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Realistic or Modern sᴏᴍᴇᴛʜɪɴɢSTRANGE. (closed)

PFT! That's a big weakness right there: he may be an "all powerful magician..." but he can't win in a fist fight to save his life. xD The physique is all for looks anyways to spur on his egotistic way. Combat skills... none. Nada. Zip. Tibby showing up or Crow sneezing then the cat showing up would be funny as hell.

That's possible. He may be one hell of a smooth machine, but there are people that are immune to his charms. -coughcoughVenncoughcoughcough- But, his attempts would be funny. And, everyone is free game. Anna and Rob's butts will be stared at equally. BU

Also... I had an idea that there's a small national park/camping area around Pasecoda along with a lake! :U

AND! ... an abandoned lumber mill!
Hmm, well I'm not saying it's for sure or anything, I'm just unsure if it's going to work every time they run into each other. Some days, if she's a bit less stressed/ unguarded, she'd probably fall under Crowley's spell and just go red-faced at any flirty thing he tosses her way and be embarrassed afterwards. But if she's already grumpy/tired, she'd be more along the lines of "No, not today, just save your breath.".

Just don't let Anna catch him staring at her butt, because she'll totally give him the dead eye. Rob probably wouldn't notice it, and if he did he'd be momentarily surprised/ weirded out, but otherwise wouldn't care.

As for the abandoned lumber mill... Dun dun Dunnn!
ALSO! More ideas for events/holiday ideas for Pasecoda:

Easter [yes, we're going to make the changes to make it March!]

April Fool's [gone wrong]

Wiccan Holiday

Zombie Walk

Some sort of lake-oriented event [monster in the water! PLEASE NO SHARK! DEAR GOD NO SHARKS OR SHARK IMAGES/GIFS DEATHLY AFRAID!]

A stargazing one for a meteor shower or something [ALIENS!]

Labor Day [aka random shit the characters are going to do on their day off]

Halloween/Day of the Dead-esque Party

Lent/Fat Tuesday

... and that's all I have so far.

That works for me! We can always see how the three of them react to one another in the thread and build up from there!
A Pasecoda Calendar, hm? Gosh, we're getting so darn organized.

Also, I motion that said calendar is actually the Pasecoda Fire/ Police Department's Annual specialty edition, in which they do a variety of poses... for charity of course ;p

Also, culminating ideas now- give me a few mins
omg that calendar. xD

I need to make a picture version and one to put on the IC. xD
Hm, that would be a cool/ funny feature to have, though you're so busy, I don't want you to be overworked more than you are already.

Regarding plots/ brainstorming things, I've been mulling over something since reading the overview for the RP. (Note: This is where I apologize in case I start rambling and spouting off complete gibberish- I take limited accountability and blame lack of sleep).

Based off of people's character profiles and posts, many people have been drawn to Pasecoda, whether it be Venn's description of a paranormal energy to Nova's obsession with disappearances/ murder cases occurring in the area. There are also characters such as Crowley, who don't have a clear reason why they're here, and Grayson and Anna, who were ready to leave but chose to return to the town due to extenuating circumstances, even though they could have figured out alternate solutions to their troubles. Also, there's an unusually high number of paranormals/ extra-sensitives in Pasecoda, given the population, Thus, there must be something which has brought them together and is the catalyst to all the strange events that take place there, from missing families to random were-owl attacks.

The cause? The fog, and whoever/ whatever creates it (Whether it's a neutral character or just a weird natural phenomenon). And while most of the people/things it has brought have been relatively harmless/ well-meaning, it could just be the start of darker things to come...

*Cue potential cringing*

Yea, at this point I'm not sure if I'm just going in circles, overthinking, too many clichés or what, but I just wanted to throw it out there- come morning my more rationale self will maybe probably delete this and chalk it up to exhaustion. But it's just something that's been bouncing round and I wanted to get it out there.

I think I should get some sleep before I start ranting about world issues and unicorns and whatnot.... night.
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I do really like where you're heading with that. Actually, Havoc and I had thought about taking the rp to a darker twist at some point.

//eyebrow waggle

We can discuss more after sleep! =w=
@infamous H4V0C

Was that lake event a reference to something? XDDD

Hmmm more events...


Uhmm... hmm...

SAMHAIN or something like it.

Although Gray wouldn't object to traditional fire-ball swinging on New Years. Courtesy of Hogmanay.
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I have a huge dark plot with a finally around halloween, but I would like to keep most of you in the dark for now.

I'll PM @Yuuki of the Strata and @infamous H4V0C soon about it.
PFT! I see. xD Hopefully i get a post out for Crow today to get things rolling. I'm supposed to leave town later on... and going where there's no internet. x -x
Places without internet... *shudder*

I mean, I think it's nice to get away now and then from technology considering that we use it almost 24/7, but it's not always convenient to do so... anyways, hope you have a great trip!

Regarding my ranting of last night, that got better feedback than expected... cool. As I said, it's just a starting point and we could easily work it out/ adjust things as needed- as much as I love the nice/ funny/ quirky tone this RP has had thus far, I think things eventually will get a tad darker/ tense. But that's what brainstorming's for I suppose.

Also, holidays, all the holidays... I hope this RP makes it far enough to get to Halloween and Christmas- I imagine Christmas in Pasecoda would be such a quaint scene and would be a great basis for hilarity to ensue. ;p If I may add one other suggestion, we could do a May-Day sort of event: while it's meant to signal the start of spring, in some countries it's believed that witches would do rituals to end the long winter, including lighting large bonfires, and other regions do large carnivals in celebration. I know there have been many good suggestions already, and I doubt we'll be able to do them all, but that's my two cents.
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Sorry, I've been bogged down today. I'm gonna try and make a Cindy reply before I take a nap. x____x;;
@Yuuki of the Strata;

Cute post~! xD Cindy's a doll.

For anyone interested in plotting, I'm online. ;D

I have work tomorrow and then school at night, so I won't be on much till tomorrow night.
Aw @Yuuki of the Strata , the Cindy post was sweet, though I feel bad for her because I'm unsure how well her infatuation is going to go- I'm rooting for her though ;) .

Eh, I think I'm going to wait for a Crowley or Venn post to come up become I make another Rob post, but depending on what happens I may introduce Anna tomorrow once I get back from work in the evening, but we'll see.

Have a good night folks!
@Bonny @clarinetti, its k. Cindy is an NPC. Her heart is meant to be broken. xD

I also have a question for you guys. What do you guys think about crack rping in a second IC? It could be like, we throw the characters in a room with a question or series of questions, and they would have to answer in a group? Or would have to do tasks in teams and groups as friendly competitions? It would be completely alternate universe so everything would be uncannon.
@Yuuki of the Strata ;

xD That would be great, actually. Could get to know the characters better, too.
Hm, it would be amusing to say the least- something a bit more casual/ quick paced while we wait for others to respond on the main RP.

Ack, I'm hoping to get the Anna post finished tonight, but no promises... we'll see.

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