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Fandom Rosario + Vampire: Beyond Belief - OOC

[/gently holds Kat] my sweet child... so awful... Siegfried is not a personal guard.
I think I'm going to go ahead and make Leo a second character for myself, provided that I can create an adequate profile for him >v<
we have a really interesting cast of monsters so far, so I'm....regrettably looking forward to a fight breaking out, or Chuck getting discovered LMAO

is anyone interested in plotting any kind of relationship (friendship, enemy, frienemy, etc) with Kat that occurred pre-this school year?
:T That one moment Chuck gets roped into a fight against a monster and somehow wins.
Nah, she's new~Though she could also be friends with my other oc, the child of death one. You can decide~
Nah, she's new~Though she could also be friends with my other oc, the child of death one. You can decide~
hmm, well, Kat's not highly likely to go out of her way to approach someone...after all, her current company with Siegfried is because he approached her first. would either Hera or Damien be likely to approach Kat first? o:
(I'm kind of kicking myself for having such an introverted character, haha! it's harder to get interaction without making her seem too out of her established personality!)
at the very least, some kind of relationship can be planned ahead of time - I'm not limited to planning positive ones >:3c
Well, Damien grew up alone since everyone was afraid of him. How about, they met once when they were little, and grew up together?
Well, Damien grew up alone since everyone was afraid of him. How about, they met once when they were little, and grew up together?
aside from before she got pulled from "public" school, Kat has spent most of her time in her home country among other sirens, while her siblings continued attending. she only got to get back to regular schooling two years ago. has Dsmien ever been to Greece? or the lower school levels of the academy? it sounds like he was only among mortals the one time, so o:
He was really everywhere, just mortals most of the time. I could edit his history a tad bit, depending on what we decidee
He was really everywhere, just mortals most of the time. I could edit his history a tad bit, depending on what we decidee
ooh, okay! I couldn't really tell when I was reading back over his profile is all ^o^
it would be cute if they had known each other as children but had been separated while Kat was on lockdown with her relatives (which would make high school the perfect place to meet again, especially since he should have already been through it :3c)
I am simply appalled you did not tag me. I assumed you gave up the idea.
Eh, a human in a group with monsters? Of course they'd get annoyed XD well, some of my oc's would

Unless you mean annoyed ooc, then idk~

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