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Fandom RWBY Beacon Academy

We gotcha, I'm procrastinating against doing an 8-page essay due in on Monday after all :P we all have our lives to get done with

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Sure sure. The sudden progression wasn't our fault anyways >_>

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...I went to the store, came back, two full pages. Daaaaaaang

Make that three pages. I'm afraid at the rate this is going, my character isn't going to make it. Ya'll are posting way to fast and I'm getting lost. I'll try to keep up for the day, but if this continues I'm sorry to say I'll have to drop the RP. And TheAncientCenturion just got off work and needs some unwinding time, so he'll be unable to post for about 2 hours 15 minutes.

Also, just a tip, me possibly dropping out of the RP has nothing to do with you guys. I'm just more used to slower-paced RPs with 1+ paragraph requirement lengths, so no one really falls behind.
Well, there's a general reason we've been avoiding plot progression >_> if the admin moves on, not our fault. Besides, waiting forever will just break the flow

OnyxReaper said:
Well, there's a general reason we've been avoiding plot progression >_> if the admin moves on, not our fault. Besides, waiting forever will just break the flow
It's that people are posting one liners every 30 seconds, and I'm not used to that. Having to scroll through three pages and getting nowhere just seems like a waste of time to me. The admin's posts are actually fine, if everyone posted like that I'd be able to stick to it. I'm not blaming you guys, either, it's just not the way I'm used to role playing. By the time I've typed up a post I'm okay with, so much stuff has happened I have to re-write half of it. It's less breaking the flow for me and allowing people to catch up. Like TAC, for example, he's been at work for the past couple of hours and when he gets on he'll have multiple pages to read that get him nowhere.

Again, not your guys' fault. The way I'm used to role playing and the way you're used to role playing are different, and I'm okay with that.
Hmm, perhaps scanning the Detailed section would benefit you most. And to be perfectly honest, our post lengths can and do change depending on the situation. I'd classify myself as a light-flexible, you're just a heavy I guess

OnyxReaper said:
Hmm, perhaps scanning the Detailed section would benefit you most. And to be perfectly honest, our post lengths can and do change depending on the situation. I'd classify myself as a light-flexible, you're just a heavy I guess
Yeah, just a difference in tones. I usually only join Detailed role plays, and this one was an exception because a friend linked me to it. No hard feelings, maybe I'll get used to it by tonight and be able to stay. I really want to, I'm just not as quick as ya'll.

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