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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

@Kiyoko Tomoe Whats up Tmo, expect a character sheet later on (that is if sign ups are still open, are they?), I've recently caught up with the RWBY series and I have decided to join.
Hey Kanra. Sadly, sign-ups are currently closed. I will, however, be sorting the inactive players from the active soon, and as such, will probably have room for you and the other few people I've had to give bad news to regarding the sign-ups being closed. Just stick around for a bit, or if you'd rather not deal with alerts, wait for a tag as I'll be tagging people for when there's room for more people.

(I hate having to be a bringer of bad news like this >///<)
Still here, waiting for responses. Admittedly Kiyoko has some stuff going on IRL keeping her busy, so it's probably just a flag in activity before she gets freed up.
Ah, I'm actually working on a post to progress the plot right now. I mean, I probably won't have it up until tomorrow, but the sooner I work on it, the sooner it gets up so I may as well spend my little bit of nighttime freedom on RWBy stuff n' everything else I need do on RpN.
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Yay plot! *bounces up and down*

Anyways, since there's still time, I feel like changing Aurum's weapon to this baby right here;


If that's alright with everyone.

Oooo that looks cool! Seems to compliment Aurum's Burst semblance, now that he'll become a rollerblading speed demon with this on.

@Kiyoko Tomoe

Roger that, Goddess. Hope RL ain't being hard on you and everyone else too.
UnwantedTruth said:
@Kiyoko Tomoe is there room for another character?
Sadly the RP is currently full, though Kiyoko stated she was going to be weeding out those who haven't posted, factor in how many empty spots there are and get back to those that have asked.

Shghe's just got a few RL things going on that have had her strayed from the RP for a bit.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Sadly the RP is currently full, though Kiyoko stated she was going to be weeding out those who haven't posted, factor in how many empty spots there are and get back to those that have asked.
Shghe's just got a few RL things going on that have had her strayed from the RP for a bit.

Oh...ok...Thanks anyway...
Just no spoiler talk, please. Won't be able to see it until tonight.

Also...still no timeline for when the new characters get added to the rp?
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Just no spoiler talk, please. Won't be able to see it until tonight.
Also...still no timeline for when the new characters get added to the rp?

I imagine soon. Our goddess of donuts said she would put out an update soon, so i imagine not too long after that.
[QUOTE="Cruor Flumine]I imagine soon. Our goddess of donuts said she would put out an update soon, so i imagine not too long after that.

Okay, I hope so. I just want this rp to actually work out well ^_^ the last time was...well, I'd just rather imagine it never happened.
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Okay, I hope so. I just want this rp to actually work out well ^_^ the last time was...well, I'd just rather imagine it never happened.

I can imagine. Rp's fail more often than you may think.
Yea, the real shame is that RWBY Rp's fail regularly, generally due to a mixture of lack of decent direction(Go into forest and meet and stuff and things and yea didn't plan further), lack of interest, sometimes brought on by boredom from lack of direction, outlandish issues done when characters aren't policed properly and you essentially have a character with all of RWBY's good things, but no flaws whatsoever(Mary Sue Gary Stu complex) and extremely poor players/gm-ing.

The Majority I know to have failed happened when a GM allowed extremely new players to make Gary Stu/Mary Sue characters, wreck the plotline, intentionally act over powered and even watch people plan posts in the OOC for a fight they aren't in, then suddenly have a post where they arrive, do everything exactly how you and your mate planned it by themselves and leave, meaning your next four to five posts now are non-existent, and the GM does eff all about it. And then, of course, all the experienced RPers leave cos they don't want to deal with that, leaving behind a clusterf**k of a dying mess.

Which is exactly why I'm happy Kiyoko has a set plotline, moves things along when she can, and is more rigid and structured in her Character Creation. Sure, it is strict, but it helps weed out anyone who may cause any of the afore-mentioned issues.

Once Kiyoko is able to get Real Life squared away, with how many people have stuck by this, I believe it has a chance to go far.
[QUOTE="Veirrianna Valentine]Yea, the real shame is that RWBY Rp's fail regularly, generally due to a mixture of lack of decent direction(Go into forest and meet and stuff and things and yea didn't plan further), lack of interest, sometimes brought on by boredom from lack of direction, outlandish issues done when characters aren't policed properly and you essentially have a character with all of RWBY's good things, but no flaws whatsoever(Mary Sue Gary Stu complex) and extremely poor players/gm-ing.
The Majority I know to have failed happened when a GM allowed extremely new players to make Gary Stu/Mary Sue characters, wreck the plotline, intentionally act over powered and even watch people plan posts in the OOC for a fight they aren't in, then suddenly have a post where they arrive, do everything exactly how you and your mate planned it by themselves and leave, meaning your next four to five posts now are non-existent, and the GM does eff all about it. And then, of course, all the experienced RPers leave cos they don't want to deal with that, leaving behind a clusterf**k of a dying mess.

Which is exactly why I'm happy Kiyoko has a set plotline, moves things along when she can, and is more rigid and structured in her Character Creation. Sure, it is strict, but it helps weed out anyone who may cause any of the afore-mentioned issues.

Once Kiyoko is able to get Real Life squared away, with how many people have stuck by this, I believe it has a chance to go far.

Yup, this, in my eyes, has a lotvof potential and I'm excited to see where it goes from here.
@Mollisol @arcaneSentinel

So you may be hating me right now because of my absence and lack of posting but I'm still alive ;;w;;

I've seen your posts but due to IRL, I haven't been able to reply to your posts so I'll try to get to that when things settle on my end, I'm still stuck in exam week and bleh @_@ Please forgive me so until then, please be patient on me... ;;m;;

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