Nichole blushed another shade of red before nodding and relaxed waiting for the other students and teacher. She petted the kitten again beginning to relax again.

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Abby giggled, turning to face the front and imagining Nikki's response to seeing her in various states of undress for a while before she actually hunkered down for class.

@twilight sparkle
Luna began to read a book while they waited for someone to show up. She hummed getting into her book on Macbeth.

Nichole took out a doujinshi and began to read it drooling a bit since it was some really good yaoi (boy x boy love). The book next to it was a yuri that looked a bit sketchy.

Fortune let out a little yawn, stretching her paws. Her head lifted and she looked at Nichole, trying to figure out what was going on to make her drool like that. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing, so she lifted a paw up and began kneading at Nichole's leg to get her attention. Abigail wasn't in sight, and little kitty Fortune started to panic. PERSON! WHERE'S PERSON?! HELP I LOST A PERSON! Fortune began to let out several small mewling cries, hoping to get both her persons back.

@twilight sparkle @Mane
Nichole blinked and said"she's right here little one." She petted the kitten and placed her in abigail's lap. Nichole smiled and went back to her book. She drooled again and squirmed.

Luna continued reading in the back listening to music.

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune looked at very confused. She couldn't figure out what the heck was going on with her person! For all she knew, her person might be trying not to die! Fortune began yowling as loud as she could, trying to get Abigail to notice what was going on with Nichole.
@Mane @twilight sparkle
Abbigail frowned, hugging the small creature tightly and stroking its head affectionately.
"Is something wrong...?"
She asked it with a singsong sort of voice, before turning to Nikki.
"The, uh, the kitty seems scared for some reason..."

@Echo Dreamsong  @twilight sparkle
Nichole blushed and quickly wiped her drool off her chin and desk. "I think she was scared because of my drooling.." she said laughing sheepishly as she quickly hid the doujinshi in her backpack.

"M-my apologies for the scare."

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune looked at Nichole with wide eyes, ears back slightly. Is person okay?! What if person's not okay! I should go check! I must check on person! Person will be okay if I go over there! The little brown kitten wandered over to the edge of Abigail's chair and jumped off. It might have looked majestic had she not stumbled and fell over right after landing. Still, Fortune got up and staggered over to Nichole's feet. She couldn't get up, so she sat there and meowed at her.

@Mane @twilight sparkle
 Nichole picked up the kitten. "I'm ok little one, I was just reading some really really good stuff." She said a bit flustered. Nichole petted her gently to help calm her down. "I'm sorry for scaring you like that."

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune let out a small cry of annoyance, reaching up to try and grab Abigail's hand with her paw. 

HEY! LOOK AT ME! I'M HERE PERSON! SEE? Is this normal... I shouldn't be thinking like this... But person... WAIT! I'm a person! HOLY HELL! GET ME OUT OF HERE!

Fortune began yowling, spinning in circles and looking very very distressed.

HELP! HELP! MAKE IT STOP! But is it easier this way? NO! GET ME OUT!

Her head shook as she tried to figure out which she should be. Was she a cat or a person?

@Mane @twilight sparkle
Mint quietly sits in the library room, the single room appearing quiet and stale. The room is basic, a blank room with a couple of tables and bookshelves everywhere within. In the middle of the room, is a window, looking out onto the courtyard, where a couple of students are out messing around with their abilities. Out and about. 

Mint was never one for the outside. It was too loud, too bright. He just preferred to pick up on every single conversation that went on in the building. To others, the room is quiet. But to him, he didn't need a TV or a radio. He could just tune in on any conversation he wished; without anyone noticing.

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Wiley peered outside of the door to the office. "Gee, I don't kno-"


Just then, an announcement blared from the loudspeaker. 

"Attention students!" A gruff voice spoke. "You may now proceed to your second class of the day; for you first years that should be...Mutant History. Good day." The transmission cut.

Wiley turned around and looked at Silva. "Well, I guess we know what to do now. I would portal us there...except I have no idea where the room is." She shrugged and opened the door. "Shall we go look for it?"

@FireMaiden @WhipDing @twilight sparkle @ShadyBlaze @Kojuen @Mane @Echo Dreamsong

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Fortune literally jumped as the announcement came on, tumbling off Nichole's lap. She took off, racing down the halls with her fur fluffed up and eyes wide. Little paws can go very far when scared, so when she looked up, she didn't know where she was. "Mrew?" She called, tilting her head and looking around nervously. Not good.
@Mane @twilight sparkle (And possibly open)
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Wiley peered outside of the door to the office. "Gee, I don't kno-"

View attachment 249725

Just then, an announcement blared from the loudspeaker. 

"Attention students!" A gruff voice spoke. "You may now proceed to your second class of the day; for you first years that should be...Mutant History. Good day." The transmission cut.

Wiley turned around and looked at Silva. "Well, I guess we know what to do now. I would portal us there...except I have no idea where the room is." She shrugged and opened the door. "Shall we go look for it?"

@FireMaiden @WhipDing @twilight sparkle @ShadyBlaze @Kojuen @Mane @Echo Dreamsong


Luke heard the announcement as he walked around checking for any indication of the room where Mutant History was being held, decided to increase his speed a bit in his search, he manipulates the wind around him having him float in the air and forcing the wind to push him around the hallway.
Nichole stood quickly grabbing her bag going after the kitten. "Come back! It's ok!" She said trying to find her so she wouldn't get stepped on or anything. Nichole went to call out for the kitten but remembered the kitten either didn't have a name or she didn't know her name. 

@Echo Dreamsong
Fortune heard Nichole and immediately perked up. She could find her again and maybe get help! Fortune really didn't want to lose her mind to that of a cat... But she couldn't really think straight anymore. "MEW!" The cat called, stumbling towards the sound of Nichole. She had to hurry before... Well, before she forgot who she really was.
@twilight sparkle 
Nichole heard her and ran to where she heard her meows. "I'm coming hold on!" She said as she jogged down the hallway. Nichole continued listening for her and soon found here. She ran to her and picked her up gently. "Are you ok?!" Nichole asked softly as not to scare her again. 

@Echo Dreamsong
As Fortune looked around, a figure would come into view in front of the small cat. But it wasn't Nichole.



"Hey, what's this cat doing here?" The girl who had approached pushed her hair behind her head and looked down at the feline critter, her hands on her hips. "You seem lost, little guy."

While jer words didn't seem threatening, this girl had...a mischevious edge to her. Her eyes seemed to reflect a strange purplish glow, and her smile was a bit too wide. Soon enough, she saw Nichole show up.

"This your cat?"

@twilight sparkle @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune frantically shook her head, fear clear in her eyes. I've gotta make her see! I've gotta change back... Do I though? I've got a person now an- NO! I can't think like that! She frantically began pointing at herself and the Nichole, looking paranoid until a small yawn came over her. Person is warm... I'll stay with person... The kitten thought sleepily, curling up in Nichole's hand. Seeing the new girl, Fortune raised her head and let out a little squeak as she crawled off Nichole to sniff the new girl. SHe smelled different, but Fortune liked it. Someone had once smelled like that, but who was it? Should she remember that? Fortune sort of frowned, looking very puzzled before putting her paws on the girl's leg as a greeting. Sure, she was still tired (That was probably obvious), but people were enough to keep her awake.

@Hollycrest @twilight sparkle
Sam winced at the sound of the loudspeaker coming on, his ears slightly pierced. Yet another thing this place had apparently skimped on - couldn't they afford better quality speakers? Well, that wasn't really important. What was important was that he knew where he was supposed to be going now. And for once, he actually knew exactly where he was going. He'd seen the history rooms on his first wander around the school yesterday, and he had a reasonably good idea of where they were.

Smiling to himself, he set off in the direction he knew they were in. Up a staircase, down a few corridors and...

...Yep, this was it. The rooms weren't labelled, but the displays outside them were a dead giveaway. Dictators, political figures, martyrs... they were all here. Pictures pinned up all over the walls. Looked like history to him. Recent history, perhaps, but definitely still history. With little left to do, he entered the room that he assumed he was supposed to be in, judging by the slightly lost and timid people inside. Pushing the door open, and ignoring the curious stares, he sauntered over to the back of the room and took a seat. No need to draw attention to himself.

(open for interaction)


Matt was thrown around slightly on the palm of Wiley's hand as she moved over to the door, knocking him off his feet. She was quite a bit less gentle than Silva was, her movements more chaotic and less measured. Heck, he wouldn't be surprised if she'd forgotten that he was there at all, seeing as she was making very little effort to keep her palm upright. Still, she was right. Even if they knew what they were supposed to be doing, that didn't tell them where they were supposed to be doing it. With no real idea of where to go (and even he did, he didn't have a way of communicating it), he too looked at Silva, hopeful she knew what she was doing. Although it didn't seem likely, with her newfound clumsiness..

@FireMaiden @Hollycrest
Nichole blinked as she saw the new girl. "They are a shapeshifter and I'm tying to figure out how to get them back to normal. So for now yes this is my cat." She said softly as she petted the kitten happy they were safe and sound. "It's ok to rest now you're safe." Nichole said smiling softly.

@Hollycrest @Echo Dreamsong

Luna walked to the next class holding onto kai for nichole for the mean time. He was a very energetic pup and tired her out a bit but she liked him. Kai barked and his tail wagged as he sniffed around happily taking in the scents.

(Open to interaction)
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