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Realistic or Modern ❀ sᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅᴀʏs - ᴏᴏᴄ ❀

uhh. if ur mobile it might not be mobile friendly, i wouldnt know.
oh yeah that’s why. do you mind adding a spoiler underneath with the text? i tried it in my browser that lets me see desktop versions, which usually works for codes that arent mobile friendly but it looks the same ?
ohh, they could be childhood friends! they were the same year in junior high until his parents held him back but they still stayed close over the years (and momo probably always helped him study since he knew all the material already)
That sounds great! Glad Oma has a friend too?
Twin Fantasy Twin Fantasy just noticed we're using the same bbcode authors stuff!! They're amazing, easy to edit too (frustrating tho)

tiny grass is dreaming tiny grass is dreaming is my post mobile friendly? Or do you use browser and click desktop mode?
my computer shut down and everything got deleted so idk what fumie's relationships say rn but it'S SOMETHING HOPEFULLY, ENJOY & PLEASE TELL ME IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS/SUGGESTIONS/ETC.

allure allure - perfect, we're on the same page then B-)
Lunar Lunar - code is gorgeous!!!!

time to read everyone's updated relationship stuff & the new ic posts!
Lmao the tattoo fandom

Maybe they can be buddies?

Idk tho because they're both standoffish and distant

Maybe they could be drinking buddies?
They could be friends. I'd say childhood but that's a bit impossible because of the age difference lmao.
He can't hold his liquor well so drinking buddies is a bit...
Perhaps they met at the tattoo shop when they got theirs done and from there one started talking to each other [same interest]?
They could be friends. I'd say childhood but that's a bit impossible because of the age difference lmao.
He can't hold his liquor well so drinking buddies is a bit...
Perhaps they met at the tattoo shop when they got theirs done and from there one started talking to each other [same interest]?

Yeah, sounds good with me!

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