Roleplay Pet Peeves

It irks me to no end when people insist on having starting every single one of their posts with a picture of their character.

I honestly can't see the point, espically since 9 times out of 10 it's the same fucking picture over and over again.
It irks me to no end when people insist on having starting every single one of their posts with a picture of their character.

I honestly can't see the point, espically since 9 times out of 10 it's the same fucking picture over and over again.
I see this in group rps and it's meant to be a visual reference in case you or someone else forgot what the character looked like. It isn't supposed to be for anything other than that, hence why it is the same pic every time.
But why not just pop over to the CS thread if that's the case?

So this is called a post layout. I am not sure why it’s popular here but if I had to guess I would say it’s because there are other sites which use this as a part of the roleplay aesthetic.

Like on another site I was on threads had elaborate graphics for each of the roleplay set up posts.

And adding images to your posts was keeping that aesthetic going. It usually is an image that has name and role on it. It was not so much to show the characters face as to make sure you fit the overall aesthetic.

But since the aesthetic on here isn’t the same it doesn’t make as much sense transplanted
It irks me to no end when people insist on having starting every single one of their posts with a picture of their character.

I honestly can't see the point, espically since 9 times out of 10 it's the same fucking picture over and over again.
As someone who is attention deficit as fuck, it's actually pretty handy when people do this because I'm less likely to keep track of who's talking.

Although the people who do that usually use lots of code in their posts, which makes them hard to read.
I hate people who don't read an interest check properly. If you can't read an interest check, how can you read a RP post and properly replay to it?

I listed pairs I'd be into and noted that if a character isn't paired or mentioned, I have no interest or confidence in playing them. And someone just PMs me with a pair including a character not even mentioned or hinted at wanting to work with. It's like, come on dude, I get having a craving and barking up every tree you see but it just makes me not want to meet you halfway if you're going to push your agenda on me.

Speaking of agenda...

I hate when people PM you aiming to get something out of it and then flippantly add they'll do whatever you want too. Like, cool. I'm all for doubling up but not if you're going to treat me like a charity or ATM. I want to invest in both roles equally, not have a partner use me and then feel like they're doing me a favor by doing something for me too. I guess it's attitude? I'd rather someone approach me saying they'd like x, y or z and in turn can do a, b or c for me instead of saying, do z and I guess I'll do whatever? That probably doesn't make sense but I just mean, when you double, you're bot obviously getting one thing out of it but let's not be dismissive about half of the story you know?
Females that cannot double and claim they cannot write from a male character perspective.

That or people who claim to double and clearly only care about their pairing.

It annoys me when they say they can't play a certain gender because they're not good at it. Like, maybe if you tried doing it more, you would improve? I know writers are their own worst critic but I'd rather someone try than just give up and make everyone accommodations their shortcomings.

And yeah, doubling becomes an issue when it's not equal. And I've had to call some partners out and they claim they can't promise equal posts or effort and it's really jarring to think someone would be so selfish and narrow minded.
I agree with Enchantress.
there’s no excuse to not be able to play both genders.

girls do this a lot but guys also are guilty of this. but people usually don’t bat an eye at a man who claims to not be able to play a women because that’s just what these women want.

men aren’t hard to RP. I don’t understand why people claim they aren’t good at them. there is no formula for playing a man. your male character can be whoever you want him to be. the only difference is he doesn’t have boobs or a flat nether region.

And honestly I find males a bit easier than females to write. But I think the personality/history is what should make or break a role, not a gender.
S h i s h a S h i s h a

same here, sometimes I even enjoy writing men more than women!

but every now and then I want to play as female. can’t do that with a partner who is strictly into playing females and needs me to play male. gets tiresome.
So I have thought about this a lot and I think what people mean when they say “I can’t play X gender” is really “I can’t relate to X gender".

This is usually the result of having rigid ideas of gender roles. So therefore they have a hard time relating to things outside of their own assigned gender role. This is usually combined with the idea of romantic wish fulfillment where their point of view (playable) character is meant to reflect their own desires in any specific relationship.

I don't necessarily know as the latter is fully conscious but it definitely contributes to the phenomena.

Back on topic a pet peeve I have for myself (as in something I do that annoys me) is go down all kinds of rabbit holes when trying to make a post.

So what I mean is I’ll be trying to write a post but get side tracked fleshing our the world building and spend more time figuring out how XYZ works than actually writing the post.
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My biggest pet peeve has been super demanding partners. It's killed a lot of roleplays for me. Anyone who expects me to be online so many times a day and give x replies? I'm sorry, that's not happening. That'll never happen. I'm such a scatter brain you're bound to go a few days without hearing from me because I started working on something else.

I once read in someone's search thread, "You should be able to reply three to five times a day. I really don't think it's that hard." As if my life revolves around our roleplay?

I also get frustrated when I'm constantly carrying the roleplay. There's times when I'm cool with being the plot expert, but I'm in a roleplay right now where I pretty much set the entire thing up and the only feedback I got was "Cool" or "Okay I like that". I'd like a little bit of help, or even your own ideas from time to time. I would hate to step on your ideas. Even if you don't have any, I hope my ideas inspire you a bit too.
Definitely people who claim they are incapable of playing male characters, granted I love playing male characters and this doesn’t bother me too terribly anymore.

But the excuse of, “I’m a girl so obviously I’m no good at playing guys.” Well I’m not a werewolf but I can play a mean werewolf/vampire/demon/angel any day... so... DF1D516E-B1D1-49D2-BBBD-8C37400D6355.gif
I hate RPs that have to have so much conflict or doom and gloom. Like too many heavy or depression/anxious plots make me less eager to post if I feel like no one is happy or the development of a character is taking a dive. I hate conflict that only serves a writer's purpose and not a character. Sure, characters need to grow but putting them through emotional hell all the time, they're gonna break to a point they won't recover. And I like to realistic about my characters.

Like I hate love triangles or unnecessary jealousy. I hate it with a passion. It's so childish to me, to make a character jealous because it's fun. A character will get insecure and a relationship is going to develop cracks. But the cracks can't be ignored.

Or I hate when a character has to suffer the death of a loved one out of the blue. Like, that is going to knock them down and getting back up is going to take time. A lot of time. A partner who wants to do that should take it seriously and not just it for a hurt/comfort scene and move on.

Or another example, abuse or abandonment...not every character needs to have issues. And if they do, go put them in therapy! I see so many characters that have had such troubled pasts that I'm surprise they're functioning as they are!

I just hate roleplays centered around dark themes. I know some people love putting their characters through a gauntlet of crap but that's not me. I love things that are happy. Life is too troubling as it, reality sucks. Why should I write about more turmoil?
People who answer my partner search with a single word. I literally opened a PM the other day. And it just said ‘hey.’

I had someone do that too! It was bizarre. Needless to say we aren't doing a RP together lol

Another issue I have is when a writer is annoyed but won't say it OOC and will instead say it with their writing and have passive aggressive writing or a different focus or amount that you can easily pick up on. Like the vibe IC and OOC is a little off and your partner acts fine but now it feels weird. Like, without communication things die off quickly. I had a guy who I always got along with until we hit a very petty wall and he then gave me shitty replies on purpose until I caved into what he wanted. It wasn't fair to me but yeah that kind of silly stuff, I hate. That and I hate fighting over something petty when it doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of the always good to have prescriptive and enjoy the little things but don't hone in too much on em. And just be more flexible?
I'm not a fan of people that try to 'win' roleplays. It's good to have set goals for your characters and all that but when they take any misstep or defeat as a personal attack I start to get annoyed. Sometimes failure can make for a more interesting story than absolute victory.
People who put Bored or Desperate in their search titles. It just makes me think they're going to be overly needy and impatient.

People who describe their characters as "damsels in distress". What this means to me is they either want my character to revolve around their petulant spoiled drama king/queen. OR there character is a personality-less place holder that will contribute nothing to the story.
Recent one I discovered I really dislike: question mark at interest check title, or interest check title with a questioning tone. '_____rp, anyone?' '____ again?' 'Anyone wants to rp _____ with me?'

It justs tick me off on group RP. Like, do you really want to GM?
Recent one I discovered I really dislike: question mark at interest check title, or interest check title with a questioning tone. '_____rp, anyone?' '____ again?' 'Anyone wants to rp _____ with me?'

It justs tick me off on group RP. Like, do you really want to GM?
What if the question mark is actually part of the title, though. Like, if the title is... okay, I can't think of a title that doesn't sound lame. I'll get back to you on that.
What if the question mark is actually part of the title, though. Like, if the title is... okay, I can't think of a title that doesn't sound lame. I'll get back to you on that.
I'm alright with that. Like, if the rp title is 'What is Wrong with the Magic Academy Sponsored by the Dragon-Demon-Demigod-Elf Hybrid Hero?' I'll judge by content of interest check instead of just title.
I'm alright with that. Like, if the rp title is 'What is Wrong with the Magic Academy Sponsored by the Dragon-Demon-Demigod-Elf Hybrid Hero?' I'll judge by content of interest check instead of just title.
I am so tempted to make a roleplay with that name based off of the ridiculousness of that title and premise.

Anyway, enpugh playing devil's advocate. I agree with you on your pet peeve.

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