Robotech: UEEF Saga

Dana laughs.  "Its Reflex Multi-Warhead, you silly head.  I'm going to launch my eight LRMs now.  Jackie, join in anytime you want.  Lets do some damage to these slugs!"  With that, she begins to ripple fire off her long range missiles two at a time, watching them fly straight and true towards the enemy ship.  It is far too large to dodge, and soon all eight slam into the heavily armored hull.  They are soon joined by launches from the other squads in the attack line, and you can see the effect that the heavy ordnance is doing to the ship.  It is badly damaged, but it is still active and ready to fight back.  Jackie is one of the few holdouts that have not launched yet, so you might want to let them fly.

For Serena and Miu, things are all clear around you with no Invid in a position to fire on you at all.
"Well i'm sorry if i don't often use heavy ordinance. my resume says recon pilot, and AI engineer, not... Blow them up pilot." 

"Sick come back." 

"Shush you, fireing missiles." Flipping a few switches he armed and fired his cargo of heavy ordinance upon the big ship ahead of them. "Silly head huh? Logging new name for jackie Mcgregor." AVI, in her never ending snarkyness, joked. "Enough out of you, do you wnat to spend the rest of the flight muted?" "..." "Then be good." "Fine..." "And Dana stop teaching her bad things! If I hear her saying bad words because of you all you'll be sorry you hear! Shes a bloody parrot I till you." he scowled at the consol for the moment before almost instinctively trying to check his radar... And feeling slightly naked without it. 

"You know i never been in a Alpha or a beta, whats it like all connected like that? I've driven a hovertank before, thats fun as all hell but being connected? Wierd." 
"Really depends on the other pilot. Had one who'd make sure to never take a scratch, even if that meant we'd never get into fire range. In that case, it's like watching a bad movie, or playing XBox without a controller. On the other hand, when Serena takes care of all the dodging and piloting, it's like sitting in one of the simulators on easy difficulty, where you just have to press a few buttons, never get hit, and only need to concentrate on aiming the missiles at the right targets." As Miu watches the explosons, she adds: "Takes a bit to get used to someone interferring with whatever you try to accomplish at any given moment, but it's smooth sailing after that. But you'll see that soon enough when AVI gets to her full potential, right?"
Jackie's missiles fly out and slam into the Scorpion, adding to the massive damage already done. Then, an additional twelve heavy missiles come flying in after being launched by a pair of Garfish destroyers. After they all hit, the enemy ship is destroyed.

With the heavy ships taken out, the rest of the Invid fighters are quickly wiped out. The next step is the planetary attack.

The harsh weather conditions make an aerial attack difficult. As such, the pilots of Crimson Squad are being set for a ground attack. You have the choice of getting one of the heavily armored hover tanks or take a Valkyrie with the Armored Veritech equipment pack. Either one will give you good firepower add armor.
Jackie did not change into a beloved hover tank, as a certain AI would likely get lonely. 

The shiney beasts we're oh so tempting. 

So very tempting. 

With their high armor and big ass cannon. 

But alas.... he was babysitting AVI... Not that she was bad to hang around, but he DID have to listen to bear puns a great deal of the time now. "So ladies, whos doing what?"
Dana pipes up, "Well, as long as its ok with Miu, I was going to go with my Armored Valkyrie.  Seventy short range missiles and extra armor on?  It doesn't have as much as the VHT does, but what it lacks in heavy armor it makes up for in the missiles.  Yeah, the heavy gun of the tank doesn't run out of ammo, but how often do we run our ordnance dry?"  She nods to herself.  "Yeah, and finally, even with the nasty weather, the Armored Valk can dump the bolt-on armor and take to the sky.  That's what I'm thinking."
Serena shrugs. "I have not combat qualified on the Valkyrie, but I did learn how to fly one. My reflexes are good enough that I can hold my own in a Valk if you want, Miu. I have combat trained on the hover tank, but if everyone is going to take a flyer I don't want to hold the rest of the squad down."
"Think I'd rather have missiles than less speed - fits my problem solving skills better. So I'll take a valk as well, though it's been some time since I sat in one. I'll better recheck the user manual, just in case something changed since then. Don't like fighting on the ground, honestly, I'd rather deal with the weather - but I guess we don't have a choice really, right?"
With the decision made for the team to take on the Armored Valkyries for your assault on the planet's surface, your mecha are loaded into drop pod of a Horizont class transport to be shuttled down to the planet's surface.  From the amount of straps and tie downs that are being used to secure your mecha in place, you can expect a bumpy ride, even inside the Horizont.  The good news about all of the nasty weather and hurricane force winds is that it will also play havoc with the Invid, too, forcing them to operate on the ground and it eliminates much of their maneuverability.  The bad news is that you can expect to see several Inorganics in the field as the heavy hitters of the Invid occupation force.  Another reason why it will be good to take the Armored Valkyrie into the fray.

For a final bit of insurance, Miu is given codes for artillery support from ships in orbit, able to fire both missiles and heavy lasers at designated targets.  You are cautioned not to abuse this, and to be very careful as to where you paint a target at in relation to friendly forces.

Please specify what your missile loadout will be on your wing hard points, and if you are planning on having any of the Protoculture Lures in your payload.  Don't forget that while in the protection of the bolt-on armor you cannot fire your wing missiles.  You will have to eject your external armor coverage in order to access your wing ordinance.  Dana is going to take for her wings all MLOPS, giving her a total of 60 mini missiles to back up her Armored VF load of 70 short range missiles.  Of those, she is planning on taking two of the Lures to be a distraction for the enemy.
Serena double checks the tie-downs on her Valk before climbing up into the cockpit.  No sense in bouncing around inside the cargo pod like a pinball, right?  Once up in the pilot's seat, she straps in and tightens down the belts keeping her in place.  "LT, I'm ready to deploy."

For my wing mounts, I'll go ahead and take a mixed load of 30 mini missiles in MLOP pods and six medium range for the extra firepower.
Jackie prepares his set up, not wanting another jam like last mission. 

Valk hardpoints

1 2 proton torpedos (long range, big boom)

2-3 30 high explosive mini missiles

4 3 HEAP- (medium)

Barrage armor: 70 High Explosive (Medium)

"You know... I feel rather powerful in this, like we got alot of fire power on us, not including the Armor, which in it'self is a shit ton of missiles..." he looked at the mechanisms to lock and ready the missiles, making certain he can't mess up anything. "...not quite sure why i opted for the proton torps... Guess in case we need something really dead from really far away?" 
"I don't think that we'll have a need for the proton torpedoes, but you can never be too careful, right?"  Serena flashes a grin at her fellow squadmates.  "How is AVI doing with the added firepower?  Is she performing up to specs?"
60 mini missiles, half plasma, half HEAP; 70 high explosive (medium) missiles.

Rechecking the load-out and the codes for the artillery, then waiting - a weird feeling to not fly into battle, but be deployed by one of the bigger ships. "Can't hurt to have at least some long-range fire power, just in case - you better hit the target if needed, I didn't bring any."
"Well it's a duo, so I got atleast two chances, or both to do some massive punching power." he added, looking over his systems. But it seems Serena forgot what he made AVI for in the first place, she was never to go even near lethal weapons. "Serena, remember she's a defensive oriented AI, she ain't about to be firing any rockets. She will be busy with the fact were on the ground for now regardless, haven't put her through that type of testing yet." he admitted, it wasn't the most common battlefield for a Valk. 

Not everyday you get the heavy barrage missile pack straped to you, Dovey must be all confused. "It'll be new, something for her to think through, just don't be shifting us into the ground alright?" he patted the console. 

"He won't give me firepower because he's afraid I'll be to good of a pilot : )." 

"Don't you start that now."
The transport is finally loaded with multiple ground units, all ready to take the fight to the Invid. With a slight jolt the Horizont breaks free from the loading bay and joins the formation of other ships on their way down to the surface.

There is a screening force of Alphas protecting the transports from the orbital defenses, but there is still a few Shock Troopers that get through and do some damage, but not enough to stop the ship from making its entry into the upper atmosphere. As predicted, the ride is very rough due to the atmospheric turbulence and high winds.

Finally, there is a heavy thump as the ship lands hard and a swirl of snow comes into the entryway of the cargo pod as the hatch opens. Several pops can be heard as the restraining straps on your Valkyries are released, freeing you to move out.
"Form up folks, we got some ursine friends to back up. AVI, get ready for this, a little different in what your used to but it'll be alright." he rose his gunpod and scanned to horizon of what they could see. "bloody weather... small wonder we're stuck on the ground. is this weather common i wonder?"
A bumpy ride, as to be expected. A test for any pilot, one that Miu would have loved to pass herself - in her Beta instead of in this grounded piece of weaponry. If only the Invids were up for the challenge, instead of hiding on the ground; waiting to be obliterated by the mechanized forces. Oh well - it's not like in the simulators where you can choose which kind of threats you want to deal with.

Just like the others, Miu tries to get as much of an overview as it's possible in this mess of snow, reminding her of long forgotten times - at least, this trusty valkyrie will do better than the bloody snowmobile back then... also, it features slightly more firepower than the average sleigh. Making sure that everything is in place and ready to be fired at the first foe in sight, the squad leader makes the first few steps on the ground. "If it's common, it'd be a great place for cruel pilot training - can't get much worse than that."
Dana lets out a laugh. "From what I saw from the reports, nasty winds like this are common here. Meteorologists think that it has to with the position of the planet in its orbit around the primary, or something like that. I don't know... All I can say is that there are several Invid targets on an intercept course I have a total of eight Shock Troopers, two Odeons and one of the missile toting Battloids approaching on the ground, speed 60 mph, range is six miles. All but the Battloid are going to take a while to get in range to fire on us, but we should expect some missile fire soon. We'd better take it out quick."

Silanon Silanon is up

Initiative order:
Miu <====
Shock Troopers 1-8
Odeons 1-2
"They don't make us wait all that long, do they? Can't see them on my screens right... ah, there they are. Let's see how good they are at piloting those things on the ground." A few buttons are pressed, as the target systems do their job. Aiming for the battloid, just to make sure that that damn thing gets blown up immediately, Miu prepares eight missiles for launch, ready to let them go once the beeping sounds tell her that they'll likely hit the target.

OOC: Not sure if they are in reach yet (after possibe movement on our part) - if not, can I just delay my action to shoot them once they are?
OOC Depending on your missile load, you have a range of 3-5 miles. No one on the bad guy side can touch you until they are in the 4,000 foot range besides the Battloid with its own missile payload. You can advance and take a missile shot, or do something completely different. The ball is in your court.
Advancing towards the Invids, Miu sends off the missiles once they are in reach. No point to give them more time to prepare - the sooner the battloid explodes, the better.
Eight missiles fly out, racing forward with deadly intent. In response, the Battloid fires a missile in response, trying to shoot down the incoming flight. Of the eight, four are destroyed in flight, leaving only four to hit the target. The Battloid is still functional, but it is damaged pretty badly.

The eight Shock Troopers are on the move, running forward as fast as they can to get within range.

Psychie Psychie is up

Initiative order:
Miu [1]
Shock Troopers 1-8 [1]
Serena <====
Odeons 1-2
Battloid [1] seriously damaged
"Lets take out that Battloid first. We can then missile the Odeons and snipe the Shock Troopers in the eye." Serena opens up one of her mecha's chest plates and launches a quintet of HEAP at the Battloid.
The five missiles from Serena's chest plate fly out, and once more, the Invid mecha tries to shoot the salvo down with a counter missile from its own launcher. This time, however, the shot flies wide and all five of the short range missiles slam into the chest of the Battloid, rendering it useless.

Orikanyo Orikanyo is up

Initiative order:
Miu [1]
Shock Troopers 1-8 [1]
Serena [1]
Jackie <====
Odeons 1-2

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