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Fandom RWBY - Turn To Dust

What should we name the academy in Atlas?

  • Aatos Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Refuge Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Shield Academy

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  • Fortress Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Sanctuary Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Stronghold Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bastion Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Titan Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Forge Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Bunker Academy

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
shadowdude505 said:
My character's name starts with M. Maybe we could have a team platinum (PLTM?).
Ooh, I could play the leader named Punyuru in team PLTM :P

I'd probably go a more color-based name though... Not to mention, my characters'll be the headmaster and then probably like, an all-star student team's leader to have a bit of flow to things.
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I've personally found teams based on gemstones to be the easiest, like Team GRNT (garnet), Team DMND (dimond), Team SPHR (sapphire), Team QRTZ (quartz), etc
My character is named Maroon. He is a faunus and knows little about the White Fang, but might be swayed to join...

Another idea I had, in order to work with all the people, is to have three separate threads for each nation, and separate players into them. Then we can meet later for the Vytal Festival or something else.
Mollisol said:
@Sullivanity and @Kiyoko Tomoe , would this be a good time to attach a giant CNR-compliant team names list?
(I want to help this be kickass, but I apologize if I'm being pushy.)

p.s.: I have a character with a G; maybe we could be MGNT (magenta) if we get placed on the same team! :)
That sounds like fun. I'm not sure if the academy would chose my character to be the leader though. Maybe to think up team names we should post a list of options. We already have a few listed and I can see a couple Ms I could put my character in.

I feel like when generating team names we should just have the options available and then set things in stone once our characters are accepted in the character sign-up.

Here's the personality I have for my character if you want to judge her leadership qualities for yourselves.

Maylea's Personality
Bubbly and spunky, Maylea is always ready for adventure. As a Faunus she realizes that other people may have preconceived notions about her, but she tries not to care about what other people think and proudly displays her Faunus cat ears. She dislikes it when a Faunus (or anyone) is picked on. She'll try to ignore the bullying when she's being picked on, but she can't ignore it if someone else is being bullied.

Maylea is the outdoorsy type that likes to bring elements of the outdoors inside. She likes feeling earth under her feet, the wind in her hair, and the texture of plant life. She prefers sleeping on the ground (with or without a sleeping bag) or in a hammock. It's hard for her to sleep in a regular bed. Maylea doesn't like destroying plant life and is remorseful when seeing the aftermath of a forest fight. However she thinks human (and Faunus) lives are more important than plants.

Maylea is more street smart than book smart. Academically she's an average student and is more battle minded, preferring action when the time for battle arises. In fights she has a playful spirit and banters with her opponents. Her lighthearted nature may make it seem like she doesn't take fighting seriously, but she'll go all out to protect her allies and the people of Remnant.
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shadowdude505 said:
That sounds like fun. I'm not sure if the academy would chose my character to be the leader though. Maybe to think up team names we should post a list of options. We already have a few listed and I can see a couple Ms I could put my character in.
I feel like when generating team names we should just have the options available and then set things in stone once our characters are accepted in the character sign-up.

Here's the personality I have for my character if you want to judge her leadership qualities for yourselves.

Maylea's Personality
Bubbly and spunky, Maylea is always ready for adventure. As a Faunus she realizes that other people may have preconceived notions about her, but she tries not to care about what other people think and proudly displays her Faunus cat ears. She dislikes it when a Faunus (or anyone) is picked on. She'll try to ignore the bullying when she's being picked on, but she can't ignore it if someone else is being bullied.

Maylea is the outdoorsy type that likes to bring elements of the outdoors inside. She likes feeling earth under her feet, the wind in her hair, and the texture of plant life. She prefers sleeping on the ground (with or without a sleeping bag) or in a hammock. It's hard for her to sleep in a regular bed. Maylea doesn't like destroying plant life and is remorseful when seeing the aftermath of a forest fight. However she thinks human (and Faunus) lives are more important than plants.

Maylea is more street smart than book smart. Academically she's an average student and is more battle minded, preferring action when the time for battle arises. In fights she has a playful spirit and banters with her opponents. Her lighthearted nature may make it seem like she doesn't take fighting seriously, but she'll go all out to protect her allies and the people of Remnant.
I agree. I'm not trying to go "I am taking control of names and we should all follow the CNR and MY names list" because that would be out of line. And if a team fits as, say, DLXT, it's not my place to suggest they separate into GLXT (galaxite) and DNLN (dandelion). But I think it would be helpful to have options available too, that were there if you wanted to use them, because people seem to think word names are cooler than combinations of letters.

If it was decided your character shouldn't be leader, you still have a lot of options before names even stop being color words, such as VRML (vermilion), AQMR (aquamarine), or like you said, PLTM (platinum). Or if she should be leader, maybe MRNG (meringue; it's a white-colored dessert) or MSMA (miasma) or MINT or MSTR (mustard).

As for whether she'd make a good leader, take this with a grain of salt because I'm not running things around here and this is my first RWBY roleplay, but her playful, lighthearted spirit reminds me of Ruby. Sometimes you need someone very serious, but sometimes you need someone who would take her job just seriously enough. The fact that she'll stand up for others is also important in a leader, and street smarts sound important in an urban world like Atlas.
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@Mollisol I see what you mean about leadership. I just didn't want to force myself into that role. In the show it was the headmaster's decision who got the leadership role so I'll wait and see how team positions are going to be filled out.

@Kiyoko Tomoe Are our characters mostly going to be first-year students and we'll form teams at the beginning or are we going to say teams are already established with some fairly new? Or maybe a mixture?
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Hello everyone! Rooke told me about this RP and I'm interested in joining (if there's still room of course)
Heyoooo!..soz for my absense and junk, so might as well add my ten cents to make up for lost time

As for the academy name... I personally like the defense sounding names... Particularly bastion. I was going to suggest Titan academy....doesn't fit defense, but it sorta fits atlas in my mind.

As for team name..and formation... And leaders and junk, well obviously we can't just lunch the kids in the forest... But this being Atlas and all...and Atlas being all techy, it could be like a live combat simulation...perhaps with those robo-troops they have to serve as the test to make the teams. Is just a thought for me to toss out there

Oh..and my character's name starts with an S (saffron...cause its a nice color)...not sure how you want to decide the teams, if they're gonna me predefined... Or even of we're going to do the first test or what... But that's my input.
Going off from what @pridedzoey said about Atlas, it seems to be the military powerhouse among the kingdoms. The idea of fighting robots for the test sound cool, so what if we make the OCs go through a training course that focuses on teamwork like the real military?
I've definitely like the idea of Atlas having a military theme to its test. Now we need to think of a way for teams to be selected. If the academy is being run like a military training area, I think they would be more likely to chose teams based on synergy between members, rather than luck.
Hmm... All great ideas. I like them, so we'll go with a military-style school. As for the selection process and the test, there would be three tests; one that assesses combat strength, one that assesses perception, and one that assesses strategy/intellect; hopefully that for at least an initial layout for the test works, and I'm definitely open for recommendations and fixes to the three tests.

Also, that would be how one gets their team; the school assesses the strengths of students and puts them into a balanced team with people that have about the same level in their individual strong areas. As for leader, they'd be somebody who has well balance in all three areas, not necessarily all three areas as high as the teammates though, just equal overall skill as their teammates; perhaps a little higher.
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Alright, it seems two unique locations is what people want... However, since there's a few who also want Vale, I've decided I'll create two unique locations, then have Vale incorporated into the story in some way... Perhaps the Vytal Festival? If so, we could possibly pace our RP's development with the anime somewhat :P

Also, getting the name poll up soon, since we've got a few good names. Also, my input name will be Bunker Academy, just 'cause "back to the bunker!" sounds funny to me for whatever reason.
Can I say i'm interested as well or is this a full RP as it is? Really hope you guys have room. BTW, I voted sanctuary since it sounds like a huge safe haven for all races.
Just out of curiosity, what are you guys thinking in terms of weapons? Personally, I had an idea for a sword that launches a saw blade when it's unsheathed, in a way kinda like those top launchers with the chord.
I wield a dust mace that uses lava, ice, and wind dust. I active the dust held in the mace head using my aura. It can change into a cannon and shoot ice/lava pressure bombs. My semblance is regeneration. The dust mace is a powerful weapon, but is often used more as a utility to help me be more of an efficient tank.
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Raynes weapon are chain blades in bracers like from assassins creed. Koal has a large broadsword the can shift to guns, twin swords, and a staff. Trinity uses scimitars that fire hand cannon rounds out of the hilt.

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