( Poor thing, first she pisses off the girl's sister and now this :P)

Abbigail followed, but not before hugging the pillow for a second (she wasn't sure how long the pheromones lasted when they weren't on her) and setting it back. She vaguely wanted to hold Nikki's hand but she also didn't want to cause anything.
She did start stroking her hair though, and gnawed passively on a pockey with her other hand

@twilight sparkle  @Echo Dreamsong
(XD I find this very funny)

Fortune ignored the veggies, taking deep breaths and sticking close to Nichole. That freaked him out pretty badly, and he suddenly felt a weird tingly sensation. Oh no He had time to think before he shifted. (Take a guess) This time he wound up as a little brown cat, barely able to walk. As you can expect, Fortune was rather frustrated. WHY NOT A RHINO! THAT'S A COOL ANIMAL! I DON'T WANNA BE A CAT! The other bad part was that his gender had changed again... Fortune had reverted to a female form, even when she wanted to be male... It was humiliating that she couldn't control her powers. That was almost as bad as the shame of being turned into a rather young kitten. Fortune was not happy at all, and she stumbled off of Nichole with shaky legs. If that rat came back, she'd be taking out revenge on it.
@twilight sparkle @Mane
"Kitty!" Nichole said happily hugging the cute as a button kitten. "Oh my gosh you're adorable!" She said holding the kitten gently. Nichole then shook her head. "No bad me. Ok try concentrating on nothing else but your human side." She said calmly as she put the kitten gently on the floor.

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune tried to stay upright when Nichole put her down, but she wobbled too much and flopped down. She let out a cry of dismay, struggling back to her feet. Abbigail was not helping, only making Fortune feel more and more humiliated. The cat hissed slightly, lowering her head.
@Mane @twilight sparkle
Abbigail turned to the kitty, stifling a giggle.
"Oh, right, sorry."
She reached down to try and pet the kitty in case that would help.
"You can still understand us, I assume..."
"Poor thing." Nichole said petying the kitten. "We'll figure this out eventually " she said picking her up. "We have class so let go." Nichole went to change out of her gym clothes first. She placed the kitten on her bed and went to shower

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
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Abigail trotted back to her room and grabbed her books, then returned to Nikki's room and sat next to the kitten, absently stroking the top of its head with her finger.
"Kinda weird she didn't shoo me out..."
With that she shrugged, then turned to the entrance.

@twilight sparkle

@Echo Dreamsong
Fortune sat on the bed, leaning into Abigail's hand and purring happily. Normally she wouldn't do something like that, but it felt nice and normal. Wait, what?! I don't want to be pet! WHY AM I LETTING HER?! Fortune thought angrily, looking a bit panicked. Still, when Abigail started to leave, Fortune meowed in protest, standing up to try and follow her person. Person... That's weird... Do I really want a person? No, I don't... But do I? She looked around in confusion, trying to figure out what she wanted. When Abigail got closer, she cried out and tumbled off the bed as she ran to Abigail. She basically just ended up stuck on the floor and crying out in protest.

@Mane @twilight sparkle
Nichole finished her shower and came out in some skinny jeans and a button up beige shirt. "Ready." She said grabbing her backpack and a few notebooks. Nichole then picked up the kitten walking out with Abigail then locked her door. She hummed walking with the two to their next class.

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Abbigail giggled, watching the kitten.
Oh my god this person's adorable.

She put an arm around Nikki's shoulder, but made sure her friend had room.
"You okay with getting closer or no?"
She'd learned better than to freak Nikki out. She hoped so, at least.

@twilight sparkle  @Echo Dreamsong
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Nichole blushed crimson and squeaked before relaxing. "Y-you're ok." She said a bit flustered as she got a whif of her pheromones again. Nichole nuzzled her her cheeks a bit flushed. "You smell so nice...." she said softly.

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
Abigail smiled and pulled Nikki into her side lightly.
"I've heard that before~"
She giggled happily, face lighting up like a Christmas tree.
"Sorry I freaked you out earlier."

@twilight sparkle  
Fortune let out a cry of annoyance as Nichole got closer to her human. The cat used her little claws and climbed up Nichole's shoulder to get over onto Abigail's chest. Fortune puffed up her chest in pride, rubbing her head under Abigail's chin and purring loudly. My person. I protect person now. Fortune looked up at Abigail, her brown fur fluffed up. How do I make person happy? I know! The little kitten reached up and began licking the girl's chin, purring the whole time. Person will love me now! Does that sound like Fortune? Nope, her mind had shifted along with her, but Fortune didn't care any more.
@Mane @twilight sparkle
Nichole nuzzled her lightly and blushed more relaxing a bit. "I-it's ok." She said softly and closed her eyes. Nichole then blinked when she felt a shift in weight and a small furry body between her and abigail. She sweatdropped seeing it was the kitten getting between them.

@Mane @Echo Dreamsong
(Abby's day is suddenly going better)

Abigail giggled and petted the kitty.
"Now, now, there's enough of me for both of you."
She smiled and continued to hold Nikki with her other arm.
Oh my god this is the best school.

@twilight sparkle  @Echo Dreamsong
Fortune nuzzled into Abigail's hand, continuing to purr. Person likes me now! Person likes me! She looked very pleased with herself, resting on the girl's chest. A sleepy little yawn escaped her lips and she curled up and bit more. She reached out and pulled herself right next to both of them, pressing her nose to Nichole's before settling among their hair. Sleep waited for no kitten, and she'd probably be doing a lot of it. I have two persons now... She thought, trying to stay awake so her head was nodding a bit.

@Mane @twilight sparkle
(Yay Nichole has a puppy and a kitten now XD)

Nichole blinked and petted the kitten walking with Abigail slowly to class as the kitten slept. She went to take a seat in the classroom. Nichole placed the kitten in her lap.

Fortune nuzzled into Abigail's hand, continuing to purr. Person likes me now! Person likes me! She looked very pleased with herself, resting on the girl's chest. A sleepy little yawn escaped her lips and she curled up and bit more. She reached out and pulled herself right next to both of them, pressing her nose to Nichole's before settling among their hair. Sleep waited for no kitten, and she'd probably be doing a lot of it. I have two persons now... She thought, trying to stay awake so her head was nodding a bit.

@Mane @twilight sparkle


Luna walked into the classroom carrying a sleeping kai and sat down in the back placing the pup down on her hoodie to sleep. Kai slept peacefully curled up on her lap.
Nichole squeaked her face crimson red as she got a faceful. She hid her face in shame for staring so long. Nichole hid her face in her arms her face very red.

Abby turned to her with an expression of concern.
"Hey, Nikki, you okay?"
Of course this happened when Luna was in the room. She reached and rested a hand on Nichole's shoulder comfortingly.
"Something up?"

@twilight sparkle
"I-I'm ok!" Nichole squeaked flustered as she tried not to stare at abigail's cleavage. She covered her eyes and cleared her throat squirming a bit her cheeks red.

Luna's eye twitched and she hit abigail on the back of the head with one of her vines.

"I-It's ok abigail." Nichole said looking up at her. "Y-you don't have to move." She said softly and lightly held her hand blusing faintly.

Luna sighed and petted kai looking out the window boredly.


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