys im so sorry for not posting. It's like when you send a text and they leave it read lol. Anyways posted and ready to go. BTW I live in Alaska so we all know what that means. I live in an igloo lol

You're overreacting. Alaska is NOT that bad....
Michigan here lol so relatively close to Canadians as well.

( I'll just drop this off here)


sup guys it's weekend down here yay! Anyway i thought I would draw the time for the event closer but  if you want more time just let me know and I'll change my post. If not then nows your chance to confess!!! Or wait when we draw straws for partners At the event.  Any questions just fre away.!!

sup guys it's weekend down here yay! Anyway i thought I would draw the time for the event closer but  if you want more time just let me know and I'll change my post. If not then nows your chance to confess!!! Or wait when we draw straws for partners At the event.  Any questions just fre away.!!

It's fine with me!

sup guys it's weekend down here yay! Anyway i thought I would draw the time for the event closer but  if you want more time just let me know and I'll change my post. If not then nows your chance to confess!!! Or wait when we draw straws for partners At the event.  Any questions just fre away.!!


im okay with it

sup guys it's weekend down here yay! Anyway i thought I would draw the time for the event closer but  if you want more time just let me know and I'll change my post. If not then nows your chance to confess!!! Or wait when we draw straws for partners At the event.  Any questions just fre away.!!


Well I'm going to be gone tomorrow for a bit of a skiing trip in the mountians. Hopefully if I don't smash into a tree Which happened the last time... everything should go as planned.

As for timeline, I'm fine with whatever everyone else says. Just..... please don't get out of hand.
Well I'm going to be gone tomorrow for a bit of a skiing trip in the mountians. Hopefully if I don't smash into a tree Which happened the last time... everything should go as planned.

As for timeline, I'm fine with whatever everyone else says. Just..... please don't get out of hand.

Stay safe friend! And have fun :)
Sweet sounds good.

Well I'm going to be gone tomorrow for a bit of a skiing trip in the mountians. Hopefully if I don't smash into a tree Which happened the last time... everything should go as planned.

As for timeline, I'm fine with whatever everyone else says. Just..... please don't get out of hand.

Be safe and hope you have fun :)
Sup guys.  As usual later on tonight I will post. Right now catching up with the walking dead series. see you guys soon. Peace!
sup guys. Don't have much to say as you guys are just fine as it is so proceed. Btw I Hope to hear more about the tragic deaths of takahara murai parents. :). Okay guys I'm gonna crash now nite all. Actually I have to do one more post noooo.
Sup guys I nearly forgot about the update thingy. Don't worry when it starts I guess I wont see u guys again until after 3-4 days so it will be a nice break :). Again any questions about RP or ideas for twists then let me know. 


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