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Fandom Rosario + Vampire: Beyond Belief - OOC

if it helps any, I'll be posting for Kat soon! (gotta get my mom's fish fed stupid nocturnal schedule and then I can multi-task to have it done)
also still working on a profile for Leo, which I'm trying to not take too much from Kat's for outside of species description LOL
if it helps any, I'll be posting for Kat soon! (gotta get my mom's fish fed stupid nocturnal schedule and then I can multi-task to have it done)
also still working on a profile for Leo, which I'm trying to not take too much from Kat's for outside of species description LOL
That...helps a bit.
Just to be slow, rosario is simply the Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Latin translation of 'rosary', which is a set of beads and a cross meant for prayer. It is mostly used by Roman Catholics in worship of both Mary and the Holy Trinity. Rosaries, by the by, are never meant to be worn as accessories or jewellery because that's just disrespectful. Not to mention how hideous looking. Have you seen how long rosaries can be?

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