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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

XMega said:
I found color combinations but probably won't work View attachment 207975
Like this but I don't know what to call that
Well you just have to pick one. So if a semblance is a blue color try to be more specific on what color of blue. Is it a light blue is it more of a dark blue, etc, that might help.

Also you might want to flesh out the cs a little more, make it a little longer.
Hello all~ Long time RPer here, kinda new to the site, very new to the thread <3

Figured I'd let you all know I'm interested in the thread, working on a character concept that came to me in a dream once, but I probably won't finish the sheet tonight. To put the idea into a short sentence: "Yangire with a chainsaw on a stick."
Team QORL, or coral. Boom, there's your team name. I'm a genious, your welcome. But seriously, you don't have to use the name if you don't want to.
Hmmm.... well, I think I have the basics of the character down fairly well, but this is my first time every creating a RWBY character.... I'd really like some opinions or critiquing on what I have so far, any advice is welcome <3
Some coffee and an eagerness to see Shino in action has led to two things.

A sleepless night, and a semi-finished CS.

Also, I started and killed chat in the OOC. I'm skilled.
Pinkalyn said:
Some coffee and an eagerness to see Shino in action has led to two things.
A sleepless night, and a semi-finished CS.

Also, I started and killed chat in the OOC. I'm skilled.
I love the concept of your character, however I am not sure how Kiyo will feel about the second arm shotgun, since most people have one weapon, but of course I am not the final say, I am just a little helper. Other than that she looks pretty good
IceQueen said:
I love the concept of your character, however I am not sure how Kiyo will feel about the second arm shotgun, since most people have one weapon, but of course I am not the final say, I am just a little helper. Other than that she looks pretty good
I have the shotgun as a secondary weapon because her main weapon doesn't have a ranged component, but as the shotgun itself states it's still a fairly close-ranged item. I understand if it isn't fitting to the theme of the RP as it is right now, but if that's the case then I'd have to spend some time revising the main weapon to have that secondary weapon as a part of it.

And while I'm not saying canon justifies the fanon, several characters have such sidearms available to them for much the same reason, to cover that gap in their main weapon's potential. Blake and her two part Gambol Shroud being a loose example off the top of my head.

Either way, that is good advice, and I'll have some backup lines typed up just in case that does become a problem, thank you!
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