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Realistic or Modern s u c k e r for p a i n


☯ b a r b i e ☯

Alright guys, I'm feeling real lazy right now so this part will be uncoded. Just please have some form of BBcode and a realistic faceclaim. If you have any problems please let either @Adira,

@z e p h y r or I know. Thank you.




age: (18-23)


sexuality: (be diverse)

alias: (who's their alter ego)




body figure:



villain costume:


vices: (5+)

virtues: (5+)


mental health:


biography: (2+)

parents: (who are they?)

powers: (Not OP)


theme song:

why are they in belle reve: (3+ sentences)

other: (anything else?)

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Madden Quinzel

Mads - 19 - Pan - Cis Fem - Harlequin
h e i g h t


w e i g h t


b o d y - f i g u r e.

slim but not anorexic.

h a i r

naturally black like her father but she dyes it silver.

e y e - c o l o r

madden has heterochromia, this means that her eyes change from color to color from time to time. madden's eyes change from blue to green to murky grey.

v i l l i a n - c o s t u m e

hair / outfit / makeup

p e r s o n a


- insane

- manipulative

- flirty

- impatient

- distracted easily


+ loyal

+ romantic

+ upbeat

+ humorous

+ intelligent
q u i r k s

smiles alot.

plays with her hair when happy or flirty.

m e n t a l - h e a l t h:

she has shown signs of schizophrenia but it's still not confirmed.
In Depth
b i o g r a p h y

madden quinzel was born on April 1st by accident (it's hilarious, i know). her mother, harley quinn, was yet once again kicked out of the house by her abusive boyfriend and fellow criminal, the joker. having enough of the abuse she was getting, harley ended up in a small apartment in louisiana. with no income or job, harley taught her child how to pickpocket from the street. madden was the reason that her mother and herself could survive in lousisiana.

when madden was fifteen, her mother was arrested for the crimes she committed when she was still with the joker. harley was permanently locked up back in arkham. which meant that madden was left to herself. she ran away from the police, her mother always told them that they were the bad guys and she was right, they were. madden shot three officers during her manhunt and gained the name 'harlequin'. madden went back to her mother's old house and found her costume. with a few edits, madden took on the new role for her mother. she went back to gotham and went on a murderous rampage, killing every lawyer she saw in hopes of getting her mother back. madden was later captured and moved to the belle reve for her crimes.

p a r e n t s

harleen quinzel & mason macabre

(harley quinn & mason macabre)

p o w e r s / a b i l i t i e s

- unaffected by joker gas

- great gymnast

- knows how to pickpocket

no slide
no slide
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Wippity bibbity wip





n a m e

Trinidad Zoe Smart

n i c k n a m e

Trini, Silver, Zoe

a g e


o r i e n t a t i o n


g e n d e r

Cis-Male (she/her)

a l i a s

Death Lily

t h e m e-s o n g


h a i r-c o l o u r

Salt and pepper

e y e-c o l o u r


b o d y-f i g u r e

Slim and tall, with curves here and there.

h e i g h t


w e i g h t


v i l l i a n-c o s t u m e



p e r s o n a

Trini was extremely quiet. she rarely spoke growing up, and rarely spoke to those she knew. Although she was quiet, she was not timid. Trini is a very fierce girl for someone who doesn't talk. She appears to exhibit a stern, business-like demeanor however, more often than not when fighting, she wears a self-assured smile and politely bows to the opponent, showing confidence on the battlefield, smiling throughout the entire fight, whilst silently mocking and taunting. Trini is also shown to have a slightly psychopathic and cruel side, but she does seem to exhibit fear and hesitance when she knows she's outmatched, fleeing if her opponent proves to be as such.

She is imperious and cunning, also can be ruthless and cruel. Usually, she maintains a calm and collected demeanor, and is willing to take over a fight if necessary. Trini also seems to be ambitious and demanding, and more often than not, she is very direct on the matter at hand. She doesn't tolerate failure, preferring for her goals to be successful regardless of the situation. She also prefers that such problems be solved quickly, and is seen to give very direct orders, and doesn't like when she is disobeyed.

q u i r k s

- twiddle knives when bored

- bites her lip or thumb when something is wrong

- laughs when someone thinks they can kill her

m e n t a l-h e a l t h

She has developed a severe case of OCD from the amount of constant thinking that everything must be perfect. That is also the reason why she decided to lash out on a "practice" killing spree.

b i o

Trini grew up in a small neighborhood just outside of the main city in Long Island, New York with only her mother at her side. She never knew who her father was, but always wanted to meet him. Her mother said many things about him, and always mentioned that he would have been so proud of his little girl. At times, Trini did believe that wasn't always true, which made her develop that need for perfectionism. She wanted to get everything perfect and just right, so that nothing could be stated on imperfection. It was her life, body and soul to show her father one day of what she became.

But something felt...Different. Her mother never told her about the true side of her father, the fact that he was a deranged madman with powers up his sleeve. She started seeing things; where to cause the most pain on a person or easily find her mother in a 10km radius. She was only 8 years old at the time, knowing fully that she had needed to know her father much more before she confronts him. Eventually, she started training her powers, mostly on her own and by researching the most she could, till one day she grew tired.

Being confined in books all day can make you go mad. She had nothing else to do but sit and read and wait for nothing to show.

She decided she was ready enough to try out her powers for a test drive. How else was she going to perfect her powers? Not by being confined in books thats for sure. And with that note came her first massacre. The entire neighborhood she once lived in was splattered with both blood and the smell of death. She couldn't stop. She didn't want to stop. She felt like if she did, then her movements wouldn't be as perfect anymore. She kept practicing and practicing, the trail becoming never ending. Then he came to see her.

Trini was quietly standing in a array of lilies, a place she stumbled upon for whenever she needed to "clear" her mind. In the midst of her random brainstorming, she felt a bud slide onto her hair. She turned around and there he was, her father, standing right in front of her with her protective suit on. She didn't have one herself yet, but that didn't mean she couldn't protect herself. He simply nodded at her. A sign of approval. She actually did it; she started to become perfect. Since then, she has never stopped her efforts for her father's wishes, still holding onto that lily bud in her hair.

f a m i l y

Floyd "Deadshot" Lawton- alive

Mary-Sky Lawton- dead

Cyrus Lawton- alive


p o w e r s

-Intermediate Marksman

-Junior Assassin

-Physical Condition


-Hand to Hand Combatant (Intermediate)

w h y are they in belle reve



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Reece Witchland + 20 + Theo James + WIP + Captain Boomerang

"Burn bitch, burn."
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chelsea josephine kerr

"i was always told to smile"

dark and twisty
name. chelsea josephine kerr

age. twenty two

gender. cis female { she/her }

orientation. demiromantic heterosexual

birthday. october 5th

zodiac. libra

alias. the ace

power. wip

build. toned athletic

height. 5feet 9inches

weight. 133lbs

hair. died electric green, much like her father

eyes. dark brown, almost black

costume. outfit / makeup


parents. the joker


are you deranged like me?
vices. (5+)

virtues. (5+)


mental health.

biography. (2+)

why are they in belle reve. (3+ sentences)

other. (anything else?)


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coding made by: Ethereal





Cyrus West Maddox











.Special Ability.

Weapons expert (especially archery)/ Superhuman strength / Perfect accuracy and precision; never miss their mark or target/ enhanced durability and speed (not faster than speedsters just kinda fast) - very




Blue, like the sky


Short, black.




Lean, but has muscle built over the years. Strong upper body.

.Villian Costume.


.Distinguishing Features.

Scar in his forearm from when a knife was stabbed through. Gunshot wound in his back, and another knife scar on his thigh. Scar on left side of rib cage, and one on cheek.





Humerous- Cyrus has a great sense of humor, even though he can be very serious at times. It can be sarcastic at times, or sardonic, depending on the situation.

Curious- Cyrus has a nack for digging into things he shouldn't. Even though his power may not be as powerful as others, his detective-like

mind is like no other.

Intellegent- Even though he might be optimistic, but serious, his brain is always processing information. His curiousity pairs well with this.

Adventurous- Cyrus loves to travel, and has had quite an experience doing so. He loves the thrill of adventure, and always searches for it.

Free Willed- Cyrus doesn't take anyone's shit, and doesn't take orders until he agrees with them. He's like a maverick, hard to tame, but loyal once done so.


Cynical- It takes a lot to make Cyrus fully trust you, and he has quite right so. His experiences have lead him to become very weary of people.

Deceptive- Even though it may not be a key trait to his sign, his past has also lead him to become like this. He offend misleads people so he can understand their motives better.

Brutally Honest- Now this could be a vice, but the way Cyrus defines honesty is a bit different. His sign is known for honesty, but what he is known for it tell you the truth if it should be said or not. He's very outspoken about his views of the world, making his opinions heard all of the time. He oftens hurts feelings, and can come off harsh.

Impatient- Cyrus is often one to like things going, and not having to wait. His active style, and past make him very extreme for exercise and movement.

Tactless- His past greatly affects this, as he has a hard time expressing feelings. He doesn't care if he hurts them either.


Guns, archery, solving cases/puzzles, and traveling.


The beach, being alone (even though he is often), not having purpose, being bored.


Carries a large bouncy ball with him. To bounce, and to distract his targets if needed. Who doesn't like bouncy balls?

.Mental Health.

He thinks he's not as wacky as some of the others, so that's a plus. He's dark, and and quiet. Silence is power.




Cyrus grew up a rough life, he was his fathers first born, which meant parenting was knew to the man. He drug him place to place, since his mother wasn't a great one, but his father made sure to shield him from violence at a young age. Eventually he meant another women, who he had two daughters with, and seeing she was a fit mother, decided to leave him behind. He grew up with his sisters, and never spoke about the father he was to young to remember.

Going through school wasn't challenging, he was social, and rose in popularity every year. And he was intellegent, always getting A's. But soon he started to care less about his grades, and more about his social life. He became involved in achohal, and sex, and was being known as a playboy in high school. His mother relized this, and decided a break from life would benefit her son son, so shd decided to take a vacation to China, and tour Asia.

But all didn't go as planned. The plane ride there was a disaster, the pilot lost control of the engines, and the plane crashed, killing all the passengers, but one. Cyrus survived, but was stranded in the ocean on a piece of the plane. A week later he was stranded on a island in the North China sea, with no one to help. But he was wrong, he wasn't stranded. The Chinese held a prison on the island for prisoners, and they mistaked him as one. He was beaten, torturred, and deprived for a solid year. He managed to escape the prison, and lived in the jungles of the island. He became connected to nature, and very keen with his senses. But one day he heard the horn of a large shipping boat, and lit a large fire. The boat saw it, and he was rescued. He never speaks of the details of the islands, and came back a changed man. He was luck enough that his sisters didn't go on that trip, so he had support when he returned. Out of a job, and with a talent, he decided to take up his fathers line of work, but with archery.

.Family Members.

Floyd Lawton- father-alive

Mary Sky Lawton- stepmother- deceased

Trinidad Lawton- sister- alive

.Power Recognition.

While on the island, he met a prisoner who was a marksman in the Chinese military. He trained him in archery and markmanship before his death, and his entire stay on the island he developed and mastered it. Now back in society, it's a hobby for him, but he uses it for justice.



.Teaming Up.

Being alone for many years has made him cynical about the whole thing. He will keep his secrets, and he may come off as a asshole, but he tolerates the team. But eventually he will grow to enjoy it.


His experiences on the island. (I mentioned some in his history, but those aren't the details.

no slide
no slide
no slide no slide
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miyu santana


mimi, but this is only used endearingly by her mother












134 lbs




dark brown


hazel//light brown



she hasn't exactly got a set 'costume,' but she figures that the mask is good enough.




.mental health.



chato santana//el diablo - father, whereabouts are unknown

aiko imoto - mother, 56, alive

.theme song.

.why they are in belle reve.



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El diablo's infernal male offspring

fc: probably Diego barrueco

bc my fc's have been dry as hell lately
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"She looks like she's been for breakfast at the heartbreak hotel"

Name: Hazel Grace Lawton

Age: 22


Gender: Cis Female - she, her

Sexuality: Heterosexual

alias: Nightingale

Face Claim: Malaika Firth

Height: 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm

Weight: 5 ft 9 in or 175 cm

Body figure: Slim

Hair: Long, reaches to her waist and dark brown.

Eyes: Hazel

Villain costume:


Lack of Morals: Hazel is unstable to say the very least and lacks a moral backbone.

Jealous- She likes all attention to be focused in on her, and she will easily get jealous. Hazel is an all or nothing kind of girl.

Reckless - As much as she is brave, she is also reckless. Her impulsive behaviour, although at times amusing, can often get her in trouble.

Vain – She won’t admit it; or maybe she will to the right person, but she’s very vain. She knows the effect she can have on both men and women alike, and she loves the thrill of being able to control someone with her beauty.

Stubborn - There is no point even attempting to change Hazel's mind once she has decided on something, her stubbornness to her loved ones can be infuriating.

Distrusting - Possibly one of the reasons she can't create long term relationships with people is because she's very distrusting.

Blunt Although she's witty and funny, she's also sinfully blunt - being afraid of hurting someone's feelings is not something that stops her from crushing them with the truth. Hazel is always there to wake someone up with a dose of the truth.


Witty - Hazel always has a witty response or a sarcastic reply, and although it may be a vice in some, in her it's just a constant source of entertainment for her peers.

Social - Hazel is quite social and charismatic, she doesn't shy away from meeting new people, and is a constant source of entertainment. She considers herself quite a novelty.

Intelligent - Hazel is incredibly intelligent, and if only she was a little bit less reckless and she thought through her actions before doing them, she would benefit from them a lot more. Hazel, without putting much effort into her work, has always managed to achieve top grades in school and university. Her ideas are often different than those of her peers - and it's almost like she thinks differently to them.

Focus - Once she set's her mind something, she is both very determined and focus to get it, there is literally nothing that can deter her focus from her goal.


Her vanilla carmex and her are inseparable, and she applies it to her lips religiously.

She always has two hairbands on her wrists.

She thinks better with her hair tied up. If her hair is tied up she's usually planning.

Mental health: Hazel is largely unstable and she has an un-diagnosed dissociative identity disorder. Her other side is much more ruthless, murderous and psychotic - it is not something she knows how to control. Much like a sociopath, she often feels no remorse, guilt or empathy.

In Depth
Biography: The name deadshot was infamous, and so was his daughter's; Zoe, his believed only weakspot. And yet his first daughter seemed to be erased in history, and Hazel was never even sure if he knew of her existence or if he simply chose not to acknowledge her, though it was hard to imagine that it was the former.

Hazel, a daughter to a missing mother and an unknown father was placed into the foster care system at birth, and was one of the few lucky ones who managed to get out. They kept the truth of her adoption open from the earliest age; though they couldn't have it any other way considering her dark complexion compared to that of her white suburban family. Hazel was kept as a docile child, until the first instances of her father's seed began to emerge at the age of 13 when she attacked her brother, killing him through torturous methods.

When her parents came home to the sight of her mutilating her dead brother they immediately had her taken away to an asylum after the girl could not remember the actions of hurting her brother and was deemed unsafe in society.

And so began her descent into madness, no matter how many pills they popped into her to put her into a vegetative state, her alter ego kept coming out and she could not unsee the ways to kill and maim people. She still retained no memory of her other chaotic personality, which sought to kill and was often horrified by her actions. After years growing up in the asylum, she did the unthinkable, and decided to accept the wretched part of herself, to work with the chaotic evil within her, let it control her to get out of the asylum.

Hazel escaped at the age of 18, killing 17 people in cold blood, and since then has spent her time on the run, killing all those that got in her way, or offended her until she ended up in Belle Reve. During growing up, she found out who her real father was and of her sister. Unlike her sister, Hazel never gained Deadshot's recognition which stirs up jealousy and range within her for her half sister.


Biological Father: Deadshot - Floyd Lawton

Biological Mother: Unknown

Adoptive Mother: Cheryl Reston - disowned Hazel at the age of 13

Adoptive Father: Simon Reston - disowned Hazel at the age of 13

Adoptive Brother: Jay Reston - deceased.


Advanced Marksmanship

Enhanced Endurance and Stamina

Contaminant Immunity

Intermediate Hand to Hand combat

Theme song:

Why are they in Belle Reve: Hazel has committed multiple massacres and murders, even after the smallest thing sets her off and is incapable of feeling remorse for these actions. It began with the murder of her brother, then the 17 murdered when escaping Trens Asylum and after her escape she continued with murders.

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@Adira @Chibii @Oasis








177 lbs.

Body Figure:

Muscular but not overly


It is normally dark brown but sometimes she dyes it midnight black

Eye Color:

Light Hazel

Villain Costume:

Costume - Mask





name....Laney Higanbana Yamashiro

alias....Lan, Lane, or Silent Disaster /I]

age/zodiac....20 years old | Taurus

birth date....April 21st

sexual orientation....Lesbian

romantic orientation....Panromantic

gender....Cis-Female | she/her

I'm not mad. I'm talented, my mom trained me to be perfect in the way of the sword. She even gave her sword, I'm not mad. I just wanna have fun and fun is slicing things wide open!



Beau Rodrick Jackson

19|Cis Male|Gay|Trickster/Jay Jr






body figure:

Petite, Skinny


Naturally Black, Dyed Red


Honey Brown but wears Red Contacts

villain costume:




Corruption, Greed, Jealousy, Narcissism, Obsessive, Pride, Self-importance


Assertive, Commitment, Confidence, Courage, Humor, Knowledgeable, Self-confidence


He's ambidextrous, taps on things and yells when stressed

mental health:

Psychopathy but he likes to call it Super-Sanity



When his parents neglected him as a baby, he was put into an orphanage. His psyche was damaged and he was sent to multiple psychiatrist by the nice lady who ran the place. He was 7 when he was taken from the place by a man known as The Joker by some. To him, he was known as Dad and he spiralled down the road of insanity, or as he liked it, super-sanity, very very quickly. When he was 16, The Joker told him about a women called Harley Quinn who he used to love. Apparently they had a child together, a little girl, but they split up when she was very young. When he was 17, he came out to his Dad as gay and he was excepting. When he was 18, he was taken by the police during a heist and thrown into belle reve without trial.


Biological Mother - Unknown

Biological Father - Unknown

Father - The Joker


He doesn't have powers

why are they in belle reve:

He is the son of one of the most famous criminals in the world and has also committed many crimes such as arson, theft, murder and lots more.

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Piper Frost


Piper Mariana Frost






Cisgender Female // she,her,




(will be written into a paragraph)

- Awkward

- AntiSocial

- Unpredictable

- Distant

- Unemotional

+ Indifferent

+ Witty

+ Creative

+ Observant

+ Open-Minded


You can always find Piper reading a book at night

She tends to zone out while staring at people (which is weird af, bc she is)

When someone approaches Piper, she tends to get anxious and her fingers tremble

(Mental Disorder)

Piper is diagnosed and suffers from avoidant personality disorder, (APD).





Mother: Crystal Frost (aka Killer Frost)

Father: Peter Mcgonahey (human)


Piper has inherited all three of her mothers' powers (Hypothermia Kiss, Minor Heat Resistance, Thermokinetic Cryokinesis) though, she is untrained in all three, and can't fully use either of them. Along with that, she is a skilled gymnast, and amazing with hand to hand combat.

(Belle Reve?)




nope :)


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