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"Heads up Zack!"

Zack grunts as he maneuvers Eclipse out of the way of Tsukuyomi's shots by doing a thrust dash to the left. Eclipse continues firing off shots as it begins strafing.

"Damn! That thing is quicker than I thought..."
Ren quickly maneuvers out of the way of his opponents shots, beginning to strafe around along with him and quickly firing a large volley of homing lasers towards him.

"Try this."
Zack can feel a wave of panic as he sees the volley of homing lasers heading towards him.

"Evasive maneuvers, quickly!"

Eclipse begins dashing in numerous directions, trying desperately to dodge as many lasers as possible. However, Eclipse just wasn't fast enough, as it gets hit numerous times by the homing lasers. Zack screams as the control panel begins flashing red.

"Zack, Eclipse is getting heavily damaged!"

"I can see that!"

Eclipse's right arm was heavily damaged while smoke leaked out of Eclipse's body, riddled with scrapes and holes. Using Eclipse's left arm's Shot, Zack fires off another volley of energy balls at Tsukuyomi.

"We can't just give up, though..."
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"Got him on the ropes now." Ren smiled.

"His close range efficiency seems to have been weakened." ARAI states. "Recommend you move in for close combat."

"Alright. Let's go." Ren says, drawing Tsukuyomi's blade and deftly dodging Eclipse's shots in order to move in for the kill.
"Zack, he's coming in close for a melee strike!"

"I see that!! Activate Phalanx!"

"But you said-"

"I DON'T CARE!!! We are NOT going to die now!"

Zack thrusts Eclipse backwards as it equips Phalanx. He yells as Eclipse begins firing off a volley of energy pellets at Tsukuyomi, in an effort to force it to back off.
"Shit!" Ren said, noticing the attack coming just in time to quickly boost upwards to avoid the spreading rapid fire of Phalanx. He backs up out of its effective range. "That was close..."

"Enemy has Phalanx." ARAI said.

"I can see that, ARAI." Ren said. "I know what weapon systems are."

"Well maybe you should just take care of it yourself." ARAI huffed.

"Let's not." Ren sighed. "Alright. ARAI, target that frame's arms. We're going to disable it."

"Roger." ARAI said, switching priority target to the frame's joints.

With that, Ren launched a second barrage of homing lasers.
"Oh gods, not again...!"

Eclipse begins trying to dodge the homing missiles again, but it proves futile as it's left arm and both it's legs are pummeled with homing lasers. Zack screams as the Eclipse is heavily incapacitated.

"No, no, no, NO!"

"Zack, calm down!"

"How am I supposed to calm down when we can't even move anymore!?"

Zack desperately tries to move Eclipse, but it just can't move due to being so heavily damaged. Zack was now overwhelmed in fear that he hasn't felt in so long.

Not now...not today...please...
"Enemy Orbital Frame is heavily damaged." ARAI stated. "I suggest we move in to destroy."

Ren quickly drew Tsukuyomi's blade once again and moved in fast on Eclipse, coming down on the right arm, slicing it off, before, spinning and performing an upwards slash on the left, taking that off as well. After that, he backed up, retracting his blade, staring at his defeated enemy for a bit before turning tail and boosting away back towards the Urenbeck catapult.

"Target is still active, sir." ARAI said.

"It's disabled." Ren said. "It won't be able to pursue us."

"Why didn't you destroy it completely?" She asked.

"I'm not comfortable with killing people." He said. "We don't need to. All we have to do is get to the catapult."

"That doesn't make sense."

"Well... I wouldn't expect an AI to understand."
Zack stares in confusion as he sees Tsukuyomi boost away, oblivious to the blinking red lights on the control panel. TESS was equally confused, not understanding why Ren didn't finish them off.

"He spared us..."

"Yeah...too bad he cut off Eclipse's arms, though..."

Zack groans as TESS says that, managing to turn Eclipse's head to see the arms drift slowly away.

"Alright... we're almost at the catapult." Ren said, just a few minutes away from his destination.

"There will most likely be resistance at the catapult." ARAI said.

"Yeah, well we can take it." He said. "Not like we can just get to Jupiter without it."
Alrize finally launched Amaterasu out of the hangar doors. As she piloted her frame into space, she noticed the Eclipse, battered and static. 

Zack? I was too late…

"Zack! This is Alrize, are you alive in there?"

Just then a blip appeared on her viewport. 

"Tsukuyomi spotted," said SERA. "He might be heading towards the catapult. We should hurry."

Alrize grit her teeth. She knew that she couldn't let Ren get away, or leave Zack unattended.
Zack quickly answers Eclipse's still functioning comms, replying to Alrize.

"Alrize! Glad to hear a familiar voice!"

TESS makes a pouting sound while Zack continues.

"Me and TESS are still alive, can't really say the same for the Eclipse, though. Don't worry about us, just focus on capturing Ren and Tsukuyomi!"
"Understood. SERA?"

"Got it!" said the A.I.

Alrize piloted Amaterasu with SERA's assistance at full speed towards Tsukuyomi. She adjusted her radio frequency, and got into contact with Tsukuyomi.

"Attention, Ren Silber! This is Alrize Seylliume. Turn back now, or I will shoot you out of the sky."
Right when Ren got that message, the displays on his frame went red and alarms began to sound. He grunted a bit, feeling a sharp pulse in his body.

"Ngh... what... what's going on?"

"A resonance reaction." ARAI said. "Tsukuyomi is responding to its sister frame."

"It's sister frame?"

"It is Amaterasu."

"Amaterasu... oh, crap..."

They sent Amaterasu after him? That was not good... a high tech frame like this could sweep up unmanned Orbital Frames and older models, sure... but going up against an equal frame? That would come down to the runners... and he was not a runner... this was really bad.
"Ren Silber! This is your final warning! Stand down! I can guarantee that I will not kill you if you do!"

Alrize was on edge, and a little impatient. She wanted to have this over with as quickly as possible. Suddenly alarms sounded, and multiple panels went a bright red. She started to panic for half a second, then remembered that the sister frames had a resonance of some sort.

Right, the resonance…I hope this doesn't affect combat.

Then Alrize felt as if a sharp pulse shot through her body.

That, however, is a pain.
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"Dammit... we can't let her stop us..." Ren said.

"What do we do?" ARAI asked.

"We fight back." He answered, charging up a burst and spinning, throwing the ball of energy her way.
"Oop, he just fired," said SERA.

Alrize sighed and evaded the attack. 

"SERA, target the wings and thrusters," she said.

Alrize fired off five shots from her Comet weapon directly in Tsukuyomi's path.
"Comet incoming!" ARAI warned.

"I got it." Ren said, continuing to fly at high speed, but quickly jolting to the side as the Comet approached, managing to dodge it, while retaliating with a barrage of homing lasers.
"These, huh."

Alrize projected the energy shield to block the lasers while still speeding towards Tsukuyomi.

"At least he knows the lasers'll hit."
"Target still standing." ARAI said.

"We're not gonna be able to actually win this." Ren says, flying in reverse while continuing to fire at Amaterasu.

"So what do we do?"

"We just gotta hold her off until we get to that catapult." Ren said.

"What about when we get to it?"

"I'll get back to you on that..."
"Let's see how competent he is. SERA, choose a weapon."

"Choose one?" asked the A.I. "Hmm, how about firing homing lasers back?"

"Got it."

Alrize got as close as she could and fired her own set of homing lasers at Tsukuyomi.
"Damn..." Ren cursed, spinning to raise his energy shield, unfortunately, slowing himself down in the process, though immediately afterwards he quickly regained the lost speed as he made his way to the catapult.
"He's nearing a space catapult. Think he's gonna try and boost it?"

"Of course he's trying to escape, he'd be destroyed in an instant if he were to try and take on the entirety of Neo BAHRAM at this point."

"What should we do, then Alrize?"

"Shoot him down, of course."

Alrize sped up as much as she could and fired the Amaterasu's Distortion Rifles at Tsukuyomi.
Ren saw it coming, barely managing to duck under the beams of the Distortion Rifles, cutting it so close he felt the rumbling from it in the cockpit seat.

"SHIT, that was close!" Ren grunted, regaining control of his frame. Lucky for him, Tsukuyomi was faster than Amaterasu, so even as he was flying and retaliating at Amaterasu, he was getting more distance.

Alrize grit her teeth, angry at herself for missing the shot.

"Fire again!" She commanded. "One straight at him, and fire the other 0.75 seconds after the first, aimed right above his current flight path."

"Understood, firing."

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