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Fandom Runaways

  • PeteTheWitcher

    I grow on you
    Roleplay Availability
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    My Interest Check
    John Ryker was held against a wall by Chase Matthews, He had been caught at a bad time by the serial killer. Today was a rainy day and no cop or authority would notice a murder on the streets of New York. Truthfully Chase had been terrorizing the neighborhood and his last kill was a man named Joey. John has to get out of there before- Chase pulled out a dusty blade and stabbed John in the gut but not enough to make him drop dead. John then kicked Chase sending him to the pavement and began running to the bar holding his stomach.

    Danielle Ryker also known as Dani was at the bar cleaning beer bottles in the back as she heard her brothers footsteps. She put the beer bottle down as she walked to the back entrance seeing John stumble as she panicked and pulled him in the bar.

    “John! What the fuck happened!” Dani yelled as she looked around for anyone to help,, Ah hell People of the Hogan bar never really cared.

    “Matthews is on the loser again,” John said as he held his wound, “I’ll be fine Dani, go back to work before Hogan sees you and fires your ass.”

    “You’re stubborn John,” Dani made a face as she knew he cared about her and wanted her to keep her job and their parents were killed in a superhero battle and they only had each other.