• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Futuristic Rise- Character Sheets.

[centerblock=80][bg=transparent; background: url(https://www.rpnation.com/gallery/bg-for-code-req.43424/full); background-size: 100%; border:0px black solid; box-shadow: 4px 4px 4px black; padding:4px;]

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(Character quote #1)


Spirit power: (Whats the name and Description of your special abililty, furthermore does your characters physical attributes emphasis Strength, Speed, Or Stamina Etc whats your best passive enhancement.)

Dormant Forged soul: (What form does your soul take after forging, it amplifies your power by existing but also evolves your Soul power granting you a new application to your power listed here. And example would be if someones soul power was Pyrokinesis and they gained the ability to compress the flames into explosive shots with their Forged soul. You may include an image if you wish. Mark this with an Asterisk indicating that you do not yet have this power.)

Awakened Forged soul: (What form does your armor take, furthermore this grants you another additional application of the Soul power. For example the Same pyrokinetic would gain the power to absorb fire in exchange for physical power. This will greatly amplify your power. You may include images if you want. Mark this with an asterisk indicating that you do not yet have this power.)

Burning Forged Soul: (What form does your flare take, furthermore how many do you have. Between 1 and 7 is the max. Bthis also grants you your final additional power application and its always the most powerful one. For example the pyrokinetic can now utilize Nuclear fire and plasma in addition to regular flames.

Weaknesses: (What is your character not good at? What is the best way to bring them down.)

(Character Quote #2)


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First and foremost its important that credit is given where its due. Character sheets not possessing the Signature of the coder spookie spookie will be rejected without screening be sure to leave the credit signature.

1. Any abilities that control the Body, Mind, or Soul of others are not allowed. The same goes for Abilities that Influence the powers of others including weakening, strengthening, copying, removing, or granting powers to others. Lastly powers that deal with time, reality, or any other cosmic level god level powers will be banned.

2. You dont have to use the code but every parameter within it must be filled barring the Image which can be replaced by a description if youd like.

3. As it stands only the rebels are playable, when we catch up to the knights in the power scale they will be playable as well.

4. It is a point in the lore that Soul Forged Knights have never been killed or defeated in battle by anything other than another soul forged knight. So please do not have your character having bested them in a fight in your cs.

5. Anything found on the Cs within parenthasis is to be deleted and replaced with the part in parenthasis.

6. All rpn rules apply, do not kill others characters without their say so. Lets try to have fun.
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Roarke Leonis

Age: 44yrs

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Roarke is a very honor driven man with a very strong sense of justice. He will gladly take up arms to defend those who cannot protect themselves. He seems to fear nothing more than becoming one of the monsterous human beings he has vowed to smite from the face of the earth. While he does appreciete loyalty in others he more so enjoys freedom and would never ask for someone to follow him blindly without giving them the whole story. While he holds shame for his deeds as a Knight and later as a Commander, it is that shame and guilt that drives him and as such he refuses to forgive himself and move on until he has corrected each and every one.

History: In the world that the Order has built many count themselves lucky to be born with abnormally high spiritual energy. At first Roarke was one of those people, his childhood was spent pampering and spoiling him with everything he ever wanted because his parents knew one day he would become a knight and his wealth would carry them into their golden years. Sure enough they were correct and at 16 he was recruited, Struck, and Forged into a knight. Immediately he began to live up to his parents expectations spawning his weapon for the first time after mere minutes of trying. Sadly this quick progress would not serve him well.

The last of the rebellions was fireing off in what used to be texas. He was sent with several otyer knights where he was horrified to learn just how easy it was for a knight to extinguish the lives of their fellow men. Try as he might he could not keep track of the number of people he had killed in the first day of combat. This shook the young man to his core, whats worse he found himself to be not just good at it but well above average, he was a stellar killing machine. It took a grueling four years of guerilla warfare to end the grossly one sided conflict, and when done Roarke was informed that he was instrumental in the "quick" end to that conflict and because of this he was promoted in rank becoming one of the youngest Officers on record.

Over the decades his progression was a bit slow onky coming when he was challenged to duels for apparent disrespect. Each time he showed strength it was rewarded and eventually he made it to the rank of commander. That was where his progress began to stagnate finally ending with him becoming the 7th of the 10 Knight Commanders. Four years ago the discovery of a weapons cashe building in the slums of new york prompted him to send a squad of knights to take the weapons out befpre bloodshed erupted. However the knights took it upon themselves to punish those there who were involved. Upon hearing the scene unfold he rushed there as fast as he could. He was never the fastest of the knights however and he arrived in time to see a young boy cut down.

That was the last straw for him. He began to formulate a plot to wipe the Order from the face of the earth, or at least give the common folk a fighting chance. He set the peices in play patiently for four years, subtly moving the members of the squad that had killed the innocent people to guard positions within the SoulSmith Building. Once the last member of the squad was in place he made his move going to steal the Striker and slaying the four knights. However in his way out he was caught by 4th commander Altair Sanguine who had noticed his little mechanations and grew suspicious.

The two commanders waged a remarkable battle over the city of New york, however Altair was not only a more powerful and higher ranked commander, but as he so condescending pointed out Roarke was Trying to avoid hurting civilians, Trying to keep his hands on the Striker, and Wasnt going for the kill. All of this accumulated in Altair striking him with a blow that shattered Roark's armor and launched him through several buildings. However though considerably wounded Roarke maintained his cool and used his telekinetic abilities to coat himself in debris as he landed allowing him to flee into the sewers.

Being so near death and with his armor shattered his soul power was easily masked and he managed to make his escape. After a short recovery period he has begun to stealthily travel the world finding those who would help him in his fight and using the striker to awaken their spiritual power. He has spent the past few weeks gathering a meagar force and training them while trying to subtly aquire the parts to build his own forge. Though the odds are stacked against him and his allies he ensures them that they will be free of the Order one day.

Ambitions: To see the End of the Order for the sin of corrupting the world.

The sins that i have done are unforgivable, should i die trying to Repent of them, justice will have been served.

Spirit power: Force of Will- Roark's spiritual power manifests as limited telekinesis allowing him to move around up to ten times his body weight and apply force of that caliber in any and all directions with his thoughts. He often uses this to spin his spear and guide its path as he throws it, but he will also use it to repel incoming attacks and amplify the attacks he throws. His Passive boosts seem to focus on Strength and Stamina with little modification to his senses and speed, making him a Tanky bruiser even among the Knights.

Dormant Forged soul: Taking the form of a dual headed spear with crystals that hum with psychic energy. He can use this the drastically multiply the output of his telekinesis and focus it enough to perform small intricate tasks like disrupting engines or catching bullets. Furthermore he can coat his spear in psychic energy to greatly amplify its damage.

*Awakened Forged soul: while currently broken and thus unavailible to him Roark's armor again drastically amplifies his overall psychic and physical abilities. Furthermore the armor is coated with a powerful tactile telekinetic barrier boosting its defense to a high degree and allowing Roarke to focus on offense without being at risk. The raw power of his psychic is now enough to begin to effect matter on a small scale but in big ways, such as containing the chain reaction of a nuclear blast preventing the explosion, or uprooting skyscrapers without disturbing the objects within.

*Burning Forged Soul: Roark's flare takes the form of A cape, A crackling aura for one of his spears heads, A central crystal in his chest and no less than 4 lights making him possess the full 7 Flare objects. This again drastically amplifies his psychic and physical capabilities, yet it also grants him self propelled flight and extends a light psychic membrane around him granting him additional sensory capabilities. His greatest attack in this form is condensing all his psychic energy into his spears point and throwing it at a target steering it to them before striking them with force enough to flatten a city.

Weaknesses: Roarke is an old man with a strong sense of justice. He will not abandon his allies nor endanger civilians and despite his grit his age has begun to catch up with him. Slowly but surely his reflexes and senses are dulling and his stamina and endurance are beginning to fail him

The battle does not end Until we are free, either in this life or the next.


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Noemon Xanthippos

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Noemon possesses a highly sarcastic and great sense of humor. He regularly insults and belittles his enemies for his own laughter. He feels no shame and can make a joke out of any situation. He is known for not taking things seriously but instead having fun or seeing the light in things, even if they're negative.

History: WIP

Ambitions: To bring down the Order and reclaim freedom.

By my troth, I shall ne'r cease fighting until I turn over the perch or the war is won.


Spirit power: Falling Sky - Manifesting as an element, Noemon's spiritual power is electricity which allows him to have control over electric fields, charge carriers, electronics, and electromagnetic forces. He can generate an electrical field of his own to form a tangible force-field as defense. His best passive enhancement would be strength and speed. Those two attributes surpassing most others such as senses or stamina.

*Dormant Forged soul: This would take the form of a long, cylindrical rod except the rod itself would be electricity. It would radiate a vivid blue. The range and power of his electricity is significantly boosted. He can push and pull using electromagnetism and he can teleport using his gift of electricity.

*Awakened Forged soul: Giving his physical and elemental abilities a massive boost, he forms armor around his body and shapes it from electricity for protection and physical boost, it would also raise his speed to remarkable levels. In addition to his armor, he'd also be surrounded by electricity further enhancing his physical abilities. He is finally granted the unique ability of electrokinetic flight.

*Burning Forged Soul: Noemon's flare generates as a galvanic scarf that reaches down to his heels yet flows majestically just like a current. There are 4 long cylindrical rods made only of electricity that float in a circular fashion behind him, awaiting any command. His eyes appear as sparks of electricity, giving him the look of some God. All of his physical and elemental abilities are drastically increased but he now has the ability to call forth lightning from the sky that could be used to blind, stun, and/or severely burn. He is capable of discharging destructive electrical energy that is capable of destroying an entire village, town, or city.

Weaknesses: Noemon can be quite impulsive. He often acts without thinking or if he does think, he doesn't care about the consequences. He has a short attention span which is why he prefers doing stuff that keeps him active. Another trouble he has is remembering things. It's not severe but things like details of a mission, a specific date, or something that happened far back are things that are commonly forgotten. Noemon is someone who doesn't give up so draining him is an effective way to bring him down or greatly weakening him.

There is no failure except in no longer trying.


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Age: 9 years since transfer.

Gender: Aurally Male

Sexuality: Asexual

Tin-Tin is distant and in his head mostly, often looking out to the sky or drawing strange figures. He appreciates peace and quiet to think about things. With this, he is a shy and kind soul. Never one to engage fights and would rather talk things out accordingly.
He is highly intelligent and aware of his surroundings including himself. Consciousness given to him with several attained attributes from the previous host. Including a fear of large bodies of water, curiosity, social and emotional empathy. With this, he is quite imaginative and expressive in both speech and posture, his plates rising, falling, or rotating to indicate emotion.

While his voice can be clicky and monotone at times, hes a overall optimistic and supportive person, rarely allowing his rage to shine through the cracks of his visor. When he does feel strong unpleasant emotions, the unstable soul within him sends out pulse waves that would make people shiver or feel as if their throat is closing up. His visor cracks slowly at the rims.

History: Within a white clean lab, hidden from the world, unrecognizable officials walk about with a small adolescent male. Spit on the earth, he was stripped of everything that made him human. His name. His dignity. A large burly man tugged him by the neck, throwing them onto a large table to which every limb is strapped down with the whip of belts being locked in place. The table didn't move to the boy's struggles. A blue coated scientist held down their arm and stabbed a needle into their vein, a deep red fluid entering in its place. The boy's voice faded slowly into slurs while more needles were jabbed into his head along with a head casting, bolted into his temples. The tubes that line the mid section of the helm hissed then slammed down into the boy's skull. His body jolted and his vision blurred harshly, streaks of ivory and purple and green filled his vision. His heartbeat was the only thing he could hear or feel aside from the pressure and vibration at the back of his head and neck. The table felt cold. At last his humanity was revoked from his mortal body. The heart monitor pulsed with slow rhythm, thanks to the machines that keep the boys blood circulating. His body was marked with pink lines. Across the forehead, down his neck and chest, around his elbows and shoulders. His palms were marked with circular markings, his body mapped entirely for dissection. His skin was pricked with a knife, drawing down in rows. Skin, muscle, and fat turned into ribbons before the limbs are removed at the joints. The brain was split from the skull, a machine probing every lobe as the conscious is mapped, remapped, and transferred. The body, with its last breath, gave its soul to a extraction chamber before ultimately dying.

The soul writhed and flicked out hopelessly as massive chords glowed and hissed from steam and power, leading into the back of an android. The soul began to fight, not on the boys behalf, but as it was somewhere it was not. It rejected the machine. Scientists moved around quickly in indistinguishable mumbling and commands to control it. The power from this soul began to lash out, the ground shaking and fire erupting from the coils. Lime green wisps of hatred rose and caught the room around it. The machine finally proceeded, releasing a mass amount of energy into the embodiment of rejection and forcing it into breaking into fragments, coursing through the tubes in colorful lights and splashes of what would be the laboratory, entering the machine. Several lights began to turn on, first green. It writhed, the table shaking finally while it turned onto its back, the labeled tubes and cables that were once attached to it ejecting in violent hisses while its arms grasped its chest, clawing at its plating and tearing some metal structuring.

It screamed wildly, kicking its legs out in protest to existence. Scared scratching of its metals and platings against the floor, grasping its head and banging it against the baseboards and counters with hollow thunks of glass filling the rooms, partnered with its ghoulish screams. Its back arched out before it broke through the table onto the cold tile floor. The soul within soon calming down, crying softly in its new host and the machine stopped moving for a brief moment before jolting upright. As the soul finally accepted the body, the machine became alive. Without any recollection of what it is. What happened. Where it is. Its visor beamed three bright red dots, looking down to its palms and closing them into tight fists. It twitched and hunched forward, experiencing a major shock to its system. Pain. Its visor cracked slightly, releasing thin glowing green ooze before standing haphazardly. Its balance was off, tripping over its own feet and landing on its side. The fire around it began to simmer down once and for all, the paint and metal doors now littered with rot and scorching wires from the all consuming soul fire.

Guards and scientists rush into the room to discover their experiment had been lost, or rather, escaped from their tight clutches. It was written off as a gas fire, the lab soon being sealed off eternally as the machine was crawling through the maze like ventilation, finding a grate that lead to the outside at last. It stuck its claw like fingers through the slots and closed his fist, crushing the metal with a twist and pulling it out. The light of the moon kissed its visor, reflecting the images of clouds and stars. The machine spilled out of the building and bounced off of a trash can, crawling under a hole in a massive fence. How the world is hateful.

Ambitions: Tin-Tin wishes to see that the experimentation of humans and Souls be ended entirely, to end the Order and its rule. Not only that, he wishes to become a well known artist.

"Everything they have done is irredeemable. The slaughter. The greed. It must come to an end."


Soul Infusion: Tin-Tin's Soul bleeds a type of radiation within him, coursing through his body to give animation and life. With the power of this soul, he is capable of enhanced inhuman acts of strength, speed, and durability. Not comparable to the Soul Knights abilities on a massive margin. However, he has experience in multiple fields of combat as well as an arsenal. Auto repair for superficial injuries to plating or synthetic muscle is possible as well if he so uses the energy within him. In better terms, hes rather flexible in combat. Technology is his playground.
His soul is mostly dormant as to keep the power within it stable, only releasing strong bursts of energy every so often through his attacks to modify weapons or reinforcing his armor, forming soulfire jade overlaying.

Weaknesses: His primary weakness is that strong emotions would cause the soul within to become unstable, causing a sort of “spirit bleed” to which green luminous ooze would pour from his visor and hands and between his muscle folds. This instability makes him a walking bomb.

“There had always been something strange within me. This is when i realized i was aware of so much more...to peer into what the soul hides from mortal eyes. Overwhelming. Unknowable. I realize i am just a vessel. A vessel that holds just shattered remnants of humanity.”


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Vanne Dossier

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Sexuality: heterosexual

Personality: Vanne's are very talkative person, it eases his nerves when emotions start to swell up, which often ends up with him saying things that are appropriately timed. Though it leads him to trouble often he recognizes that it's a useful trait to have in combat allowing for him to annoy his combatant. Being the way he is Vanne tends to be very public with his criticism towards many subjects. Although Vanne seems particularly carefree which he rightfully has his reasons to be, Vanne trys to stay level-head in dangerous situations.

History:Vanne had become a orphan at the age of 5, luckly for him his adoption was handed rather quickly allowing him to live a normal life rather than become a mindless puppet of the order. His adoptive parents were the Dossier's who owned a rather profitable technology company allowing him to live a rather wealth life, the biggest project which had started only a year after his adoption was centered around making teleportation technology. This project was special since it was funded entirely by the Order whist many other smaller projects were funded either by the company or by many individuals. Vannes parents had worked on this project for 12 years. They hadn't finished the project rather the project had failed when used on a test run causing many casualties, his parents being among the victims. The Order had pressured his parents into getting the project done faster, and faster which inevitably caused stress on his parents and the team that worked on the project causing them to not double check everything. The Order had ultimately blamed the accident on the company causing a 17 year old Vanne to seethe and being the sole heir to the company, vanne allowed for a family friend to take over the company until he had met his goal. The goal of bringing down the Order.

Ambitions:Vanne wishes to bring the truth to reality. Vanne wishes to end the need for orphans to become mindless puppets. Finally Vanne wishes to simply destroy the entity that had taken away his parents.

"If you hadn't allowed for a corrupt entity to control you, then you wouldnt of had such an untimely end."


Spirit power:
-Spacial Rift-
Vanne has the ability to open rifts between two locations, this is only usable when he is making contact with a sharp metallic object. The range is about 200 meters with in eyesight or a 3 meter radius around Vannes body. Both sides of the rifts are connect and are set on creation allowing for a object to go in a different direction then when it was thrown. The rim's of the rifts are a hard inmoveable substance that can be grabbed onto, but if the rim takes significant damage then they'll shatter causing the rifts to close. Neither light nor sound travels through the rift causing it to be an opaque black with a dark purple must surroundings the rims. The passive ability of Vanne is increased strength in his legs, allowing for kicks far stronger than an average human can throw, and speeds significantly faster than an Olympic sprinter.

*Dormant Forged soul: Upon forging Vannes soul, he will acquire the ability to open a rift to a pocket dimension that is and endless pit allowing for objects placed inside to fall indefinitely. This pocket dimension has amplified gravity, about 3-4 times the gravity of earth allowing for the objects placed inside to gain immense speed whist they fall. This pocket dimension can only hold non-boilogical entitys with itself, acting as a wall for a creature. Upon using this ability again a rift will appear shooting out the objects that had been placed inside at immense speeds that may not be able to kill a opponent immensely stronger then Vanne at the moment but will pack a strong punch, Vanne has also coined this ability as --Rift Gun--. In addition to the above ability Vanne gains a pair of boots that store kinetic energy once the necessary amount us collected Vanne can use the kinetic energy to create a explosion of power allowing for a immensely high jump or more offensively a 2 shot kick that deal a significant amount of damage while also being faster then a normal kick. His passives form before are also boosted allowing for greater strength in his legs.

*Awakened Forged soul:
Vannes armour takes the form of an aerodynamic suit made if the some material as the rift's rim. The suit armour takes a charcoal tone of black with cracks in the armour being filled by his spirt energy that pulsates a purple tone, with that same color lighting up his visor. A cloth like version of the same material forms as a hooded coat. His armour provides an okay amount of defense but its main feature is the ability to store more kinetic energy allowing a for a burst of immense speed. Another ability is granted to Vanne when he dones the Armour, an ability that allows him to open up several rifts in an instance, which once opened will expel constrated spears of Spirt energy in the direction they're facing. Vanne has also coined this ability as
--Bullet Hell Rifts--.

*Burning Forged Soul:
Upon equipping his flares that are blades on the armour and a rapier allowing for more versitile opening points. Two blades on the fore arms, two blades on his elbows, and a rapier on his hip appears. When his flares are equipped Vanne gains the ability to condense his spirt energy into a spear allowing him to either fight with it as a weapon or to spread the spirt energy out in the perimeter of a space absorbing all non-boilogical matter into his rift as long as no biological matter is present in the set perimeter. This then allows him to use his --Rift Gun-- ability to launch out what was absorbed. Vanne coined this ability as --Rift Ammunition--
Ex: absorb a sky scraper, --use Rift Gun-- and then hurl a whole sky scraper at a location which may or may not cause a crater.

Weaknesses: Vanne's ability center around Speed and kicking power, meaning that if you can hit him hell take considerable damage compared to his well armoured comrades, but psychologically people trying to justify their heinous actions or people that take rejoice in murdering family's will send Vanne off his rocker no matter how hard he trys to stay calm.

"I'd dodge that if I were you."


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Code: spookie spookie
FaceClaim: Chris Hemsworth
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Nahara Zaan.png

Art: Andy Bogard (KOF)


Nahara Zaan

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Personality: Simple-minded, well-meaning and strong-willed, Nahara is a passionate fighter at heart. Always looking to prove himself and to help those in need, he'll never shy away from a challenge despite the odds. One would call him naive and reckless, with a sense of disregard for his own life compared to those of others, perhaps stemming from his overconfidence. Excitable even when faced with the possibility of death, he relishes battle and any chance he gets to hone his skills. Socially, he is friendly, forthright and eager to form connections, while also being overly trusting and accustomed to following the orders of others.

History: (WIP)

Ambitions: Is determined to do battle with the Order, and become known as the hero who burned the brightest.

"You'll make for a good warm-up! Lets go!"


Spirit power: Extremity - Nahara's spiritual power can be used to raise or lower the temperature of things he is in close proximity with based upon the current temperature of his spirit power. His own spirit power can be heated or cooled by expending power which fuels the process. Following this, that temperature can then be applied to other objects he is in contact with by spending more of his spirit power. The higher or lower the temperature, the more difficult it becomes to push temperatures to the extreme, and this is further affected by his state of mind. With more intense emotions, it becomes easier to raise temperatures, and with more calm and collected feelings, he is more easily able to lower them. The temperature of his spirit power also effects how his body behaves, with higher temperatures increasing his speed, reflexes, regeneration and stamina, but lowering his durability, while lower temperatures decrease his speed and reflexes, but greatly increase his durability. Furthermore, the current temperature of his spirit power allows his body greater resistance to either extreme heat or cold, based on his overall exposure to either extremes. Nahara has attempted to keep his uniform abilities somewhat balanced, though his true talents lie in possessing great strength, durability and stamina, along with advanced regenerative abilities to support Extremity in regards to raising temperatures. Through this, he may find himself lacking in the realm of reflexes and sensing ability, however his speed in short bursts is still significant.

Dormant Forged soul: *Nahara's forged soul would be represented by a pair of rings which drastically increase the power of his physical attacks, capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, he can use these to increase or decrease the temperature of his attacks far beyond what his body is capable of withstanding. When heated up, the rings will glow brightly, what color depending on how hot the temperature Nahara was able to reach.

Awakened Forged soul: *(WIP)


Through the use of this armor, the application of Extremity can reach new heights, affecting the temperature of his own body to perform attacks, he can instead use the armor as his weapon. Now capable of easily raising the temperature of his attacks to extreme levels, even reaching white-hot levels of intensity, Extremity becomes more reliable, consistent and devastating in it's power. He is also now able to utilize the cooling effect of Extremity effectively, lowering the armor's temperature instead of freezing his own body.

Burning Forged Soul: *(WIP) Taking the form of several huge jets of either flame or mist emerging from his armor pieces depending on his current temperature, Nahara's flairs would remove the limiters on Extremity, powering up his armor immensely and allowing it to withstand the extreme temperatures from his increased spirit power, with each additional flair allowing for higher and lower temperatures at each end.

Weaknesses: Despite training in martial arts, Nahara still tends to be on the clumsy and reckless side with his movements, and is generally averse to dodging and blocking. He'd rather meet an opponent's attack with his own, even when other options would be more tactically appropriate. He is passionate and unrelenting in combat, often to the point of injuring himself with his own ability when pushed too far, or causing collateral damage. While his power is great, it's strength lies in maintaining extreme temperatures, which will be hampered in conditions where it would be difficult to achieve that, such as in water or cold temperatures when he is attempting to increase his heat, or in high temperatures when he is attempting to cool down. Furthermore, his most devastating attacks come from raising his attacks to very high or very cold temperatures for very brief periods, meaning that an opponent capable of avoiding such attacks would put him at a severe disadvantage. As his power is at it's highest when striking an opponent directly, he is less suited against fast enemies who can maintain their distance.

"Good to meet you! Ohh? Planning on joining in on the fight, are ya!? Well, It's gonna be a good one! You'll get to see the fireworks from the winning side! Haha!"


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Lucy pyre armored faceclaim.jpg


Lucy Pyre

Age: 24

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Personality: Caring to a fault, Lucy was brought up to always see the good in a person. Slightly naive, she approaches the world with an open heart and her emotions on her sleeve. Some can describe her as easy to read, overactive and quick to anger, but her anger is quick to burn and even quicker to fade. She cares deeply for those around her and is willing to do anything she can to help, sometimes even to her own detriment.

History: The only daughter of her family, Lucy was born to a family of back-alley doctors. They lived in a shoddily built house on top of their clinic, and although they didn't have much in the way of money they had a community that supported them. Her parents didn't run the clinic like a normal person would, they lived by their motto of never turning away anyone no matter who they were, and that patients only pay what they could afford. Lucy spent her youth as a normal child would, playing with her friends, being read stories by her parents at night, and helping out at the clinic. As she got older she began taking odd jobs and errands to help bring in more money, little things like watching over another families kids, running letters between places and walking pets.

Lucy wanted to follow in her parents footsteps, but unfortunately they could never afford to give her a proper education. In the end she took up a job at a factory that produced electronics. It was a few weeks after she had turned twenty two that she received a distressing piece of news. Her parents were woken up in the middle of the night by a man with a severe stomach wound pounding on their door asking for help. Never one to turn someone away they patched him up and offered for him to stay the night, but the man refused and ran off. The next day the clinic was raided and her parents taken into custody. Apparently the man was wanted for murder, and in assisting him Lucy's parents were considered accessories to murder and taken in. After hearing the news she quickly quit her job and moved back into her parents house, doing her best to pick up the slack now that they were gone.

No matter how much she tried however, it was never enough to help. She was only a single person with the only medical knowledge being what she absorbed early on and what she could gleam from her parent's medical books. It broke her heart every time she would have to turn a patient away because she didn't know how to treat them and the thought of them dying because of her plagued her dreams. How could such good and honest people be taken away because of an honest mistake? There were people suffering because they weren't here, people who could have easily survived if only they could get the care they need. This question burned at Lucy until she could take it no longer. Someone had to do something, and every good doctor knows that you have to treat the cause before the symptoms get any worse.

Ambitions: To relieve the suffering of those in need, and put an end to those who seek to continue it.

"I can't stop this world from knocking you down, but you can guarantee that I will always be there to pick you right back up"


Spirit power: Serene Rejuvenation: Lucy has the ability to heal the wounds of others via physical contact with the damaged areas. Depending on the extent of the injury it may take longer to heal, and in cases of extreme injury the best she can do is limit the damage. While healing the target she can remove any feelings of discomfort that they would otherwise feel, such as burning sensations or pain, replacing them with a sense of peace. After she is finished healing the target a small light green aura will envelop them, providing a small shielding effect that slowly begins to fade after separation. This effect has also increased her own self-regeneration as well as her stamina, allowing her to go for longer periods of time before needing rest.

*Dormant Forged soul: Taking the form of a black whip handle, Lucy can force her soul through it in order to produce a long pulsing line of green energy. With this she can tether herself to another person, granting the tethered person a constant healing effect as well as a shielding effect. Capable of tanking a couple of shots before breaking, the shield will re-erect itself after a short period as long as the tethered individual isn't taking damage. Other than support, she can also use it to ensnare objects and and provide improved mobility. She has taken to calling this new ability "Lifeline" as it is her direct line of support.

*Awakened Forged soul: Forming protective plates round her vital areas, the armor sacrifices protection for an increase in speed and endurance. In addition to the increase in power of her healing ability and shields, she can now tether up to three people simultaneously. The strength of her tether is also increased, allowing her to strike harder at her foes and create more durable shields for her allies. While tethered she can also shift the tethered object either closer to or away from her, allowing her to pull her teammates out of harms way and push and pull enemies into more favorable positions for her teammates.

*Burning Forged Soul: Possessing only two flares, they are inserted into two slots on the back of her shoulders. Upon activation of her burning soul Lucy sprouts large translucent green wings in the shape of the mythical angel, and her whip takes the form of the well known caduceus staff. Her wings allowing for speedy flight and maneuverability, she becomes a swift granter of health as she flies from ally to ally. The effects of her healing become near instantaneous, being able to heal nearly any wound that does not instantly kill the target. The strength of her shields becomes increased as well, being able to withstand constant barrage from the strongest of weapons without breaking. While she wields the staff she can tether herself to any number of living beings, or if needed she can trap her foes in a web of energy. She has given this ability the name of "Grace of the heavens" and believes it to be divine intervention when she uses it.

Weaknesses: Lucy has little in the way of combat experience, and relies more on her teammates in order to face against a foe. She will also break away from a fight in order to provide medical aid to those in need, whether that be to her teammates or to any civilians in the area.

"As a child I always loved happy stories, so let's go back and tell the story of how we lived."


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Axel Ali

Age: 20yrs
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bi-sexual
Personality: Axel is a selfish and aggressive individual with little regard for those around him. His whole life no one had really looked out for him and those who did often suffered greatly so he learned that the best way to survive was to look out for number one. This likely stems from the betrayal he suffered early on causing him to have a severe lack of faith in others. He beleives in himself and while he usually wont go out of his way to confront others he is easily steamed and quick to react violently. That said he does have a huge problem with people targeting and harming children.

History: Born an orphan in the slums of Queens Axel never really had anybody but himself and the other Unfortunates who were raised in the Orders Education programs. Two other boys had bonded closely with him, Ian the Scrawny kinda nerdy friend, and Vance the Charming pretty boy, With Axel being the tough kid who looked out for his friends. Together the three of them ran away from the Orders "school" trading a life of subjugation and safety for a life of freedom and risk. For nearly ten years they stuck together until at age 15 they were caught up in the Queen's Massacre event. Being unlucky enough to have been in the docks at the time the three lads were soon to meet their end and Axel decided he was gonna go down swinging. He moved to fight back against the knight but was stabbed in the side by the knights short sword. He watched as his friends were about to die passing out just after the 7th Knight commander Roarke arrived on the scene.

The Commander took the other Two boys leaving Axel as he thought him dead. However Axel was simply too stubborn to die, he was woken up later by a stinging in his chest and sprung up on the coroner's table just in time to prevent his autopsy. Much to his and other surprise his soul had already left his body, but seemed to return the only recorded case of this in all the time souls have been studied. He would build himself back up through exercise and boxing which had interested him since he was a boy. After finding several old Boxing magazines and centuries old footage of Mohammad Ali he decided that would be his specialty. Giving himself the last name Ali he he used the fundamentals of boxing to sharpen his body into an effective weapon.

A few year after that he was there to witness the battle between The 7th commander Roarke, and the 4th commander who just so happened to be his friend Ian. Seeing Ian defeat someone so powerful was a shock, almost as much as seeing him as a Soul Forged Knight. He, Ian, and Vance had long agreed that the order was evil to see him on their side was curious. He wouldve ran to ian if he hadnt heard the conversation between the two commanders. He didnt need to hear to much to find out that Roarke was fighting against the order, With Ian supporting them. When the battle ended he ventured into the Sewer system finding an inJured Roarke having just met up with a robot Named Tin tin, he offered them his shabby house in the slums as a place to lay low. Upon learning From Roarke that Ian was indeed a Knight Commander, and that his other friend Vance Had become the Prime archon, he decided that one way or another he was gonna knock some sense into those idiots, which prompted him to join the rebellion.

Ambitions: To Find 4th Knight Commander Ian, and Prime Archon Vance and Punch them in the head until they stop being "dicks".

" i dont Follow orders...orders are what got us into this whole mess to begin with"


Spirit power: Magnitude- Axels Soul Power drastically increases when he takes damage or is otherwise put under stress. This does not seem to possess an upward limit beyond what his body can handle as it continues to climb until he it downed by a significant blow or suffers catastrophic organ failure from the energy present. This increase is directly channeled into his passive Strength and Durability though his regeneration, Reflexes, Speed,Stamina, and Senses do not improve beyond their normal enhanced levels.

*Dormant Forged soul: Axels weapon takes the form of a pair of 12oz Boxing gloves. These gloves have the unique ability to copy his Soul powers energy level and discharge it in a punch allowing him to deliver full power punches consistently without costing himself additional power. It grants the usual passive power buff of a weapon.

*Awakened Forged soul: taking the form of Full arm braces and an upper chest harness with a thin layer of durable fabric Appearing as underarmor beneath his shorts which are fortified with soul energy, his shirt unfortunately explodes. This harness allows the significant rising increases of his soul power from his Magnitude ability to extend to His Reflexes, Speed, and stamina, allowing him to Fight well above his "Weight class" as it were relying solely on his physical abilities. It also comes with the usual armor amplification in addition to helpung stabalize his internal organ structure reducing the likelihood of internal damage to himself.

*Burning Forged Soul: His Flares take the form of Actual Flair, like a Jewel encrusted Mouth piece, a Gold and Diamond chain around his neck, A second dragon tattoo on his chest, his hair Bun unravels and becomes a ponytail wrapped in a platinum band with rubies, two rings on each ring finger beneath his gloves, and a far more flashy pair of shoes. While Active his flair further spreads his Magnitude Buffs to his Senses and Regeneration effectively nullifying the Internal damage he takes and making him much harder to land that initial surprise attack KO, or cut him down with heavy blows. This also grants him the usual overall power buffs associated eith the 7 flares.

Axel is a very easily tricked opponent as his rage literally makes him stronger so he tends to lean heavily into his fury rather than try and pull it back and remain calm.

Furthermore he is considered uneducated and does not understand the science behind alot of the world he lives in making him almost useless in technical missions.

He tends to not work well with stealth missions as he tends to get pissed and attack the enemies that the team is hiding from.

Axel refuses to kill period, likely why his weapon manifests as a non lethal tool. Even when infuriated beyond belief he will not strike a foe when they are down or cannot fight any longer.

"The only thing your about make me do is rattle your brain case!"


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