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Roomates (w/Vengeance Spirit)

Xavier was walking towards the front of the building, and about to go through the main entrance, to Xavier the doors looked huge, well it was likely seeing that this was a private school for boys, which seemed even more intimidating. As Xavier walked through the huge doors, and into the main office to get the keys to his dorm, he noticed that the atmosphere was really light in here, like a carefree one. Xavier received his key for his dorm room, but office refused to tell him the name of his roommate, which was quite odd.

@Vengeance Spirit
Elliot was still in line for his keys, he wished he had came earlier to get them first. But no...Elliot and thinking about things before hand just didn't add up. He was always late and never thought things through. A bit sloppy, he had two suitcases that were obviously packed to the top. Maybe because he didn't fold them or took lackluster items. Elliot wasn't used to this kind of area, preppy and all...He went to public school for most of his life. Although, looking around...He could get used to the feel of the preppy look.
Xavier was walking down the hall to his dorm, and he just couldn't seem to find the damn thing. Xavier was not that bright with directions, he was lucky enough to be able to walk straight, let actually find his way somewhere. That was when he bumped into a boy in the hallway, he was caring his luggage that looked as if he packed yesterday. "Um, by any chance would you be able to help me find this dorm?" Xavier asked.
Elliot had finally reached the front of the line, getting his key and then noticing the boy walking towards him. He let out a large grin at the cute boy reading the dorm key. He said "Funny." Taking out his own and matching it side by side "Seems we're roomies. You know what we need...A special handshake. And...I snooped around a bit earlier. It's not that far." He walked towards the stairs, one floor up and then the first door on the left. Unlocking the dorm with his key and entering the room.
Xavier looked stunned at the boy. "What is your name?" Xavier asked. Xavier was quite curious to why had he picked the boy to help him; he just looked interesting from afar. But what was the coincidence that he would be his roommate? Xavier was walking into the room behind the boy and found himself staring. "Which bed shall I claim?" he asked. Xavier's stuff had already arrived the day before, he asked the office staff to put in his dorm, and they said that they would.
He said "Elliot. What about you?" He smiled, responding to the question asked in a jokingly flirty way "We can always share a bed." Which burst into laughter and then pointing at the one on the left saying "Left is my lucky...Side? Yeah...Side." Jumping onto the bed and opening his suitcases saying "This shit's gonna take forever." Clothing was barely folded, the suitcase had ware and tear damage and it was obviously messy. Not that he minded it, Elliot really didn't care. He cared more over how long it was going to take, he was a busy man after all! He had things to do...Important things like watch netflix or...or...watch more netflix.
"Well my name is Xavier," he stated. Xavier was glad to see that he had the bed on the right side of the room because that was where his bed was placed at home. "No shit, that is gonna take a while, that's why I fold my items before putting them in a suitcase," he giggled. Xavier picked up his suitcase and unzipped the damn thing. Xavier knew that his suitcase would take a little while to unload, so he decided to make some fun out of it. Xavier grabbed his iPod from his pocket, and plugged it in on the docking station, and turned on some pop music. This was so that the time of unpacking the crap would go by faster.
He listened to the music playing, saying "Garbage. Go metal or go home." jokingly. Elliot then looked at his neatly folded suitcase, saying "What'd you do...Pack all night, jeez dude. I woke up early this morning, tossed stuff in. Got bored, mom yelled. She packed the rest, ye know?...Thought everyone did it that way." He scratched his hair and stood up saying "So, what're you here for? I came to this school for track and field. Can you see? This runner's body." He teased his shirt upward jokingly and then tossed it back down saying "Once you got the 6 pack, its hard not to just show it. By the way, I have a horrible sense of humor. So enjoy having me as a roommate."
Xavier was already regretting this room assignment, but he would have to deal with it for the rest of the year. Xavier spoke, "I'm here for wrestling, and music," Xavier stated, he wasn't ashamed that he was passionate for music, or even a piano playing wrestler. Xavier looked at Elliot. "Also I don't enjoy having wrinkled shirts, for your information," he rebutted. Xavier kept putting his clothes away into the dresser next to his bed, he was getting tired of the music, and he decided to finally turn the damn stuff off.
Elliot stood up and stared at the large pile of clothing, thinking of how he'd do this. He said "Wrinkled shirts? Eh...I don't really care to be honest. I'll just iron them in the morning. Music? What kind've stuff for music?" Elliot picked up his ipod from his suitcase and said "Want to hear some real music." Tossing it over to Xavier to catch saying "It's some pretty legit shit. This guy I had a crush on back in the days used to love this stuff. He kinda got me into it." He then sat back down, shuffling through his bag looking for the essentials.
Wait did Elliot just say he had a crush on a guy? Avery plugged the iPod onto the dock and pushed play. "I mainly play piano and sing a little, singing is just a hobby. Compared to piano, I have taken seven years of piano lessons," Xavier stated. The music was pretty good to listen too, he was pleased by his roommates taste in music. Is Elliot gay? Xavier thought on that, he must be.
The music was actually rock and not metal, but Elliot liked buffing it up as if it had been. He said "So...Any crushes in your past. We should get close, since we're probably gonna be roomies for a while, huh?" He found a jar of honey in his suitcase, looking at it with eyes narrowed. He must've forgot to empty the suitcase from his vacation to Miami. But hey....A jar of honey isn't that weird, right. He picked up the honey and placed it on top of his dresser.
Xavier heard the question being asked. "Well a year back during Music Camp here at the school, there was a really cute girl there. Yes before you ask this was Camp that allows other schools to participate," Xavier stated. Xavier had always had minor crushes on guys but thought he would never act on those crushed. Xavier was stunned on how open Elliot was about all of this stuff. "Are you by any chance a very open minded person?" Xavier asked.
"Open minded?" The word had many uses, he raised an eyebrow and said "Oh sexuality wise? Yeah I'm gay. You? I'm guessing straight." He took out a small spoon and ate some honey because he was sometimes a weirdo like that. But hey, everyone's got something weird...right...Just not that weird. Elliot took out his comb and began to comb his hair, it was harder to do since it wasn't wet but it was manageable.
Xavier looked at him quizzically. "Actually I'm bi-curious, never had a chance to talk to another guy that was into guys." Xavier gulped what would his roommate think of that, he never told anyone that. "Also what is said in this fucking room, stays in the damn room," he demanded. Xavier was nervous about what if that got around the school.
Elliot laughed and held his stomach as he did, coming close to whisper "Don't be so scared, now." Then backing his head away "Man up." smiling the whole was in a joking manner. Elliot knew that nervous feeling all too well but he was not giving up a chance to harass someone. The more annoying the better, Elliot was the king of pests. Now that he knew Xavier's secret, the fun would begin.
Xavier looked at Elliot nervously. Why did I just tell his new roommate his biggest secret? Xavier looked at him. "What do you want, to keep my secret a secret?" Xavier was nervous for the answer from Elliot, what could the boy want?
"Prove that you're bi-curious. Kiss me." Elliot was joking but he wanted to see what Xavier would do. He wasn't serious in the slightest but he thought this nervous wreck wouldn't be able to tell anything. He smiled and said "Come on...Don't keep me waiting." Perking his lips out tauntingly. "Tell me I'm more attractive than the girl from Music camp." He busted out laughing half way through saying that
Xavier looked at him, he knew there was a chance of him saying that, so he decided to go for, Xavier walked over to Elliot and placed his lips on top of his for about a minute, and they kissed. Xavier backed away, "was that enough proof?" he asked. "Also, you are slightly more attractive than the girl from music camp."
Elliot would obnoxiously wrap his arms around Xavier as they kissed, then let him go when he backed away saying "Not bad. Now...Was it proof for you. I can be more proof if you'd like." He let out a half smile, his face illuminated when he was kissed. He clearly enjoyed it, Elliot found himself fond of Xavier's appearance. The boy was surely interesting to say the least.
Xavier let out a little half smile. "I was enough proof for me," he answered. Xavier did like the kiss very much, and wouldn't mind it happening again, so he took a chance, Xavier walked towards Elliot, their lips were nearly touching, and he asked the question. "What are you going to do about this?" Xavier asked as he placed his lips back on top of Elliots, it was like Xavier was floating on air.
Elliot smiled as they kissed saying "Not just simple anymore. Now we're proving some more." He wrapped his arms around him, opening his mouth and giving wide kiss. He smiled in between each kiss, pecking and then eventually saying "Oh...So, I guess Music camp wasn't that good now, was it?" He raised the sound on the music as his arms playfully rubbed Xavier's back.
Xavier was feeling excited enough to actually open his mouth, to allow them to actually make out. This was the first time that Xavier had actually kissed a guy, and so far, it was proving to him that he was most definitely bi-curious.
Elliot then playfully tossed Xavier on the bed and held his wrists down saying "What're you gonna do now." kissing his neck gently and biting it a bit. He let out sounds of joy as he did, smiling in between each one as he always did. Elliot kind of had a permanent smile. One that could light up a whole building, that was for sure.

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