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Fandom RWBY: Unsung Heroes Unite~! (OOC) CLOSED!

that's true... @Omnivorish @Capriccio everything alright with you two.
You guys been on recently as your profiles say.

Hey, I'm so sorry. I've been on, yeah, but I haven't really been checking any threads at all. I feel like I should probably just drop out too at this rate, because as much as I love this rp, I don't know when I'll ever post again.
Hey, I'm so sorry. I've been on, yeah, but I haven't really been checking any threads at all. I feel like I should probably just drop out too at this rate, because as much as I love this rp, I don't know when I'll ever post again.

You sure you want to drop out? :(  
You sure you want to drop out? :(  

I'm not sure, actually... Again, I still like this rp, and my character. I just didn't check any threads for awhile, and the IC suddenly started to pick up the pace, so I feel uncertain of what I'm supposed to do, not to mention Omnivorish was interacting with my character last time I checked, so they might be about as left behind as I am.
I'm not sure, actually... Again, I still like this rp, and my character. I just didn't check any threads for awhile, and the IC suddenly started to pick up the pace, so I feel uncertain of what I'm supposed to do, not to mention Omnivorish was interacting with my character last time I checked, so they might be about as left behind as I am.

That''s true...Omni hasn't posted in 6 days, in like anything. and their 'last visited' says 4 hours ago. I wonder if they keep the site opened while away like I do...anyhow, it's up to you if you want to stay or drop out. I'm sure you maybe busy or something to not be able to post, that's just the usual in RPing, so I can understand. I don't fault others that can't help it for leaving and I won't you if you decide to. 
That''s true...Omni hasn't posted in 6 days, in like anything. and their 'last visited' says 4 hours ago. I wonder if they keep the site opened while away like I do...anyhow, it's up to you if you want to stay or drop out. I'm sure you maybe busy or something to not be able to post, that's just the usual in RPing, so I can understand. I don't fault others that can't help it for leaving and I won't you if you decide to. 

I need to think about it, but thank you. I might wait to see if Omni says anything about their absence. 
Hey folks I've got a bit of an update for things on my end. Long story short, mother had a mild stroke, and is currently in the hospital. Not saying I'm dropping out, just explaining why I've not posted yet. Will try and hash out a post while at the hospital via my phone, but wanted to let y'all know what's what at least.
Hey folks I've got a bit of an update for things on my end. Long story short, mother had a mild stroke, and is currently in the hospital. Not saying I'm dropping out, just explaining why I've not posted yet. Will try and hash out a post while at the hospital via my phone, but wanted to let y'all know what's what at least.

Oh no, I hope things turn out ok for you two. 
No need to rush ok. and thanks for letting us know. 
Right, I was waiting for @Capriccio to respond, be cause I'd have nothing to write about. But I do admit that I checked main rp everyday, without checking the OOC. So if you do leave, @Capriccio then please post some thing to which I could wrap up the loose end. But I think you should stay. Oh, and I apologize for the inconvenience. BTW, I probably will not post until after @Capriccio responds, it's super awkward talking to yourself in an RP.
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I was finally able to check the thread, and now I feel a bit silly about how I reacted... I expected there to be like, two or three more pages based on how many notifications I saw, but I was definitely wrong. I feel like I might actually be able to catch up now!

I can't reply right now though, as I've gotta go somewhere for a little bit, but I'll try to read over everything when I get back. So yeah, I doubt I'm going to step out of the rp now, and I'd also like to apologize to @Omnivorish for holding you up.
@Crystalblade @Capriccio @TeaMMatE11 @Omnivorish @LoneSniper87 @Nooguy @YMeAgain

Everyone, The second Chapter is finally out on Youtube~! Ah man this one was a shot through the heart! at the end there. Here watch it:

Again Spoiler talks about the video, so watch first.

ok I like to say....HOW BIG SI THE SCHNEE FAMILY MANSION!? It's like the size of one the academies for one family.

Whitley...IDK what to think about him...but damn does he show off how smoothly their animation has become. But wow...Weiss has major family issues...evident by the portlet.

As for RNJR, I'm not sure if Jaune was originally from Mistral, or not...I always thought he was from Vale. 

Also as for the marking, any ideas on what they could be. after rewatching it a few times,my thought on it being a type of Grimm foot print may be far off after thinking back to vol 3 where Nora gave a brief description of her's and Rin's life, and seeing how they looked at each other after in this chapter. but wow actual emotion from Rin though...things have really improved. 

I really hate Weiss's father...I never like his type in anything really, but damn...i wasn't thinking he be this bad. using the common people just so he could get some money. -sigh- Xp

As for this Klien guy...I'm not so sure about him guess we'll have to wait to learn more.

But that ending...those dreams of RWBY, I can only imagine what what this all is foreshadowing. 
@Crystalblade @Capriccio @TeaMMatE11 @Omnivorish @LoneSniper87 @Nooguy @YMeAgain

Everyone, The second Chapter is finally out on Youtube~! Ah man this one was a shot through the heart! at the end there. Here watch it:

Again Spoiler talks about the video, so watch first.

ok I like to say....HOW BIG SI THE SCHNEE FAMILY MANSION!? It's like the size of one the academies for one family.

Whitley...IDK what to think about him...but damn does he show off how smoothly their animation has become. But wow...Weiss has major family issues...evident by the portlet.

As for RNJR, I'm not sure if Jaune was originally from Mistral, or not...I always thought he was from Vale. 

Also as for the marking, any ideas on what they could be. after rewatching it a few times,my thought on it being a type of Grimm foot print may be far off after thinking back to vol 3 where Nora gave a brief description of her's and Rin's life, and seeing how they looked at each other after in this chapter. but wow actual emotion from Rin though...things have really improved. 

I really hate Weiss's father...I never like his type in anything really, but damn...i wasn't thinking he be this bad. using the common people just so he could get some money. -sigh- Xp

As for this Klien guy...I'm not so sure about him guess we'll have to wait to learn more.

But that ending...those dreams of RWBY, I can only imagine what what this all is foreshadowing. 
My friend and I were discussing the dreams Ruby was having.  Crackpot theory: Pyrrha's only dead in the physical form, so she's trying to contact Ruby, and this is why she had reoccuring dreams.  So...if this is the case, does that mean Ruby, because of the SEW's power, can hear the dead, and if so, does that mean she can hear anyone that has passed away?

It's really farfetched.  Also, just make a rooster teeth account.  It's free, and you get to see the episodes a week early.  Just saying.
is it free? I thought it had a subscription fee to it?

The subscription is just to watch the day of.  A free account will let you watch the new episodes they day after.

They release content on Saturdays, so you'll see the episodes on Sundays.  No subscription needed.

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