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Realistic or Modern —s.ɪ.ɴ— >>ʟᴏʀᴇ



give 'em hell, kid.


You are in your early adulthood years when it happens. Whatever you've done up until this point, however your life has played out, it's all over. S.I.N. took you from your shitty existence and saved you, bringing you here. Whether you manifested powers early or late in life, you've always been set apart from everyone else, and most likely S.I.N. has had it's eye on you for years. S.I.N. always gets what it wants, and so, they killed you.

Not really.

S.I.N. faked your death, and you were brought to an underground government facility, where you awoke in a single bed in an unfurnished room. The more S.I.N. trusts you, the more privileges and stuff you get. For now, you're dressed in whatever you died in, though there are some clothes folded neatly at the end of your bed. Two pairs of dark grey sweatpants, two white wifebeater type tank tops, two white t-shirts, and a few undergarments. Your shoes will consist of black sneakers, down at the foot of your bed as well.

There is a man or woman in the room with you, in a chair by the door. They will explain to you what has occurred, and you are given a choice:

"Join us, or die for real."

You want to live, right? So you choose the former. You're shown out into a long hallway through an automatic door, with other automatic doors lining the walls. You are taken to the main training area, where there are ways to train both physically and by using your powers. Depending on your power, there are rooms on the opposite side that you can use. Beyond this, there are classrooms and computer labs, where you will learn the smarts side of things.

The only way in and out of this floor is through an elevator that you must have a keycard and a code to access. You will not have this access until level one.

(written by apolla apolla )



>>Level One: In this level, you can actually live out on the street, in an apartment paid for by S.I.N., because you are trusted. You can come and go as you wish or are needed. You can ONLY take levels 2 through 5 out on assignments that have been cleared by S.I.N., or else you revoke your life.

>>Level Two: Harder assignments, but you will still be escorted in/out of the facility. You will receive a personalized room underground in the bunker instead of a basic one.

>>Level Three: Medium level assignments, will still be escorted out of the facility. You can also have a level five recruit as a trainee.

>>Level Four: You will get your first real assignment at this level, but you must be escorted out with a team and a team leader, either a Level One or someone higher. You can also start wearing clothes other than the ones provided for you in between missions and training. S.I.N. will acquire the clothes you wish.

>>Level Five: You start out at this level. Your powers are not honed, your skillsets lacking. You are given practice assignments only and spend most of your time training.

(written by apolla apolla )



>>1. How are the recruits monitored outside of the facility?
A monitoring/GPS chip implanted into the back of their neck.

>>2. How does my character level up?
You go from a level five to a four when you have mastered the training exercises, and it's the same for those starting off in the more advanced levels unless they're a level one. Up until you reach that point, it's mostly competition based, though doing exceptionally well on a mission or befriending higher-ups may help... assassination rarely runs on a perfectly fair system, after all. A level one or teacher NPC will let you know when you've levelled. If you think you're close, try talking to one!

>>3. How many characters can I play?
As many as you can handle posting relatively frequently for.

>>4. I want to rebel against S.I.N/ join UTOPIA... how can I do this?
Stay tuned...

(written by apolla apolla with some extras by spookie spookie )



So we know now that you're going to be a part of S.I.N and that your old life went up in smoke, maybe even literally. But S.I.N isn't everything it appears. They may have saved you from a life of hell and torment, but they just threw you into another one. You wake up, live, eat, and breathe S.I.N. It's everything you've become. No freedom, no outside until you're at least a level four, and who knows how long that will take?

There are those within S.I.N who wish for freedom.

And there are those within S.I.N who wish for power.

What side are you on?

At first, you may not know yourself. But as the RP progresses, you'll learn if you're part of UTOPIA's rebellion, wanting freedom, or if you're a part of S.I.N itself, becoming more power hungry with each passing day.

(written by apolla apolla )



>>HENRY Henry is the leader of S.I.N. Rarely seen, but well known. He is a firm leader, and a great reader of people. He can easily tell when people are lying, it's a gift of his own. His real supernatural power is unknown to most. His presence in a room generally grabs attention. His family has been leading S.I.N. for generations, and even though he is older he is not a force to be reckoned with. (NPC, by apolla apolla )

>>ALEX Alex is Henry's second in command, and is usually around the compound, physically overseeing the things that Henry cannot due to him being in charge. He's a skilled physical fighter, his supernatural ability being the ability to freeze someone in place with a simple touch. He has learned to control this power due to years of being with S.I.N. He is usually serious, rarely smiling, although he does appreciate a good pun. (NPC, by apolla apolla )

>>CRIMSYN A high-ranking Level One agent who also trains new recruits due to the useful nature of his gift. Immune to all supernatural abilities and able to nullify them with a touch, he is the go-to teacher for students looking to push their gift to its maximum ability as he's in no danger from it and able to calm down any gift that goes out of control. He's a trickster by nature and can come off as odd, but Crimsyn is also one of the kindest and most approachable members of S.I.N. (Played by spookie spookie )

>>CASSANDRA Cassandra is the woman that is in charge of your physical appearance when you go out on missions. Her job is to make sure you look the part of whatever role you're playing, and to teach you how to act as to not draw attention to yourself. She's got a sinister smile and a commanding presence as well. Her supernatural ability is the ability to shapeshift, usually into a cat. (NPC, by apolla apolla )

>>NINA Nina's appearance might fool those just starting out. She's short and thin with a soft demeanor. She smiles and interacts with the gifteds all the time. But don't let that fool you. She teaches you how to work your supernatural ability, making you the perfect killing machine. She takes training very seriously. She has the ability to control ice and snow, which is the perfect opposite of her personality. (NPC, by apolla apolla )

>>DR. INNA CENTS Serving as S.I.N's head doctor, Inna takes great and slightly sadistic pleasure in all things bloody and gory... and healing them, though perhaps not quite as much. Her ability is healing-based and can patch up some seriously awful damage, but it requires further injury to the patient to 'reset' them. Because of this, more minor injuries are almost always treated by lower-ranking staff. The cure really is worse than the disease with this one... (NPC, by spookie spookie )

>>ALLEN Allen has frizzy, wild hair and a pretty wild personality. He also interacts with the gifteds, and his job is more technical. He's a computer genius, and teaches you all the more technical sides to your job. He knows where to draw the line between friendship and mentor, however, and is quick to let you know if you've crossed a line. His gift-- of course-- involves technology. He can manipulate computers or anything considered technology, including but not limited to controlling the computers in the compound. (NPC, by apolla apolla )

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>>UTOPIA The number one threat to S.I.N, 'UTOPIA' is a mysterious organization claiming to have a lot of information on S.I.N... more than enough to ruin them, in fact. The identities of those behind UTOPIA are currently unknown, though a skilled hacker known only by the alias of 'Pia' takes immense pleasure in personally taunting S.I.N and its agents. They are known for broadcasting messages of rebellion and "hope" to agents of S.I.N, and have threatened to leak information about gifteds to the world. It is believed that the agent who defected, Savannah LaCroix, is in contact with them and has been feeding them information. Whatever the cost, UTOPIA must be destroyed.
Status: ACTIVE

>>SAVANNAH LACROIX A highly dangerous Level One agent gone rogue, Savannah is the only person to ever escape S.I.N and she absolutely must be stopped before she can do any more damage. Her gift is that of natural venom, which is found in her nails, lips and teeth. A small dose of this fast-acting toxin can leave its victim paralyzed for days, while larger doses are nearly always fatal. Her tracking device was removed from her neck and discarded in an alleyway, and there have been no confirmed sightings of Savannah since. It is believed she is in contact with UTOPIA and has sold valuable information about S.I.N to David Matthews. The sooner she is eliminated, the easier containing the damages will be.
Status: ALIVE

>>DAVID MATTHEWS Billionaire and conspiracy enthusiast David Matthews is well-known amongst the upper class and a very successful businessman. Though his career as CEO of a major comic book publishing company may be fairly mundane on paper, his interests are certainly not. Obsessed with the idea of "real-life superpowers" since childhood, he has been hunting evidence of gifteds for decades. Until Savannah, he was unsuccessful. Now, with information on S.I.N and what it does, he is believed to be reaching out to reporters for the highest offer on his scoop of the millennium. Due to his intensely guarded home, S.I.N must first target the documents he has obtained and wait for David to leave his mansion before they can attempt assassination.
Status: ALIVE

>>JACKIE O'DELL Jackie is a journalist for a prestigious newspaper in New York. What you need to know is that she recently discovered an old article that led her to delve deep into the supernatural world. She found a contact, who as of right now is unknown, but believed to be either Savannah or a member of UTOPIA and they are giving her clues about S.I.N. She's getting closer to discovering S.I.N every day, and she must be eliminated before she does.
Status: ALIVE


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