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Fantasy Replacing Man's Best Friend OOC


Deadly Darkness

All things lost in the shadows
Welcome to RMBF! Thank you for taking an interest in the rp! My good friend Meglivorn Meglivorn and I are the one's who will be running this rp, so if you have any questions please message either of us.
This rp is about the relationship between human owners and their pet monsters. This can obviously lead to a number of responses (those for and those against) and we welcome all stand points. Not everyone must have a pet, nor have an owner, but those without owners will have to be under special circumstances. We also ask that monster characters be somewhat humanoid (mainly capable of speech). That means you can be anything you want! Don't forget though, that as monsters you have been adopted so you will need to think realistically about whether you would be adopted, and what type of person your owner is if they have decided to adopt you.
Obviously I stated that not every person needed a pet or an owner, and this can mean that they simply don't own one, but also that if you do have a pet/owner they don't have to be someone else on the site. You may, for a lack of better terms, own yourself.

If you have any questions or simply want to talk to others this is the place!

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