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Fandom ╰☆╮ S a k u r a s o u ╰☆╮

F o o l i s h n e s s

// v a n i l l a //

Ples Chat here?


Who wants to eat?

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Sango is finished, hopefully I didn't miss anything.

i didn't change her three times for nothing
So, what are you peoples' favorite moments in Sakurasou?

Ha ha.. what are you talking about, I am totally not procrastinating on my History or Anything.. ha...
Idea said:
wait, @T h e F o o l , so there are no more "prodigy" or whatever it was spots free after all? I could have sworn I had seen one before asking you to save me a spot...
That one spot I reserved for you so no spots left AFTER your character. ^-^
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[QUOTE="T h e F o o l]That one spot I reserved for you so no spots left AFTER your character. ^-^

Ooooooohhhh!!! Thanks, making my character now!
Idea said:
on that note, what does this rule mean:
Don't go back and forth between two people.
P1: *stuff*

P2: *more stuff*

P1: *Things*

P2: *Talk*

^ It is just two people going back and forth with posts - I find that, that sometimes it causes death in RPs since nobody wants to interrupt and it ends up being a one on one.
animegirl20 said:
oh I see but I don't see that being avoided I mean that's bond to happen anyway isn't it?
I believe he meant beyond perhaps six posts or even a whole page. A small exchange won't do much but when it goes beyond a page or so is when others may feel excluded.

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