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I tend to be very bad with creating a good on going plot. Any tips?

Also whats a good way to get into a happy go lucky character?
How do I play one? How do I get in the mindset of one? Its very hard for me when I try. Can you give me an example of their behavior/dialogue/thought process?

In a sense I mean both. Both third person and first person.
Hmmm.... that being the case there are a lot of layers to deal with here.

I tend to be very bad with creating a good on going plot. Any tips?
This is a very, very general question, and as such kind of impossible to answer. Creating a sustainable plot requires attention to the interests and needs of both players and the ideas in question, thus it'd be hard to give you a proper answer. Instead, I will give you some tips on sustaining a plot that you have ongoing.

1.Don't rely on the muse- inspiration and improvisation are excellent tools, but they are not sustainable.
The muse and inspiration are fickle things. They come and go with no real pattern. Your mood/disposition towards doing something is much like that. Worse even, the more you rely on them to even get writing, the more dependent on them you become. Writing is aproductive activity that relies on build up to reach the good parts. Being able to get through the slow. boring moments without cheating out some action is an essential skill for long term-writing.

Similarly, while being able to adapt and improvise are certainly essential skills as well, I highly recommend planning. The better defined what comes ahead is, the more you will be able to pull it off regardless of other circumstances.

2.Explore things and know them intimately
Be sure to have a deep understanding of how your character is- how they act, think, what their backstory is like, what their tastes are like, and most of all,their motivations. Understanding the driving ideas behind the plot, world and themes of the roleplay is, likewise important. The more you know a character, the better you know what they would choose to do, and what struggles would have the biggest impact to put them through.

More plot elements will come from many sources- the world, consequences of character's actions, a villain... eve just the internal struggles of the characters themselves. Jamming in new content isn't hard, what's hard is making that content worth persuing, and a well-woven plot does that better than anything.

I'm a little short on time, so forgive me if I must remain a bit vague in answering this question....

How do I play one? How do I get in the mindset of one? Its very hard for me when I try. Can you give me an example of their behavior/dialogue/thought process?
The question to ask yourself, on this or any character, is "why". Character's are mild exagerations of people. In many respects, they are supposed to be people. A person can be energetic or not, happy or sad, aggressive or passive, introverted or extroverted the end of the day though, all of that is pretty much window dressing. It's just grouping behaviors, tendencies, it's just trying to break down something much more uniform and complex into more digestible chunks.

So, for starters, never boil a character down to just "they are happy go lucky". That will give you a poorly written, one-dimensional character. Being happy go lucky is just one small fraction of their personality. That's tip #1. #2 is look at the causes and consequences. Is there a reason they are happy go lucky? Some characters, for instance, are happy go lucky because they are trying to trick themselves into being happy, when in fact they are suffering from intense depression or PTSD. Such a character would likely seem to overexagerate anything they do, and really make an unrelaistically big deal of things. Others may just have little awareness of the seriousness of certain situations because they are natural airheads or less intelligent or more childlike.

You will also want to look at consequences. How does being happy go lucky manifest in their bheavior and preferences? How does it affect their lives?

The final tip is to understand that there is a different normality for every character. Everyone thinks their actions are the right ones. Everyone thinks that the way they behave is what's normal. At least, at the moment of doing it they do. Don't try to bring attention to a character being happy go lucky unless they are very self aware of it, instead just let it be part of how they talk and the choices they make.

Overall, the idea is simple: put a lot of thought into how being happy go lucky interacts with the rest of the character's personality at any given moment as well as overall. It's the same for this as any other character type. Get into their mindset, yes, but approach doing so from a broader understanding of the character: You are it's creator after all. There are no easy bake solutions to problems like these, only thought, experience and a willingness to learn.

In a sense I mean both. Both third person and first person.
Playing in first of third person is completely and totally irrelevant to the types of characters one plays and only affects how they ar played in the sense of one being written in first person and the other in third person.

I hope you find this post useful. Best of luck and happy Rping!
Well, since every person is an individual you have a lot of leeway, but just in general to give you a starting off point:

Happy-go-lucky characters tend to visualize the best possible scenario in any situation. So think positively. What's the best thing that can happen? What good can come out of the worst thing that can happen? For example:

"I can't wait for my birthday party. We're going to get plastered and have such a great time."
"Well, nobody showed up, but at least I get the birthday cake all to myself!"

On the other hand, they don't tend to think too far into the future or dwell on the past. They may not think about how their actions will affect others or themselves in the future. They may make careless mistakes, then make excuses for themselves and actively avoid introspection.

"I know you called me selfish because I forgot your birthday party, but sometimes these things happen. Besides, you haven't eaten all day so I'm pretty sure you only said that because you're hangry."
Thank you both for the tips :) that covered all that I meant. Im not very happy go lucky so its hard playing positive characters sometimes or even having one as a side character. I want to broaden my role styles and my perspectives 💕

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