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(Reserved For Zabu!)


Woof OwO Woof

@Zabuzas Son HERE IT IS!



Name: VoxLight -Vox

Age: Human: 19

"Dog":2 1/2 (human/7)

Gender: Male




"Furry"/Anthro. Wolf:




Personality: Vox... How do i describe him:

Vox is an Emotional Lad. He takes delight, in knowing that those around him are enjoying his company, but can tell what a look of judgement is. He can be influenced easily, and easily be tricked, or played, as he can believe even the stupidest of lies.

He dislike's being involved with more than a crowd of people, as he gets Anxious in public places. He cant even stand to be in a room with only 1, or 2 other stranger's, unless someone he knows is close by.

Other/A-N: I would just like to note: Vox's Human form is 100% human (sort of) in that his appearance resembles his coat and all, and i wasn't able to find a decent one with blue bangs, but his human form also has blue bangs. (cuz bwu bangs :3)

As well, In his human form, he loses all his Animal Enhanced Instinct (i.e. Night Vision, Enhanced hearing/smell, fast sprinting... Ect.)

In Vox's Furry Form, he gets control over these Animal Abilities, however, even though he takes on a more human like figure, his height is still only that of his wolf (i.e. From paw to top of head)
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Name: Kisa Shouta

Age: 19

Gender: Male



Personality/History: Kisa has more or less been forced to become a much more shy and secluded person after several heart shattering break ups in the past. Each time the man he loved took advantage of him and ended up stomping all over his heart while cheating on him with others. This is why now Kisa mostly keeps to himself as he normally just goes back and forth between his job as a manga editor and his apartment.

Little did Kisa know that his entire life would soon be to change when he was cutting across a park as a shortcut to get home and he noticed what looked to be like an injured wolf. Unable to resist helping the poor animal back to his apartment this would be the choice that would start a chain reaction of events to change everything the human once knew.
Kisa's head was still clouded with the stress of another full day of work when he finally left his office of sorts to head back home. With the sky looking rather questionable, like it would storm any minute, and Kisa having no other way home but to walk the boy decided to take the shortest route that he could which involved going through the park. Not much attention was given to the scenery but the distinct sound of an animal whimpering made Shouta stop.

The boy looked over to just make out some form of large dog, maybe even wolf though it would be ridiculous for one to be in the city, and couldn't help but feel sympathetic for the passed out animal with all that he was going on in his life at the moment. Against all forms of probably better judgement Kisa walked over to the animal whimpering in it's sleep and began to slowly run his hand back and forth down the wolf's back.

When the animal stopped whimpering Kisa suddenly felt compelled in his heart to take it home with him. After all, the boy could clearly use something else in his life to keep him sane right after his last boyfriend breaking up with him just days ago.

Taking the opportunity to use the muscles Kisa obtained from going to the gym everyday the dark haired teen carefully picked up the large animal and began walking back towards his apartment. The both of them managed to make it inside just in the nick of time as a downfall of rain made the day all the more dreary for Kisa.

Unsure of what to do with animal now that Shouta looked around his apartment, which was filled with cardboard boxes of all of his ex's stuff that had yet to be returned to the scum that cheated on Kisa, the teen decided to take the wolf to his bathroom and let it rest in the tub/shower.

"Forgive the mess little guy... but this'll have to do for now..." Kisa whispered as he bent down on his knees to look at the sleeping animal.
Vox wearily began to gain a grasp on his surroundings, as the icy pourseline touched his skin. Letting his head slide back slightly, his maw just barely opening, as did his eyes.

He felt as if he was in shock, from something he couldn't even remember, and try as he might, his mind was blank of almost all his past. He obviously didn't know where he was, as a blurry, an unfocused image appeared before him, as his eyes slowly drifted open. He didn't know how he got there, or what had caused him to end up like this.

After a moment, his eyes threatened to close again, as he began feeling sore all over, he gave a tiny whine. His whine was the first noise he actually heard, and as this, it caused his other senses to slowly improve. He inhaled deeply, however, air only traveled through one nostril, the other was sealed from something. From the slight amount of a metallic scent, he assumed it must be blood.

He opened his maw slightly, before closing it, and slowly, using all his effort, he licked his lips, before smacking them. Then opening his maw once more, taking in a deep, and shallow breath.

Finally, as he began to come out from his trance, his vision cleared, and it focused, revealing a figure before him.

He wasn't sure what to do at this point, but the figures stance was not a threatening one. he blinked slowly, clearing any cloudiness from his vision, before he opened his eyes, a bit wider than before, to stare up at the figure.
"You're safe now boy. Just stay still..."

Kisa whispered as he noticed the still unbeknownst to him wolf begin to stir and come alive in his bathroom tub. When the animal did finally open it's eyes and begin to look towards him Shouta went back to work. The bathroom was filled now with an entire mess of a used medical kit and various blood covered towels and tissues. While the wolf had been sleeping Kisa had taken the opportunity to disinfect the wounds with rubbing alcohol and wipe off the animal's blood.

"Just a little bit more left," Kisa softly said as he wiped off the last of the blood that was blocking one of the wolf's nostrils. The dark haired boy could tell from the way the animal was breathing that oxygen was only coming in through one nostril and the other had to be blocked.

"I'm Kisa Shouta and I was the one that found you out there in the park. What's your name 'little' guy?" Kisa teased with the animal despite the fact that the wolf in no way was small and certainly couldn't talk to him. That would just be crazy...
Vox continued staring up at the figure... but as he reached forward, and cleared his nose, he started looking around the room, seeing all the work that had been put into him....

How Nice

The other began talking to him, and he followed the movements of his lips with his eyes...

Kisa... such a name

When Kisa asked him what his name was, he let only a small whine out, to weak to physically tell him, but he wanted him to know he understood.

It was all he could do to show some respect for the man who bound his wounds so well.
"You're still feeling weak, aren't you boy?" Kisa asked as he noticed just how small of a whine the wolf let out when he asked him it's name. "That's okay because I'm going to nurse you back to health in no time. Anything to take my mind off him. I'll go get you something to eat and drink..."

Kisa sighed before leaving the wolf all alone in his bathroom to head towards his kitchen. Shouta was all the more relieved when he turned on the kitchen faucet and water still flowed out from it. It had been his boyfriend's responsibility to pay the water bill seeing as they lived together but given everything that had happened just a couple of days ago...

After filling up a bowl with ice cold water Kisa was left with the problem of what exactly to feed his visitor. Luckily the dark haired boy had already been planning on fixing himself some bacon when he got back home to snack on and the treat would probably be more than appreciated from the wolf sitting in his tub.

Once it was finished Kisa brought both a plate of bacon and bowl of water with him to the bathroom. The delicious smell of cooked bacon wafting throughout the entire house as he walked past the rooms.

"Help yourself," Kisa said as he set everything in front of the wolf. The boy did take the chance of possibly losing a hand when he reached forward first to take a piece of bacon to greedily consume himself.
In the time it took Kisa to prepare the... delicious looking, and smelling treat in front of him. Vox had time to stretch, and let his tense, and sore body move a bit.

The scent that filled the air, only alerted his senses more, enabling him to be more aware now, than he was...

Vox eyed the crispy pieces of meat Kisa sat in front of him. He wasn't completely sure he could trust the boy, but as he ate a piece, it assured him that the food wasn't tampered with, and the boy, in fact trusted him.

Vox gave a slight nod, approving of what the boy had created for him. He whimpered a little, as he slowly began rising to his paws, him having to jerk to catch himself a few times, his nails clicking, and scratching on the porcelain below him.

He eventually steadied himself, allowing him to stretch his maw, and grab a piece of the meat. He tried to stay decent in eating in front of kisa...

but he failed miserably, crunching, and gobbling up the single piece in only a few short seconds...

It's delicious

Vox looked up at his new... friend a grin planted on his face as his tail wagged, and his head cocked...
"You liked it, didn't you?" Kisa asked as he carefully reached his hand forward and attempted to pet the wolf behind one of his ears. "Well if you need somewhere to live I'd be more than happy for the company."

Kisa leaned forward and began to use his other hand to ruffle the absolutely gorgeous fur of the animal in question by petting its side and showing it affection. Before the boy had never really thought about pets but now there was a hole in his heart and Kisa was more than happy to fill that with caring for this injured animal.

"The place is a little bit of a mess given current circumstances but if you can walk then I'd be more than happy to show you around..." Kisa asked and then awaited any sort of response from the unbeknownst to him wolf that it wanted to explore.
Vox drew his head back slightly, as Kisa went to touch him, but the boy was faster, getting his hand to his head before he could retreat any further.

He felt his ears get hot, Kisa's touch stimulated him, in ways he had never experienced At least he thought he had not, he couldn't remember, but the feeling felt all to new to him.

He faintly heard Kisa say something, he got the gist of it, but it all seemed like a foreign language. He was only able to focused on Kisa petting him.

it feels so good... so, Amazing. Almost as if Kisa could read his mind, he reached down and began to massage his side.

Vox didn't know how Kisa did it, but he made every place he touch, twitch a little, and he could feel his legs begin to quiver.

He let his body fall, exposing more of himself to Kisa, almost as if he was begging for some more.Vox let out a few small grunts, letting his friend know just how amazing his touch was.
"More?" Kisa questioned, almost even teased with the tone of his voice, as he watched the animal before him sort of fall back into the tub and expose more of its self to be scratched, petted, and messaged. Shouta was most certainly enjoying this as an excuse to clear his clouded mind from all of the misfortune in his recent past. If things continued on like this then Kisa would more than like to keep this unbeknownst to him wolf around even if the landlord might have something to say about it.

"I'm happy to oblige," Kisa smiled for the first time in several days as he began to use both of his hands to rapidly pet and rub the exposed stomach and underside of the animal before him. Clearly it was as if the animal was begging for it by the way it grunted and exposed itself for affection.

There was still the problem of exactly what to call the animal. Kisa certainly hadn't noticed any sort of collar or even tracker put into what he still thought was some form of dog, possibly even husky because of all the characteristics it seemed to share with that of a wolf, but the dark haired boy would of never expected what was really sitting before him.

"You got a name? An owner maybe?" Kisa questioned even though he was kind of certain the animal wasn't really paying attention to what he was saying while he was showing it so much affection.
Vox lay with his belly out. Kisa, the angel he was, began rubbing it with both hands.

he knew he was in heaven now.

Vox lay panting in joy, Kisa's hands running through and through his fur, felt amazing. It was almost too much to handle.

He turned his head, letting a few murrs of delight, as he looked up at the boy.

When he looked back, and asked him for a name, Vox was all to happy to tell him.

Even though Vox had forgotten all memories of his past, still somehow managed to remembered how to shift.

As he stared up at the boy, he gave a few slow blinks, as he tried to shift into his anthropomorphic body.

His bodies frame shape changed, going from one of an animal, that would walk on all fours, to one that only stood on two.

His size changed slightly, he slimmed down a bit, and his shoulders were now more prominent, and his tail was a bit higher up and it changed from black fur, to being covered in a large volume of long, white fur.. His head as well slightly morphed, the bone changing to give his face the humanoid structure he desired. His nose shortened a bit, as his ears slowly grew larger, and stuck up, from a higher position on the sides of his face.

His blue bangs, now increasing in volume, grew to overshadow the right side of his face, as black hair covered behind his head, and trailed off, feathering into the white fur that now covered the majority of his body.

Vox lay before Kisa, his belly still exposed, and the boys hand still placed firmly on the same white tuff.

He murred a bit, as he croaked the next few words, in an odd voice, one that sounded as if it was lined with a deep monotone, but was covered up by a higher pitched, and more friendly tone...

"Kisa..." he spoke, not remembering the last time he did, as well as only being an anthropomorphic creature, his words were still a tiny bit on the underdeveloped side, but he would soon grow better at language, he would be using it more often now.

"I'm Vox, pleasure to meet you!"
Kisa's eyes widened from both shock and terror as he watched what he was now certain must of been some form of wolf begin to change right in front of him. The boy was playing every single scenario in his head of how this could possibly end and none of them seemed pleasant. From the looks of it Kisa had accidentally brought into his house a werewolf, the type of myth he never even believed in, that was probably about to give him a grisly demise at any moment. That was until the creature stopped changing now about halfway between a human and wolf making it some combination of the two.

In all the surprise and shock Kisa hadn't even paid attention to the fact that he forgot to take his hand off the creature's belly. Shouta's mind was too preoccupied with the thought that this must of been a dream. It had to be, right? Any moment now he would wake up all alone in his bed and begin his day all over again. Then the creature talked and introduced itself as Vox and Kisa's head began to spin.

Slowly the human let go with his hand and began to crawl backwards on the cold bathroom floor while never taking his eyes off Vox. Kisa's legs were too shaky at current moment to even consider trying to stand and get away from what he was certain was going to be his demise.

"The p-pleasures all mine... T-This isn't the part where you rip my throat out and help yourself to a meal even better than the bacon, is it?"
Vox watched the boys face, changing from its playful look of happiness, to one if pure terror. Vox wasnt trying to scare the boy. He hadnt thought of the reaction he would get from shifting, as he had been to nirvana, and beyond from the boy. His hands were soft, and warm, and filled him with delight. Making him sad, and give a whine of longing as the boy backed away.

He continued laying sprawled out in the tub. Almost feeling as if he was going to cry. He missed the boys embrace, and wanted nothing more than to feel it again.

When the boy spoke if vox had the desire to eat him. He did cry. It was heartbreaking to hear how the boy thought he might have some intent like that.

Vox shifted his weight, allowing him to sit up. He peered over the rim if the tub, and rasing one paw to sit on the edge, he spoke.

"Kisa... I w-wouldnt try to eat you..."

His voice was shaky, and quivered. He was trying his best to stay calm, as he sighed, and let his head fall forward a bit, drooping over the edge of the tub with his ears low.
Kisa sat motionless and now wordless as he tried to regain both his breath and rational thought. Slowly as Vox continued to stare at him with such a sad expression from over the edge of the tub, and even cry by the looks of it, Kisa's rapid heartbeat began to slow. Now that the initial surprise of seeing him change had run it's course through Shouta's body he began to feel guilty over acting the way he did...

By the looks and sounds of it Vox didn't mean him any harm...

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry Vox. I couldn't help it that was my first reaction when I saw you... change. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings..."

Kisa said as started to crawl back towards the bathroom tub and wolf in question. Slowly the boy used both of his hands in order to help raise up Vox's head from its depressed looking state drooping over the tub so that they were both looking into the other's eyes.

"I love your blue bangs. They look great on you!" Kisa said in an attempt to break the tension and get rid of the now dreary, heartbroken vibe in the room.
Kisa apologizing for his reaction, allowed vox to lighten up. It was just all too scary, to think that the only pearson he knew, or at least he thought was the only pearson he knew, was terrified of him.

He moved his head, to meet kisas hands, as they brought his head up. Kisa worked magic on him. With the way his face looked, along with how his hands were resting ontop of voxs sweet spot, all of it caused him to sit there helpless. Not only that, but tied together with kisas compliments of his fur... vox was just so overwhelmed by this pearson he just met.

As Kisa told him, of how he liked voxs hair, vox couldnt help, but show a small grin on his face, as he closed his eyes, and slowly began moving his head back and forth, rubbing on kisas hands, trying to pry more affection from him.
"So what were you doing out in the park all covered in cuts and bruises?"

Kisa asked as he was much more slow and methodical this time with how he ran his hands down Vox's new body. Most importantly now that his house guest could talk Shouta wanted all the answers he could get to feed his thirst for knowledge surrounding this somewhat mythical creature sitting before him. It was however in the back of the human's mind to look for any really sensitive sweet spots where petting or rubbing would really make Vox feel over the top

The jet black haired boy couldn't help but smile as his hands ran down the now much more defined, human-like shoulders of the creature before him. It was still a lot to take in but Kisa was adapting quickly to becoming more comfortable around the creature he was certain would eat him just about five minutes ago.

"I don't mean to be nosy, but I'm just curious as to how I ended up coming across you in such a poor state. I'd hate to imagine if I had went a different way to go back home..."

Kisa muttered mostly to himself as the sound of the constant downfall of rain striking his apartment's rooftop over and over again was still audible even in the bathroom. If Vox had still been lying in that park now then he no doubt would of been soaking wet and probably gotten sick on top of all of his injuries...
Vox listened alot more carefully, his right ear twitching a bit, as he was focusing less on the hands running down his body, and more on the words kisa was speaking.

When he finished, Vox's eyes widened, as he stopped thinking of where he was, what he was doing... He couldnt remember! Try as he might, the last memory he had in his mind, was waking up in this bathroom... This was the first time he was hearing that he was found laying in a park.

Vox backed away from kisa, and moved his paws down to just infront of his knees. He sat like this, head hung low as he racked his brain for any details.

"Kisa... I..." his words stuttered, as he felt dread, not knowing where he came from, or what happened to him really hurt, and this was the first time he actually stopped to think about it.

"I-I dont remeber Kisa!?... I didnt even know that you found me like that..."

Vox raised his head, and was preparing to stand, when he did remeber something...

He was in his anthromorphic state, which would see that... certain areas were more prominantly human than in his wolf form...

His ears started burning as the realization hit him. He just almost exposed himself to Kisa.

It would be different if he was still in his wolf form, but know, he had more decency, as his body was half human.

With his face starting to go numb from sheer embarasement, he scootched closer to the wall of the bathtub, allowing his lower half to be concealed by the tubs side. He placed his paws infront of him, and looked up towards kisa, feeling akwardly subbmisive now.

"Um... Kisa? I hope its not... not too much to ask, but i will be so happy to talk to you, but i would like to borrow some clothes and maybe move from this bathtub?"
Kisa's mind was so wrapped up in the thought of how terrible it would be to not remember anything from your past or even know how you ended up somewhere injured when Vox started to act somewhat strange. It was as if he was embarrassed and Kisa had no real clue why exactly he would be. Then the half-wolf half-human began to ask for clothes and realization didn't instantly hit for Kisa.

"Clothes...?" Then suddenly Shouta's cheeks began to tinge crimson red as he finally understood the problem. Now that Vox had taken on a much more human form it was safe to assume that other parts of his body had probably become much more human like in nature. Which meant that if he would of stood up then Kisa would of seen all of him...

"I-I'll go see if I have any that fit you," Kisa all but stuttered as he went to stand up and head towards his bedroom. The clothes he had probably wouldn't be the perfect fit for Vox, and then there was also the problem of wouldn't he get fur all over the clothes, but Kisa found the best that he could.

When the human returned to the bathroom he handed over the clothes he did find and then began to look away so that Vox could get dressed and head out to see the rest of a mess that Kisa called home.
"Thanks..." he whispered quitly, as he took the clothes from kisa, nodding with a smile. He stood with the clothes in his hand, as kisa slowly turned, and dissapeared out of the room.

After kisa had left, vox slowly stood, taking one step over othe tub, before placing his foot on the ground. He pulled his other foot out, and stood with a huff.

He examined the clothes in his hands.

A white t-shirt, along with grey boxers...

He sat the boxers on the ground, as he unfolded the shirt, sizing it up.

He placednhis head in one end, letting it slowly devour his body...

After he managed to get his arms through, he looked down...

The shirt swallowed him whole! The bottom hung down nearly to his knees, and the sleeves extended past his elbows.

but it was super comfortable, and even had the added bonus of smelling like kisa!

He smiled, and almost squeeked with joy, as he spun around a few times, looking down at the shirt that dangled so loosely around him.

After he finished enjoying his new shirt, he bent down and picked up the boxers. Holding them up, he looked them over. They were certainly too big to fit him. However, on closer inspection, he found two laces dangling from the front...

problem solved!

They were adjustable, so they wouldnt be falling down on him.

After he had finished fitting the boxers, he felt set... the boxers were low cut enough, that they didnt interfere with his tail, which you could see the end dangle out from the bottom of the shirt.

He laughed a little to himself, as he brushed his hands down his sides, feeling the cool fabric on his fur. He was just really happy, so much to the point he really wasnt aware of much anymore, besides of coarse his new attire.

He slowly peeked his head out of the corridor, looking on either direction down the halls.

"Kisa?" he called, not sure which way he went, as the entire place smelled like him, along with the clothes he wore, making it even harder to distinguish any imparticular smells.
"Those clothes look really nice on you Vox. I had been worried that they weren't going to fit but you made them work after all," Kisa spoke rather excitedly as he walked down the hallway towards the visitor in his house. What was clear was that the human was carrying several cardboard boxes, the same type that were scattered all across the apartment and that would be impossible to miss when Vox took a look around. that were full of items that none of which belonged to Kisa.

"I just need to drop some more of m-my... ex's stuff off by the door..." Shouta frowned as he both was forced to remember the man he had once loved and even tell Vox about it. When the dark haired human did pass by the cross of a human and werewolf there was no way that the strong odor of the past boyfriend didn't get picked up by Vox's enhanced senses. The same held true if Kisa's guest hadn't yet noticed the same sleazy smell all around the apartment he probably did now.

"I'll show you around if you want. Just follow me," Kisa muttered as he continued walking past Vox headed towards the front door of his apartment. There wasn't all that much to show but Shouta would be more than happy to show Vox all that he did have if the wolf so wanted.

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