Robotech: UEEF Saga

"I remember them being scarier back at the other planet." Jackie commented, watching the wreckage burn for a second. "I don't like the look of those Odeons, firing." arming 10 of his extra missiles in the armor he fired them upon Odeon 1.

"Tough bastards... Though thinking about this weather, the ones with the poisonous gas likely ain't out here, wind will probably just carry it all off harmlessly... Still, keep an eye out."
The ten missiles fly out and hit the Odeon square in the chest, burning it to the ground and into a pile of ash.

From what you remember of your drop zone, there is no civilian population in the immediate area, so the presence of any Scrims is unlikely, and Jackie is also correct in that the wind will disrupt their gas and render it harmless in a short period of time.

The second Odeon is plodding along slowly, and is still to far away to be able to engage you.

Dana doesn't want to be left out of the fun, and she targets the second Odeon. "Lets take it out! Launching missiles!" She copies Jackie with his attack with ten of her own, and the Inorganic is blasted into ash like its comrade.

The Shock Troopers are now three miles out and closing in, but they can't hit you until they are in the 4,000 foot range.

Silanon Silanon is up

Initiative order:
Miu [1] <====
Shock Troopers 1-8 [1]
Serena [1]
Jackie [1]
Dana [1]
"Thought they'd take more missiles than that - if that's all they've got, things should be over in no time."

Of course, the more urban areas might be harder to take control of, but still - battloid and Odeons are down before they could even start firing at her squad. With the major threats gone, Miu jumps forward, trying to get in reach for her cannon to fire - no need to waste missiles if you can simply gun your enemies down.

"Opening fire, let's get over with this." A roaring sound as she aims for the eyepiece as well as she can, doing her best to control the unfamiliar mecha. "Time to see if the targeting system is working properly!"
Serena laughs at the sour tone from her squad leader. "Hell, if my mecha gets slammed by nine SRMs, I'd be pretty messed up, too. Lets just be glad that those three heavy hitters are out of the fight, and all we have left to deal with is the relatively-easy-to-kill Shock Troopers."
Miu's burst from the gun pod rips out and shatters the eyepiece of the Shock Trooper, killing the pilot instantly.

Two of the remaining Invid fire on Miu, and the shots will hit unless you dodge.

Two more fire on Serena, and they will also hit unless you dodge.

Two more target Jackie, and will also hit unless you dodge.

The final one fires on Dana, and she twists out of the way of the incoming fire.

Psychie Psychie is up first, and I need defense declarations from Silanon Silanon and Orikanyo Orikanyo

Initiative order:
Miu [2]
Shock Troopers 2-8 [2]
Serena [1] <====
Jackie [1]
Dana [2]
"AVI, were on the clock!" jackie says as he mvoes to dodge, letting AVI do her thing along side his own skills.
Serena kicks in her jets to try an leap to the side to avoid the incoming fire. In return, she aims at the eye of the closest Shock Trooper and fires off a burst.
Another Shock Trooper falls under the aimed fire of the UEEF pilots.

Orikanyo Orikanyo is up next, and Silanon Silanon still needs to declare for Miu if you are dodging (most likely) or just taking the shot.

Initiative order:
Miu [2]
Shock Troopers 3-8 [2]
Serena [3]
Jackie [1] <====
Dana [2]
Jackie smirked as AVI was doing her thing. "Keep it up love yer doing fine. Now then..." he rose the gunpod and aimed upon a shock trooper.

"Firing!' he shouted as he fired upon one of the shocktroopers.

"Lets keep it up loves, we're doing fine."
"Just fine? We're blasting them apart in record time, pretty much - shots incoming!" The valkyrie leaps sideways, trying to avoid the burning plasma. "Coming to the theaters shortly: The Dance of the Valkyries, musical for the impatient ones. Done in under an hour, with cute teddy bears in the epilog."
"Now don't yea get cocky Meow we ain't done until the fat lady sings!" Jackie warned, half laughing at her dumb joke.
Both Miu and Jackie are able to dodge out of the way with ease; AVI would say that it was only due to her expert programmed ability that kept Jackie from getting toasted.

Dana tries to light up another Shock Trooper, but fires short and only manages to kick up some dust and a burst of profanity for missing.

Silanon Silanon is up

Initiative order:
Miu [3] <====
Shock Troopers 4-8 [2]
Serena [3]
Jackie [2]
Dana [3]
"Oh, c'mon - does it really sound that cocky when you can back it up? We haven't had any trouble with those nasty things since forever." As if to prove her point, she raises the gun pod once again, releasing another volley of shots at the trooper who was lucky enough to avoid Dana's wrath. "Getting another one!"
As the old song says, 'another one bites the dust'! The gun pod chatters out a deadly spray of bullets that pierce the eyepiece of the Shock Trooper, shredding the pilot inside into a pasty red goo.

The last four Shock Troopers open up, this time its with two firing on Miu and the other two firing on Serena. They will hit unless you dodge.

Psychie Psychie is up next to attack and dodge, and Silanon Silanon needs to declare Miu's defense

Initiative order:
Miu [4]
Shock Troopers 5-8 [3]
Serena [3] <====
Jackie [2]
Dana [3]
Serena works her controls with focus, but does take a moment to ask Jackie, "Why is the fight not done until this fat lady sings? Who is the fat lady, and what is she supposed to sing? Is it a Minmay song?"

Taking careful aim, she fires a burst from her gun pod at the eyepiece of another Shock Trooper even as she shifts around to dodge the incoming fire.
Despite your best efforts, one of the Shock Troopers manages to hit Serena with a plasma blast, doing 80 MDC damage to your main body. The shock effect also knocks your targeting off slightly, so you hit the Shock Trooper you were aiming at, just not in the eyepiece but instead on the Main Body. It is damaged, but not destroyed.

Orikanyo Orikanyo is up

Initiative order:
Miu [4]
Shock Trooper 5 [3] damaged
Shock Troopers 6-8 [3]
Serena [5]
Jackie [2] <====
Dana [3]
"There's no fat lady Serena it's a figure of speech! Plus, what's a minmay song?" Jackie questioned, quite confused from her... confusion. "Firing!" he announced, taking aim upon the already damaged shocktrooper.

"Careful there Serena, you may have extra armor but the less it's used the better." he warned to his friend, wondering still what the hell a minmay is.
"Lynn Minmay, Miss Macross - don't tell me you haven't heard her tootling at some point." Once again, she tries to avoid the shots aimed at her mecha, hopefully doing better than Serena. "Ended the war, you know - it's not like we'd be shooting at foes right now or something."
Jackie manages to take out the damaged Trooper 5 with his burst into the eyepiece.

Dana takes an extra second to aim more carefully and this time, her burst hit home.

There are now only two Shock Troopers left.

Silanon Silanon is up next

Initiative order:
Miu [4] <====
Shock Troopers 7-8 [3]
Serena [5]
Jackie [3]
Dana [4]
(How did the dodge go? I'd assume it worked out fine, since I'm still ready to fire.)

Their numbers are finally dwindling. "Nice shots - time to finish things here and move on." Another volley of shots gets released at the second to last Invid, hopefully ending its life.
OOC Sorry I forgot to add that you did dodge. My bad.

Miu's aimed fire takes out another Shock Trooper, leaving just one left.

It returns fire on Miu, since you just were responsible for killing its favorite cousin. The shot will hit unless you dodge.

Psychie Psychie is up next
Serena calls out, "One left! I'm on it! Taking the shot!" She squeezes the trigger to fire another deadly burst at the enemy.
It is without too much trouble that Serena is able to take out the remaining Shock Trooper with the eye shot, and unless Miu decides NOT to dodge for some reason, she will be able to avoid the final attack of the Invid with ease.

There is now no obvious threats between you and the hive, nestled down deep inside a gorge roughly six miles away from your current position.
"Alrighty ladies, good work. if we keep this up we'll be back before dinner. " jackie checked his kit and missile count once more before keep an eye, or rather his sensors, open for any new contacts, or some that were hiding.

"A hive... Glad I brought extra kaboom for this mission. We'll have to be careful... Don't want to kick the hornet's nest to soon."
Surprisingly, Miu decides to dodge the attack, only moments before shots slam into the last remaining shock trooper. "Well, that was quick. Didn't really have a chance after we blew up the heavier ones, did they?" She takes a short look at the damage taken - just a usual hit that shouldn't pose too much of a threat to Serena - then turns towards the general direction where the hive should be.

"Don't think we'll have too much of a problem with them - if they happen to swarm out on us, we can always call the artillery for assistance. And if they don't, we'll have to punch them a little harder at some point, might as well do it right away." She takes a short look at the remains of the Invids, making sure nothing but scrap metal is left behind.

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