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Realistic or Modern —s.ɪ.ɴ—

no slide

Kai was in a quiet corner in the training rooms (or gym), stretching her limbs before she began her morning routine. Which was normally a small workout then practicing combat forms. Whether that be martial arts or boxing she decided when she got to that point. Focused on her routine she hadn’t noticed the gathering in the main room, until she realized the others that had been in the room with her were no longer there.

Normally Kai wouldn’t have minded and kept on going, but curiosity got the better of her one could say. Not bothering to change out of the workout clothes she had, she navigated to the main room. Walking in just in time for the whole charade to begin. The mingling crowd wasn’t really her scene, so she ended up leaning against the wall away from them.

The only time her attention was pulled away from her thoughts were when the voice came over the intercom system. ‘You have got to be kidding me..’ Kai thought rolling her eyes at the speech. This wasn’t the first time this had happened and Kai was getting tired of it. The few confused glances thrown her way went ignored. She wasn’t the type to comfort others. Never had been. Instead she just listened to the confused and divided murmurs of the crowd and made way toward the refreshment table. “What a waste of time…” She murmured herself referring to the whole event in particular. She should have stayed in the training room.

coding by cychotic

location: Utopia HQ
mood: Netural
interactions: Pia, Alex, Mirror
tags: spookie spookie peachpuff peachpuff Night Owl Night Owl
Elliot Daniels

“You’re right ...it seems they aren’t even trying to get smarter, let alone get better security.” Elliot scoffed watching the screen with unamusement. He did grow bored of merely watching their reactions. It was always the same to him. He rolled his eyes at the screen, turning just in time to see Alex busting through the door.

Unlike Pia, Elliot jumped a bit at the sudden intrusion. It wasn’t too obvious, but he was startled. Luckily able to keep himself from cloaking. He listened to the two other boys bicker merely giving a small chuckle as Pia went on about his Oscar worthy performance.

Elliot just leaned casually back on the wall and watched the computer screens, letting the others talk. Until the sound of the door opening caught his attention. He watched silently as the young girl known as Mirror walked in. “You missed it by a few minutes, although it wasn’t anything new. Just more prodding and teasing if anything.” Elliot stated with a small shrug.

coding by cychotic


After deciding to leave Caleb be in the gym, Lyla found her way to the main gathering area in just a few minutes time. Though she wasn't surprised at the amount of new faces, she couldn't help but wonder why there were so many. She couldn't help but feel as though this were a calm before the storm, and that quite a storm was coming.

Shaking her thoughts away, she recognized Theo from across the room. He smiled at her and she immediately perked up, deciding to weave through the crowd to pop up beside him. "Hi!" She gave him a small wave, looking around at the others nearby. "Standing in the back of the room again, I see." Her eyes shifted back towards him, though no judgement lie there.

He didn't get a chance to respond before feedback resounded through the room, causing her to look up. A light frown appeared on her features at the voice that filled the room, one that Lyla had heard a few times before in her time here at SIN. Despite it all, there were thoughts in Lyla that she hadn't shared with anyone, not even Caleb.

A few of the higher ranked agents were scrambling around, trying to cut the sound. But Lyla found herself listening intently, a general hush over the crowd.

And then his voice was gone.

As voices filled the room again, Lyla continued to stare at the ceiling, as though she could see Pia.

As though she could see hope...

Tags: Theo ( KingHalliwell KingHalliwell )


code by apolla apolla


Why had he let Lyla guilt him into this again?

Caleb's steps slowed as he reached the hallway that led to the main room. He could hear voices coming from it; it truly was a time of celebration. For SIN, anyway, not for him. After all, every recruit had the same story when it came to SIN. They lived, they died, and SIN brought them here. What happened before that didn't matter, at least not to Caleb. Once you've heard one sob story, you've heard them all.

Just as his steps came to a halt, Pia's voice interrupted his thoughts and the party. Head tilting up slightly to take in the little worm's words, Caleb again imagined himself taking Pia's life. It wouldn't be the first, and even though he had no idea what Pia even looked like, it didn't matter. For SIN, the placed that saved him from the streets, he would do it.

How dare he give the new recruits hope? And even some of the old ones. He knew that Lyla thought he didn't notice, but the girl still had hope in her own eyes, the ones she turned on him more often than not. SIN was end-game; there wasn't anything else for them. Once they learned that, things would be much better.

Caleb slipped into the main room just as Pia's broadcast ended. His eyes scanned the room and he spotted Lyla towards the back, her eyes still turned towards the ceiling. He started towards her, though someone else caught his eye beforehand. A girl by the refreshment table, one he recognized from countless times in the gym.

He heard her muttered comment and that's what made him stop, a slight grin on his face as he walked up beside her, reaching for one of the pre-filled cups of water. "I couldn't agree with you more. Coming here was a time waster."

Tags: Kai ( q r o w q r o w )


Code by apolla apolla

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