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Roleplay Area

"Some Raptors just broke through!" A member of the first strike force says. "They're heading for the ships!"

"Beat them off." Brand says, as a heavy barrage of close range fire commences from the main ships and the surrounding LEVs. They took out a lot of them, but some still broke through, engaging the LEVs in close range combat. It was becoming clear that they wouldn't be able to have enough firepower to escape as it was... the Space Force was on its way, but it would still be a while. With the reinforcements that Neo BAHRAM could put out, it didn't really matter how many they took out. They'd have to escape the area, there was no other way.
Eclipse would begin attacking the second Neo BAHRAM ship, using it's Phalanx to take out it's turrets before attacking the main cannon. Getting up close to the right side of the cannon, Eclipse unleashes a barrage of energy bolts into it, destroying it. Eclipse boosts away from the disabled Neo BAHRAM ship and switches back to it's Long Claws. Zack pants a bit before being alerted by TESS of an incoming Cyclops.

"Behind us, Zack!"

Eclipse quickly turns around and clashes with the Cyclops, using it's Long Claws to block the Cyclops's melee attack. Eclipse kicks the Cyclops away before dashing forward, impaling it through the torso with both claws. Eclipse pulls it's claws out of it before kicking the Cyclops's disabled body away. It was only then that Zack and TESS saw Brand's ships under attack.

"The ships! We gotta help them out!"

"But Zack, we still need to take out the other four Neo BAHRAM ships!"


"Zack. If we don't take out those other four ships, the outcome of this battle won't end well for us."

Zack grits his teeth before sighing in frustration, turning Eclipse around and boosting towards the third Neo BAHRAM ships. Eclipse switches back to Homing Missiles and launches a heavy barrage of missiles at the third ship, destroying the main cannon first and destroying some of the ship's turrets. Zack finishes off the ship's last turrets with Eclipse's Shot x2. Zack wipes his forehead quickly before shooting down a Raptor.

"The faster we wipe out these Neo BAHRAM ships, the faster we can start helping out our allies."
"We're being overrun..." Brand said, furrowing his brow, but staying calm under the pressure. "Flitz."

"On it." He nods, getting off his battle station and running towards the hangars. He makes his way there in a few minutes, jumping into his personal Durandal, activating the systems and putting on his pilot helmet. He grips the controls and smiles.

"Flitz Ardent, taking off." He says, launching out of the hangar and into space. He comes fully armed and ready for combat, the more powerful customized engines on his LEV letting him screech through space. He immediately engages the oncoming enemies, launching a large volley of missiles from his backpack while firing with twin rotary cannons.
Adalia continued watching the battle from the Deimos station, maintaining her stern face and strict posture.

"What's the status on our troops?"

"The Raptors have broken through the enemy's defense line and are engaged with their LEVs. With our large numbers, the enemy is no doubt being overrun."

"And what of the Eclipse?"

"It's currently engaged with our ship reinforcements."

"Hrm. Very well...first we crush these Space Force dogs, then focus our attention on Eclipse!"

Several Cyclopes and Mummyheads begin aiding the Raptors in attacking Brand's ships, with Cyclopes using their fists to bang at the hulls while the Mummyheads provide cover. Explosions riddle the battlefield as numerous Raptors are destroyed by Flitz, but more Raptors arrive to replace them. Two Cyclopes along with several Raptors begin targeting Flitz, charging towards him. Adalia continues watching, now smirking nefariously.

"You can fight all you want, but as enemies of Neo BAHRAM, you will be crushed like the bugs that you are..."
"We've got enemy Orbital Frames on our hull!" An operator said to Brand. "They're breaking through the armor!"

"Flitz! Take them off!" Brand ordered.

"On it!" He says, turning around to fire on the Orbital Frames crowding the ship. He succeeds in shooting off a few, but is blindsides by a Cyclops punching into him.

"Ngh!" He grunts, boosting away and drawing his blade. "Get out of my way!"

He moves in quick and dodges another punch, cutting off its arm with his blade before slicing it in half, though more reinforcements weren't far behind.

"Second strike group, cover the fleet!" Brand says.

"We're trying!" A pilot says. "There's a lot of them! We're having a hard time!"

"What's the status of the first strike group?" He says.

"We've lost about 40% of the first strike group." An operator said. "We won't last much longer at this rate."

"Where the hell are they..." Brand says under his breath.
More Raptors, Cyclopes, and Mummyheads arrive and continue assaulting Brand's ships, with Raptors firing off small laser bolts out of their heads while the Cyclopes continue bashing away at the hulls of the ships. Four Raptors begin swarming Flitz, swinging their laser blades at his Durandel while trying to surround him.

Meanwhile, the Eclipse tries to attack the fourth Neo BAHRAM ship, but is interrupted by the swarm of Raptors and Cyclopes. Zack screams in rage as Eclipse uses it's Long Claws to slash at the incoming unmanned orbital frames, all while dodging the ship's turret fire and main cannon. Eclipse slashes two Raptors in half before boosting underneath the Neo BAHRAM ship, switching to Phalanx and unleashing a barrage of laser bolts at incoming Cyclopes and Raptors. Zack grits his teeth tightly as one of the Raptors breaks through and slashes at Eclipse's back, breaking one of Eclipse's thrusters. Eclipse quickly turns around and fires off the Phalanx into the Raptor, tearing it to shreds before it explodes violently.

"Status TESS!"

"Eclipse's right thruster is badly damaged! Mobility has decreased!"

"Damn it! We're not gonna survive for much longer if the Space Force doesn't get here!"
Then, suddenly, through the black of space, a bright light shone through. It got bigger and bigger before finally surging forth past the Merchants's ships and towards the Neo BAHRAM fleet. It hit the ships dead on before carving a swathe through them, destroying the ships instantly as well as quite a number of unmanned Orbital Frames.
Zack stares in amazement and surprise as the bright light destroyed the Neo BAHRAM fleet and unmanned orbital frames. The remnants of the unmanned orbital frames scatter, trying to regroup.


TESS spoke in complete curiosity.

"Was that what I think it was?"

Adalia's eyes widen as she witnesses the destruction of the Neo BAHRAM fleet, completely shocked by how quickly their forces were taken out. She grits her teeth in anger and yells at the frightened crew members in the Control Center.

"Where the hell did that come from!?"

"I-I-I don't know, ma'am! I think...I think it's enemy reinforcements!"
"Targets destroyed." ARAI said.

Ren was standing on top of the ship its Vector Cannon deployed. Ren turned off the long range targeting radar and nodded.

"Alright." Ren said, exiting Vector Cannon mode and lifting off from the ship. "Time to go to work."

"I'll take point." Leo said, in his own hybrid LEV. "Follow me in."


Leo transformed his frame into fighter mode and shot forward, Ren following at high speed.

"We are now within firing range." An operator of the main ship said.

"Roger that." The captain said. "All ships, commence attack!"

With that, the six Space Force ships began their assault, firing upon the Neo BAHRAM forces while deploying their own LEVs for combat.
Zack grins as he sees the Space Force ships engaging with Neo BAHRAM's forces. TESS makes a sigh of relief.

"Whew, it's about time!"

"And not a moment sooner! Let's go help 'em out, TESS!"

Eclipse switches to it's Homing Missiles before boosting towards the Neo BAHRAM forces, launching a barrage of missiles that blows up numerous Raptors, Cyclopes, and Mummyheads. Eclipse switches to it's Long Claws before slicing through a Cyclops horizontally, the unmanned OF exploding behind it.

Adalia lets out a growl of frustration as she looks to the nearest crew member.

"Damn Space Forces! And Tsukuyomi is out there with them too!"

Adalia sighs in frustration, aware that there was one person who could prove challenging to the Space Force.

"Send him in..."

Several crew members make scared and worried faces, some even gasping as they knew who Adalia was referring to.

"We must win this fight! Send him in now!"
Ren and Leo went forward together, Leo reverting back to his LEV's combat form and slicing clean through two unmanned Orbital Frames before utilizing Phalanx against another group. Ren throws out homing missiles to destroy large swathes of enemy unmanned frames before drawing his blade and going up close, slicing through the enemy. Meanwhile, the six new ships moved in to support Brand's own fleet.

"This is the Stargazer." The captain of the Space Force flagship said. "We will support your retreat. We have mobile catapults on standby outside the combat area."

"Roger that." Brand said. "Good to have you here."
Zack finishes shooting a Mummyhead from behind with Eclipse's Phalanx before seeing Ren and Leo fighting off Neo BAHRAM forces from a distance. Zack immediately recognizes the Tsukuyomi, but not Leo's LEV.

"The Tsukuyomi...Ren...but, what's that other one? It doesn't look like a regular orbital frame..."

"Figure it out later, Zack! Look out!"

Zack makes a brief face of confusion before grunting as he sees three Raptors approaching him. He switches to Homing Missiles and launches three missiles at the trio of Raptors, destroying them with ease.

"Ya think Neo BAHRAM would've already sent out something stronger..."

"Well, let's hope they don't, Zack."

Sitting in his cockpit, the runner patiently awaits the green light for launch. His hands were tight on the controls, squeezing them every so often. The anticipation to fight was almost too much to bear... he hated waiting... finally, the moment he'd been waiting for...

"Fenrir, ready for launch." A control operator said.

A smile came across his face.


Ren and Leo were successfully pushing back the enemy force, with all of the frames near the ships eliminated and the ones further out becoming weaker and weaker.

"Enemy forces are dispersing." ARAI stated.

"Great... almost done..." Ren sighed. Suddenly, however, a new signature appeared on the ring radar.

"Enemy unit moving in." ARAI said. "Fast!"

"Huh...?" Ren looked towards the signature, but didn't have much time to react before the signature in question was right on top of him.

"YOU!" The pilot said, as the frame slammed into his at full speed, sending Tsukuyomi flying back.

"Ngh!!" Ren grunts, locked into the enemy's frame. He twisted himself around using a single thruster, managing to tear the enemy frame off of him and get some distance. However, he wasn't allowed much time before it moved in again at an alarming speed.

"That's MY frame, Silber!" He yelled, drawing his blade and making a strong downward slash. Ren put up his own blade, blocking the strike, but taking a hard kick to the side, sending him twisting backwards.

"Damn!" He cursed, spinning around and launching a volley of homing lasers.

The enemy frame dodged effortlessly through it, closing the distance once again. Engaged in one on one close combat, Tsukuyomi definitely would have the advantage over anything. But... this runner... something about him threw him off. His movements were... erratic... the attacks came in fast and hard, allowing Ren almost no time to counter. He was on the defensive, moving back to get some distance, he fires Phalanx in front of him in an attempt to get him to back off. He didn't. He did the exact opposite. He moved forward, taking all the shots and ramming into Tsukuyomi headfirst, sending it flying backwards.

"Dammit!" Ren said, twisting around and sending a hard slash towards his enemy. He blocked it, but Ren quickly followed it up with another slash from his other blade, forcing his opponent to dodge upwards. He used the opportunity to move downwards, sending multiple shots upwards, but again, he lurched forward towards Ren, maneuvering around the shots and stabbing downwards, impaling its blade through Tsukuyomi's left shoulder.

"Agh!" Ren cried.

"If you won't give it back to me willingly... I'll just TAKE IT BACK!" The enemy threw its blade upwards, cutting through Tsukuyomi's shoulder armor, but not causing much damage to the arm itself. Ren quickly backed up, trying to find some room to breathe.

"Dammit... he's too fast!" He said.
Zack watches the fight between Ren and the mysterious orbital frame, gasping as he sees how quick the orbital frame was moving.

"Woah, that thing is fast! TESS, can you track it?"

"I'm trying to, but it's moving too fast for Eclipse to get a lock on it!"

"Damn! We gotta help Ren out, regardless! That thing's fast, but there's no way it can fight off two orbital frames at once!"

"Just be careful, Zack..."

Zack nods before Eclipse boosts forward, switching to Homing Missiles before trying to lock onto the new enemy. Eclipse keeps it's distance, though it made it slightly harder to get a perfect lock on the enemy orbital frame.

"C'mon, c'mon...!"

Once getting as steady of a lock as it could, Eclipse fires off a barrage of 10 missiles at the enemy orbital frame.
The enemy Orbital Frame quickly let off its assault and shifted its attention to Eclipse, firing a fast and hard shot towards its damaged booster, hitting it square on and causing Eclipse to spin in space, unable to maintain level flight. It was then, however, that Leo caught up, in flight mode, he quickly closes the distance between him and the enemy frame, transforming back into combat mode as he lunges at he enemy, slicing off one of its blades before moving in quickly to its side, slamming into it and knocking it off of Ren.

"Dammit..." The enemy pilot curses. "Get out of my way!"

"Why don't you make me?" Leo retorted, backing up and deploying his OPTIONs, firing off a large number of fast shots before closing the distance again, engaging the enemy fiercely.

Ren finally got a chance to catch his breath, spinning around in space before getting leveled off. He pants lightly and looks at his console.

"What's our damage?" He asks.

"Not much." ARAI said. "Mostly hits taken to the armor. All vital systems are nominal."

"All units, we are pulling out of the combat zone!" The Stargazer's captain says. "Return to your ships and cover our retreat."

With that, the forces of LEVs return to their ships to cover them the rest of the way to the mobile catapults. However, the enemy Orbital Frame was still on the attack. Leo and the enemy danced around each other, fighting fast and hard, neither able to get an edge on the other.
Zack grits his teeth and growls lightly as he tries to steady the Eclipse. It barrels through some mangled Raptors before finally coming to a rest, though still spinning slowly. Zack groans and rubs the back of his head.

"Ugh...damn, that hurt...what's the status on the thrusters, TESS?"

"That orbital frame crippled our damaged thruster completely. Our mobility has decreased significantly, not to mention we can't maintain proper space flight."

"Argh, just great! Now how are we gonna take that thing out when it's going even faster than us!?"

"I don't, Zack...hey, look!"

Zack looks and sees the enemy orbital frame engaged with Leo. He stares in awe as Leo's LEV squares off against the enemy frame.

"That ain't no normal orbital frame, that's for sure..."
"Leo, we gotta go!" Ren says, backing up.

"Yeah, I know!" He says, still flying around, fighting the unknown Orbital Frame. "Give me a minute... I'll take care of this guy, you two head over to the ships!"

"Alright..." Ren nods, going towards Eclipse, recognizing it from before but keeping any questions for later. "C'mon, we have to hurry."
Zack turns Eclipse around to face Ren, glancing back at the battle between Leo and the unknown orbital frame before sighing with a nod.

"Got it."

Eclipse turns around and boosts towards the retreating Space Force fleet as fast as it could, going at a slower speed due to having a broken booster. Zack talks to TESS briefly in a worried tone.

"I hope that other guy can escape from that enemy orbital frame soon..."


Meanwhile, Adalia growled audibly in fuming anger as she saw the Space Force fleet was retreating.

"Damn it, damn it, DAMN IT!!!"

One of the control operators spoke up, clearly nervous.

"Ma'am, our Orbital Frame is still engaged with one of the Space Force's LEVs. What should we do?"

Adalia sighs sharply in frustration before speaking in a deathly tone.

"Tell him to pull out immediately! There's no point in continuing to engage the enemy now..."

The remnants of Neo BAHRAM's forces were beginning to return to the Deimos station in full retreat.
"Razel Serandal." An operator came in on the comms. "Commander Attenborough is ordering you to pull back."

"Pull back?" The pilot questioned, backing up from Leo before firing a volley of homing missiles, closing back in as Leo flies away in fighter mode, shooting at him with his OPTIONs. "Why would I do something like that? I'm having too much fun for that."
Adalia arches her eyes in frustration as she hears Razel's reply. She stomps her way over to the operator's comms and practically yells into the comms, speaking in a tone that read 'do as I say or be executed'.

"Razel Serandal! As Overseer of Neo BAHRAM, I demand that you pull out of the combat zone immediately or be court martialed for disobeying a direct order! Do I make myself clear!?"
Razel sighs and pulls off, kicking back in the pilot seat. Leo, seeing the opportunity to escape, quickly shifts to flight mode and speeds off towards the rest of the fleet.

"Fine, fine..." Razel says. "I'm on my way back."

He closes comms and leans back in the seat, putting his feet against the side of the console.

"We should've killed him." The AI of the frame said.

"I know." He responded. "I really don't give a shit about getting court martialed... I just don't want to hear that lady bitch and moan..."


Leo quickly caught up to Zack, Ren accompanying him at his own slow pace to make sure anything that may follow wouldn't get a chance to shoot at the damaged Eclipse.

"How'd it go?" Ren asked.

"He seemed to have been called back to base." He responded. "I got out while I had the chance."

Meeting up with the rest of the Space Force fleet, a group of three mobile catapults were ready to launch the ships. The three frames docked with the Stargazer as it prepared to make the jump back to Earth.

"Mission accomplished." The captain said. "All frames accounted for. Preparing for catapult now."

With that, the Stargazer took position at the catapult, soon after being launched, with everyone else not far behind.
Zack sighs in relief as he leans back in his seat, with Eclipse docked and secured. His right hand rests on Adalia's stolen data pad while his left hand rests on his lap. TESS also lets out a sigh of relief.

"Man...I can't believe...we actually escaped..."

"Yeah...Zack, please promise me something."

"Uh, alright, what?"

"Can we please never do something this insane ever again?"

Zack chuckles a bit.

"The escaping part or stealing the data pad part?"


"Eh haha, alright, promise."
Ren sighs, taking off his pilot helmet and opening Tsukuyomi's cockpit. He looks down to see Leo already out of his frame, walking towards Eclipse. He looks up at the frame and sighs.

"Yeesh..." He says. "Even the inferior models look years ahead of us..."

Ren examined Eclipse. It was a Neo BAHRAM frame officially designated as a unique frame of its own. He knew better, however. Unofficially, it was designed primarily as a stopgap between the Nephtis and a future frame... most likely the one he just encountered. The design reflects the Nephtis in more ways than one. Anyone can see the resemblance. However, its capabilities were superior to the Nephtis, though a full lineup of unmanned models never happened. As far as he knew, that Eclipse was the only one to exist.
Eclipse's cockpit opens up, allowing for Zack to exit. Picking up Adalia's data pad with his right hand, he hops out of Eclipse, sliding down onto the floor feet first. Eclipse's cockpit closes back up as Zack looks at both Ren and Leo.

"Man, I'm a grateful that you guys got here in time. Honestly, I didn't think we were gonna be able to hold out for much longer against Neo BAHRAM's forces."

TESS speaks up in an equally grateful tone.

"Yeah. Eclipse may be an Orbital Frame, but even a frame such as this has it's limits."
"Ow..." Ren stumbled a bit, losing his footing. Leo was there to catch him before he fell.

"Woah, there..." He said. "You alright?"

"Ngh..." Ren put a hand to his head. "Headache..."

"Oh, right... you're still not used to real combat, yet." Leo sighed, helping Ren back on his feet. "Don't worry, that'll go away in time."

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