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Fandom RWBY Saga: Vale [Arc 2 IC]

(Literally worst post, done on phone because computer is having issues, if someone gm-y is able to and has the care, feel free to alter this post, but trying to format on this phone is gonna make me throw my phone through the wall)

It honestly wasn't the biggest surprise when, outside of a small and quick greeting, the pair Rook was attempting to talk to seemed to keep to themselves and leave. Sure it was somewhat disappointing, and it would have been nice to have made some new friends, but the recurring theme was that she was either dealing with experinced individuals out on patrols, or was an unknown quantity to most of the already stressed or upset civilians that were milling about. So despite this new pair being the umpteenth number of people to opt out of trying to welcome her attempts at befriending, Rook's smile showed no wear or tear as she retracted her extended hand and took another sip of the bottle.

As she did so she urned to face the newcomer who, much to her joy, had two fluffy and adorable looking ears. Having ears of her own, albeit not adorable fluffy ears, she recalled the name the one not called Tsana stated, and she reextended a hand out to the boy.

"Culpeo, was it?" she ventured, her smile welcoming and her eyes only averting from his ears for a second to look at his eyes before returning to the primary point of interest, "Nice to meet you, name's Rook."
Cerise Darcy Amaranth

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Kids and Ashe
Mention: N/A
@Tags: xAlter xAlter
Cerise was still laughing after his little teasing stunt when he felt a bit of his air being knocked out when Ashe pushed him to the wall behind him. Ashe pointing his finger at his face didn't help Cerise stop his smile from falling, "Alright. Alright. I get it, that was not cool of me to do." He watched Ashe walk back to the sleeping quarters as he gave a final call, "I promise, I won't do that again! You have my word!" With Ashe gone, Cerise let out another laugh, wiping his eyes with the tears of joy that were running down his face. Totally worth it!

Watching a few kids running past him as they said their hello to him. Cerise waved as he began to follow the group to where ever they were heading. Like he had agreed upon, he headed off to keep the kids busy until Ashe brought him food. Really he doesn't believe he would even bother after that little stunt, but if he did, that would be amazing. "Now," he called out to the kids, "Who wants to play hide and seek?" Several of the kids laughed and cheered as the began to head to their hiding spots as Cerise closed his eyes and began to count.

Summer Rose

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Ashe, Tsana, Rook, and Culpeo
Mention: N/A
@Tags: xAlter xAlter IG42 IG42 Chak Chak
Summer nodded toward Tsana's request to leave so they can continue their conversation. "Sorry to leave all of a sudden, but Tsana isn't feeling well, I'm going to take her to one of the doctors on standby," Summer announced to Culpeo and Rook. She began to usher Tsana toward the exit but stopped to look toward Rook. "If you wish to make friends, I recommend not popping in and asking Faunus to be touched... It's not nice. Especially after the fall, people are on edge," Summer gave her a final wave before following Tsana.

Just as they made it out the door, she collided with Ashe as he was about to enter the room. "I'm so sorry Ashe!" Summer exclaimed as she got worried about hurting him, "Did I hurt you at all?" She tried to look over at any visible signs that she had hurt him, but nothing really popped out to her. Even as she waited for an answer, she mentally slapped herself as she recalled that she didn't know how to and understand sign language. I really need to learn from Jade...

Summer was about to give up when she got an idea. "Oh," she exclaimed, "Do you mind if I have your number? That way, you can just text me your replies instead of writing them." She smiled at him as she pulled out her scroll and extended it out to Ashe to take. Summer had made it her mission to collect everyone's number in case of an emergency but also to get to know her classmates, but after so many things happening, she had barely scratched the surface in the number of numbers she has from the class.
Tsana Luna Khan and Ashe Ember


Location: Hospital/Refugee Camp
Nearby: Summer
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Tsana gratefully thanked Summer by clutching tighter to her friend’s arm. With the awkward situation out of the way, and the ability to talk to someone she trusted alone, Tsana loosened up just a bit. She still of course held tightly to Summer, as if she was going to disappear. Giving a small smile and wave to both Culpeo and Rook, Tsana allowed herself to be dragged off to wherever Summer wanted to speak to her with. It was even better when she saw Ashe walking towards them, seemingly red, or something. Tsana was about to shout out to Summer that she was about to collide with Ashe, when the two did.

Ashe, still reeling from the stunt Cerise pulled on him. He really, and I mean really hated Cerise sometimes. His mind going a million miles per hour, Ashe failed to realize who he was walking into, and where he was. Colliding with Summer, Ashe rebounded off of the Rose girl and did not fail, but had to steady himself with the wall. Shaking his head that he was okay, Ashe looked to Tsana and gave a questioning look. “I’m fine Ashe… we’re just going to talk… can you come with us?” she said. Hearing the desperation in his friend’s voice, Ashe could only agree to go with them.

Looking back to Summer, once he heard her asking something of him, he looked down at the offered scroll. She wanted his number?! Ashe looked around, and then back at the scroll. Internally sweating, Ashe took the scroll and entered his number. Handing back Summer’s scroll, he texted a response from his own scroll. “I mean, texting and writing are sort of the same, but I can teach you sign language if you wish.” Thinking for a bet, Ashe texted the second part of his response. “Oh yeah… Cerise got pulled away by some kids. He told me to bring you back when we’re done… and get him food…”
Cirrus Jay Schnee

Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Sage, Orion
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint xAlter xAlter
While he instinctively returned the comforting squeeze Cirrus wasn't any less worried. "But what if I can't come back? It's crazy enough that anyone is going to get just us out of here and leave everyone else behind, why would someone try to bring me back here after that?" He could almost hear his mother asking him what the point would be of getting stuck in the refugee camp again. Naturally he was worried about the rest of his family that would be left behind and his team but nearly losing Sage in the forest incident had made him fiercely protective of his boyfriend.

As Cirrus stewed over what to do Orion showed up and made his intentions perfectly clear. "I got the message too Orion but are you really okay with this? The fight is here and we're supposed to go make nice halfway round the world." While he adored most of his family there had been a mutual dislike between him and his late grandfather, under normal circumstances he wouldn't be churlish enough not to show up at his funeral but the timing couldn't have been worse.

Looking down at Sage again he felt a pang in his chest at the thought of leaving him behind until he came up with a desperate idea. "What if you came with me to Atlas?" He gripped Sage's shoulder with a touch of desperation. "That way we could stay together."
Culpeo Albain

Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Summer, Tsana, Rook
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint xAlter xAlter , Chak Chak
Returning Summer's smile Culpeo nodded in greeting. "Summer, good to see you." The girl's spirit had impressed him over the past month, rather than moping or focusing her attention just on her heartbroken brother she tried to cheer everyone up.

Spotting Tsana's tiny little smile his ears pricked up and he felt a touch of heat build in his cheeks. As much as he enjoyed her usually perky nature Culpeo didn't understand how she could have just abandoned her mother and the White Fang the way she had, still his father and by extension he himself owed a lot to Sienna and with her gone looking out for her daughter seemed to be the least he could do.

Picking up on the other faunus' whispered request to leave he was prepared for Summer's excuse that they needed to leave but also worried that it may hold a grain of truth and explained why Tsana seemed so out of sorts. While he debated whether or not to go with the two of them the newcomer Rook turned her attention on him and he decided to just make sure they made a clean getaway. "That's right Culpeo Albain at your service." He said as he shook her outstretched hand with his usual polite smile back in place. "It's a pleasure to meet you as well." After a moment his smile faltered as he noticed that she was staring at top of head. "Umm...is there something on my head?" Looking up himself his ears flicked trying to dislodge anything that may have gotten stuck on them.
Summer Rose

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Ashe, Tsana, Rook, and Culpeo
Mention: N/A
@Tags: xAlter xAlter IG42 IG42 Chak Chak
Summer watched at Ashe inserted his number into her scroll and soon received a message from him. Smiling, Summer lucked up at Ashe and asked, way too excited at the notion, "Really! You would teach me how to sign?!" Looking down at her scroll again as the next message came in, she laughed at it and nodded, "Of course. Cerise is so good with the kids. Anyway. Where to Tsana?"

Following Tsana as she leads the three to where ever she felt safe to talk about what she was about to tell her when Rook suddenly arrived. Glancing over to the direction of the sleeping quarters, wondering if Culpeo was okay with the newcomer. She seemed so excited to have been here during the fall. Making it a point to look for her later to ask her questions, Summer tired to keep up with Tsana and Ashe.

'Oh!' Summer texted Ashe, 'How have you need during all of this? Things seem to be making people antsy... which is understandable.' Feeling Tsana's hold on her arm, brought a smile to Summer's face. Placing her hand on her own hand, which was holding her arm. "Hey, everything is going to be okay," Summer reassured her, "How about I get Culpeo to bring some baking things and I came to some pastries. Maybe that can help a little?"

Sage Auburn

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Cirrus and Orion
Mention: Skyler, Saffron, and Culpeo
@Tags: IG42 IG42
"Hey," Sage placed a hand on Cirrus' cheek, trying to ease his worry, "I get it. I think you should still go and be there for your family. I'm much better now, I've even gotten the strength to practice my archery once more." Sage smiled up at his boyfriends but turned away from him as soon as he heard Orion's calling out to Cirrus. Stepping away from Cirrus a bit to allow the two cousins to their moment.

Sage looked between the two Schnees as they talk over their plan on heading home. Sage knew Cirrus was close to his family, so he knew he would go and see them during this sudden event. He just couldn't feel a bit annoyed at Orion's tone. "There's no need to be so harsh, Orion..." Sage announced under his breath, "Besides... Airships are hard to get by at the moment. Someone needs to have the permission to leave let alone the Grimm flying around would cause trouble."

Sage crossed his arms, trying to not get to into their discussion but turned around when Cirrus put a hand on his shoulder. "Me? Go to Atlas with you?" he asked, "I... I don't know, Cirrus... I don't want to come between your family... besides, I would be leaving my team behind. We are back at the same crossroads..." Sage walked slower to Cirrus, hugging him as he lay his head on Cirrus' shoulders. "Let me think about it, at least let me talk it over with my team... we have time before an airship would arrive to pick you guys up."
Tsana Luna Khan and Ashe Ember


Location: Hospital/Refugee Camp
Nearby: Summer
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Ashe silently laughed at the eagerness of Summer to learn sign language. Teaching her would be hard and all, but he was sure he could do it. He maybe could get Jade in the lessons as well. Two people would make it easier of course. Looking to the smiling Summer, Ashe noticed the timid Tsana hiding behind Summer. Walking over to her, Ashe pet her head in a calming gesture. Tsana ‘s mood perked up ever so slightly, and her tail swayed back and forth in happiness.

Tsana loosened her grip on Summer when she felt the comforting hand of both Ashe and Summer. Pondering for a moment with a quiet whimper, Tsana decided on the place to go. “Can we go to the roof…?” she asked Summer. The roof was one of the places she liked best. It was outside, freeing, and most of all, had a wondrous view of the shattered moon. That’s how Tsana felt right now, shattered. Everything within her was breaking slowly if she didn’t get the release she needed. When Summer asked about the pastries, Tsana’s eyes seemed to sparkle. “Yes… please…”

With his continued patting of Tsana, Ashe read the text Summer sent him. Reading it, Ashe didn’t know how to respond. “I’ve been okay. I’m not too worried about what’s happening right now. We’re in good hands, and the world has the previous generation if we fail.” Realizing his message was a bit too grim, Ashe sent the next message. “What I mean is that we’re not alone. This isn’t the first time so we have the experience of the older generation backing us. We can do anything.”

Orion Schnee


Location: Hospital/Refugee Camp
@Tags: IG42 IG42 KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Orion knew of course, how important Sage was to Cirrus. The bond the two held was insurmountable, something he wished he had with all his ‘attempts’ at falling in love. Cordelia ended in heartbreak for both of them, promising things he knew he might not be able to keep. Io was her own story, a trial and error of two people trying to overcome their own problems in the world. Making a semi-growl semi-sighing noise, Orion looked back at the couple when he heard Cirrus respond.

“Cirrus, our fight was lost here.” Orion replied. The battle was over for them, and they needed to move on. “The battle was lost and don’t try to make it seem like it wasn’t. We have wars to fight and battles of our own. Right now, it is our duty to show the world that the Schnee family is still strong. That we are still together, to give hope. We may not be the best family to show that, but we will.” Wishing that his cousin would hear him through, he hoped he would make the right choice. Hearing him ask about bringing Sage, Orion swallowed and made a decision.

“We could be able to take everyone on SEAS.” Orion breathed out quickly. Noticing that he probably wasn’t understandable, Orion repeated his words. “SEAS, and everyone on it can come.” Thinking of a reasoning why, he spoke. “Right now, we need place where we can regroup and come up with a plan. Salem has risen again, the world is about to end again, and Atlas is a pretty safe place. With the Atlesian military, the Schnee Dust Reserves, we could regroup there. Of course, we’d be bringing everyone to someplace off the Schnee compound, but it’s a thought.”
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Croc Sustrai adn Bruno Port



Location: Refugee camp halls
Nearby: Ren
@Tags: The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye
"...I'm just saying it strange. The was wearing a mask and was messing with wires. The strangest part was that he seemed to repairing them and not sabotaging them" Bruno said to Croc as they walked down the halls near the entrance.

"Some of the handy men have weird masks, so what? We're in the middle of a hell scape, the guy in charge can't really be picking on recruits to keep the place going." Croc said with a shrug. After saying that Corc noticed Ren enter walking in. "Hey looks whose here Bruno. Hows it hanging Ren?" Croc asked smirking at Ren.

"You seem more happy then usual. Did something happen?" Bruno asked with a kind smile. Bruno then looked down to Ren's scroll. "You got a message from some one?" Bruno added.
Yukimura Tsubaki
82b536e7ef4bff77d773c949315de83d.png Location: Somewhere above Vale Interactions: Mention: @Tags:
"Noooo! C'mon, hang in there! Plwease~? Eh--HAHA! That's another down!"

Amidst one of the ships sent from Mistral, Tsubaki and the rest of her team sat, mid-flight and Vale-bound. The four reserved a small corner of the airship out of pure 'Let's not annoy the rest of the aid' and kindness of the pilot's heart. Here, Tsubaki and the rest reluctantly played 4-man fighting games. This was Baki's choice, as the leader, someone had to entertain and why not games? "Baki, we need to start getting focused... We don't exactly know what's going to happen at Vale." One of them started, placing the game-pad into her travel bag.

"Yeah girl, this is technically our first. We need to get level-headed now. It ain't no game, feel?" Another followed, standing.

"Pack it up. Make the mature decisions please... We're nearly there." The last spoke softly, watching the windows closely.

Tsubaki looked at her team and sighed, "Okay~! It's business time then!" She blinked right behind her window-watching pal, "You know I've always kept my head in the right place," and then behind her impatient friend, "Even if that is in the clouds, heh..." and finally behind her realist, "Besides... You all have no problems with me, so let's go ahead and do what you said Mr. 'Focu-'"

Before she could finish her taunts, the ship rattled and shook, throwing her to the floor. With a 'thud' the pilot yelled from the front, "Grimm ahead!"
Baki pushed up and looked out the window, getting herself a feel of the land. Going further to her feet, she stumbled as the airship was hit yet again. And again. And again.

Baki looked to her team, now actually getting to her feet, "Something needs to happen fast. If we go down here, we might risk either leading Grimm right to the camp or crashing right into it." She looked back out the window.

"If we turned right now, we could potentially avoid the area completely." Nox, the realist spoke, "Wait, wait. Baki get to the pilot now! He needs to do this now or we're going to!"
Skyler Eden Sharp

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Orion, Cirrus, and Sage
Mention: Culpeo and Saffron
@Tags: xAlter xAlter IG42 IG42
Skyler turned the corner when she noticed Sage talking to Cirrus. She couldn't help smile when she saw how happy Sage was with Cirrus. She couldn't hear them and their conversation, which she didn't want to interrupt, but when Orion came over to them, she stopped in her tracks to retreat. Clearly seeing something change in Sage, she finally walked over to them. She caught the tail end of Orion's words regarding Atlas being a safe place.

"What about my team?" Skyler asked the guys once she was near enough to be apart of the conversation. "As much as I agree with you Orion on the fact that Atlas is the safest place to be, I would never allow my fellow Faunus friends be under the discrimination that seems to still be there. It's bad enough what people are talking about them here." Skyler crossed her arms over her chest as she looked over to Orion, "I also doubt all of us would be allowed to stay in the Schnee estate. There is to many of us."

"Skyler," Sage walked over to her, "Hey, it's okay. Cirrus was just offering me to come with him... his grandfather died..." Skyler straightened up and bowed her head low, "I didn't know. Sorry for your loss." When she looked back up to everyone, she looked over to the Schnees and asked, "Wait... how are you guys even going to get there? Let alone where are you planning to just leave without telling your teams?" Sage answered first as he explained a bit, "That's what I was telling them. I was going to come by and tell you guys that I might leave with Cirrus..."

Skyler looked over at her cousin, shocked to hear him even want to go near the frozen kingdom, "You want to go to Atlas? Why?" Sage looked over to Cirrus and answered, "Cirrus' worried and if I go he wouldn't be. I know we would be leaving you guys here, but it's only a will reading and I'll make sure to head back. I don't plan to stay longer..." Skyler looked at all of the guys in the hallways before sighing, "Well... I can't stop you from doing what you want."

Summer Rose

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Ashe and Tsana
Mention: The airship w/ Tsubaki, Jade, Cherry, Slate, Titan, Pyro, Val, Phoenix, Cerise, Cirrus, Sage, Skyler, Saffron, Orion, and Culpeo
@Tags: xAlter xAlter Brinni Brinni Hibiscus Hibiscus DrBezendrine DrBezendrine KingofCool KingofCool IG42 IG42
Tsana lead Summer and Ashe to the Roof. As they walked, Summer continued to text with Ashe. 'Oh, you're fine. I know what you mean...' she texted, 'It's great having my family to fall back on. They would be the ones to know how to handle this. We're just students still learning.' Once they made it to the roof, Summer looked up at the sky, making sure none of the Grimm where around to cause trouble.

Taking a seat at the edge of the building she looked over to Tsana. "Alright, now that we are alone and out of earshot from anyone. What were you saying about what has been happening to you, Tsana?" She recalled her talking about the voices, which was the strangest part of all of this. She understood the harassment she might have been going through during the month from the other survivors but the voices? What does she mean by artifacts?

Before she could even hear anything that Tsana was talking about, she slowly looked behind the Faunus' head at what looked like it was descending. "Guys? What is that?" Summer pointed over to the north. Whatever it was, she had to report it in. Sending a message to all of the members on her phone which had at least one person on everyone's team. The message saying, 'Something in the North side of the building is descending at a rapid pace. Anyone see it as well?'
Tsana Luna Khan and Ashe Ember


Location: Hospital/Refugee Camp
Nearby: Summer
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Ashe read the text and texted back within a few moments. The comfort of knowing that you weren't alone in the world made the struggle of surviving just a tad bit easier. "It's definitely a morale booster." he texted back. "Without the knowledge of the previous generation, some of us wouldn't be the amazing people we are today. I especially probably wouldn't be here... with my conditions..." Focusing back on Tsana, Ashe removed his hand from petting her head. When they arrived at the roof, Ashe sat on the floor near the roof's edge, his back leaning against the barricade preventing them from falling over.

Tsana, letting go of Summer so she could sit down on the ledge, sat on the floor, her head down and her tail once more limp against the ground. She tried to rack her head for any information on the the things going in her head. "I don't know what you mean. You don't know of the Relics? The power of the Maidens?" she asked in desperation. "You have to know Summer! Your mother and father were part of everything that changed the world! I..." Her eyes hardening, Tsana stood, a growl in her throat, teeth bared. "You of all people should!..." Looking at the sky, Tsana saw the streaking bullhead coming for the roof.

Ashe stood, turned and watched as the bullhead fell. He could see Grimm surrounding and attacking the ship, some even pulling off and flying straight for the hospital. Texting that it was a falling airship, Ashe summoned his sniper and began taking potshots at the Grimm attacking the ship. His shots rang into the air, Dust shells ejecting from the gun as with a hardened look, Ashe kept open firing. Looking to Summer, he sent a silent message to Tsana. Tsana, understanding, grabbed Summer's arm and dragged her off the roof, leaving Ashe alone, firing from the roof. "We have to warn the others!" Tsana screamed above the roar of the ship. Ashe looked back once he knew Tsana and Summer were away. "I am the watcher and this is my tower..." he silently prayed as more gunshots rang out.
Akashi Taurus

download (3).jpg
Location: refugee camp
Nearby: everyone really
@Tags: xAlter xAlter KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint Brinni Brinni

(Forgive the bad, I had to so this one on my phone.)

After getting blown off by that prick Orion, and a lack of motivation to play any games now that he had a new scroll, a gift from home, Akashi had taken to sharpening and cleaning Murasume while sitting in a window sill. Maintenance on his sword was always tiresome due to the sheer length of the blade. But it was enjoyable. It was already mostly clean, so he wiped down the blade and had it sharpened finely within 20 seconds. It was so sharp when he finished, that when he turned off his Aura and tested the length of the blade with his thumb, he found that his thumb had a shallow cut down to his palm. Nothing his Aura couldn't fix. And it did. Akashi spent the rest of the time watching his blood trickle down his sword. It was weird, yes, but it was his tradition. While he had begun to reject most of his father's teachings, there were some things he could agree with. His father always said, 'You can only truly appraise a blade in the heat of battle. Blood will decide it's worth.'. While he didn't have a battle, he did have blood..............God he needed to talk to people. It was at that moment he saw it.

A large object was falling towards Vale at an alarming rate. At first glance, he assumed it to be a nevermore or something dive-bombing some prey, most likely survivors. But as Akashi narrowed his eyes he saw it was no such thing. "Is-Is that an airship? No way, what's an airship doing here? Is it falling?" He said to himself as he got up and made his way to the roof for a better look. Just before he hit the roof, he heard gunshots. "I'm guessing I was right about the bullhead then." He said, arriving on the roof, he was sorta irked people reacted before him. "Aww come on, I just saw it, how are you guys already taking shots at the Grimm and everything!? You guys are too fast....... whatever your names are. Oh wait. Summer, was it? Yeah, I think so. You guys though......no clue. Oh shit! I need to find Forest! You guys are cool, but bye!" Akashi ended his babble of a greeting, and ran off to go find boss. As much as he wanted to run off towards it, pretty sure he'd get in trouble for not thinking things through again. "Forest, where are you?!" He shouted, running around oblivious to the fact h can text him, or to the fact he still had his blood on Murasume.
Pyro Arc and Cerise Darcy Amaranth
Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Cerise, Val, and others
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint @TheSuspiciousEye LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 IG42 IG42 xAlter xAlter Brinni Brinni ChazGhost ChazGhost Hibiscus Hibiscus DrBezendrine DrBezendrine
Pyro walked through the halls of the hospital. It’s been a month since he’s been here, and he’s grown quite used to the new environment around him. After all, a good leader needs to adapt to new situations. He’s also brought it upon himself multiple times to take care of the young kids, who have taken quite a shine to him. Speaking of which... Where are the kids? Are they with Cerise or something? He pondered. During the past month, he had met quite a few new people, including Cerise, who he met and exchanged names with when they were both taking care of the children.
The redhead began looking for the kids before he soon saw Cerise counting down and covering his eyes. The redhead smiled again, recognizing that it was a game of Hide and Seek. He waited for Cerise to finish counting down before speaking with him. “Playing Hide and Seek with the kids again, Cerise?” He asked. “You don’t mind if I join, do you? We could search for them together.” He added.

"94... 95... 96... 97... 98... 99... 100, ready or not! Here I come!" Cerise called out as he opened his eyes. Amaranth colored eyes met blue eyes and red hair, causing the young man to smile. "Hey, Pyro. Yeah, I'm covering for a friend since he wanted some alone time with someone. Anyway, you are always free to join the fun. Two heads are better than one." Cerise slapped his hand on Pyro's back in a playful manner as he motioned them to start their hunt for the kids. Walking over to one of the doors to the other rooms, Cerise looked around for anything out of place. He was always good with his memory since he had to recall so many faces and voices to use with his semblance.

"Hey, so how are things going on for you?" Cerise asked as he closed the door to the door. Everything was perfect which meant non of the kids tired to hid there. "Have you been doing well as PRWI's leader? I know it has been new to me as leader for my team... I never expected the honor," he explained. He turned around to the redhead, "I heard from Summer that things have been weird with Phoenix since the fall. I don't really talk to him since his moody nature would kill my mood in a second." He let out a hearty laugh at the last part.

The redhead chuckled and began walking with the amaranth-eyed boy. He looked into a different door, and found none of the kids hiding in there. “Oh, I’ve been doing... okay. Not doing as good as I had hoped. I’ve been so focused on training that I unintentionally neglected them.” He let out a sigh before continuing. “But I’ve been trying to change that, and things seem to be progressing smoothly.” He heard Cerise’s other question. “Honestly, when Phoenix and I hang out nowadays, I... have no idea what to say to him. I want to help him, but... I’m completely clueless. I don’t know what to do...”

Cerise nodded along to what Pyro said and paused to look over to him, "That's totally understandable. I mean when Ashe came along, I was kind of distant, but that was because of my past. Anyway. You should really have your team around. So many teams have ben changing, it would suck if it brakes when you guys are being distant. It's been hard for me since Hunter and Autumn left... we had just started getting to know each other when they suddenly left." Cerise paused as he looked in the next room, and noticed a few things knocked over. "I know you're in here!" he laughed and called out one of the kids name which was answered with a disappointed cry.

Pyro nodded and listened. “You’re right. I’ll bond with my team more. That’s my number one priority right now.” He watched Cerise find one of the kids. He looked in the room opposite from the one where Cerise found one of the kids, and noticed that some things were out of place in the room. “Found you!” He chuckled. The kid was a good sport about it and, when he heard Pyro’s voice, he came out with an exclamation of, “Mr. Pyro!”

Pyro heard his scroll go off suddenly and brought it out to check it. It was a message from Summer. This must be important... He read the message and sighed. “Looks like we’re gonna have to end the game for now.”

Cerise was about to open another door when his scroll went off. Stopping to fish out his phone he noticed it was Summer. With a nod, he agreed, "It would seem so. Let's get to work, then." He started running toward the entrance of the hospital. Looking up to the sky, he noticed the descending object being persued by Grimm. "I'm going to hold off until my team arrive," he turned to Pyro.

Pyro was ready to bring out his sword and shield. “I’m going in...” He began making his way over towards the north side of the building. On his way there, he noticed Val heading over as well.

“You got Sum’s message too?” The brunette asked Pyro, who nodded in confirmation. She looked back at the descending objects. “What the hell even is that...?”

Location: Hallway
Nearby: Bora
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Cherry sighed at Bora's words of wisdom. "I know, I know. You're right, it's just hard. I haven't heard anything about my parents either, which makes it harder. Unlike...well..all the other students, my parents weren't Huntsmen. Or fighters in general. They're resourceful enough that I'm sure they survived the past month, especially my momma. You should see what she can make with whatever is lying about, if I didn't know better I'd say she was a brownie."

Her smile faltered for a second as she thought of her parents before it came back. Cherry checked her scroll as it buzzed with a message from Summer. "Well.." she began, the smile growing on her face. "It looks like we may get our chance. Things just got interesting Bora"

Location: Outside
Saffron listened as Ren practically ordered him around. He scoffed. "Sure, not a problem. Wasn't much of a conversation anyways." Saffron rolled his eyes and walked back to the treeline. No sense in having that awkward situation where you both said bye and then walked the same direction.

He sat there for a minute, watching as the Taurus child went inside before he felt his scroll vibrate. Reading the message he looked up just as the airship came soaring overhead. "What the fuck?"
Rook Byrne


Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Culpeo(Of the fluffy ears)
@Tags: IG42 IG42

Holy shit, they were moving and flicking and just doing the adorable ears thing and in that moment all the worries or troubles that had ever or would ever plague Rook's mind melted away as the second Faunus she met oblivious put on a display with his amazingly adorable traits. Perhaps something could be said for the fact that most people had lived alongside Faunus, but Rook had never had the pleasantries and at the end of the day it was just too much.

She just wanted to melt into a feel good puddle surrounded by all the fluff heads and fluff butts and just- MAN it was great!

Letting out a semi-high pitched 'squee' of excitement, Rook struggled to contain her outburst and did her best to sort herself out, even as she did a little bounce on her feet. Clearing her throat and doing her best to retain a more mature and adult tone, it immediately crumpled before another flick of the ears.

"Omigosh, can I just..." Rook half reached out, but stopped and pulled her hand bank, clearly struggling between an incessant pull to pet Culpeo's ears, as well as a drive to not make herself bother people. Still, those ears! "I mean, ahm, thank you, nice to meet you and justscrewitisitweirdtowanttopetyourears?!"

With a panicked ejaculation of words vaguely able to be pried apart into a proper sentence structure Rook realised that neither Culpeo nor Tsana likely knew she'd never met any Faunus other than her stick-up-the-butt teacher. Clearing her throat and willing herself to put her hands together behind her back in a show of restraint, Rook rocked back on her heels and smiled widely as she explained.

"I'm really sorry if that's weird, I don't think I've gotten to actually meet any faunus before I got to Vale a month ago. You're all sooooooo adooorraaaablllee!" she gushed, "I promise just one quik pet. I wanna know if they're just like puppy ears."
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Jester Nightmarish


Location: Headed to the falling ship
Nearby: Whoever else heading there
Jester shrugged as walked back to his work after talking to the two huntsmen in training. "How did that go Jester?" one of the handymen asked curiously.

"About as well as figured, them being cold and angry." Jester commented grabbing his hammer to get back to repairing the building. Jester on other worked on repair until something the sky caught his eye. Jester looked glance to sky and saw a ship starting to go down. "It seems like I have another reason to go off gentlemen" Jester said to the handymen also looking to the sky.

"Just be safe man" the lead handyman said.

"Don't worry, I'll be good" Jester said opening his tool box and pulling out bombs and his knuckles. "If any one asks, I'm checking out the crash" Jester said walking way grabbing his unicycle off the side of the building and riding off in the direction of the falling ship.

As he rode his unicycle until he made it to the wall surrounding the camp. Looking up Jester saw the Huntsman guarding the wall from the grimm. None of them Noticed him yet, which of course is what Jester wanted for the time being. Jester got off his unicycle and placed it under his arm. He stayed close to the wall as looked up at the huntsman above, waiting for the right moment...

Then when the huntsman where a decent distant away from the spot Jester climbed up a ladder quickly. Once at the top the huntsman of course noticed him but before they could stop him Jester jumped down the other side with his unicycle. Once on the ground he rode off to the descending ship with the huntsman yelling for him to come back and saying it's to dangerous...
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Cirrus Jay Schnee

Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Sage, Orion, Skyler
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint xAlter xAlter ChazGhost ChazGhost @
Holding Sage in his arms Cirrus felt ashamed for asking Sage to do exactly what he hadn't wanted to do. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have just asked you like that, your family is here too and here I am asking you to choose between them and me." He pulled back far enough to look into Sage's eyes. "You should go speak with your team, I'll understand if-if you decide to stay." He tried to keep a brave face on it but faltered at the end.

Before he could reply to Orion's idea Skyler showed up and objected to having all their companions in Atlas which was still lagging behind the rest of Remnant when it came to it's treatment of faunus. "I think you might be underestimating the size of the estate Skyler." He said in a tone that started of wry but turned sheepish partway through, to him the Schnee household in Atlas was embarrassingly large and extravagant. "Still we can't just fly everyone out at once Orion if we could it would have happened already, the Grimm would attack that many ships."

As Skyler expressed her condolences Cirrus nodded automatically. "Thanks Skyler, he was..." He sighed heavily as he searched for something both accurate and kind to say about his grandfather before giving up. "He was quite something." He looked away from her guiltily while Sage explained his reasoning until his scroll pinged, expecting a message about his upcoming departure he raised a brow when he saw it was from Summer and read it. "Message from Summer." He said crisply. "Something is coming down outside." Hearing gunfire he quickly tapped out a reply. What's going on? Grimm attack? Sending it he quickly wrote another to his team. Possible attack where are you?

Culpeo Albain

Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Rook
@Tags: Chak Chak
Taking half a step back Culpeo flinched at Rook's sudden excitement and looked around to try and find what had set her off until she blurted something about his ears. "Umm...what?" He said carefully not sure what her problem was or what she would do next, thankfully she managed to calm down a little and explained herself. "What? Why would you want to pet someone?" He said with a touch of indignation. "I'm not sure how you've managed to never meet a faunus before but we're people not-do you hear something?" He broke off mid-sentence and pointed his ears towards the distant sound of an airship that seemed to be having some trouble. "Something's wrong." He said a moment before the gunfire started.
Phoenix Rose

Location: Refugee Camp to the Crash site
Interactions: Pyro and Cerise
@Tags: KingofCool KingofCool
Phoenix was taking his time in searching for his team, not sure where to actually start. After a while he just stood off to the side, thinking over what has happened. It didn't last long until he received a message from Summer. He thought it was just her checking in like she has been doing ever since she started volunteering at the kitchen. Opening the message, expecting to just reply with his usual, 'I'm fine,' but paused as he read through the message. An airship? Why would there even be an airship, unless it's Grey?

Nix put his scroll back in his pocket and dashed back toward the entrance. As soon as he did, he noticed Cerise, waiting for someone. "Cerise! Did you get the message from my sister?" he asked the blond. Cerise turned around and nodded, "Yeah, I was with Pyro but he already headed out ahead of me. I'm holding off for my team since she was with them." Nix nodded and said his goodbye as he dashed out to catch up with Pyro. He could have at least waited for one of us!

Using the shadow from the trees, Phoenix was able to catch up with Pyro in no time. "Pyro! Hold on, man!" Nix called out, getting out of his semblance, "You shouldn't be going off alone. There's safety in numbers." Phoenix didn't stop running as he matched Pyro's as he followed his lead.

Skyler Eden Sharp & Sage Auburn

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Orion, Cirrus, and Sage
Mention: Culpeo and Saffron
@Tags: xAlter xAlter IG42 IG42
"Hey," Skyler crossed her arms with a smirk, "I might not know how large your place is, but not everyone would feel welcome even if you say they would. Anyway. If Sage wants to go with you, then he can. I know his parents would be more than supportive of it. All I ask that he comes back in one piece." Sage thought over the offer. It didn't take him long to make a decision, so he looked up at Cirrus and answered, "I'll go with you. I'll just have to tell my parents about it."

Skyler was about to tease his cousin but all of their scrolls went off as they received a message. Skyler and Sage both fished out their scroll along with Cirrus and nodded to confirm his statement. "It looks like it," Sage replied. Skyler put her scroll away as she looked over at the guys, "I'm going to go see if I can help." Sage got out of Cirrus' hold and nodded, "I'm going with you. I'm tired of just sitting around doing nothing." He looked over to Cirrus and continued, "We'll talk about going to Atlas when we figure this out. I'll be okay." Both Sage and Skyler said their final farewells and headed toward the entrance.

Summer Rose

Location: Refugee Camp to crash site
Interactions: Tsana, Cerise, Skyler, and Sage
Mention: Phoenix and Pyro
@Tags: xAlter xAlter KingofCool KingofCool
Summer followed Tsana down the stairs as they rushed to the bottom floor and toward the front entrance. Answering Cirrus' reply quickly as she continued to run through the halls, 'An airship I think. It's being pursued by Grimm.' As soon as they made it, they find Cerise waiting for them. "Cerise, stay here and direct any of the students toward the crash site. Tsana seems to still be tired from her lack of sleep, so I think it's best for her to stay as well. Ashe is on the roof with his rifle." Cerise nodded and informed, "Your brother just ran out in pursuit of Pyro." Summer nodded, "Alright. I'll try to catch up with them." Before she could do that Skyler ran over with Sage by her side. "You're not going alone, We're going with you," she stated. Summer nodded and took off with Sage and Skyler right behind her.

Bora Shu Mun

Location: Refugee Camp
Interactions: Cherry
Mention: Parents
@Tags: Brinni Brinni
Bora looked down at her hands as she listened to Cherry voice her concerns. With a sigh, Bora spoke up, "I haven't heard from my own parents as well. I know they are more than capable of staying safe while they stay in Vale, but I still worry." Smiling at the brownie part, Bora looked over to Cherry. "My mom can't cook to save her life," she laughed, "You should have seen the days when she tried. We always ended up needing to replace the kitchen."

Glancing over at Cherry as she pulled out her scroll. "What's going on?" Bora asked as she leaned over to see the message, "Do you think we should go or should we just stay put?" Bora was more than capable of going out there and help, but she didn't want to leave Cherry alone. There were plenty of the students that would be more than capable as well.

Location: Hallway
Nearby: Akashi
@Tags: The Prophet The Prophet
Forest was about to turn a corner when he heard one of the people he was looking for calling for him. "I'm right here Akashi" he called back, picking up his pace. As he turned he nearly ran into his teammate. Backing up, to respect his teammate's wish of not getting too close after having revealed a portion of his semblance he said "I was actually looking for you. But before I get to that..."

Forest eyed his companion up and down, noting to last trace of blood on the sword. It's not enough that it was a fight. Besides the fact we aren't supposed to leave, Grimm don't bleed red and there's almost none on there which means it wasn't a knock down fight. "What's with the rush?" It was at that moment his scroll buzzed. Looking at the message he said "I take it it's the ship? Well there's not a whole lot we can do. We're not allowed to leave the camp. We're just gonna have to let the professionals take care of it." Knowing his teammate however, he knew Akashi probably wanted to go check it out anyways. "I've been looking everywhere for Orion, but I can't seem to find him. Maybe you'll have better luck. When you do, could you both meet me in our room? Don't forget to check everywhere" he said pointedly, hoping his teammate would get the message. "I'll be waiting!" he said walking back towards their room.


Location: Hallway
Nearby: Bora
@Tags: KarenAKAMint KarenAKAMint
Cherry shrugged at Bora's question. "I'm not sure. I'm dying to know what's going on, but we were forbidden to leave the camp." Cherry looked out a window to see several students running towards the ship. Motioning at them she said "Not that that appears to be stopping them. Geez, what are they thinking?"

As she looked back towards her teammate she caught a glimpse of one of the children flitting to another room, presumably playing hide and seek with someone based on how quiet they were trying to be. "I think I'll stay here. If it's something major, people can always get a hold of me and at least some of us should stay behind...just in case. That...and I don't fancy breaking the rule of not staying here until we're told it's safe to go out there."

Location: Behind the hospital
Nearby: Bruno and Croc
@tags: ChazGhost ChazGhost
Reinheart TorchwickRapidly typing away his brow furrowed for a moment as his contact was still hesitant about helping to pull him out. Letting out a loud "Tisk" Ren grumbled to himself as he continued to text. If only she was here. Then I could get her to comply. Having a no call policy was quite annoying, but he could still coil a woman around his finger. Giving a smile he added a little bit of honey to his last text and sent it. It took longer this time for her to respond but in the end he was successful. His smile widened to a grin as he sent her a sweet reply and held his scroll tightly in his hands. Ha! Still got it. Finally I can help her.

"Hey looks whose here Bruno. Hows it hanging Ren?" Croc asked smirking at Ren.

"You seem more happy then usual. Did something happen?" Bruno asked with a kind smile. Bruno then looked down to Ren's scroll. "You got a message from some one?" Bruno added.

"Croc, Bruno..." Ren paused as he looked over to his teammates, it had been an awkward reunion after all that had happened. He still didn't know how much they knew about him and Ophelia. Judging by their friendly attitude either they were very forgiving, or nothing at all, either way he could work with it. Sliding his scroll into his pocket he gave them a calm smile and nodded, "something of sorts. I've been trying to get out of here and back to Beacon for some time now. Finally my manager has agreed to pull the hard strings to get me out of here. I hopefully can get out today if the air is clear." Cocking his head, curious he asked. "So what have you guys been up to? With all the PR I'm doing for the camp I really haven't gotten to see much of you all. Sorry."
Grey stepped out of his airship and looked back to his crew. The black cladded men and women stared out at him awaiting orders. Raising a hand against the strong wind he extended his index finger and spun it around before making a tight fist. The group nodded and closed the door. In a few seconds the air ship lifted up and flew out towards Vale. A series of small specks shot out of the ship as it set it's course and vanished into the horizon. Grey looked to the camp he'd made for the Vale survivors and then to his scroll. Looking through the new source of information it seems that thrash from a week ago ended in the Rose twins, Sharp girl, Arc boy, Amaranth boy and a few others had left on a mission on their own. It was curious to see how quickly the group seemed to rush off after their encounter with the crashed ship, but his brother nor girlfriend were involved, so Gery could care less.

Making his way to the entrance he looked towards the guards and gave them a cold nod as they stepped by and opened the doors to him. Sending out a mass message to the students to meet at the entrance of the camp a hour beforehand he stood in front of all the remaining students, new and old. Tossing his hair back he looked over the group with a cold gaze. He saw children before them, determined but children all the same. "The disaster that happened at Vale was only the beginning. The huntsmen are doing their best to stay the expansion but Salem and her grimm are pushing back with force. It does not seem that the huntsmen will be able to stop this force. However, I have been in contact with the scientist who's been studying the strange new Brutus Grimm and he believes that he has found a cure. I am here to gather willing students to head to Shade Academy to get the cure and return to Vale to fight Salem and save those trapped in the Brutus Grimm." Shifting his weight he gazed out at the others, reading their faces to see what they are thinking, "this is our chance to put a true end to this. So, who wants to save their home?"
xAlter xAlter Brinni Brinni IG42 IG42 ChazGhost ChazGhost Chak Chak LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87 The Prophet The Prophet
Onyx Belladonna
The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye

Onyx would have listened intently, keeping an eye on the others as she stood next to Grey. When he finished, she glanced at him and gave a nod. "You will have a small contingent of ten White Fang soldiers to assist you in this matter, as well as myself. Alot had happened after the attack, and it had set in motion quick. She helped Grey set up the camp they had, scouted out and made sure the spot was safe, made sure Cirrus was safe, check on her team, apologize for not being their, reassure her mom she was fine, then lastly snag some troops for this mission.

It was alot, and it all had worn on her, and it showed. She was leaning on her polearm, the flat of the blade gently pressing against her nose. From there she waited to hear what the others would say.​
Cirrus Jay Schnee and Culpeo Albain and Sage Auburn

Location: Refugee Camp
Nearby: Literally everyone
@Tags: The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye xAlter xAlter Brinni Brinni LoneSniper87 LoneSniper87
Rushing downstairs Cirrus felt more upbeat than he had all week, Summer and Phoenix leaving on their own business had been a shock and Skyler's departure had left Sage down too, while he had done what he could to keep his boyfriend's spirits up he didn't really know what to do to help Croc with his recent breakup. Still Grey was finally back and Cirrus was for the moment over the moon.

Sage and Culpeo meanwhile headed to the assembly at a more subdued pace alongside Saffron keeping what remained of their team together. While he hadn't seen the team split up for the second time like the other two Culpeo had come to like Skyler, he still didn't think he was entirely wrong in thinking of her as a 'Team Mum' when they had met but she hadn't been overbearing or anything.

Reaching the meeting area Sage quickly picked out Cirrus by his white hair and made his way over beckoning for his teammates to follow but Culpeo stayed where he was, Sage could sing Cirrus' praises all he liked but the fox wasn't going to let his guard down around a Schnee it was already irritating enough being called here by one.

"Cirrus!" Sage called out as he approached feeling his spirits lift as Cirrus turned his bright smile on him. "Sage! Hey!" Putting an arm around the shorter faunus Cirrus landed a quick peck on his cheek making him blush a little, Cirrus was so open with his affection he may as well be shouting it from the rooftops and some people both human and faunus didn't appreciate it though that might be good practice for what they could face in Atlas he thought darkly, still he had said he wouldn't let anything come between them and he had meant it. "Hey yourself." He said jokingly while hugging Cirrus. "Have you seen your brother yet?" Cirrus' smile dimmed just a little as he shook his head. "Not yet but I'm sure he'll come say hello soon." Sage struggled not to frown at how easily Cirrus accepted Grey's cold attitude.

Still standing where Sage had left him Culpeo looked on curiously, he had expected them to be at least a little subtle. Shaking it off he looked around for Tsana until Grey showed up and started speaking. Once he was done Culpeo frowned suspiciously, could their really be a way to return people in the Brutus' to normal already? It hadn't been that long since they had first appeared. Still he was itching for a chance to really get in the fight and he was curious about just how involved Onyx was, as awkward it might be considering the previous conflict between her mother and his father he resolved to speak with her when the Schnee wasn't around.

Cirrus meanwhile frowned at the speech, he had expected that Grey would have just been at the camp to fetch him back to Atlas but instead he had stood in front of everyone and proposed going all the way to Vacuo instead. The face of the child he had uncovered inside the Grimm came back to him and he shivered for a moment. Feeling the tremor run through Cirrus Sage looked up at him worriedly. "Hey, are you alright?" Cirrus started to paste on a smile in preparation of telling him everything would be fine but stopped himself part-way through and sighed. "After the first time I never wanted to see one of those people trapped in a Grimm again but I can't ignore them if I can help them." Watching him sympathetically Sage spoke calmly. "So what about Atlas?" The was no condemnation or support in his tone just letting Cirrus work things out. "The living are more important than the dead and if Grey isn't going back to Atlas I'm not going either." Looking over at his brother Cirrus began to make his way forward. "Come on we should go speak to Grey."
Croc and Bruno

Location: Refugee camp
Nearby: Everyone
@Tags: IG42 IG42 The Suspicious Eye The Suspicious Eye
"No problem, things been crazy..." Croc said to Rein when he got message from Cirrus and soon after another about meeting in front of the entrance to camp. "It's always when you start catching up is when you get busy." Croc said sigh. "I guess we should see what the this meeting is about." Croc said heading out the door. Atleast the meeting would just be out the door he was right next to.

Bruno followed Croc outside. Bruno also wondered what the meeting would be about but he also wondered when Croc was going to deal with a recent break up. All Croc had said to Bruno so far was it was no big deal but Bruno could feel that it was more then that but this would problem to solve later...

Both Bruno and Croc were surpirsed that there was already a cure in the work to fix the Brutus grimm. Then there minds went back to there mission when they first encountered these parasite grimm... and child they covered. "You got me and my gun" Bruno yelled from the crowd

"You can count me in to" Croc added right after Bruno.
Forest, Cherry, and Saffron

Location: Camp Entrance
Nearby: Everyone
@Tags: The Prophet The Prophet xAlter xAlter Hibiscus Hibiscus IG42 IG42
In the time between the crash and now Forest had explained to his teammates the intricacies of his Semblance away from any other prying ears. He had told them that reading a mind required a question, that he could transfer memories, and his theories on how it could evolve. What he couldn't do was judge how they really felt about the whole thing though. Not that he blamed them. I mean, how would you react if someone you felt close to told you that not only could he read your mind, but possibly alter your memories. He still had some misgivings about telling the son of a terrorist and a Schnee about his ability, but decided that Professor Sharp was probably right. This was his team and he needed to trust them as much as he hoped they trusted him.

Now he stood besides his teammates and glanced at them after Grey's speech. He had more questions than answers ever since the Brutus had appeared and it looked like some were about to be answered. "Well? What do you think guys? Are we going to Vacuo?"

Saffron had been antsy since Skyler had left. He was sure if he'd asked she'd have stayed, but that was just him trying to protect his teammate and longtime friend, especially since they had only recently reconnected. But as much as he wanted to keep her close he knew that she didn't need anyone else trying to protect her. He also knew that she was in good hands with many of those who had left with her: the Rose twins and their mountain of a cousin were certainly formidable, if the Arc boy was half the Huntsman his parents were he'd be someone most shouldn't tangle with, and he supposed the others must have some merit or they wouldn't have made it into Beacon. He was just glad that the rest of his team hadn't gone.

Still he walked slowly to the meeting. Like his teammate Culpeo, he wasn't keen on being summoned by a Schnee. His tribe may not have been involved with them all those decades ago, but he'd heard the stories and that was enough not to trust them. He gave a bit of leeway for Cirrus since Sage was dating him. Now as he listened to Grey drone on, he got a bit of a spark back. "We're in guys. Anything beats sitting around here anymore."

With Bora gone now too, it was just Cherry and Slate left for BRSS and the loneliness was hitting her hard. Slate had been just as distant as near the beginning of the year, which made her worry he was slipping back into old habits. But whenever she tried to confront him about it, he'd just say "I'm fine" and stalk off. She tried to keep herself distracted by helping out the civilians, playing with kids and even talking to some of her other classmates, but at the end of the night she felt like she was all that was left of the team. She had made Bora promise to look for her parents if whatever mission she and the others had gone on took them to Vale and gave directions to both the shop's neighborhood and that of her house. Looking at the crowd she saw mixed emotions during Grey's speech; there was hope at mention of a cure, curiosity and apprehension about going to Vacuo, despair at the news that the Huntsman likely couldn't hold the line. She didn't know what was going to happen but she knew one thing for sure: she was done moping. She needed to do something.

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