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Realistic or Modern ρυяρℓє ¢σηѕтєℓℓαтισηѕ // out of character.

@professor pretzal

kinda freaking out cause you're using robert sheehan as a face claim and when i look at him i think of simon from the mortal instruments but yeah

I've actually never seen the mortal instruments, but when I was looking for pics of him I did see some gifs of him from that movie, I think aha.

(Also, I think Eleanor is so freakin' cool. Like you created such a cool character with her. *-* ) ((Also your form skills are so niceeee))

@Elizabeth Duchamps @professor pretzal I just end up thinking of Nathan from misfits :')

 I've actually also never seen Misfits either lol; I don't think I've seen anything with his face claim before, which I feel a wee bit bad for, but maybe one day I'll watch some of the actors stuff.

I kinda just saw a picture of him and was like 'Yeah, he could be a fun character to play' and then yeah lol. But I also saw a lot of gifs of him from that show too, & most of the gifs were him being crazy so I'm assuming Nathan is kinda a rambunctious kinda dude. (Also, Ricky is so sweet looking compared to his personality; like a cinnamon roll with spikes lol) (Actually, most of the forms for the characters I've read all seem so cool. Like this is an interesting group of peeps lol)
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@professor pretzal oh yeah definitely, Nathan is probably one of the craziest snarkiest characters I've seen in the show - he practically made the show :') Deffo a cinnamon roll with spikes - a cinnamon roll that could potentially kill haha but he's sweet after a while :-P

i know! all of the characters are great ❤️ I'm really to get this role play started, since Grove is accepted all we need is one more character and then all the slots are full :-) 
@FireMaiden @animegirl20

I'm going to need both of you to add a little more detail to your CS so I can tell who's more suited towards this role play, if that isn't too much to ask.

@juniper ali I'll give you until both of the above have read this message and edited their CS
Ah, I'll respond soon, I promise. Just been a bit busy lately. 

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