Other Roleplay Pet peeves

When you post your intro that you've spent quite some time preparing.......and your partner never, ever replies to it. Like man, was it really that bad? XD
My pet peeve is that I suck at giving characters interesting personalities
Me too, actually. I prefer to shape my character's personality as the RP goes through their attitudes. If the CS has a personality section (well, most RPs do but I've seen some that don't), I tend to be as generic as possible and develop the details later on.
Me too, actually. I prefer to shape my character's personality as the RP goes through their attitudes. If the CS has a personality section (well, most RPs do but I've seen some that don't), I tend to be as generic as possible and develop the details later on.
oh ya I was mostly talking about NPCs when I run games but still good advice
Oh boy here we go! *Cracks his knuckles*

I write several detailed paragraphs, describing what my character is doing, how they feel, their reaction to a situation and the reply is:

"She joins him"


I know I'm not perfect, and no one is, but the text speak. Oh my Bob the text speak. "If U talk lik dis you shudnt B on teh forums" It's not cute, it's not funny, it is catastrophically irritating.

Ghosting speaks for itself, though it hurts so much more when you're building a writing history with someone, thinking throughout the day about the scenario and how you'll reply when you get home or are awaiting their reply and then....nothing ever again. It's disheartening and it makes getting emotionally invested in a story that much harder knowing that people can simply vanish in an instant.
when someone messages that they would like to plot with you but then contribute zero ideas. how is it plotting if it is all one-sided?
Overuse of the word “would”. Example; “Jon would get up and go to the door. Next Jon would open the door. Then Jon would go through the door.“

I’m sitting here like, “Well did Jon do any of those things or didn’t he?!”
Overuse of the word “would”. Example; “Jon would get up and go to the door. Next Jon would open the door. Then Jon would go through the door.“

I’m sitting here like, “Well did Jon do any of those things or didn’t he?!”
I understand that one but yeah it gets on my nerves too lol.

I get that they want to leave it open in case my character wants to do something before they commit the action, but small innocuous ones don't really matter. And for big ones I would prefer if they just asked me OOC if they should write expecting my character to interrupt.
I understand that one but yeah it gets on my nerves too lol.

I get that they want to leave it open in case my character wants to do something before they commit the action, but small innocuous ones don't really matter. And for big ones I would prefer if they just asked me OOC if they should write expecting my character to interrupt.
It just throws me off sometimes when it’s overused/improperly used. Like this; ”Jon would get up and go to the door. Jon would then open the door. Jon would then go through the door“, doesn’t bother me because it informs me what was done so I’m not stuck in this assumption limbo of whether or not something was or wasn’t done. Now here’s a pet peeve that I do; repeat the same descriptive word in the same paragraph more than twice.
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Along with that "would" situation, I've seen RPers be viciously attacked OOC for supposedly godmodding because they didn't put the words "tried" or "attempted to" for every action involving other peoples' PCs.

There's a difference between, "My character threw a straight jab at Bob's face, followed by a left hook, then finishing up with a right uppercut toward Bob's jaw," and "My character threw a straight jab at Bob's face, breaking his nose and stunning him, before following up that jab with a left hook that left Bob staggering, before finishing up with a right uppercut on Bob's jaw that knocked him out cold on the floor."

In the first statement, a character is clearly doing something to another PC, but there's no stated result or reaction on behalf of the other player. It's not godmodding, and the player of Bob still has options in which to respond accordingly. The second statement doesn't. It flat out tells the player of Bob that their character has been hit by the blows and left stunned without giving them any chance to make their own choice in regards to Bob's reaction, and that's bad.

Having to put "tried," or "attempted to," is repetitive and annoying. Just treat posts as attempts by default; folks shouldn't have to very carefully spell it out every time they want to do something involving other PCs.
does it count if it’s a pet peeve with myself?

if so, it’s losing interest almost as soon as I start making a character for an rp
If I have to write more than like three things for a character, my brain shuts off
When I'm all caught up on replies and the gremlin in my brain says "MORE MORE MORE" even though I have so many stories going xD
Ghosting. I get that things happen, I really do. I even understand if a rp gets boring. It happens to me too, after all. I just wish there was some communication. Maybe we can fix the plot, maybe I hit a pet peeve I didn't know about, maybe the story is just stale and we need to do something else. All those things are okay and I appreciate that communication! ESPECIALLY if we hit off at first and we are chatting, plotting. I start wondering if the person is okay or if something happened in real life to them.

Related to that, I think what irks me the most is when again, we're plotting, we're chatting, things seem to be fine, then without any indication what so ever, the person drops from the rp and all conversation streams. Just 'leaves' and blocks me and I am sitting here waiting and not even realizing the person is gone. It pisses me off, but also makes me think I did something wrong and if I did, have no idea how to fix said thing so I don't do it again. It just makes me feel very negative and I can't fathom what the heck happened. I like to build friendships with people as we chat so it is hurtful when suddenly you get blocked and don't know why. It is frustrating.

And lastly for my venting about ghosting. I hate when you reach out, or someone reaches out and we get to plotting up something. Then I take my time to write a nice long post to establish the scene, the mood, the character introduction and then POOF person gone. Like what the heck, man? I just spent all that time making an opening. Just seeking common courtesy, I suppose. XP
Ghosting doesn’t bother me my biggest pet peeve is the opposite extreme. Where the person wants to start roleplaying right away with no conversation.

I once had someone who literally asked me to make an introduction before we had even created characters. (And our characters were supposed to be best friends so I guess I was supposed to create their character as well as my own in order to write a post in the first place).

All I knew was I was playing My Character and they were playing Their Character and our characters were friends. But there were no names, no personalities, no descriptions of appearance, heck no ages for the characters.

I think we established they were both women and it was in like the Victorian era.

And I know not everyone likes world building but if you can’t do the bare minimum of creating a character, a setting, and a plot, then I’m not wasting my time.

Because if I wanted to write solo stories I would do that. If I’m roleplaying it’s because I want a partner not deadweight I have to carry from scene to scene.
My big pet peeve is that whenever I start writing something happens irl that needs my attention so I have to stop writing. 🙃
Onmyoji, I have the same exact issue. These last few weeks I've tried desperately to keep up with writing with people. And it seems like right when I want to catch up, I just can't. Because something happens irl that requires my attention. And then I have to disappear into the void and explain it later.
It annoys me that so few roleplay that lets players play canon character requires them to include the canon character's personality as described by the player's own words.

I get that the idea is that everyone should have the same general idea on how the character should act by following the source material but speaking as someone who user to read a lot of fanfiction, you'd be surprised as how much an interpretation of a character can vary between two different people.

And while I do want to emphasize that I think that every interpretation of a character is valid to some extent, it'd be nice to know which one each player has before the roleplay starts.
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I have been writing and roleplaying pretty much since I was in the fifth grade. I love it. I always, ALWAYS find myself writing again.
I believe so much in the power of self-expression that I Lose myself in the world I am creating and find myself constantly on the edge of my seat for their reply.
But when that reply comes and its like a sentence...
I feel so unsatisfied and kind of betrayed. lol
How dare you give me such little effort when we have agreed to write something together. You have shown me your intelligence and amazing world-building skills..
Don't write if you can't put in the effort you want to at that moment. Take a couple of days and do you but don't give me half-assed work :(
I believe in self-care and taking time so don't rush art. It may be a dumb internet Roleplay but nonetheless, you are nothing if not your word.
For me my biggest one is always when I'm the only one contributing to ideas and making the effort to get things going. It seriously bums me out and makes me wonder why I'm bothering at all.
Biggest peeve at the moment is that I have characters I want to reuse, but they don't belong anywhere. I've been so engaged in this one roleplay for years that the characters I developed over the course of years don't fit into any fandom or original universe.

Sigh. Why must I get so attached.
The biggest one hands down has to be when I try to communicate if something is off or when doubling I quite literally cannot add my side of the roleplay because the person made it all about them and their character they drop the thread over reworking things or discussing things like I'm asking to. I'm not going to drop a thread over maybe getting over excited and writing more for one end since it happens, but it feels rude to just drop the thread when someone tries to communicate and fix things.

I'm more than willing to bend and adjust to make writing more enjoyable for everyone. I don't ask people to bend backward but if it's fixable through communication I find it rude to just go ‘m’kay bye’.
Oh I got another one : It's "looks at". Not "looks to".

Just out of curiosity, do you see people using them incorrectly on a regular basis? Kind of like people misusing "their," "they're," and "there?"
I don't think it's actually incorrect in most cases, it's just aesthetically irritating to me personally

Another one :
"1999 saw the introduction of x" ❌
"x was introduced in 1999" ✅

This isn't so much a roleplay thing, it's mostly in news articles and pretentious video essays, I just wanted to vent
It's pretty annoying when I state that my character is saying something quietly, under their breath, or they're whispering to another character, and everyone else has their characters overhear them as if they've shouted instead.

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