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Realistic or Modern ❀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅᴀʏs - ᴏᴏᴄ ❀

aya: like u have room to talk u overgrown potato

← the face of a broken boy
I can't wait for there to be a festival and Mayu's recruits her friends to help make her cute. She's just going to show up like "Wow, look at me. I'm actually a g-i-r-l."
Making my IC Post now~
Any playlist or song recommendations to get me all immersed for this?
y'all.... i put off all my work until today and now.... i am merely a shell of a human.... h o w am i still surviving...
but i'm mostly done with everything so yes i'm gonna put off the irrelevant stuff so i can focus on fixing my relationship posts + start working on hiro's ic post instead

we love an artist named peach
wow i've never been more honored, this is the highlight of my artistic career :^0 ?

i updated my post in the relationships thread with tsuki's! also rewrote all of them to be first person quotes so enjoy my loves
omfg yes!!!!!!!!! i need to read!!!!!!!!!!

i lvoe how everyone's like naoki's a nasty rat boy (cause he is) but there's this select few that are also like

he got pinchable cheeks doe

coughs and he may just be fumie's future investment lol - she wants to make him her next big project client ?

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